Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: floyd86 on March 29, 2008, 04:34:32 pm
I finally finished my project: Dead End Road. For this project I tried to create a dark and dirty alley. It cost me alot of time setting up the scene and making the textures. I also used the new ART renderer to make some reflections in the windows etc. Later I used pixia to compose the final render:
( (
Tell me what you think.
hey, pretty sweet! you've done a great job on the dark-and-dingy thing, i know i wouldn't wanna go down there! glad to see you took my suggestion about the light fitting by the door :) the greek text is an interesting touch, too.
just a couple of questions - did you make the moon/stars texture(s) yourself? and how come your post has a 'thumbs down' icon - a bit inappropriate for such a good render, isn't it?
i should hire you as a set builder for my next cgi movie...
- colclough
hey, pretty sweet! you've done a great job on the dark-and-dingy thing, i know i wouldn't wanna go down there! glad to see you took my suggestion about the light fitting by the door :) the greek text is an interesting touch, too.
Thanks, i did use you suggestions with the lamp and it turned out nice, i think. The greek text is just a personal joke by myself: i actually says 'Floyd & Co' in greek (i'm not greek, i'm dutch but still).
just a couple of questions - did you make the moon/stars texture(s) yourself? and how come your post has a 'thumbs down' icon - a bit inappropriate for such a good render, isn't it?
I didn't made the moon and stars myself. I used a picture i found with google and then use pixia to make it the background.
And I have no idea why it has a thumbs down, i noticed it too when i posted it. Maybe a silent hint from steve? XD
i should hire you as a set builder for my next cgi movie...
You could, but i'm not cheap. =D
i should hire you as a set builder for my next cgi movie...
You could, but i'm not cheap. =D
dang. i ain't got no budget... :P
heheh ;D
btw what's pixia? is it an image compositing program or something?
- colclough
:) Wow! Sweet! I hope I will do as good like you later! :D
Your render looks awsome!!! :o I also like how the moon looks
amazing, i'm guessing that took a few hours to render, i too hope that some day i'll be able to do stuff like that, a lot of detail also makes it look better, the graffiti and "muck" create a sense of realism
basicaly, nice work
Excellent work floyd86. The reflecting puddles and the spilled trash are excellent. Nice and grungy. Well done.
That's awesome, you should be proud, and the bottle's reflection off the water looks so real
But, the water should be partially transparent
;) Way Good! What else could be said -
Thanks for the comments all of you.
btw what's pixia? is it an image compositing program or something?
Pixia is a free paint program, i think it's pretty good. Not as good as photoshop but it's free and work for me. =) --> the link if your interrested.
Eenvoudig prachtig :)
Eenvoudig prachtig :)
Hehe, dankje
I like the graffitis on the wall. It make a dark ambience.
That's a very nice work, especially the textures which are first-class.
You could try to improve the lighting.
First, change the default 0.3/0.7 balance that anim8or sets for ambient/diffuse. I personaly always start with no ambient and diffuse set to 1. This will greatly enhance contrast and give you darker shadows. Use also intensively bump mapping.
At last, play with the lights ! Here an example of what you could do with a different set of lights :
The first light is infinite, bluie, 70% dark and comes from the moon. The second one is yellow and just above the door, as yours. Ther's a third one behind the right corner, a spotlight that could come from a passing car.
Third, add some fog. Here, there's a 20% dark blue fog.
Really good. It is really spooky and gives that effect to. I like it, plus the blue light is good
This is amazing. I MIGHT be able to do the models decently, but how do you make textures like that?! Please teach me! Making textures is pretty much my biggest problem in 3D (all I do is steal what textures I can from Google images o.O).
Anyway, it looks amazing. As I said, phenomenal texturing!!
I use this site alot: . There i download textures and compose them with pixia or photoshop.
Thank you very much. I will use this site for a lot of textures now :)
Impressive! :) Couldnt see much with the darkness tho.
That is very atmospheric - very good texturing, just needs less ambient.