MorphIt v1.0
This program creates morph targets by comparing other objects to the reference object in a .an8 file. If the meshes in the other objects have the same name and point number, it'll create new morph targets based on their offsets compared to the reference object.
I made this primarily so that you can animate PHUR, but there are other applications for this tool. It'll work on any mesh.
How To Use:
- Load the file (large files will take a while--it'll seem to freeze but give it a minute)
- Select the reference object
- If any of the other objects qualify as a new morph target, it'll be listed in the top left listbox.
- The bottom left listbox will be populated with pre-existing morph targets for that reference object.
- The morph targets in the bottom-left listbox will be exported when you click Export Morphs and save to a new file.
Playing the selected morph:
- You can play a morph by pressing the clock button. Change the animation speed with the arrow buttons
- The code to animate the morphs is extremely inefficient -- medium to large animations will have a lot of lag
- Stop an animation by pressing the clock button again
A few notes...
- It won't run without the .NET 4.0 Framework ( (or later) installed
- The 3D viewport will only show meshes. Any other types such as parametric shapes, spheres, cubes, splines, etc., are ignored. However, everything ignored will still be exported.
- The parser is very "fresh". It's possible that I missed something while writing it. I recommend you don't overwrite your original .an8 file until you're absolutely sure nothing's missing. If you discover that something didn't make the transfer, please report it so that I can fix it.
- Developed using the v0.97e Pre-Beta files as a reference. Files from v0.97d will probably be ok, but no guarantees
- This program is not "smart". It merely checks the distance between, say, point #1 in mesh 1 and point #1 in mesh 2. If you create two totally different meshes, or generate them from different software, then point #1 could refer to two totally different points between the two meshes. If you use a program like Sculptris, export the .obj unchanged from Sculptris first and use that as the base. That way the meshes will likely have the same order of points.
If you want to use it with PHUR...
- Do not change the spacing or distribution quality
- Do not change the X or Y Divisions
- Do not change the random seed
- Do not change the base mesh
- Lock the Y Divisions
Known Bugs
It's my first experience with C#, terribly coded, etc. So I won't be surprised if it doesn't work right on other systems. However, if you have a Vista+ operating system and the latest .NET framework, and it doesn't load or work properly, please report it!
Post your:
- Operating System (And x86 or x64?)
- Processor
- Graphics Card
If you can email me the crashdump files (and if you get far enough--the .an8 file that doesn't load), that'd be even better.