Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: fromsoysauce on July 03, 2013, 01:23:31 am

Title: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: fromsoysauce on July 03, 2013, 01:23:31 am
I'm working on an alt costume for Siiya in shorts. The technical reason is so I can make all of her animations without having to move animate her skirt. I'll go back in the end and put the skirt back in. But in the mean hey, now she has 2 costumes for the game! Win Win!
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: johnar on July 03, 2013, 06:43:17 am
  Hi fromsoysauce.
 Animating clothing, especially dressess, is a time consuming, fiddly job.  (I had a couiple of attempts after your last post about her 'dress rig')
 I hope doing it this way will help make life a bit easier for you. Maybe 1 day Anim8or will somehow have some sort of clothing-magnet app or something.

 But, anyway, your characters are awesome, and Siiyas shorts suit her perfectly.  :)
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: fromsoysauce on July 03, 2013, 11:00:06 am

Animating a skirt is a challenge, but not really that hard. My real issue is more: If the character in question has a skirt, then it I can't find out if the animation looks good or not until I have also animated the skirt, even if it's just a draft animation.

Also, now in 4 different pallets!
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: ianross on July 04, 2013, 05:31:20 am
Very good work, love the U.V mapping, look forward to the animation.
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: fromsoysauce on July 04, 2013, 03:27:32 pm
I too look forward to the animation! And I'm already a step closer to that. I finished rigging her (apart from her fingers and face) and designed the rig to be very flexible, so I made this some what extreme pose to see how well the model holds together. I think It came out pretty good!
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: cooldude234 on July 04, 2013, 08:35:23 pm
Once again it looks superb but I think the rigged feet are a little off or is it just me ???
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: johnar on July 05, 2013, 02:45:12 am
 That right foot in the first image looks a bit odd from that angle, maybe the ankle looks a bit far from the heel..??
 But the rest looks really excellent. Well done, an excellent job on the skinning there soysauce.  :)
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: fromsoysauce on July 05, 2013, 03:58:10 am
Thanks guys. I've noted and adjusted the lengths of the bones. I particularly am happy with the way her knees turned out looking.

Now I've been animating her so I've got some shots of her in much more classical poses. Her iconic stand pose is something I do not intend to change.

Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: cooldude234 on July 05, 2013, 07:30:53 am
A bit unrelated but how far are you to finishing this game soy? like 50% done?
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: fromsoysauce on July 05, 2013, 01:19:08 pm
50% sounds about right. I am very excited for this game, it's probably going to be a rarity among Game Maker games, featuring 7000-tris smoothly animated characters running at a solid FPS.
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: fromsoysauce on July 08, 2013, 11:55:00 am
Here is how Siiya looks like in-game:
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: Blick Fang on July 09, 2013, 12:41:59 pm
fromsoysauce, this is awesome work!!!     :)     ;D   8)
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: fromsoysauce on July 12, 2013, 02:50:39 am

Here's some game play footage!

Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: fromsoysauce on August 01, 2013, 02:13:29 am
This game is looking totally great! I've been able to add most of my favorite elements from Mario 64, Zelda OoT, AND Metroid Prime to make one sick chimera! I even went through the trouble to find out how to allow the players to pick up and toss pots (one of my favorite parts of Zelda)!

Though school is about to start up soon. I am planning on setting up an Indiegogo campaign for crowed funding for the completion of this project. It's been going on since 2009 (2007 if you count when I FIRST thought of the game). And most of those years were spent just learning what works and what doesn't, which lead me to redo the game, 4 times total. I think that the way the game is now though, is perfect in concept and design. But I've still got loads of resources to make (levels, enemies, and other NPCs both in design and animation). I hope that with indiegogo that I can get the funds I need to close up this project by sometime in the middle of next year.
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: Blick Fang on August 01, 2013, 09:45:49 am
truly some amazing work Soy!  Is this playable online??   :)  ;D  8)
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: davdud101 on August 01, 2013, 10:25:38 am
Ya know, fss, I think the best part about your work (as it is so far) is that you DO it. Many projects, regardless of size of workforce, seem to just not pull through in many cases. It's cool to see that you've driven through 4+ yrs of production... AND ARE STILL GOING. Very nice work!
Title: Re: Girl In Shorts [WIP]
Post by: fromsoysauce on August 01, 2013, 11:10:17 am
I personally don't know how to get smooth online play. But but it's probably going to be one of the things I'd like my indiegogo campaign to cover. You know, hire someone who knows what they are doing to do it the right way.