Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: dwsel on June 05, 2013, 01:45:56 pm

Title: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: dwsel on June 05, 2013, 01:45:56 pm
Hello folks,

I thought I'll post something to let you know that I'm still using Anim8or actively for modelling even when I sunk into Bryce renderer for a while. Same as with the Dwsel's visualizations ( thread I'll try to post things here to avoid flooding the forum with the single scattered renders.

This time I've been playing with making models of jewellery in my free time.
I started with making use of blue checkerboard gem - to turn it into earrings.

First goes the Bryce final render: 2013_05_checker_earring_render

And then the ART render (just a preview render in object mode - with custom scene and environment map + some postpro it might actually look good enough for the final presentation image): 4_art_render
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: Blick Fang on June 05, 2013, 02:05:16 pm
absolutely stunning!   Very nice, Dwsel!   ;D  8)
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: dwsel on June 05, 2013, 02:06:47 pm
The next sparkling thing - modelled in Anim8or, rendered in Bryce (with boolean operations at rendertime)
The animation:

+ bonus - the next project I'm thinking about:
- a trillion cut gem that will be main hero (rendered in Anim8or + GIMP postpro)
- some ART wip/preview renders
- intermediate render before adding the shank

Can you guess what that thing will be portrait of? ;)
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: Blick Fang on June 05, 2013, 02:52:36 pm
Again; great work.   What will the portrait be?
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: ianross on June 06, 2013, 06:13:20 am
Wow, really good work, what version of Bryce do you use? this would make a great tutorial, I have a free version of Bryce. Please can you show us more of your work with Bryce and Anim8or. Can you import a model with textures from Anim8or into Bryce?
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: dwsel on June 06, 2013, 04:34:08 pm
Again; great work.   What will the portrait be?
Thanks, didn't notice your previous post on time due to cross-posting. As nobody guessed so far I think I can tell that this ring will portrait the Sierpinski triangle pattern - so actually it will be a fractal ring. I'm making the model in such manner that it could be manufactured in this exact shape. It would be a triangle with side of length of about 17mm with 3mm and 6mm cubic zirconia gems.
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: dwsel on June 06, 2013, 05:02:17 pm
Wow, really good work, what version of Bryce do you use? this would make a great tutorial, I have a free version of Bryce.

This has been rendered with Bryce 7.1 (that been available for some time for free) and I'm using in this image features that came with Bryce 6 and Bryce 7, but the scene is an easy enough to be rendered in all renderers when there's nicely setup studio lighting, so it would be possible to render it in ART, older version of Bryce (i.e. 5.0 or 5.5) or any other renderer.

Please can you show us more of your work with Bryce and Anim8or. Can you import a model with textures from Anim8or into Bryce?
There's not too many of them - when I'm making terrains I focus on procedurally generated features rather than modelled by hand. As for importing the models - it's great for rendering the static images as the Bryce does not allow to import image sequences or objects sequences (allowing only simple transformations during animation) + the renderer is not very optimized so animations are taking quite long (I'd say it's not much faster than ART is).

I've got one example of importing model made in Anim8or with textures into Bryce - it's the grass in the foreground of this image: (

As for the tutorials for Bryce - those are great resources:
There are some that are covering the way of importing objects with textures.

As for writing my tutorial on the process - I'm not feeling very confident of my abilities and that I have a good workflow to share with the other in the area of 3d modelling. I'm thinking about making a videotutorial in the future, but I feel that would need more preparations.
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: Blick Fang on June 07, 2013, 10:52:33 am
I have a free version of Bryce.

Hi Ian

Is that Bryce still free?
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: dwsel on June 08, 2013, 06:26:01 am
Is that Bryce still free? this is free and should be working well - it's Bryce 7 PLE. From what I remember 5.0 and 5.5 weren't PLE but were not limited for any use, but you won't be able to register those after DAZ have changed their site (registration links for 5.5 don't work any more). Version 7 Pro was limited time offer (available for free for several months). I grabbed it while it was available for free. Now it comes back as regular product, but in reduced price ($19.95)
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on June 08, 2013, 06:49:02 am
Gorgeous work as always dwsel, your artistic talents are really showcased well with these images.  As someone who tends more towards the engineering side of things I am always so impressed by those like yourself, Headwax and some other Anim8ors who are able to use these 3D tools to make images that are just beautiful.
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: dwsel on June 09, 2013, 07:12:20 am
Gorgeous work as always dwsel, your artistic talents are really showcased well with these images.  As someone who tends more towards the engineering side of things I am always so impressed by those like yourself, Headwax and some other Anim8ors who are able to use these 3D tools to make images that are just beautiful.

Thanks! I'm just experimenting a lot with light and materials so I gained some experience in this area, but I'm terrible or very slow at modelling. Also I'm often grabbing to many projects at once and move to another one when I encounter some difficulties or lack of time and then I'm forgetting about some of them (such a shame). That's why I admire how dedicated are you at inorganic modelling and your ability to stick to one thing for a long time so don't be so modest and hard on yourself! I've always been a huge fan of your meshes that are detailed and correctly built. On the other side of 3d arts I'm impressed at how $imon and Raxx are working with organic models and having such a clean meshes. In the end it just seems that everyone has some special skill or area of expertise :)
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: Blick Fang on June 10, 2013, 01:39:20 pm
Thanks for the link!
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: cooldude234 on June 12, 2013, 01:16:03 am
Is that Bryce still free?

bryce 7 pro was free for a little while but now you have to pay for it. However it isn't an expensive piece of software (as far as modeling software goes its at an excellent price of like 20 bucks).
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: dwsel on July 10, 2013, 06:57:12 pm
Render might not entirely be looking like a still life but it's just 3d dress design.
Dress modelled in Anim8or (human model is just a stock, not related to the design and not modelled by me :P), cloth sim calculated in Blender, everything rendered in Bryce.
Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: CrashDrive on July 10, 2013, 08:31:28 pm
The lace (texture) came out exceptionally well.
Did you shrinkwrap the dress or pinned and let gravity do the rest?

Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: dwsel on July 11, 2013, 07:31:55 am
The lace (texture) came out exceptionally well.
Did you shrinkwrap the dress or pinned and let gravity do the rest?

The lace and silk are all procedural and because they're simple forms I didn't even bother to unwrap them - it looks good enough with simple mapping.

As for the dress I prefer much more to scale the figure or morph the pose inside of the dress rather than scale the cloth itself. Scaling the cloth introduces additional unwanted stretching forces in most cases, so scaling the figure seems to be more natural. I only needed to be sure that the figure lowres proxy doesn't intersect the cloth in any location nor the cloth intersects itself. It wasn't that simple considering the cloth is built with many layers (but still a single mesh!) and the figure wasn't in the neutral pose. If I used the neutral T-pose at the beginning and morph to final pose after the cloth's already been settled I probably wouldn't have a problem with the strap slipping from her right arm. So there was a scaling of the character over the span of 40 frames and scaling of velocity from 0 value (not falling due to gravity at all) to 1.0 value between 20 and 40 frame.

There's one interesting thing to be noted. I've been building the mesh wanting it to have many layers but couldn't handle higher mesh resolution. When I finished the lowres model I wanted to subdivide it in Anim8or... and it started to fall apart and the spaces appeared near the sewing edges. I expected the problems to appear because I knew I've built non-manifold mesh at the edge where the lace is joined with the main dress (think of two-headed snake).

I wanted to perform the subdividing in MeshLab but it didn't allow me to do so complaining about non-manifold mesh. At that moment I thought that my work was doomed and I'd have to redo everything at higher mesh resolution by hand :o Hopefully the subdivision in Blender did work as expected and saved the project from being terminated in worst case 8)

Anyway - I don't know how to pin the cloth element edges while still not being rigid differently from making the sewing edges non-manifold. At least now I know it still works correctly during the simulation.

Title: Re: Dwsel's still lifes
Post by: CrashDrive on July 11, 2013, 11:30:07 pm
I noticed the slippage but I just thought she was being sexy. lol
For the few times I've used the cloth sim, I normally just pin and adjust the weights for
the areas I need to move.
You really need a lot of time and patience to fully understand how everything works. I haven't
had a chance to dive into a low poly proxy yet, but it looks like the best way to approach clothing. 

Well you certainly generated a very convincing procedural lace texture.