Anim8or Community

General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Raxx on May 23, 2013, 01:57:30 pm

Title: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on May 23, 2013, 01:57:30 pm
Alright, it's time to put together a nice, long list of features we'd like to see implemented in Anim8or. I will categorize the requests under three different types:

I am also implementing a kind of "vote" system, where you can +1 a request if you feel it really should be implemented! You will get four votes per tier. Just reply to this topic saying "+1 to so-and-so's request for such-and-such".

You can also down-vote a request. You receive 1 down-vote per tier. Just say "-1 to so-and-so's request for such-and-such". The only stipulation is that you should explain your reasoning behind down-voting.

\\ Top Requests

\\ Tier 1
-- Object Editor
-- Figure Editor
-- Sequence Editor
-- Scene Editor
-- Miscellaneous
\\ Tier 2
-- Object Editor
-- Figure Editor
-- Sequence Editor
-- Scene Editor
-- Miscellaneous
Title: Tier 3
Post by: Raxx on May 23, 2013, 07:42:43 pm
\\ Tier 3
-- Object Editor
-- Figure Editor
-- Sequence Editor
-- Scene Editor
-- Miscellaneous
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: $imon on May 24, 2013, 03:37:45 am
They're all good suggestions, Raxx!

I've got a modeling tool I would like to see implemented:

Bridge Edges: instead of bridging polygons, in most cases when point modeling it's necessary to make a poly between two/three/four other polies. Now you have to complete the square with drawing an edge, then select all the edges and fill the gap. It would be easy to select two opposite edges and connect to create the poly.

I would like  to second Raxx' request for Toggling the arc rotate tool (using the alt key)..  +1!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on May 24, 2013, 03:50:01 am
My two pennys worth.... Scene mode instead of having to go up to the build menu and input individual objects every time, click on the object in the scene and use copy /paste it.

I would like to see more enhancements within the animation capabilities of Anim8or
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on May 24, 2013, 04:46:44 am
Alright, I added your feature requests/suggestions.

As for your second one, kreator, do you have something specific in mind?

In the past I requested for ASL ability to manipulate bones in the Scene Editor. I'll add that to the list.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on May 26, 2013, 10:09:45 am
Ok, I added your feature requests, TomsWorkshopAnimation. I put your ART attributes request in Tier 2 since those are fairly different from what's already implemented.

I also added two more ASL related ones:
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on May 26, 2013, 11:06:02 am
I`ll +1 the Tier 1 .png support and Arc rotate
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Water Music on May 26, 2013, 05:16:32 pm
These have been mentioned before, but I think the biggest things Anim8or has been missing are the importing and exporting of rigged models and animations.  That's essential for anyone who wants to use Anim8or models in real-time applications - games and such.

And, of course, any preset application of physics can give better looking results in a lot less time.  Passively controlled bones were mentioned in an earlier post, non-linear speed options between keyframes, collision detection, IK, etc.  Steve's heard all that before, of course.

Mostly though, I'm just looking forward to seeing what Steve feels like implementing.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: $imon on May 26, 2013, 05:41:17 pm
PNG support would be one thing, better yet would be support for 32 bit images (tif/exr?). So maybe they can be combined for updated image exporting? ill second it than :P

And a +1 of course for IK and one for multithreaded rendering!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: mayim84 on May 26, 2013, 07:47:57 pm
In regard to ASL, allowing adding of primitives and objects through the code. This would allow for many awesome effects (ie. particles, forest generation). Also, make ASL modular (ie. user defined functions, structures (or classes)).
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on May 27, 2013, 02:47:39 am
Tier 2 - Object Editor - ability to Hide points in edit mode
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on May 27, 2013, 10:20:02 am
Ok, I added all of your suggestions the best I could. Water Music, I wasn't sure about your request for passively controlled bones and non-linear speed options (I could make a guess but I won't). Please explain a little more about those features.

I'm +1'ing the ASL modularity request, and I added the following ASL-related requests that I had mentioned in the past:

ASL - SetAttribute: Set and edit attributes using ASL
ASL - Shape.Get/SetParameterValue - Accessible by all script types (including other parametric mesh scripts).
ASL - Face.SetMaterial - For parametric mesh plugins. A parametric mesh can only hold one material via Shape.SetMaterial. This would allow you to apply multiple materials to a shape.
ASL - Shape update mechanism: A way to keep shapes "live" if needed, or a way to update the shape via another script.
ASL - Texture Weights - They aren't accessible via ASL
ASL - Quaternion arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
ASL - Point3 multiplication/division
ASL - QuaterniontoRPY: Similar to RPYtoQuaternion, except the other way around
ASL - Quaternion.slerp(q1, q2, t): slerps between the two quaterinions q1 and q2 by float t. t is between 0 and 1.
ASL - Quaternion.lerp(q1, q2, t), Quaternion.squad(q1, q2, q3, q4, t): same as Quaternion.slerp except different effect
ASL - Vector and quaternion comparison operators: Something like if($vector != (0,0,0))
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Water Music on May 27, 2013, 03:34:08 pm
RAXX: By "non-linear speed options" I was referring to the fact that a bone in a sequence always moves at a steady rate between keyframes: (total angle/#frames) per frame.  It would be nice to specify that the motion should start slow and end fast (like when throwing a punch), start fast and end slow (like reacting to the above mentioned punch), or start and end slow but moving faster in the middle (like moving to pick up something delicate).  The only way to do these now is to add a whole bunch of keyframes, and try to tweak them all manually so that they flow naturally. ***edit since this is in development already, let's just ignore this one.

Warning:  long geek rant
As for "passively-controlled bones," I basically mean ragdoll physics.  Moving an arm is something we do actively, but long hair moves in predefined ways according to outside influences.  I'll try to quickly lay those out here, first to illustrate what I'm talking about, second to make it easier for Steve to implement, and lastly if there are any amateur game makers out there it is pretty simple to implement these for decent looking results.

Note:  3d physics are not real physics, so this is meant as an approximation specifically for 3d animation.  Some corners are cut, for ease of implementation.  As animation operates in step functions, better results are obtained the more "frames" there are.

Right, so a bone in modelling is essentially a vector and I can summarize what I am going to say by saying that we will derive the bones new orientation for each frame by adding all of the vector influences on that bone that we can think of.  Definition of terms: S1 is the new xyz position of the bones root for the new frame; E1 is the end position for the same bone, same frame which we are trying to solve; S0 & E0 are the start and end for the previous frame; S-1 & E-1 are for the frame before that.

Inertial vector: we start with the vector S1 to E0, which represents the mass "resisting" new motion
Momentum vector: we add the vector E-1 to E0 to continue any existing motion
Gravity vector: we add a user-defined vector straight up or down the y-axis (depending on whether it is to rise or sink and to what rate).  This will need to be uniquely defined for each bone.
Wind vector: Another user-defined variable indicates how strongly wind affects the bone.  The wind vector is that variable multiplied by the wind vector at the bone's location (more on that in a minute)
Spring vector: This is the tricky one and can be done in a couple of ways.  The easiest, but least correct, way is to add a vector from the bones current end position to what would be the bone's default rest position, multiplied by another user-defined variable representing the strength of the spring.  A more accurate approach looks at the angle difference between the bones current position and its default rest position, and accelerates the bone towards that rest position consistent with the formula (Moment of Inertia)*(angular acceleration)=-((spring coefficient)*(change in angle)-(drag)).  I'll pull resistance out for now to simplify it to: (user-defined variable)*(-change in angle).  This gives a theoretical angle correction, and our spring vector becomes the vector between E1 before the spring correction to E1 after the spring correction.
Resistance vector:  This will take another user-defined variable μ for the resistance.  The resistance vector equals E1 - μ(E1 - E0)
Bounceback vector: If E1 is outside its limits on its x, y, or z axis, or with collision detection if it intersects another object, you could have the bone bounce back along that axis by a fraction of the amount that it would otherwise be over.

Add them all up, correct the bone length back to normal and watch it sort itself out.

This brings us to the many ways to set up wind/tide.  The easiest is simply to set a wind vector for the entire scene.  The next level of complexity allows the user to alter the strength and direction of that vector using keyframes.  The next level allows the user to create wind splines through a scene, along which pulses of wind travel affecting bones proportionally based on proximity.  The last level would create tweakable splines around objects automatically.  However it is used, each time a wind vector is called up it should be randomized slightly for effect.  And if you are really a glutton for punishment, you could affect an object's wind drag according to how much of its profile is showing, how perpendicular the wind vector is to the polygon normals, etc.

Anyway, thus ends the long rant.  I place no demands on this being implemented, I just hope its helpful.  And if the mods feel it is too long/out of place then feel free to delete this post.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on May 27, 2013, 04:45:58 pm
Anim8or already has a form of non-linear speed, with its implementation of the Graph Editor (see attachment). It's not available in the sequence editor, however. Just the scene editor.

I should mention that Steve seems to intend on implementing exactly what you want, for a future release:
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: polyGon_tError on May 28, 2013, 09:42:19 am
hi Raxx and every one, it is great that anim8or if finaly being updated.
though we already have few of it's capability from our coder by ASL, i have few wish and thought for it :

* the spin tool is good but it will be better if we can alter/redefine polygon inner triangle formation by vertex.
* undo option for ASL command script at least a back-up of last working shape/Mesh will be worthy.
* a simple texture mapper (simple window with image in back and selected face can be mapped there).
* position, rotation and scale helper will be great and worthy.
* non uniform scale and rotate face tool worked badly before(some time or mostly).
* group of vertex rotated by its average center will be worthy, moving face by vertex as well.
* selection group set (V/E/F) can be more helpful in modeling.
* user input for ASL at least yes/no, value input, slider value input will be great, accessing user interface data as well.

* anim8or was mostly compatible and portable before this release :
  i can run v97d in win98, 2000, xp, windows-live, 2003, from card/flash drive using 200mb xp installation in it.
  the dll dependency made v97e non-portable/compatible, as it require to install it before running. as far as i know simply putting the dll on the same folder usualy don't work.
  i have Celleron D processor, 256mb DDR1 RAM, VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP Graphics support, privious worked well with it. i tested v97d in Pentium 3, 4, with older system as well, it also work using wine in Linux.

i am too poor to update my PC for win7/win8, sad to know anim8or is being updated for them, being less portable/compatible :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: $imon on May 28, 2013, 09:56:27 am
I've got another request that shouldn't be too hard to implement maybe : uniform bevel instead of proportional to the poly the edge is aligned to. In most cases the bevel has to be at an angle between the two polies, instead of having the new edges at a % down the length of the poly. Right now it takes a lot of adjusting to get the bevels to all look the same, especially on a bigger model.

Maybe a picture says more:
(first one is how anim8or bevels now, second one would be nice as it bevels the same amount on both sides, making for an equal bevel)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on May 28, 2013, 01:48:16 pm
Ok, I added your new feature requests.

polyGon_tError, could you elaborate a little more about your first request? (spin tool)

Also, there's no guarantee that Anim8or v0.97 will retain such dependencies. The Pre-Beta is just a development preview.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on May 29, 2013, 01:59:19 pm
Hey CrashDrive, the widget thing has already been suggested by polyGon_tError, and I already suggested proportional editing which kind of encompasses radial selection. Otherwise I added the other requests to the list.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: headwax on May 31, 2013, 02:08:45 am
Hey so it's Christmas and we get to ask for presents?

Okay I am a bad person and have been using Carrara for my modelling (simple stuff) as Anim8or hasn't run on my machine till the latest update (thanks Steve)

In Carrara these two I would consider to be very important. They make life easier, believe me.
Without them modelling in Carrara would be crap. It doesn't even have a knife tool, can you believe it?

•Proportional Editing: With proportional editing turned on, manipulations affect geometry in a radius (that can be changed numerically and usually adjusted with the mouse wheel or pgup/pgdwn, arrow keys, whatever) around the point, edge, or face that's being moved, scaled, or rotated. The sphere of influence typically has a falloff curve. (Raxx)
•Manipulate based on center of selection: Option to scale or rotate based on the selection's center rather than the mesh's pivot point (polyGon_tError)

Have you seen Poser 2014? They have a new fitting room where one mesh shrinks to another mesh. :o
Also with their morphing tools you have a choice of pulling pushing etc in regard to the normal of the polys or the screen direction.
With this tool you can also select a target mesh where you can push/pull the mesh you are operating on in the direction of the target mesh

my suggestions.

1) a tool where one mesh shrinks to another mesh. The user gets to determine the degree of separation if any between the meshes.
2) a morphing tool which is similar to Raxx's Proportional Eding tool that lets you push/pull polygons toward or away, relative to either the screen surface or a polygon's normal direction.

My ideas sound like a lot of work and they would be just icing on the cake of what is already a great modelling program.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: polyGon_tError on May 31, 2013, 11:14:11 am
thank you Raxx,
to make you clear about Spin-tool related request, i need some time because i am already on my way to implement this and made a simple tool called ReWind-polyGon tool with the same function.
thank you again to say that the dependency will not be there.
Raxx, i am giving +1 to any ASL related request for Command and Scene Scripting.

i have few more request:
* vertex-color paint like we do with bone-weight-brush.
* sculpt push/pull of vertex instead of the Move-Vertex-Along-Normal will be more worthy.
   ( also the same way like bone-weight-brush. )
* HDRI image output of ART-RayTracer.
* AVI and/or GIF animated image as map/texture.
* post-processing of render output by ASL ( it will be slow but possible ).
* attachable plugin system for anim8or, will be working by c++.
* easy access to Script collection, in it we press a key and select one from a list of script on screen.

i also wished getting user input by ASL in command script, this make it possible to build big complex script.

i am putting all as request for ASL from my this post ( about ASL ).
   ( it is up to you Raxx which will be here in this post. )
"Learning ASL: want to contribute? thing's might be helpfull to know about" :
   ( "" )

i am giving +/-1 (again up to you to decide) for *'$imon' "Bridge-Edges" request:
1. Bridge Edges between two edge simply give us something like ribbon.
   correct request will be between two edge-line or edge-loop.
2. i have already posted the edge-merge tool with texture, material support.
   "Advanced Modeling Tool-Set ( now 24+ last Update: 28.05.2013 )" :
   ( "" )
*$imon please don't mind, if you need that tool try this one then ask me. i will post what you wished also if any body ask for it ( at least give me a "PM" ), you are not required to wait for it. see the attached image.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on June 02, 2013, 11:40:34 am
Ok, I added the feature requests the best I could.

Headwax, you can already move points along the normal by middle-clicking. Combined with the proportional editing feature request, that would just about deal with your #2 request there. Do you want to +1 the proportional editing request instead? As for your #1 request, it can be done via ASL and would probably be faster implemented if you requested it in the scripts request thread in the ASL board ;) If you still want it in the feature requests, let me know.

polyGon_tError, there is a limit of 4 "+1"s per Tier per person, you'll have to specify which command/scene ASL requests you'd like to +1.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: headwax on June 02, 2013, 05:17:28 pm
As for your #1 request, it can be done via ASL and would probably be faster implemented if you requested it in the scripts request thread in the ASL board If you still want it in the feature requests, let me know.

Good point, there I was getting them mixed up! Oh we better have it in the asl scripts request board then :)
I'd love to see anim8or standing head to head with Poser2014 in the shrinkwrap dept.
What a stir that would cause at Smith Micro

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: NickE on June 03, 2013, 04:49:57 pm
If I could beg for a single ASL update for the next preview, it would be member function(s).

Here's why:

It would be a work-around for most of the other items on the scripting wish-list. 
(1) One could read and write Anim8or project files allowing one to do particle animation, fluid dynamics, and physics by generating objects and morph targets and scene object placement and controller values, and so much more!
(2) One could simulate parameter passing between scripts
(3) Custom import filters

Once a ability exists, the only thing needed to have robust access to all of Anim8or's modes would be the ability to trigger another script's execution from within a script.  (more begging here)  Even the simplest implementation would be sufficient: completely terminate the original script and begin execution of the requested script.  The file read/write functions can be used to simulate user defined functions ability.

Those two additional functions - and script.execute - would open the door to the development of libraries of script functions like physics, walk sequences, mouth movement, lip synch, etc.

If I could beg for another:

I would like to request that an "object script" controller be added in scene mode with access to the scene variables of time,  frame, and other scene controllers.  If this were done, the full range of physics would be possible in Anim8or!

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on June 04, 2013, 05:58:43 am
Wow, theres a real impressive list building up here, and some excellent ideas.
 Will put some more voting in when i have a little more time, but for now, in tier 1 figure mode, i would like to +1 crashdrives "resize objects that are attached to bones".
 I would also be 'first in line' to +1 all 3 functions mentioned above by NickE.
 ASL updates for the next preview,
 +1 for function. 
 +1 script.execute function
(would they be tier 2, misc?)
 and a +1 for "object script" controller  in scene mode with access to the scene variables of time,  frame, and other scene controllers. (tier3 scene mode?)
 I'm a real 'end user' with no programming talents, but these 3 new functions sound like they would really take Anim8or forward in Huge leaps and bounds.
 Nice one NickE. :)

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on June 04, 2013, 06:24:54 am
tier 3.
Addition of audio track for syncing to animation in scene mode.
not expected to be part of the render.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on June 04, 2013, 08:37:13 pm
A quick note to  captaindrewi
 Nice idea. I'm in the habit of using 'Magpie pro' for lipsyncing, and using a pen and paper to note the frames.
 However, with some tweaking, you can do this...(image below)
 Magpie has no 'always on top' setting, so it disappears to bottom every time you click in Anim8or, but thats not necessarily a bad thing. Just takes a click to bring it back.

 Edit:  Hav posted more info in general forum
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on June 05, 2013, 01:11:38 am
Ok, most of your requests were put on the list, and +1'ed the ones applicable.

NickE, while I agree that file reading/import functionality would widen the range of Anim8or's capabilities quite a bit, personally I'm a bit tired of workarounds, as I regularly had to use them with RIBRobin and PHUR (for example, the only way I could pass parameters between the shape scripts were to embed them in their own UV coordinates to be read by other shapes). I think setAttribute functionality would be a better solution for your #2 reason.

Also, before I put the "object script" controller request up there, could you explain on it a little bit more?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: NickE on June 05, 2013, 07:14:22 am
The file write ability has many, many more uses than just passing parameters (like writing entire an8 files), plus setting an attribute is not going to let you pass anything large like arrays. 

An object script controller would be a scene controller like position, orientation, or morph, but allow one to run object scripts while in scene mode where the object script would have access to scene mode variables like time or frame and access to the other scene's objects controllers.  I have written fluid simulation and other "physics" scripts that run in object mode.  To use them in scene mode requires quite the workaround to render them.  Please see this thread: (

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on June 05, 2013, 10:35:52 am
I'm aware of the other uses. I'm trying to say that reading and writing entire .an8 files from within Anim8or just to create workarounds is ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as having to write entire third-party programs to do simple things ;) Not to mention if you're going to use it for dynamic variable swapping between elements, seems like a good way to tax your harddrive. Also, you can pass arrays (Edit: if setAttribute was implemented) using attributes nearly as easily as the way you'd be able to pass arrays via a text file.

Like I said before, I agree it'd widen Anim8or's range of capabilities, and if it were implemented I probably would use it for workarounds, but I don't think it's something we should focus on and run rampant with. If all we have is a mess of scripts to do things rather than it being Anim8or's capabilities, then we're taking away from Anim8or and making it feel like something worse than Blender.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. I added your object script controller request and +1'ed it for Johnar.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ianross on June 06, 2013, 07:35:48 am
In the material editor, is it possible to code a toon line feature, for individual or group objects. The idea is, we can have colour and thickness of a toon line around any object.
2d is still  very popular in advertising, TV cartoons and web graphics.
It is possible to create a toon lines in anim8or and it works really well, but we have to double the mesh.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on June 06, 2013, 08:37:49 am
I would like to +1 toon render feature.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on June 06, 2013, 10:43:55 am
Added, +1ed.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ianross on June 06, 2013, 11:44:26 am
No one has said much about the sequence editor, may I suggest that we have reference images input  here -(similar to the build mode reference image) , so we can actually add our story board drawings and pose sketches.
The idea is we can actually match up our armatures to our drawings.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Thanos on June 07, 2013, 10:40:47 am
I really believe that ASL is the future. I'll propose something radical:
ASL Event System. When a script is run, it can have registerEvent() functions, that bind other, unrun parts of its code with events happening inside anim8or. When an event happens (mouse click? switch to mode? model rotation? start of render? whatever?) the bound code is run, with parameters related to the event (ie. mouse position, or mode we're leaving and where are we going etc) and ASL code is executed that does interesting stuff.
Yes, I know it's almost impossible. But it's real power for the ASL.

Also I +1 the tier 1 PNG support. mustmustmust
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on June 08, 2013, 02:32:14 pm
Added, +1ed.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ianross on June 11, 2013, 07:19:34 am
+1 animated texture maps BUT if possible can chroma keying be added, the idea being we can upload live footage to flat plane in the scene editor and remove a surrounding colour.
This will give the scene editor an after effects function but in a 3d environment.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: dwsel on June 11, 2013, 01:36:57 pm
+1 for png support
+1 for loading image sequences (it could be even a single checkbox called 'load as a sequence' and textbox 'start from n-th frame')

@ianross: I believe chroma keying would add too much complexity in the image loading interface. There are better tools to generate that. When you have colour image sequence you can easily separate chroma and generate alpha channel in any video editing software or in the simpler cases even in picture browser! Posting just a quick 5 min example done via batch processing.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on June 11, 2013, 03:26:47 pm
Added and +1ed. I also added another ASL request:
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ianross on June 12, 2013, 05:18:34 am
1.Union - This will merge both objects together. It will get rid of geometry between the two pieces.
2.Difference - Subtracts the last selected geometry from the first selected geometry.
3.Intersection - The geometry between the two objects will be kept and the rest will be removed.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on June 12, 2013, 07:32:51 am
boolean is available now Ian, as an ASL Script.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Miatpi on June 12, 2013, 02:49:31 pm
Hi, first of I want to say that I'm really exited about all this, and secondly that I have some requests of my own to share.

1. Transparent rendering.
Its already possible to render a luma-matte, which works well in most cases when you want to get rid of the background in your film. The problem is that if you render a transparent model, a luma-matte won't work correctly, it will get rid of a part of the background and a part of the model itself. Additionally it would be much easier with a transparent-rendering option.

2. Possibility to rotate around the Z-axis.
I think the rotation works well as it is now, except for that if you turn of rotation around the X and Y-axis you can't rotate at all. I think it would be practically to be able to rotate around the Z-axis when the other axes are turned of. Otherwise the rotation would works as now.

3. Possibility to parent an object to a bone.
As it is now you can only parent an object to another object in scene mode, and I think it would be practically if you also could parent an object to a bone. For example, if you were animating a character who is supposed to carry something, like a hat, it would be much easier to parent the hat to the characters hand-bone instead of animate it frame by frame.
When an object is parented to a bone it simply acts as if it was attached to it by armature.

4. Possibility to keyframe a parent-influence.
I was thinking that even if you can parent an object to follow another objects movement, you may want it to stop following at some point of time.
So I was thinking about a function that let you keyframe the value of influence a parenting has on the parented object. It would work much similar to morph-targets, that you can set the influence-value to 1 if you want a normal parenting, and set it to zero if you want the parented object to stop follow the object its parented to. If you set it to a value between 0 and 1 it will move at the same direction as the object its parented to, but not as much.
For example: you have character who is supposed to pick up a hat, and therefore you parent the hat to the characters hand-bone (assumes that you are able to parent to a bone). But in the beginning of the animation you want the hat to lay down still on the floor, so search the frame there the character pick up the hat and set the value for the parent-influence to 1. Then you go back one frame and set the value to 0, and so you get the hat to lay still on floor until the character picks it up.

Furthermore, it would be great if you also could have an object to have several parents. It may sound odd, but it would be necessary if you want a character to not only pick up a hat but also put it on his head. Then you could add the characters head-bone as an additional parent to the hat and keyframe the influence-values for the hand- and head-parentings so the hat changes from follow the hand to follow the head. More specifically you would search the frame there he puts the hat on his head and set the influence-value for the head-parenting to 1 and the hand-parenting to 0. Then you go back to the last frame and set the hand-parenting value to 1 and the head-parenting value 0. This way it will change parenting during these frames.

As you see its very similar to morph targets, you keyframe the parentings influence, and I was even thinking that you would find the parentings beneath the object as you do with morph-targets.
It would not be necessary to set the values each time you parent, its an option to keyframe.

I know its much I have asked about, and I may not have explained clearly, but at least I have shared my ideas.  :D :D :D Thanks!

      I have also created some examples of the 2'nd and 4'th request so you more clearly can se what I mean. I did it by editing the screen
      recordings I did, in after effects.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Miatpi on June 12, 2013, 02:53:29 pm
Sorry, I just uploaded the example for the 4'th request not for the 2'nd.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: NickE on June 12, 2013, 03:40:34 pm

As kreator mentioned, Boolean operations are available via ASL script.  Kubajzz and I both did a different approach.  I cannot remember if I ever posted my version.  I attached mine below.  Please read the header to the file for instructions.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Claude on June 12, 2013, 08:42:28 pm
Options/Debug/Output Normals

Would be nice if Anim8or would memorize the selection.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on June 12, 2013, 10:43:46 pm
Was thinking about that as well Claude, though the normals can be mimmicked by using the edges, smoothangle, and face info in the file. I'm adding it to the list anyway, of course.

Also, ianross, do you still want the Boolean operations request up there, or do you consider the script(s) sufficient?

Miatpi, I added requests 1, 3, and 4. As for #2: You can rotate around the Z axis by right-clicking and dragging.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ianross on June 13, 2013, 05:32:13 am
Thank you Raxx last time I used the boolean  ASL script, it only work on low poly count meshes. Most 3d modelling programs have boolean functions as a standard tool on the user interface, so my answer is yes it would be very useful to alot of anim8or to have it, as it ASL script maybe tier 3.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Miatpi on June 13, 2013, 08:24:52 am
Hi, I cant believe I have even more requests since yesterday, but I'll share them as well.
But first I'll give my +1's, they go to...

Tier 1:
"Move faces", "copy and paste objects in scene-mode".

Tier 2:
"Animated texture maps", "alpha maps cast shadows", "ASL - read, edit and create morph targets",.

Tier 3:
"Audio track capability" and "ASL-events".
Unfortunately I didn't really understand the "ASL - Object Script Controller" since I'm not familiar with scripts. Does it let scripts to affect objects orientation, position and morph targets in scene mode? If it does I give it a +1.

Now for the resquests ;D:

CTRL + S to save
The name says it all, a shortcut to save your project. Additionally "ctrl + shift + s" could mean "save as".

Background-movie in scene-mode
It would be great if you could not just have background images but also background movies in scene-mode.

Some way to arc-rotate around a specific object, maybe by holding down CTRL and clicking on the object when you arc-rotate.

Camera import/export
If you're working with anim8or together with other softwares you probably need a camera import/export option so you to easier can integrate the the works with each-other.
For example, you are working with a scene there you'll create parts of it in anim8or and other parts in an additional software. You'll render the both works out and edit them together to a final scene in a film-editing software. Mostly it work fine, but it would be problematic if you want a camera movement in the scene. Then you would need need two cameras in both softwares, what moves exact similarly. To do that you have to create the camera in one of the softwares and export it into to the other, which as it is now is impossible in anim8or since it neither support camera import or export.

By holding down the right-mouse button it let you select all objects/points/lines/faces you scroll over with the mouse-cursor. So instead of have to press the right-mouse button each time you want to select something, you can just hold it down and scroll over that you want to select. It's not revolutionary, but makes your work more comfortable.

I have another odd, and I mean ODD, request that I understand if its either impossible or to far-fetched. Its about controlling morph-targets in sequence mode. It would work like morph-targets do in scene mode, you find them beneath the object and keyframe them as usual. If you for example have a character with a horn that you want to be stretched out while the characters head is moving, you would first create morph-targets to stretch the horn. Then you would armature the character as usual and animate the head as with the morph targets, all in sequence mode. To clarify, the morph-target-changes is counted before the "usual" changes that is made by armature.

I know it has been a loooong list, but hopefully it has been helpful for you. Thanks!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: $imon on June 13, 2013, 12:22:28 pm
Great stuff everyone, nothing too crazy, so useful input for Steve probably.

I would like to give +1 to:
texture baking,
more shortcuts (Miatpi, thought I would take it a step further on the saving shortcut, it would be nice to have a shortcut for almost anything, especially in the Build menu)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on June 14, 2013, 02:51:16 pm
Ok, I added and +1ed where applicable.

I added the More Shortcuts feature request by $imon and +2ed it for myself and Miatpi. Free +1s for shortcut requests, limit of one shortcut request per user. You don't have to specify the key.

Miatpi, I added the request for ASL export in the scene editor, so that and the request encompasses your camera import/export request. As for your scroll-selecting request, you can already hold down CTRL and drag select and it'll add whatever you mouse over.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on June 15, 2013, 03:10:22 am
This might be a long shot ...... and would have to go into Tier3 but tablet support, with the downturn in desktop sales and more emphasis on the uptake of tablets, an anim8or app might be a good way to go.... I am using an app on my Android tablet called SubDivFormer  see which for an app is a significant advance.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: avenidagez on June 17, 2013, 07:39:28 am
Arc Rotate - The manual say that "once you have it can save you a lot of time over other methods."
And that is true, but with the lack of custom shortcut keys, it is as hard to work with it as with other methods
the numeric views are great, but punching Ctl-R with the mouse in one hand makes you loose the modeling dynamics

Why not to have the full set of custom shortcut keys?
That way for some tasks the speed easy could be incremented in design

Even better to have custom shortcut keys sets
so we activate the one needed depending on the task

Or at least redesign it thinking not as programmer, d for drag r for rotate
thinking as with the keypad functionality for views
group shortcuts keys by functionality not by name

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: $imon on June 17, 2013, 02:54:10 pm
Some more requests here:

- hiding bone influences in figure mode. You can hide the bones now but the influences remain visible. THis makes for a messy and disorienting viewport.
- keep selection when switching between selections in point edit mode. Right now this only works from point to spline, but it would be useful if you switch from some selected faces to points to have all the adjacent points selected.
- Growing point and line selections, not just faces.

for either ASL or hotkeys section:
- Custom hotkeys for ASL script for fast usage
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on June 17, 2013, 11:48:04 pm
Added and +1ed.

avenidagez, this topic isn't for observations regarding Anim8or's development, but for feature requests. You may post the same comment in the General Discussion Board if you'd like, though I suggest you note the date that the 0.97e Pre-Beta was released.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Miatpi on June 18, 2013, 04:11:57 am
+1 to importing and exporting objects with armature and animations, thats my final vote for tier 2.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on June 23, 2013, 03:12:31 pm
+1 for PNG support.
Separate alpha maps drive me crazy.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ianross on June 24, 2013, 05:16:22 am
+1 Audio track capability
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on June 27, 2013, 03:14:31 pm
we need some sort of relative path support
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on June 28, 2013, 02:59:16 am
What kind of relative path? Paths to files or some kind of Anim8or path/spline mechanism. Please elaborate.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on June 28, 2013, 12:37:14 pm
Sorry. Paths to files.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on June 28, 2013, 02:00:53 pm
+1 IK.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Water Music on July 01, 2013, 05:50:12 pm
One more tiny thing that would be hugely useful to me.  I'd like it if the Edge Property Editor (d-click an edge) displayed the length of the edge.  Useful to me because I tend to use Anim8or to draft 3d models of things I plan on making in real life, and sometimes I need to know that sort of thing to get the right materials, etc.

And +1 to adding and removing objects from bones in Scene Editor.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ianross on July 04, 2013, 05:45:53 am
+1 I.K
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Miatpi on July 07, 2013, 10:06:21 am
I have figured out some other requests lately, the thirst is that the orientation for an object in scene mode could be split up in a X, Y and Z rotation what you animate individually. Then it would be a lot easier to animate orientation.
Also it would be helpful if you individually per object could switch their "rotation order", the order the X, Y and Z rotation is counted. This wouldn't just be in scene mode but also work for bones in sequence mode.

Another request I have is that objects in object mode will have an orientation value, like in scene mode. It would make things a lot more flexible.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on July 10, 2013, 06:53:42 pm
Ok, I added and +1'ed stuff where I could.

Deepthought, does this sound about right?

Miatpi, I understood and added your last request, but I have no idea what you want for the first two. In the graph editor or in the dialog options, you can already individually edit the x,y, and z orientation values, and you can individually rotate around each axis anyway when keyframing. Could you elaborate a little more on it?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Miatpi on July 11, 2013, 07:59:51 am
What I mean is, that when I animate the rotation of an object, around the Y-axis for example, there is not only made a keyframe for just the Y-rotation but also for the X and Z rotations as well. Additionally I cant delete the X and Z rotation keyframes at that frame without also deleting the Y-rotation keyframe.
So I can edit the values for each rotation individually, but I cant have a keyframe for just one axis without having a keyframe for the other axises on the same frame as well.
This sometimes mess up animation.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on July 11, 2013, 11:10:30 am
@Raxx: Yes. That is exactly what I mean.

Plus it would be useful to be able to hide faces.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on July 11, 2013, 09:36:41 pm
Paint on textures/colour with nicely organised uv map export for further work in 3rd party paint prog harm in asking.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on July 16, 2013, 03:43:28 am
Tier1: Ability in Figure mode to select/arrange weight colours.

Scene Mode: Arrow Keys re-assigned to Function Keys, for moving along timeline, and the arrow keys used to tweak model position/ orientation in scene 
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on July 17, 2013, 08:02:07 pm
Tier 1
when modeling and adjusting with the arrow keys it can after a few manipulations need hundreds of undos to revert :-\
Don't know what others think about this :o or what would be a sensible solution but would perhaps  be good to have a pre arrow key, undo button/box where you specify the number of undo's.

Sorry if there is something to do this already that i have missed.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kakachiex on July 19, 2013, 02:48:44 pm
+1 to 3d widget manipulator
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kakachiex on July 19, 2013, 03:20:26 pm
- i will like to see maya style navigation
- 3d widget manipulator, trnslate, rotate, scale
- marking menu for fast selection
- poly groups for fast selection of different areas, hide, show those group areas
here is aa open source gizmo library
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Miatpi on July 25, 2013, 05:54:20 am
Raxx, this may be a bit too late to say it, but I'm a bit worried you didn't really understand my "transparent rendering" request. I meant that the rendered files would be in AVI format (AVI-files can have transparency), and in the list you wrote it would be in image formats. Or maybe I just misunderstood something.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Miatpi on July 25, 2013, 08:45:34 am
Would the ability to bind a modifier to a group be a good idea? Useful if you want to modify a lot of objects and don't want to join them, as you have to do for now if you want to modify them at once. Just a thought.

Another thought I have is that since I requested a rotation value for objects in obect mode, it would be useful if objects could have a scale-value as well. If possible, please make this request is an extension of the last one and not as a separate request.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on July 26, 2013, 03:44:42 am
 Would be nice to be able to 'delete all morphs' in Object mode ? (from selected object)

 It would save a lot of clicking if your object has 20 morph targets to get rid of.  ;)

 and 'key all morphs' in scene mode?

 Currently, when in scene mode, if you have an object/figure loaded, and you delete the first morph key, that particular morph disappears completely from the timetrack. You can import a copy of the object again and the morph target will reappear, but at the bottom of the list.  Its nice to keep all the morph targets together in the list, so to avoid accidentally deleting one further along the timetrack, i am now in the habit of keying all the morph targets 1 by 1, in frame 1.

 Don't think these 2 things have been mentioned, sorry if they have.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on July 26, 2013, 02:08:20 pm
Ok, added and +1ed where applicable, and changed those requested.

Kreator, what do you mean by Function keys? Do you mean the modifiers (ctrl, alt, shift), or the actual function keys ( that are exclusive to laptops and some keyboards?

captaindrewi, you can set the undo buffer in the configuration options. But how does this sound:

kakachiex, I did make a radial menu called tWEAK (, though I stopped developing it since it seemed to only work on some systems. May or may not be useful to you.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on July 26, 2013, 02:44:11 pm
Raxx: I mean the F1 thru to F12 Function Keys I don`t think they are used at all in any shortcuts , looking at the shortcuts in the manual! ;D

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on July 26, 2013, 04:30:03 pm

captaindrewi, you can set the undo buffer in the configuration options. But how does this sound:

Yeah kind of. its just if you move anything with the arrow keys  say a point an inch or two across the screen then you would literally have a hundred undos to get the point back.
ps. aware of buffer
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ronaldefarmer on July 28, 2013, 12:47:45 am

Features that I would like to see added include PNG texture support with transparency (to eliminate the need to create a separate transparency map), uniform beveling of edges and faces, and faster rendering--especially for ray-traced shadows.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ronaldefarmer on July 28, 2013, 09:06:36 pm
Hello Anim8or Community,

I don't know if this thread is still active, but I was wondering if it might be possible, in scene mode, to place the timeslider and track windows in a separate window that can be maximized and moved to a second monitor for better visibility. This would make it much easier to set keyframes.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on July 29, 2013, 03:46:41 am
 Hello Ron.  :)
 I also think it would be a gr8 thing to be able to put the timetrack and view onto seperate monitors.   A good plan, and didn't actually see it yet in the list. (on the 1st page of this thread)
 So hopefully raxx will put that up there where it should be, and while you're there raxx....some +1s :D

 Tier 1: Fig editor: Painted weights color sorting. kreator  Miscellaneous: Ability to resize viewports. Crashdrive

and tier 2 Sequence ed. Morph targets in sequence editor. miatpi
 Cheers. List is looking good.  :)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Water Music on July 29, 2013, 06:42:01 pm
With regards "Morph targets in sequence editor": one slick way of pulling this off is by having a morph triggered by a bone motion.  For example, a morph can be set whereby if a person's forearm is raised the bicep slides up the upper arm, proportionally.

My personal preference would actually be to combine the object editor, figure editor, and sequence editor together.  It'd be easy enough to add buttons that toggle these aspects in the object editor.  Advantage: if modifiable vertices were created to designate the end points of the bones then it would be a snap to rescale parts of one character to create another character, without having to re-bone and re-skin all of it from scratch. It'd also be easier to see how well joints hold up to movement and do any corresponding fine tuning - as you wouldn't have to keep changing screens and you could edit vertices mid-motion to get what you want. Mind you, that would entail quite an overhaul, but I think it would be worth it.

Thoughts, anyone?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on July 29, 2013, 09:06:34 pm
That would cause anim8or to lose forward and backward compatability.
besides if you combined the object editor with the figure and sequence editors, you couldn't reuse objects between multiple figures.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on July 30, 2013, 05:30:00 am
Tier 1
Please forgive if it has been asked already. a plus 1 if it has.
being able to undo after rendering would be nice.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: TheBlackHole on July 30, 2013, 05:39:37 pm
Can we get a way to place light sources in object mode? This would allow for parallel lights to precisely match up with suns in skyboxes, or headlights on cars, etc. I realize that objects in scene mode can be set as parents of light sources, but this would allow for more symmetrical light placement and light duplication.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on August 12, 2013, 08:59:04 pm
There's something I noted about the renderer(s). The observations I make are coming from the attached file, if you were to use the scene and render from the camera view.

At 350x350 resolution, scanline rendering consumes around 1.9gb of memory. This value changes proportional to the resolution. Increasing the resolution further than 350x350 causes a crash, I'm guessing because it's 32-bit, and it's exceeding 2gb.

Ray-traced rendering consumes about 0.7gb regardless of resolution, so it seems that it'll never hit the 2gb limit.

So two things:
Any issues with my reasoning?

By the way, I added and +1ed where applicable.

TheBlackHole, I kind of object to the lights in object editor request, as it'd start blurring the lines between the object and scene editor, complicating things. Why not just +1 the copy/paste request for scene elements? Or better yet, request something like material-based lighting...

Water Music,
With regards "Morph targets in sequence editor": one slick way of pulling this off is by having a morph triggered by a bone motion.  For example, a morph can be set whereby if a person's forearm is raised the bicep slides up the upper arm, proportionally.
Did you want that as an added suggestion? As for the combination of the editors, I think it'd be better to combine just the figure and sequence editors. That way you can tweak vertex weights while animating, among other things, and still have a relatively clutter-free interface. Tossing the object editor into the mix seems like it'd require a major overhaul of just about everything, requiring the UI to be as complicated as blender, max, maya, etc.

kreator, so did you want something like F1 to go to the previous frame, and F2 to advance to the next frame? I think it'd make better sense to remap them to the [ and ] keys, or the , and . ones.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: dwsel on August 16, 2013, 04:05:35 pm
May I +1 a little bit more? ;) I might have some free +1s to spend.

Tier 1:
Manipulate Bones with ASL +1
Selective Edit +1
Uniform Bevel +1

ASL Export: Allow ASL to export scene data +1
Object Editor: Ability to Hide points and faces in edit mode +1
Inverse Kinematics +1

Tier 3:
Plugin SDK implementation or ASL - Object Script Controller (depending which would be easier to implement) +1

In addition:
Loading mesh sequences i.e. object001.obj - object 300.obj (or *.an8) (basically the same as image sequences)
Exporting mesh sequences (baking the scene animation within the given range)

Also I believe some of Raxx requests about ASL functions might be very vital for the future plugins - I'd surely +1 them all if I have enough +1s to distribute ;)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on August 23, 2013, 04:04:02 pm
Ok, added and +1ed your requests, dwsel, though the mesh sequences stuff could be done with ASL if it was fully implemented in the other editors with import/export access.

I also added my own, that would help round out the ASL spec in general:

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Water Music on August 28, 2013, 01:21:34 am
Raxx: honestly there's a bunch of other stuff I'd like to see added first.  So yeah, let's just consider that a side comment about the existing request to make morphs accessible in the sequence editor.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on August 28, 2013, 02:20:41 am
Tier1?  Scene mode

 Key all bones and key selected bones in Scene mode. (As you can now in sequence mode.)
 Looked through the list and didn't see it there.  It would make a huge improvement to speed and simplicity while animating in Scene mode. You would still need to edit keys individually for Step or Corner keys, but it would defineately be  really usefull for 'speeding things up' and 'keeping things in order'.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on August 28, 2013, 02:56:35 am

kreator, so did you want something like F1 to go to the previous frame, and F2 to advance to the next frame? I think it'd make better sense to remap them to the [ and ] keys, or the , and . ones.

Yep thats right , I don`t know why none of the function F keys have not been mapped, though the , and . keys could be used instead.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on September 05, 2013, 01:40:09 am
This one requires some attention.

Not a feature request really, but an ongoing bug which I think has been overlooked since 0.97D.

If you use multiple cameras, the backgrounds are never rendered with the other cameras,  so you are limited to using just  camera1 in any animations.  :'(
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on September 05, 2013, 02:48:32 am
If you use multiple cameras, the backgrounds are never rendered with the other cameras,  so you are limited to using just  camera1 in any animations.

 If the camera is keyed as active, the background image does render in that camera. (

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on September 05, 2013, 10:38:08 am
If you use multiple cameras, the backgrounds are never rendered with the other cameras,  so you are limited to using just  camera1 in any animations.

 If the camera is keyed as active, the background image does render in that camera. (

No it does not, It will render if you have Cam1 enabled in view, but if you use Cam2 in the settings it doesn`t.

 ( So I have cam1 inactive, Cam2 active but in the view settings I have Cam1 set ... Strange!!) It never used to be like this , I used to set cam2 as active and the view as Cam2 and it used to render ok.


Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on September 05, 2013, 09:50:07 pm
yeah. You need to have cam 1 selected in the view list, and cam 2 keyed as active. Just had me worried that you were restricted to 1 camera for animations. That would suck. But thankfully, thats not the case. Don't actually remember it working the other way, but perhaps just never really noticed.  Cool.

 I have another feature request, if i have any left that is.
 Probably a tier 1 thing as well. Scene mode. The ability to 'drag arrange' the items list at the left of the time track.
  Would save a lot of scrolling up and down if you could move required items in the list closer together.
  Cheers. :)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: $imon on October 09, 2013, 03:53:38 pm
Not sure if it would be tier 2 or 3.. But the ability to area render would be nice (aka selecting an area that will be rendered instead of the whole image) So test rendering is a lot faster without having to render the whole image.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on October 09, 2013, 05:08:09 pm
that has got to be worth a plus 1
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on October 10, 2013, 12:10:54 am
Alright, added and +1'ed where applicable. Reached the max character limit for a single post so I bled it into the next one.

kreator and johnar, if you've established a bug then by all means report it in the new v0.97f thread
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Gyperboloid on November 23, 2013, 02:54:57 pm
Hello Anim8or Community !!! ;D ( Cool Robins )) I know nothing about programming, but as you may know : one word of text may need more than 5 lines of code.  :-X ( Yea, I'm gonna use them all the time )) In my tiny opinion, first, Anim8or should leave behind all off its bugs, glitches and systematic crashes, that still occur in exesting components and only then to go further. So Anim8or will be "clear", stable 100%( as a program it is any way, I mean more for its tools) and "approved" ( again it is any way such, but you know what I mean ) :), and then, without nightmares visiting us at night :D, we can add something new. Although Steve ( he's back , banzai ) may think differently and he has lot of new thinks in his mind (or his computer, physically).

Funny, speed of ART is not №1 in wish list any more  :P ( well, 1 and a half year since then  :-X )
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Kyle on November 25, 2013, 09:27:28 pm
The number one thing I'd like to see is IK. I keep hoping it'll be re enabled in the next release, even in beta form but alas...
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on November 28, 2013, 08:32:01 am
+1 for IK.
Tier 2, figure editor:
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ronaldefarmer on November 28, 2013, 02:40:38 pm
Hello Anim8ors,

I don't know why I didn't think of mentioning this feature request sooner. I work with extruded text objects often, and while it would be great to be able to apply a uniform bevel to faces and edges, I really wish that the "extrude faces connected" tool could be configured to move each selected face exactly the same amount without changing the orientation of any faces. Here are some pictures to show what I mean. The first one shows the faces extruded incorrectly and the others are after "fixing" them. Does anyone agree?

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on December 17, 2013, 03:30:00 pm
How about some actual toon rendering? :D
And shadows for 2-d items, such as leaves?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Water Music on December 18, 2013, 10:11:21 pm
non-essential Tier 2 request (unless Anim8or can already do it and I just haven't found it):

I'd like to be able to link in objects, figures, and sequences from separate Anim8or projects in scene mode.

For example, say I have a trees.an8 file with a bunch of different types of trees in them and then create a new project. It would be a lot cleaner and easier to create a reference to trees::oakObject.windSequence1 than to clutter each mode in the new project with duplicate data.

Not mission critical, as one can import objects already. However, it would be nice to have a file of common props, a file of skyboxes, a file of extras idling, and just click add when necessary.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: justiceiro on December 19, 2013, 12:04:58 am
I actually have just one more demand: change the name of the room! It's arealdy released! toked some year, but time is has come. Lets change this!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: polyGon_tError on December 19, 2013, 03:52:59 am
Happy New Year to all (in Advance). i have few thought and request for this post:

Raxx (please read them and give a reply to each point):
* i mean 'Simple Face Mapping' not 'UV Editor'. it is tough to Flatten entire Object Surface and to Layout it. i wished just Simple Face Mapping (Esp. of Diffuse Map, 2d Point/Vertex location for it upon Map Image, only of Selected Face). it is easy to implement.
* i don't mean to 'Assign Material per Vertex Level', it will be 'Vertex Color Map' (write it that way; if Steve see, he will know what i mean by it)(if used we can't use Image for Diffuse Map, it work as alternative). it allow Assigning a Color per Vertex and OpenGL Render it that way, allowing Exporting it with mesh (Esp.for 3ds) as well. it will be helpful to Calculate Vertex Weight (some time,  it is used for that reason) using it in A.S.L. for Advance Processing.
* i don't said to implement 'Sculpt Tool entirely' just the way 'Select Vertex + Right Click and Drag working now, except using like Bone Weight Brush Painting method. Select Vertex + Right Click and Drag(Moving +/- Normal Direction) is not working correctly always (- bug?).
* in selection set i don't wished to 'Hide Point'/Selection that is already suggested by Kreator, the rest of it is OK.
* i already wished to bring (as Request) from my post about A.S.L. here (opposite of what is said about A.S.L. there):,4634.0.html
that include Assignment and Increment Operator as well (that you added). do you wish me to put them here (it is a big post), taking an entire page. so make good judgement (be a good Moderator :)). bring them here worthy (and Vote if you like any).
* i think 4 Vote per User is not a good solution,  as the Request List is increasing and only few Member is participating (among thousand! (including spam, double account holder)). it will be worthy to allow us to Vote our way. you then Count on the Maximum it get. (beside, it is not a Forum of Blender or the like open source Program to decide what is going to be added by Time/Value Priority; what is wished Here are not Alternative to each other but each one is different - so let Steven decide it for us)
* any Request about A.S.L. should have a Equal chance, because it allow other to add new thing to Anim8or, i better suggest  - please separate the A.S.L. part from the rest. ask/invite Contributor/Coder (Esp. Kubajzz, Claude, NickE, Francesco(Magnet Tool), BOB_I_Ts(Object), ... ) to discuss them (and other User as well), Steve will know what/how we think it.
* i wish Group (Selection) Point Move/Rotate/Scale/Merge Based on Center of Selection as Default (it is mostly used), in place of 'Pivot Point' or World Center. please make Correction.
* assign each Request a Number/Letter, allow us to Vote by that Number/Letter, that save much space.

to all: some of us suggested Advanced feature that are Exclusive to Commercial Software, i hope we are not going to put Steve in any Legal/Law issue (we use them - he don't). as far i know Anim8or is mean to be Simple-Easy-Useful, most of it's user (Common/General) (not User like Kreator or Johnar, who know how to make thing possible) Love it for that reason. so Easy Implementable, Time Saving suggestion will get Priority. please Ask/Vote that way and be Happy.

Headwax: use the Search bar to find 'Magnet Tool's Set' (New Advanced, not old one) by Francesco, it do what you asking about Mesh-to-Mesh Warp (i think).

$imon: 'Grow Point Selection' is available by kubajzz, many Point/Vertex and Face related Selection (Simple/Advanced, they are safe to use) is also added by me here:,4616.0.html
* if you need anything New ask in the Script Request Post (by Raxx), you will get it.

kreator: i am having same kind of issue. when i set other Camera as Active in Viewport (in Key as well) then Render it, it is Rendered as User View (the View Change, having no Background) with Wrong way Lighting (having Noise esp. if ART is used, though it is not present if Default Camera used).

ronaldefarmer: i agree with you, even qualified one like 3DMax/Maya/Blender have the same issue. so i think it will stay that way in Anim8or and the rest the like! - Solution will be to Compute the Corner way Vertex Normal and De-placement Correctly, not tough but not easy though.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on December 19, 2013, 05:26:25 pm
Thanks, justiceiro, I updated the name :)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on January 14, 2014, 04:43:37 pm
not really a feature...
but can we get an updated specification document on the an8 file format?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: SubDrag on January 23, 2014, 07:26:36 pm
Clamp and mirror seems like they used to be available, but since 0.95 they are unavailable.  Are there any plans to restore them?  Maybe perhaps a way to export with them too (I guess would have to be part of .an8, at a minimum).  They would be useful. Also, alpha seems unavailable for for paletted bitmaps or 32-bit bitmaps, but they do for gifs, can this be added? Thanks!

Here's a pic of where talking about:
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on February 01, 2014, 09:40:34 pm
in the figure editor, the user should be able to control if the object is mirrored or not (and which axes to mirror by). anim8or just seems to randomly choose
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on February 12, 2014, 12:54:56 pm
 :) any chance of page up and page down controls.having an effect on this ever increasing column.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on February 12, 2014, 04:07:21 pm
Second That,!!  These ASL Parametrics are getting out of hand!

Need a couple of dropdown Menus.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: davdud101 on February 15, 2014, 02:45:06 pm
I know it's crazy to be making requests (or rather, asking how to do stuff, lol) but is there a method for subsurface scattering? Has anyone found a cheat or something to create SSS fx?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: rellik420 on February 19, 2014, 04:00:52 am
Wow. Looks like there's a lot of work to be done. I'm so glad to see anim8or being worked on so much.

I tried to read your main post (Raxx) and some of that stuff is over my head. So I don't know if these requests are already mentioned or not.

My 1st request is a hotkey for the add edge button. I use it a lot. Like really a lot. I usually model point to point.

My second request. A more advanced slide tool. One where you can select multiple edges and slide them on individual lines all at once.

My third. I really like the new mirror function. I've mentioned this before a few months ago, but I model on the left side of the screen and it doesn't work right. If you could make it universal, that would be great.

These requests really shouldn't be on the top of any list. Except maybe the hotkey for the add edge. But they will only make the/my workflow better. I'd honestly rather see inverse kinematics more than anything.

I just thought I'd throw my two cents in. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: lppena on February 21, 2014, 04:17:39 am
If possible please consider adding animation export support for some common interchangeable model format of your choice. Perhaps FBX or maybe DAE? Thanks, Leroy.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on February 21, 2014, 09:53:01 pm
 CaptainDrewi.  If you right-click onto the sidebar that shows your scripts, you can drag the bar contents up and down
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ronaldefarmer on April 03, 2014, 12:31:41 am
Is there any chance of including support for importing an svg file or any vector graphic as a mesh?

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on April 03, 2014, 01:07:20 am
SVG is an easy to read, xml-text-based file format, and vector-based to boot. Definitely worth thinking about.

Though...I could make it one of the files supported in the An8 file converter I'm working on...
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on April 03, 2014, 06:15:52 pm
Branching splines would be nice, though I lack the know-how to know to how tricky they'd be to implement.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ronaldefarmer on April 03, 2014, 09:19:31 pm
I presently use Blender to convert svg to obj or 3ds for importing into Anim8or. This process is inconvenient and doesn't preserve gradients or bitmap fills. It would be great to be able to directly import a vector image while retaining bitmaps. Of course, I have no idea if this is possible.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ronaldefarmer on April 19, 2014, 08:47:04 pm
I don't know if this thread is still the right place for questions like this, but I wonder if it might be possible to somehow apply a blur to selected objects in a scene in order to simulate focal blur.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on April 20, 2014, 11:27:29 am
Something I would like to see if possible is bridging between faces with different numbered edges. Also, I find the fill tool doesn't work with faces with more than 12 edges.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on April 20, 2014, 02:01:57 pm
ronaldefarmer: Focal blur is a possibility in the ray tracer when get to that part.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Pincho on April 23, 2014, 01:39:49 pm
I would like Direct X export .x. I also have a problem with the 3DS export. It breaks welds, and the limb hierarchy gets messed up. The Pivot points of limbs are lost on export. 3DS Max will not load Anim8or 3DS. I need to get the limbs to work to produce games.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on April 30, 2014, 03:19:19 pm
Just curious.
IS there a toon-render coming? Aside from scripts, I mean.
And something that renders shadows for 2-D projects, like foliage and whatnot?

I'm getting further in my project and would like to see these become a reality.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on May 01, 2014, 04:22:07 pm
IS there a toon-render coming?
I'm looking into some better form of toon shading - still not sure exactly what it will be but something that works for both the ray tracer and for OpenGL.

And something that renders shadows for 2-D projects
I'm not quite sure what your asking. Can you explain a bit more?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on May 03, 2014, 11:40:58 am
If the request +1 ing is still running,
Then i +1 proportional editing surprised no one else has.
Unless the info at the top of the thread is out of date.[know raxx is busy and things have been moving fast]
also i couldn't see my suggestion about an audio track for lip syncing/timing animation to audio, in the list,
apologies if this is there somewhere.
All the developments making it exciting being an anim8or user.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on May 07, 2014, 12:06:59 am
Say you have a tree model and its leaves are on a basic 2D square.

When rendering, the alpha gives the foliage the correct shape, but the shadows caused by the lighting make it appear to be that square. So is there a way for the lighting to recognize the alpha rather than the shape?

And its great to hear toon rendering is on its way! Some thin pencil lines will make my models look right out of my sketchbook.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on May 07, 2014, 12:11:39 am
Oh! And would more dynamic lighting be available in the future, too? Bloom lighting. <3

(I really want to thank you for you hard work too. Anim8or has come a LONG way since I first started!)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on May 07, 2014, 11:20:49 am
ClassicTyler: Re: 2D-shadows. Yes, I plan to support this in the ART ray tracer, and possible the scan-line renderer as well.

ClassicTyler: I'm adding a post-render pass to help with things like toon shading. It shouldn't be too difficult to do things like Bloom lighting effects. What other dynamic lighting features would you like?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: SubDrag on May 07, 2014, 11:24:46 am
I may have requested this before, but I can't remember if I actually posted or not, but anim8or really needs vertex colors.  That would really be great.  I guess some sort of painting tool with it.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: thecolclough on May 07, 2014, 05:18:01 pm
I'm adding a post-render pass to help with things like toon shading. It shouldn't be too difficult to do things like Bloom lighting effects. What other dynamic lighting features would you like?

not sure if this counts as 'dynamic lighting', but it's a lighting-related thingy, so may as well post it here:

as things stand, the render will only show light after it's bounced off an element in the scene.  but in the real world, if you point a camera at a light bulb, you'll see bright patches on the image where light has travelled directly from the filament/LED/whatever straight into the lens, without being reflected by intermediate objects.  i've often thought it'd be good if anim8or could emulate that, i.e. if you point the camera at a light source then the render should show a bright patch emanating from the source itself.  maybe it should be optional, though.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on May 07, 2014, 05:24:08 pm
Well, if there's an easier way to make it look like lights are coming from physical, in world sources rather than just by placing the light that'd be great.

My project features a bunch of underground tunnels and sewers so it needs that dreary, dim look to it. Imagine a single white light in a dark, twisting hallway. :P

Glad to see you plan to implement these things. Have fun on your vacation and we'll see you when you get back!

EDIT: Maybe we can see it fully compatible with Windows 8, too? Rendering freezes and scares me. It ends up rendering in the end, but goodness I alsmot have a heart attack every time!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on May 07, 2014, 07:31:47 pm
For a "practical" light (one visible in the scene) you'd need to first build a model of what you want it to look like. Set the emissive color to white ant it will appear in the scene.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on May 07, 2014, 07:56:51 pm
Nooooot quite sure what you mean by that but I'm sure there are tutorials.
I mean for the light to actually come from an object.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: TheBlackHole on May 07, 2014, 09:25:18 pm
Put a light source inside/near the object.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on May 07, 2014, 10:45:08 pm
But when I do that, it doesn't show any light! We'll take this to another thread so we don't clog this one up.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: captaindrewi on May 08, 2014, 03:41:11 am
object ..emissive material, white, set to 1
add object to scene then add a light/lamp  at the object location.
you need both and are different things.

attempted to do something similar a while ago.
not quite succeeded :)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: lppena on May 08, 2014, 10:16:52 am
But when I do that, it doesn't show any light! We'll take this to another thread so we don't clog this one up.

I would think that some things have to be rendered to see things like lighting. I use Caligari Truespace and to actually see some efects like shadows won't appear until they're actually rendered to screen or file.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: lppena on May 08, 2014, 10:31:45 am
I'm pretty sure this has been requested before, but it would be nice to have animation support added for a third party model export format of curret usage such as 3DS or some other common interchange format. This is the primary reason why I don't use Anim8or for many modeling projects. I've studied the layout of the native Anim8or model format and can't help wonder why the animation information can't somehow be translated in to a binary or text based format. Will this issue ever be doable? Thanks, Leroy.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on May 08, 2014, 01:23:43 pm
Yes yes, I know it needs to be rendered! lol

I'll make a thread in the help section.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on May 08, 2014, 02:13:08 pm
Well I think I got it figured out! :D
It just took a little placing and I finally got the idea to add the texture I wanted to the object. DUH TYLER.

The waves are supposed to be transparent, but the shadowing is so harsh it makes it look like a bottomless pit when rendered. But if I recall there's a script to make transparent items render shadows much lighter than regular objects? I'll look around.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on May 16, 2014, 06:30:41 pm
Fairly minor, but I'd like to be able to change colours of lines and such in the GUI. The contrast between the rotate screen tool (as opposed to object rotation) is such on my screen that half the time I forget it's even on until I try to affect something on screen. Another case where this would be useful is when the reference image has poor contrast with the line colours.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on June 03, 2014, 02:43:59 pm
Along with my other requests, I have to ask...

Has there been a request for a water simulator? Something in the program that can make detailed looking water effects?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: dancingshoes on June 22, 2014, 05:51:15 am
Late to the party...

+1 for transparent PNG support. Or better yet AVI (per frame) textures with transparency support.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on June 22, 2014, 03:57:53 pm
You're never too late :-) Thanks for the suggestion.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: davdud101 on July 13, 2014, 08:22:17 pm
Steve, I have no feature request at the moment (except maybe, as ridiculous as it'll sound, a Mac release far down the road if at all possible), but I've got to say your dedication to this software and the community around which it revolves is fabulous. Keep it up!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: henrib736 on July 19, 2014, 09:57:33 am
+1 Rendering Speed.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: RudySchneider on July 19, 2014, 07:11:18 pm
+1 Rendering Speed.

Right now, YOU actually have more control over that than Steve, since it's solely dependent on CPU speed.  There are some renderers, however, that can harness the blazing speed of graphics processors, but Anim8or ain't one of 'em, I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: MvGulik on September 20, 2014, 03:19:06 am
If possible, a bit more basic texture handling options.

Figure it would, for example, make it more easy to get around a general 'Texture Repeat' side/edge effect.
( (
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on September 22, 2014, 08:01:55 pm
I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but is it possible to look into compatibility with transparent images? Say for vegetation and such.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on October 21, 2014, 10:38:45 am
Make View | Frame Selected work for subobject selections.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: MvGulik on November 13, 2014, 04:16:09 pm
(just dumping something that always pops up in my mind when working with modifiers.)

Modifier "Length" as additional option in the Modifier option window.

- - -

"Diameter" and "Segments" seems way less useful/important in relation to Bound Modifier usage ... But as its also possible to use a Unbound Modifier as Mesh source, having them in those cases seems to make sense.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: MvGulik on November 22, 2014, 08:29:10 am
Snap feature(s) with Pivot editing.

(depends on "Implementation of rotation around pivot." below)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: MvGulik on November 22, 2014, 03:47:16 pm
Implementation of rotation around pivot.
(or removal/disable of pivot-rotation in rotation preview if not planned yet for the near future.)

Might as well add this note: There seems to be some rotation(-preview) issue when rotating a item with a moved pivot while angle snap is active. (bigger angle snap/pivot offset, bigger effect(in relation to direction of pivot offset.)

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on November 22, 2014, 07:45:31 pm
Action center for rotation. User should be given choice to rotate points around the origin, the mouse cursor, or the center of the current selection
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Trevor on November 24, 2014, 01:26:38 pm
Plus 1 for uv tool and vertex shading.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Smirkyguy on November 28, 2014, 05:33:32 pm
+1 for the addition of normals mapping via texture, as it can be extremely hard to convert a normals map to a bump map.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: lppena on November 30, 2014, 04:09:10 am
What'd be really cool is integrating a direct link to a paint program for exporting a UV map for painting. I use Truespace and it a dialog box for exporting the map to my favorite paint program. Once I paint and save the map TS auto applies the map back on to the model, of course, Anim8or would first need a basic UV map editor utility present within Anim8or. Maybe down the road Steve could integrate such a feature to make Anim8or more useful. Leroy.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: MvGulik on December 02, 2014, 10:17:28 pm
Some align view to face(normal) ability. (?)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on December 15, 2014, 01:20:21 pm
Added and +1'ed where applicable. If I missed something, let me know.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ronaldefarmer on December 15, 2014, 08:04:01 pm
If it's not too late, I would like to give a +1 for "alpha maps cast shadows" and "uniform bevel."
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: davdud101 on December 22, 2014, 12:03:53 am
Is there some sort of "add all keys" command for fig and scene modes? It'd save a lot of time for me. Not an immediate need, but it'd be a cool addition

Also I do remember a while ago someone requested that the sequence/scene mode of using bones worked like it does in the figure mode

I don't think I have the latest build :S
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on December 22, 2014, 04:15:35 pm
"Add All Keys" is coming - I'll work on the Figure, Sequence and Scene editors when I've done the new fast-select modeling changes.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: daniel99 on January 14, 2015, 06:38:22 pm
Hi Steve.

I want to ask you about a very important matter. I've been using anim8or for professional work at my job for years now. To be honest, f*uck 3dmax, f*ck blender, f*uck c4d :) I've made some highly photorealistic renders with anim8or  Since you make new updates now, I must really really ask you, consider the IK constraints. I believe I'm not the only one asking for this feature to be activated.
I also make organic animations for character, and this feature would really be golden. Personaly, I'll be willing to pay for this update/feature.

I also have a question. Do you know any physics engine for anim8or. I know it was cre8or once, but it doesn't run on win7.
Something like that would be also useful in an8.

Here's some nice simulations of how IK/c would look in anim8or and some physics:

Btw, this is my latest project for my work. The snowman is modeled, animated and rendered with anim8or, then composited with AE.
Looks nice? Anim8or rullz \m/

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on January 14, 2015, 10:15:53 pm
No, I don't know of a physics engine.

Nice snowman! You matched the lighting with the live-action quite well.

Now if only I could turn your video into C++ I could add IK!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: RudySchneider on January 15, 2015, 04:11:59 pm
No, I don't know of a physics engine.

Steve --- How about Bullet?  It's what LightWave uses...
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on January 15, 2015, 04:55:35 pm
Looks quite interesting. Thanks for the pointer!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: davdud101 on January 26, 2015, 11:28:52 pm
Whoa- physics would bring Anim8or to a new level!

In fact, a new level would be physics+audio+a little easier rigging/anim system... I think that would put a bow on it!

My suggestion is nothing important or immediate. I avidly and vigorously employ the 'Edge Properties' tool. If it were just a little more accessible or prominent or quick I think it would become a more popular tool (because it's REALLY powerful and useful when working with subdivides)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on February 09, 2015, 11:10:44 pm
1. be able to choose how objects are mirrored in figure mode
2. live preview in figure mode (have a viewport playing a sequence to be able to spot deformation)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on February 10, 2015, 07:49:21 am
live preview in figure mode (have a viewport playing a sequence to be able to spot deformation)

 That would be pretty amazing. :)
 Perhaps even just being able to 'short-cut key' through the modes. Then you could go quickly between figure and sequence/scene mode, and 'scrub' through a movement.........

 Or is there already a shortcut to change modes...? ( ..... probably is?........(
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on February 10, 2015, 09:46:24 am
It would work even better if you could pause the preview and paint weights on the messed up part of the preview and not be forgetting which vertices are wrong
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on February 10, 2015, 09:57:36 pm
if you could pause the preview and paint weights on the messed up part of the preview and not be forgetting which vertices are wrong

 Yes. That would be even cooler.  The 'preview screen' could even be the sequence or scene..... sort've like, having both modes open at once, where in figure mode, sequence mode was showing in a smaller window, complete with scrub bar.......
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: neirao on February 11, 2015, 09:38:43 am
if someday Anim8or have phisycs, is good moment for implements this my old idea suggestion: :'(
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on February 15, 2015, 02:27:33 am
With all the extra little additions to the ref image capabilities, it would be very useful if a lock feature was added ( Like in scene mode) then my ref image won`t keep moving about when working on a model.... just an idea!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: davdud101 on April 01, 2015, 05:42:57 pm
A possibly small request-

A toggle-able select feature that selects either what IN the bounding box or whatever it TOUCHES. I think that'd be a useful little tool (though not urgent- take your time, Steve, and enjoy yourself!)

and an 'object-lock' feature or some way to edit one layer while others are still visible, if that's not implemented yet.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: davdud101 on April 09, 2015, 10:31:19 am
Alright, a lot of my 'requests' seem to be really cosmetic. This one is not super important but would just make my job a little quicker and i think would make edge properties a bit more useful and accessible for beginners.
I'm a HEAVY user or edge properties (I don't like double-cutting lines... too many vertices!) and I think a sliding scale for the options would be awesome!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on April 09, 2015, 12:49:34 pm
Interesting idea.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on April 19, 2015, 05:35:04 pm
Thanks for all your updates Steve. Is there anything we can get you? Tea? Coffee? :D

I had another idea that has to do with lighting/rendering.

Is there a way for single items to produce and show light? Say, a light bulb actually giving off light rather than doing some tricks to make it seem like it is? Just curious.

It would really help, particularly for tight spaces where people will notice in a render.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on April 20, 2015, 02:46:34 pm
Nice idea.  Maybe something like attaching an object to a light and using it as both a local light source and giving it and emissive material with the color of the light.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on April 20, 2015, 05:27:44 pm
Yes! That's what I just make a lot more sense than I do. I'm on a lot of sinus medication lol :D
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ronaldefarmer on April 21, 2015, 01:18:33 am
I often wish that Anim8or had a hot key for reducing mouse sensitivity (or arrow key sensitivity) for making very fine adjustments to position and orientation--like holding the control key while using mouse or arrow keys.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on April 28, 2015, 01:47:33 am
Hello Steve and  Anim8or Community,  (

  If a figure has multiple objects attached, i don't see a way to tell which object(s) are being used on the figure. Is there a way?.
 If not, then i'm thinking it could be something worth having.
  I initially thought the objects would be listed in the items list in figure mode, but this only shows the names of the bones. Maybe the objects should also be listed in the items list?? Or if that makes the current item list too crowded, then maybe an additional items list, named objects list??
 If there is already a way of seeing which objects are being used on a figure, please do tell.....

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on April 28, 2015, 11:00:01 am
jonar: That's an interesting idea. There isn't any way to do that now but I'll see if I can come up with something.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on April 30, 2015, 12:42:38 am
 Thanks Steve. I think that as more people start to play with figures and animation, the ability to see which object(s) are attached to which figure(s) will be a welcomed function. (

 nb: 1172 is behaving exceptionally well here, on my xp and win7, so no bug reports from me at the moment..... correction.... there is one thing i have noticed..... Anim8or is awesomer than ever!!... (
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Kyle on July 22, 2015, 02:50:37 am
I just had a random idea, how about a set of presets certain things, like light set ups and materials?  While I'm sure there could be a way to do this with scripts it'd be nice to have some things built in.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: d-Anim on July 22, 2015, 06:35:18 am
Grid on perspective viewport, Floating windows, Option for remapping hotkeys, context sensitive menus (RMB Click)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on July 22, 2015, 11:57:19 am
d-Anim: Adding a grid to perspective views is ambiguous unless it's tied to a particular plane, such as the ground plane. Is that what you wanted?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ronaldefarmer on July 23, 2015, 12:43:40 am
Hi Steve,

For my work, I have a program that allows the user to input construction lines continuously by pressing an arrow key and then typing in the dimension to run. Each new line begins where the previous line ended. This would be very useful in my efforts to construct house models in Anim8or. Is there any chance that you might eventually add a similar function to Anim8or for inputting paths?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: d-Anim on July 25, 2015, 05:15:00 am
d-Anim: Adding a grid to perspective views is ambiguous unless it's tied to a particular plane, such as the ground plane. Is that what you wanted?

Hi Steve, I wish Anim8or has a grid on perspective viewport similar to other 3D Softwares (Maya, Max, Blender) tied to the ground plane.I think it will make modelling process easier.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: kreator on July 25, 2015, 04:36:27 pm
d-Anim: Have you tried switching on the grid Menu/Options/Grid (only viewable in Ortho on Ground Plane) TBH I hate grids only use them for precise modelling with the ruler.Add your own plane to make it a grid in perspective view, then you will have a ready built floor when you import it into scene mode. Anim8or is not trying to be Maya,Max or Blender, it is what it is.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: d-Anim on August 11, 2015, 03:16:22 am
Inverse Kinematics +1
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: thecolclough on August 12, 2015, 06:53:13 pm
right now, my #1 new-feature priority has to be true render multi-threading - not just a second thread to stop the interface freezing (although that's useful), but actually allowing the render itself to utilise all of the available cores.  the huge majority of modern CPUs are multi-core, and my new one in particular is a hyper-threaded hex core, which means it could handle up to 12 threads at once.  that would cut an hour's render time down to just five minutes, which could make the difference between a project being impossible or feasible!

i'm sure this would help johnar too - must have a shedload of rendering to do for Deeper...  8)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Trevor on August 15, 2015, 06:31:08 am
Just thought Id post my tiny little suggestion here as well as it being twice in the current development thread.

I say tiny because in DirectX its literally 1 switch.

Ok, did a bit of reasearch and found some code samples.
The GL stuff at bottom seems simpler, maybe I missed something, but its direct from the OpenGL website.

Code: [Select]
HRESULT SetSamplerState(
  [in] DWORD               Sampler,

Code: [Select]
// For this example, device is a valid Device object.
using System;
using Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D;

// Load a texture.
Texture tx = new Texture(device, 4, 4, 0, 0, Format.X8R8G8B8, Pool.Managed);

// Set the texture in stage 0.
device.SetTexture(0, tx);

// Set some sampler states.
device.SamplerState[0].AddressU = TextureAddress.Clamp; //CLAMPS U
device.SamplerState[0].AddressV = TextureAddress.Mirror; //Mirrors V

OpenGL (U,V sometimes known as S,T)

Open.GL source
Code: [Select]
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); //Normal
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); //Normal Clamp and smear Horizontal
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT); //mirror Vertical

These are to go as part of the texture definition in material editor
Title: heightmap to mesh
Post by: selden on September 03, 2015, 09:21:01 pm
New feature wish:
2D grey-scale image (heightmap) to mesh generation

I'd very much like to import a greyscale heightmap image and have it deform a planar mesh into a 3D object. Black would cause no displacement, while white would cause the maximum specified displacement.

Alternatively, has anyone written a script which could do this?

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Trevor on September 08, 2015, 05:19:44 am
Seldon, Actualy if Im not mistaken,
Black(0) = -(Max/2) 128 = 0 displacement White(255) = (Max/2)

It works either way I suppose but that is normally the way.

Have you tried Terrainim8or?

Last I tried it did heightmaps.

Maybe it doesnt exist anymore?

There is one program I tried and its quite good (well, Im missing a lot, if you knew what you were doing its very powerfull). Its Large 3D Terrain (L3DT).
It has a wounderfull dynamic subdivision process where triangles will get smaller, more detailed in high frequency areas, while producing large undetailed tris in open areas.

You can also set Tri-Limits and it will process the mesh again with the dynamic subdivision untill it reaches the tri-count.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: selden on September 08, 2015, 07:56:52 am

People use hightmaps with a variety of sample depths, which is why I was so vague. Most recently I've been struggling with GeoTIFFs with 32bit floating point values. The GeoTIFFs have been winning. :(

I understand that Anim8or's displacement (if implemented) would be limited to processing gif, bmp, jpeg, and png formats, but that'd be fine, especially if it supports the 64K shades of grey provided by the PNG standard. (256 shades sometimes can result in visible height steps.)

Thanks for the reminder about Terrainimator. I'll investigate that and L3DT.

FWIW, Blender has a Displace option, but it's very difficult (for me) to use and isn't providing the results I need.

Thanks, again!

Edited to add:

Although the original Web site no longer exists, instructions for Terranim8or v7.10.1 are available at
and its Zip file can be downloaded from

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: selden on September 20, 2015, 12:41:09 pm
A followup:

Unfortunately, Terranim8or is limited to meshes with a max of 1K subdivisions on a side (1 million vertices) and has a bug such that the resulting mesh is rotated 90 degrees with respect to the surface texture coordinates. While one can reproject the surface texture using Anim8or's texture UV feature, it's still quite annoying.

Also, the free version of L3DT is limited to using textures that are 2K on a side.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread---animated texures
Post by: Hypure on November 23, 2015, 05:26:27 pm
1. Keypoints for texture changes based on presets in object editor ...Location and/or texture switch.  Former could have a work around for the latter.
2.  a temporary save upon rendering a movie that would allow you to continue working within Anim8or.
Title: selection that you can pull outside of current window
Post by: Hypure on November 25, 2015, 05:43:43 pm
meaning small windows can "function" as larger ones.   In other words moving an object great distances without double/triple click and drags.
Title: I wish the track ball worked on the elements on the timeline.
Post by: Hypure on November 29, 2015, 03:36:52 pm
up and down scrolling when mouse is in that area (object01-02-03  etc.)   
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on December 02, 2015, 11:55:48 am
Hypure: Scrolling will work everywhere in the next post. I found the bug that was blocking it :)
Title: cool, it's the little things!
Post by: Hypure on December 03, 2015, 08:04:27 pm
Those are always highest on the wish list.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on January 12, 2016, 05:58:06 pm
Steve, would it be possible to animate bone length? also, in figure mode, It would be nice to be able to choose how an object is mirrored when added to the figure.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on January 12, 2016, 09:16:04 pm
Deepthought: good idea.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Smirkyguy on January 13, 2016, 10:15:57 am
+1 to animating bone length
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: thecolclough on January 13, 2016, 01:15:58 pm
+1 to animating bone length
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on January 13, 2016, 01:23:28 pm
Rather than just length, how about scale? Length is, afterall, just one portion of the three axes of scaling. Animating scaling and movement of bones is in all modern animation packages.

(This pretty much falls under the "Free Node System" suggestion: Upgrade the rigid bone system into flexible nodes and constraints like in other animation systems, where they are easily movable, scale-able, etc.)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Smirkyguy on January 13, 2016, 04:01:21 pm
(This pretty much falls under the "Free Node System" suggestion: Upgrade the rigid bone system into flexible nodes and constraints like in other animation systems, where they are easily movable, scale-able, etc.)

Yes but bone length would be easier to implement, and would be more compatible with older files
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on January 13, 2016, 04:57:21 pm
Yes but bone length would be easier to implement, and would be more compatible with older files

If only bone length was implemented using shortcuts based on existing architecture...when it comes time to implement scaling, it'll have to be completely tossed aside or else become a mess to fold into the code. Better to lay a strong foundation, I think.

As for compatibility with older files, that's not an issue. Scale and movement are additional data blocks, so its absence just means it doesn't have the new stuff. A key in the anim8or file looks like this (bone01, axis Y):

Code: [Select]
jointangle { "bone01" "Y"
    track {
      floatkey { 0 0 10 10 "S" }

A full rotate, scale, translate implementation can just add "jointscale" and "jointtrans" blocks, and look like this (thinking about it, shouldn't floatkey be pointkey?).
Code: [Select]
jointangle { "bone01" "Y"
    track {
      floatkey { 0 0 10 10 "S" }
jointscale { "bone01" "Y"
    track {
      floatkey { 0 0 10 10 "S" }
jointtrans { "bone01" "Y"
    track {
      floatkey { 0 0 10 10 "S" }

Also, you guys haven't even described what animating the length of bones would do. Would it just translate the vertices or would it scale it? If one was picked then how would the other be implemented later on? Instead, going by the convention of scaling and movement of bones would be less ambiguous and more powerful. If scaling, vertices would be scaled. If moving, vertices would be translated.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on January 13, 2016, 07:42:14 pm
animating bone length should translate vertices along the bone, kind of like they're attached to a hydraulic cylinder. scaling could be a separate tool.

Again, in the figure editor, it would be useful to be able to explicitly choose how an object is mirrored when added to the figure
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on January 13, 2016, 07:58:15 pm
animating bone length should translate vertices along the bone, kind of like they're attached to a hydraulic cylinder. scaling could be a separate tool

That's the same effect as moving/translating a bone (except moving also allows you to work in the other 2 axes).
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on January 13, 2016, 08:02:49 pm
wouldn't moving in the other 2 axes disconnect the bone from its parent?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on January 13, 2016, 08:23:43 pm
Physically, it'll "disconnect" it from its parent if moved on any axis. But so what? The bone still moves and rotates if its parent moves and rotates, except offset from the head of the parent bone. In some animation packages, the relationship between child and parent is shown by a dashed line going from the parent's head to the child's base, so even if it's "disconnected", it's still easy to see what's going on.

The current skeletal animation system in Anim8or is extremely, extremely rigid. Without being able to freely move, rotate, and scale bones, I don't think there's much hope for a good IK and constraints implementation later on.

Visualize, if you will, the current Anim8or getting bone length animation implemented, where it translates the vertices along the length of the bone. Now visualize, afterwards scaling gets implemented where the vertices scale with the bone. Now it becomes really confusing since visually, scaling a bone along the Y axis would look the same as changing the length of the bone, except this same "action" has two different effects. Now assuming that hurdle somehow gets crossed, visualize Anim8or with bone translation finally implemented. Changing bone length becomes redundant, so all that work gets scrapped and all the prior confusion and headache could have been avoided.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on January 13, 2016, 10:30:44 pm
If you're gonna change something might as well go big. and that would reduce confusion.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on January 14, 2016, 04:34:45 am
I did kind of start getting into it in this post (,5124.msg38065.html#msg38065) and subsequent posts. While it's mostly about bone creation, it shows how "disconnected" bones work in two other animation programs. When animating, translation and rotation works much the same way as in the video.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on January 14, 2016, 06:26:45 am
A traditional bone in a 3D package is:
It's obligatory that at least all of the transforms (translation, rotation and scale) be animatable.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on January 14, 2016, 01:27:32 pm
so: if you scaled a bone, it would move the child bones and scale the vertices?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on January 14, 2016, 01:49:22 pm
Any change to a bone's transform matrix will affect any vertices that it influences (and of course will move/rotate any child bones).  Currently the only thing that you can change is the orientation but if support for scaling, length and location are added then the vertices will move/scale like this:

changing length: vertices near the root will not move much, those near the tip will scale more or less as the bone scales.  Any change is in the direction of the bone.

changing scale: vertices scale away from or towards the bone.  It's not clear where the center of the scaling should be - the base of the bone, the center?

moving: all vertices move equally.

Does that sound OK?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on January 14, 2016, 02:05:08 pm
so: if you scaled a bone, it would move the child bones and scale the vertices?
It would offset and scale the child bones, unless they are configured not to inherit scale (a common option in animation software).
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on January 14, 2016, 03:26:19 pm
changing length: vertices near the root will not move much, those near the tip will scale more or less as the bone scales.  Any change is in the direction of the bone.

changing scale: vertices scale away from or towards the bone.  It's not clear where the center of the scaling should be - the base of the bone, the center?

I don't see any point in implementing length animation when there's scaling animation, unless you're just describing what would naturally happen when scaling along the Y axis? As I mentioned in an earlier post, if both length and scale were separate entities, it'd become confusing differentiating between the two when in the workspace.

In Blender, scaling starts from the base of the bone, and the vertices scale at the same rate that the bone does (as if the vertices and bone were in a group with the bone's base as the center of geometry).

Also, as nemyax mentioned, in Blender (and I'm sure most other animation packages) bones have the option to inherit scale, location, and orientation, which can each separately be enabled/disabled. Which means that if scaling a forearm bone, it can become massive, but if the hand bone is set to not inherit scale, it'll remain in its small original state. If set to inherit, it'll scale with the forearm bone. In Blender inheritance is enabled for all three transforms by default.

Also the option to be connected/disconnected, which means that when connected, there's no way to move the bone away from its parent bone (the base is stuck to the parent's head). When disconnected it can be moved away. This option becomes important not just for normal animation, but also later on when constraints are implemented.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on January 14, 2016, 03:37:11 pm
Also the option to be connected/disconnected, which means that when connected, there's no way to move the bone away from its parent bone (the base is stuck to the parent's head). When disconnected it can be moved away. This option becomes important not just for normal animation, but also later on when constraints are implemented.
In Blender, this option is there mainly for historical reasons. However, it still matters for auto-IK, which acts only on "connected" chains. If the Blender team were to revise the auto-IK implementation to allow configurable chain length, then the "Connected" option would become redundant, because translation can be locked anyway.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Water Music on January 14, 2016, 04:05:49 pm
Assuming the root of the bone is the origin and the bone moves in the positive z direction, the obvious center for x and y scaling would be the line where x and y equal 0, i.e. away from the center of the bone.  The trick is what to do with vertices that are influenced by the bone that have a negative z value.  Do they stretch behind the bone?  That could throw the joint off.  Do they not stretch?  That could throw off the proportion of the limb.  Do you take the most negative z value vertex influenced by the bone as the 0-stretch point and stretch out from there?  That might cause joint problems as well.  I don't have a good answer, I think you'd have to experiment to see which works best.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on January 14, 2016, 04:25:20 pm
Also the option to be connected/disconnected, which means that when connected, there's no way to move the bone away from its parent bone (the base is stuck to the parent's head). When disconnected it can be moved away. This option becomes important not just for normal animation, but also later on when constraints are implemented.
In Blender, this option is there mainly for historical reasons. However, it still matters for auto-IK, which acts only on "connected" chains. If the Blender team were to revise the auto-IK implementation to allow configurable chain length, then the "Connected" option would become redundant, because translation can be locked anyway.

That's true. If Anim8or could lock scale and translation of bones like it can lock/limit rotation, there won't be much use for the connected attribute.

Assuming the root of the bone is the origin and the bone moves in the positive z direction, the obvious center for x and y scaling would be the line where x and y equal 0, i.e. away from the center of the bone.  The trick is what to do with vertices that are influenced by the bone that have a negative z value.  Do they stretch behind the bone?  That could throw the joint off.  Do they not stretch?  That could throw off the proportion of the limb.  Do you take the most negative z value vertex influenced by the bone as the 0-stretch point and stretch out from there?  That might cause joint problems as well.  I don't have a good answer, I think you'd have to experiment to see which works best.

Your negative z value would indeed scale the other direction. Just like how on your x/y plane, those in the negative quadrants would scale opposite of the positive quadrants. If you don't want such a thing, then either don't assign vertices behind the bone to that bone, or move the bone so that no assigned vertices are behind it.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on January 14, 2016, 04:30:28 pm
The trick is what to do with vertices that are influenced by the bone that have a negative z value.
Vertices simply follow the transformations of the bones that influence them, in accordance with the influence factors (weights). If you're giving a bone a negative scale, it's only expected that the vertices will go along.

Assuming the root of the bone is the origin and the bone moves in the positive z direction, the obvious center for x and y scaling would be the line where x and y equal 0, i.e. away from the center of the bone.
A bone should have only one transformation. It's hard enough to get it right with one coordinate system per bone, what with parenting and constraints. Having multiple transformations per bone is just wrong.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Deepthought on January 15, 2016, 05:01:34 pm
What would be the use case for scaling? besides a GMOD inflator tool type thing
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on January 15, 2016, 05:07:51 pm
What would be the use case for scaling?
A rig with squash-and-stretch capabilities.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Hypure on January 18, 2016, 06:06:23 am
I am building another environment and again I'm thinking, I wish I could "walk forward turn and back"   Maybe that is what the arrow keys could do when not in use. OR maybe on the # pad when # lock is off.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on January 19, 2016, 01:01:40 am
I wish I could "walk forward turn and back"
If you mean you want your character or camera to "walk forward turn and back", then that's already totally possible.
 If that is what you mean, then post the question in general forum and will try to "walk" you through it. (
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on January 21, 2016, 05:24:58 am
ahhhh. feature request thread. :)

 Morph sequences would be pretty cool.
 and/or, ability to copy/paste morph keys from one object to other instances of that object in a scene. (

 and another one. Key all morphs

 would be 'just dandy'. (
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Sluggs on February 02, 2016, 02:32:03 am
I'd really like to be able to lock the knife tools (like I can with the add edge tool), so I can only cut in one direction. :-)

I'd like to be able to start a cut from one point and then make a perfect slice straight up/down/left/right
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on February 02, 2016, 11:30:32 am
I'd really like to be able to lock the knife tools (like I can with the add edge tool), so I can only cut in one direction. :-)

Ooops!  I missed that.  Wait for the next build, then just disable the X- or Y-axis :)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Sluggs on February 02, 2016, 07:50:02 pm

That's awesome, thank you!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Sluggs on February 11, 2016, 11:51:50 am
Steve, any chance you could also make it so we can gridsnap a spline's/knot's control point(s)? It would be very useful! :-) (This is a nice feature of Inkscape and it would be awesome if Anim8or could do this too!)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on February 16, 2016, 04:22:48 pm
Sluggs: Build 1219 ( supports x/y axis limits for the Knife Cut tool.  Splines points already supported it.  Are you referring to the two ends of the control handles instead?  They aren't snapped because the effect on the spline is non-linear so I'm nit sure how this could be useful.  But if it is I'll add it.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Sluggs on February 24, 2016, 11:42:59 am
I'm already using it and it works great, and is very useful, thank you! :-)

Yes, I was referring to the two points on the ends of the control handles. If we could gridsnap those, we would have even more control of a spline segment. (I've attached an image to try and show you what I mean) :-)

If I was to position those without gridsnapping them, that curve wouldn't be perfect. Hope that helps. :-)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on February 24, 2016, 01:34:12 pm
A small request: Can the color of outlined subdivision meshes (the outline of the catmull-clark mesh geometry) be changed to a medium gray, and an option to disable it in the Configure->UI dialog for the specific shading modes? The stark-black dense lines on top of the mesh I'm trying to work on get in the way of my modeling process when working with subdivision meshes, and the topo-knife tool doesn't work on subdivision mesh cages when outline is disabled.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on February 26, 2016, 08:48:49 pm
Sluggs: grid snap will work with control handles as well in the next drop.

Raxx: How do these look for a lighter control mesh?  Would you prefer a different color? I kept the selected and picking colors the same.  Also, instead of adding an option, I could make this the way it always shows, if that seems OK to you.  And should I make the control cage faces a bit more transparent, especially in wireframe mode?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on February 26, 2016, 09:26:42 pm
Hey Steve, sorry if I wasn't clear, it's the lines on the resultant subdivision mesh that would be better being gray and able to be disabled. In wireframe view, it shows the control mesh's lines black and the resultant subdivision mesh's lines gray, I think that gray color (or a few shades darker of the currently applied material?) should be applied to the resultant subdivision mesh's lines in all the views. I have no issues with any of the other aspects such as color, transparency or what-not of the control mesh.

It may be worth experimenting with culling out back-facing/hidden lines on the subdivision mesh, would make it a lot easier to read the resultant subdivision mesh especially if in wireframe view or with semi-transparent materials.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Sluggs on February 27, 2016, 12:00:23 pm
Sluggs: grid snap will work with control handles as well in the next drop.

That would be the icing on the cake for me and Anim8or. I already love her, and now I'm going to have to marry her! :D
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ronaldefarmer on February 27, 2016, 12:11:53 pm
... it's the lines on the resultant subdivision mesh that would be better being gray and able to be disabled.

I agree. I think that is what I was trying to say in this awkward post a while back:,5035.msg37807.html#msg37807 (,5035.msg37807.html#msg37807)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on February 28, 2016, 08:31:04 pm
I softened the color of the sub-mesh and added a single option to disable showing the edges.  The smooth and flat shaded images are split-screen to show how it looks with and without the edges.  I left the edges visible in wireframe mode because they don't interfere much at all and without them there is no hist as to what the object's shape is.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on February 28, 2016, 09:38:13 pm
Looks good to me. Thanks Steve!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on February 28, 2016, 10:40:58 pm
Am I missing something or is there no way to convert a subdiv back to an untessellated mesh?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on February 28, 2016, 10:47:41 pm
Double click the subdivision mesh, set working divisions to 0, then convert to mesh.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 04, 2016, 05:35:00 am
I know that it's about time to focus on the other editors, but here's a feature for the object editor that I would find extremely useful, and I'm sure others would as well.

Clone Mesh
A clone is a duplicate of a mesh shape. It's basically just a copy. If the original gets edited, the copy updates to that version of the original immediately. A clone can be transformed (moved, scaled, rotated). A clone can have its own unique parameters (it copies the original's when the clone is first created, including the original's transform). For example, if it's a mesh, then the smooth angle can be customized. If it's a subdivision mesh, then the working/final divisions and smooth angle can be customized. And of course the layer. Also, clones can have unique materials assigned to them (only the base material--if specific faces have assigned materials, those remain the same as the original's). It's only the mesh structure that remains exactly the same as the original.

The mesh structure of a clone can't be edited. Therefore it'd be useful that if it's a subdivision mesh, that it doesn't show the control mesh whatsoever in any of the shading modes (unless give it an option in its dialog box?). However, a clone can be converted to mesh to "unclone" it.

There are a lot of uses for this. The user can make a clone of the mesh and scale it -1, creating a mirror and then be able to do mirrored modeling while being able to see the changes on the other side immediately without the control mesh getting in the way if it's a subdivision mesh. Things like eyeballs, mirrored accessories and clothing, etc., becomes easy to do. If an object needs lots of copies of a mesh, like for example a metal chain, these can all be cloned and then when editing the original chain link, all the other chain links become updated immediately as well. It also greatly reduces file sizes for things like this.

Copying and pasting a clone results in a clone with the same parameters as the copied clone. Deleting the original mesh deletes the clone (maybe autodetect if there are clones of that mesh, and then ask if the user wants to delete the clones or not. If not, then the clones get converted to meshes).

As for morph targets, I think it'd be interesting if it reflected the original's morphs as well when setting and animating, with an option in its dialog box to not copy it.

This isn't an original idea of mine. It's something I used a lot in XSI when I used it for modeling. I think it'd be somewhat easy (compared to the *ahem* mirrored modeling feature) to implement as well, since it's just running a copy method every time a cloned mesh is modified, and in figure/sequence/scene editors it can be treated like a transformed instance of the original mesh when building the list of geometry.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on March 04, 2016, 12:26:21 pm
This concept, or a very similar one, is called Instancing in OpenGL and D3D. At first glance it may seem simple, but there are a lot of nuances. If you allow editing of the per face properties in an instance (materials, texture coordinates, etc.), updating then when the geometry of the base shape changes is very complex. Vertex, edge, face, normal, tex-coord numbers often change throughout the mesh when just one small part is edited. This is the same, fundamental complexity with mirrored meshes.

What would be fairly easy to support: position, orientation, scale, materials (substituting different ones for the ones in the base model), and all global properties shown in the Properties editors such as subdivision level, parametric parameters, layer, smooth angle, etc.

Would  that be useful enough?  I had planned to add something like this at some point.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 04, 2016, 01:11:06 pm
This concept, or a very similar one, is called Instancing in OpenGL and D3D. At first glance it may seem simple, but there are a lot of nuances. If you allow editing of the per face properties in an instance (materials, texture coordinates, etc.), updating then when the geometry of the base shape changes is very complex. Vertex, edge, face, normal, tex-coord numbers often change throughout the mesh when just one small part is edited. This is the same, fundamental complexity with mirrored meshes.

What would be fairly easy to support: position, orientation, scale, materials (substituting different ones for the ones in the base model), and all global properties shown in the Properties editors such as subdivision level, parametric parameters, layer, smooth angle, etc.
As I described in the post above, clones shouldn't be editable meshes unless they're converted into their own independant shapes (and thus not being clones/instances anymore), so there wouldn't be any editing of materials (besides the base material), texture coords, or anything else p/e/f on these active instances. Thus this complexity is avoided. So yes, what you described as fairly easy to support is what I described, and therefore useful enough ;)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on March 04, 2016, 06:15:40 pm
Thanks, I understand better now.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 09, 2016, 12:08:45 pm
A small but important ASL request: A system time function to retrieve the timestamp and maybe a date function to accompany it. There are many obvious uses for this (evaluating script performance, timing out functions, timers, saving files with date, etc.) and I've always wondered why it hasn't been implemented.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on March 09, 2016, 03:13:03 pm
I can see how they could be useful. I should probably add them.

But, since you asked, here's why :):  Functions like this allow non repeatable scripts. As it stands things like parametric shapes are guaranteed to do exactly the same thing on any run with the same environment (other meshes, user attributes, etc.). Functions like irand() and frand() always return the same values when called in the same sequence.  So you're free to use them without worrying about inconsistencies from run to run.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 09, 2016, 04:17:07 pm
That's true, but in my opinion these types of restrictions should be in the hands of the users, that it should be up to the coder whether their script should have true inconsistent/unique features or not, and up to the end user whether or not to use the script and/or unique features. Obviously in Anim8or inconsistencies aren't that useful, but you never know, something outside the box could be done with it that'd surprise us.

Anyway, a memo in the ASL spec about the usefulness of the Xrand() functions vs timestamps would help alleviate the issue :)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 11, 2016, 06:21:41 am
Another ASL-related request: Status Bar and Progress Bar output.

There's not much (read:nothing) in the way of GUI options for ASL. What I'd give for the ability to create custom dialog boxes in ASL...sigh. Anyway, something that *should* be simpler to implement is the ability to print to the status bar, and the ability to start/update/end the progress bar (same progress bar as what's shown when rendering). Yes, there's the console, but it's not a very user friendly method of informing the user about things. I've made progress bars in the console before but ugh, it's such a ghastly way of doing things.

Status bar text updates have lots of uses. Such as informing the start/stop of a script, latest warnings, error messages, debugging, etc. Same as the console but nicer. It could use the same .open/print/close functions as the console, but instead of "$console" it's "$statusbar".

Progress bar updates are useful in object editor scripts that take a long time to generate. Like my phur plugin, some of my export plugins, or some of the other mesh plugins others have done. The function to start/stop/update the progress bar could be as simple as SetProgressBar(#). Where it's a float value between 0 and 1 with 0 being off and 1 being full. Automatically sets to 0 upon script termination in case the user forgets to write it in.

And a side note, it'd be nice if the progress bar made use of the Windows task bar progress bar indicator ( So that when rendering or while a script is running, the user can glance at the task bar and easily tell if it's still going or not. This is a Win7+ feature but it should be relatively simple to do an OS version check for it.

This is a future-friendly ASL feature request since the status bar and progress bar are key parts of the Anim8or interface. Even if more GUI features are implemented in ASL, these two elements will remain relevant.

PS...Personally I'd love it if the console was embedded in the bottom of Anim8or's interface (expandable above the status bar). Oh, and custom coloring the text...
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 12, 2016, 08:35:58 am
Some other ASL requests that have weighed heavily on my mind for some time now. Usually after banging my head on the wall, I'd type up a big ol' write up of my grievances, then by the time my frustration's died down I'd realize it's more rant than request and delete it. This time it's a good night's sleep after, so hopefully I can articulate a good post :P

Here's an example of what I wrote last night trying to get a small matter accomplished:
ASL Snippet
  2. if($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].x != -1.0)
  3. {
  4. if ($he_Pair1[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].x)]] != -1)
  5. $feature_neighbors[$he_Pair1[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].x)]]] = 1;
  7. if ($he_Pair2[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].x)]] != -1)
  8. $feature_neighbors[$he_Pair2[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].x)]]] = 1;
  10. if($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].y != -1.0)
  11. {
  12. if ($he_Pair1[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].y)]] != -1)
  13. $feature_neighbors[$he_Pair1[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].y)]]] = 1;
  15. if ($he_Pair2[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].y)]] != -1)
  16. $feature_neighbors[$he_Pair2[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].y)]]] = 1;
  18. if($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].z != -1.0)
  19. {
  20. if ($he_Pair1[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].z)]] != -1)
  21. $feature_neighbors[$he_Pair1[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].z)]]] = 1;
  23. if ($he_Pair2[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].z)]] != -1)
  24. $feature_neighbors[$he_Pair2[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].z)]]] = 1;
  26. if($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].w != -1.0)
  27. {
  28. if ($he_Pair1[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].w)]] != -1)
  29. $feature_neighbors[$he_Pair1[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].w)]]] = 1;
  31. if ($he_Pair2[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].w)]] != -1)
  32. $feature_neighbors[$he_Pair2[$he_EdgeIndex[$fToInt($he_sharedPoints[$he_Point[$curHEString2[$j]]].w)]]] = 1;
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }
  36. }

I built those lines slowly while it made sense, but now looking at it it'll take me a few minutes to actually figure out what's linking to where, and I'm the one that wrote it! There's also no simpler method that I could think of. To help myself out, I write nearly as many comments as lines of code, but still I would hate life if I had to come back to this code even a week later when it's not fresh in my mind. It's also only a small portion of the entire script, which I'm not going to share because it'd cause nightmares to all present.

Arrays in functions: Passing arrays as parameters, and returning arrays from functions. Without this, I have to create arrays beforehand outside of the $main function so that the function can fill in arrays. This is extremely counter intuitive, and hard to organize when multiple functions need to output arrays multiple times for the main function or between other functions.

Recursion: It's incredibly difficult converting algorithms that require recursion into non-recursive functions. A lot of 3D-related algorithms rely on binary trees/linked lists, and making non-recursive traversal functions (especially without custom data structures as requested below) is a stack of headaches rolled into one. I have to create stacks and counters and do convoluted orders of operations to try and cope with it.

Custom data structures: I'm not asking for anything super complicated like full-featured object definition. I just want to be able to make my own data structure out of the data types already available. I could make linked lists without having to create a dozen arrays with weird convoluted relationships to each other passing indices as values to be indices for other arrays.

An example of how it'd look creating a new data structure could be something like:
Code: [Select]
!datatype half-edge (int id, int next, int prev, point3 point, int edgeindex, int opposite);! indicates it's compiled first before the rest of the script, and needs to be asserted outside of the $main function. Then to use the half-edge data type, declare it like any other variable:
Code: [Select]
half-edge $HE[1];To assign the values, two methods can be used.
Code: [Select]
$HE[0] = (0, 1, -1, (0,0,0), 85, 23); // Can also have variables passed as values
$HE[0].id = 0;
$HE[0].next = 1;
$HE[0].prev= -1;
$HE[0].point = (0,0,0);
$HE[0].edgeindex = 85;
$HE[0].opposite = 23;
It'd be useful to also be able to use custom data types within custom data types. For example a custom data type vertex:
Code: [Select]
!datatype vertex (int id, point3 loc);
vertex $v;
Can be used in half-edge:
Code: [Select]
!datatype half-edge (int id, int next, int prev, vertex point, int edgeindex, int opposite);Writing to it can look like this:
Code: [Select]
$HE[0] = 1;
$HE[0].point.loc =(0,0,0);

Pointers: Same * and & operators/behavior as in C++, would aid the use of custom data types, binary trees, linked lists...

Matrices: I'm already fairly deficient when it comes to 3D math, so I won't go into much detail here. Some means to make matrices Nxn size, and functions to perform operations on these.

Type conversion. toInt and toFloat functions for strings (like toInt("123.45") returns 123 and toFloat("123.45") returns 123.45. I made my own functions in ASL to do this but it'd obviously be much more efficient if this was built-in.

toString for ints and floats (yes there's PrintToString, this would basically be a simplified macro of that).

Automatic type conversion between ints and floats (for example $array[1.466] automatically converts down to $array[1]).

Adding two multiple strings appends them together in the order they appear. Example: $var = "Hello" + " " + "there" + ", " + "everyone!"; is a lot simpler than doing $var = PrintToString("%s%s%s%s%s", "Hello", " ", "there", ", ", "everyone!");

[Edit] Obviously, most of these requests are things found in regular programming languages. If instead an API/dll extension system was being worked on, I really couldn't care less about these requests and just wait for that to save myself all the headache :P
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 17, 2016, 01:48:56 pm
Small request: Make it so that the axis buttons are triggered the same way as the p/e/f buttons. LMB enables only that axis and disables the others, RMB toggles by add/subtracting from the current set.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on March 17, 2016, 02:44:07 pm
Raxx: sure, that makes sense.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 17, 2016, 04:19:07 pm
Since it was brought to my attention in another post, I thought I'd bring up a discussion about scripting in the scene editor. More specifically, controller scripting. Currently it's entirely too restricted. Aside from making basic turntable animations, there's not much incentive to use controller scripts in the scene editor simply because it's mostly crippled. I can't count the number of hours I wasted trying to implement physics and IK and animated textures, only to fail on the first two multiple times and only succeed on getting animated textures done with limited success.

"Controllers" should be changed to a different name, in the context of this post. Instead, it'd be better to call them "properties". Properties that can be animated. A script can have properties but properties can't have scripts. These properties can be built-in, like position or orientation, or they can be custom-made.

Controller Scripting
Any element in the scene should be able to have a script attached to it. Do away with separate controller scripts for position, orientation, scale, etc. Instead, make it so that one or more "script" elements can be added to any element (aside from other scripts) in the scene. Double clicking this script element on the timetrack or graph editor pops up a dialog box with the script in a textarea and on/off keyable options.

For example. Object01 has a script attached to it. That script can read and/or edit its parent (Object01) and its parent's position, orientation, scale, visibility, etc. It can also look up and edit any other element's properties. It can look up its own self as well.

I recommend creating an "element" Anim8or data type similar to the object editor's "shape" data type, in that it can access all internal properties and lookup custom properties for any element in the scene.

Hierarchy, order of operations
This is a big one. A script attached to an element must be able to read and write the data for any and all scene elements, including children, parents, and siblings. Do away with babysitting using strict circular dependency rules. It just hampers the user. Instead use an order of operations and otherwise catch/halt infinite loops (with an option to set a directive to not catch/halt loops for that script).

Order of operations is a set of rules the scene follows regarding animation. With this, there becomes no reason to worry about circular dependency.

There are two types of animation. Keyed animation and scripted. All scripts get executed first in a specific hierarchy. Then the keyed animation gets run on top of that (additive).

The hierarchy for script execution is simple. It executes scripts in order of highest in the parent/child relationship to lowest (depth-first search with optional customization on which child gets hit first, basically). So in the following image, let's assume these are all scripts below the scene element.

Horizontally, in which order? If not set then it'll run in the order that Anim8or reads them. Otherwise, if a directive is set (like #index(1);), it'll run it in the order that's set in the scripts. Now let's assume "a" is set to run first. "a" might read and modify properties of an element. "b" might read and modify the same properties as well. So "a" reads and modifies them first. Then "b" reads the properties (that have been changed by "a") and modifies it further.

What about "d" and "e"? If they also change the same properties, then it'd be done in this order: "a", "d", "e", "b". In fact, the order of this entire operation would be "a", "d", "e", "b", "f", "g", "c", "m", "n".

Previous-frame data (or, passing variables between frames)
There should be ways to lookup previous frames' data. The current problem with doing anything physics-like is that there's no way to change, say, acceleration without using tricks. I can give an initial trajectory with direction and acceleration, but beyond a nice looking arc there's really not much else to do. I believe ENSONIQ5 (,4543.msg35970.html#msg35970) could probably give a nice long rant about this issue ;)

Somewhat related. Currently, a figure can't be expanded in the timetrack to show all its bones in its hierarchy. All controllers/parameters are listed on one level. Firstly, this needs to be changed so that it properly shows its relations in the timetrack as if it were a stack of elements in the scene editor. Secondly, scripts and elements should be able to be attached to bones and/or objects that are attached to bones. Basically, an individual bone should be treated like an element.

An element should be expandable with visual differentiation between its properties (position, orientation, scale, etc) and its child elements. Italics or something for the properties. When keyframing a bone, it should have the same "position", "orientation", "scale" point3 keys that elements have. No more flat-listing a long series of "boneXX-X", "boneXX-Y", "boneXX-Z" immediately under the figure. A simple "orientation" parameter under each bone would be much, much better. And yes, scale should be a point3 value so that non-uniform scale becomes possible.

I already mentioned in other posts how important translation and scaling of bones is in animation, so I won't go there.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on March 23, 2016, 05:46:55 am
Numeric input for transforms and transform presets
At this time Anim8or has the following numeric input and preset capabilities for transforms in the object editor:
This looks like an oversight. How about a context-sensitive set of transform commands that would work on whatever is currently selected? Like this:
These should work for both objects and components (any components), depending on what is currently selected.
Where a dialog box is invoked (Edit | Rotate | Custom, Edit | Scale | Custom and Edit | Move), it should include two radio buttons: World space and Current space. The Current space option should apply the transform in the space that is currently selected in the toolbar. Changes to the numeric values should be previewed in real time, as they are in the primitive properties dialog boxes.
And of course scaling by 0 in any axis should not be disallowed. It's a common way to flatten things.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 23, 2016, 12:26:16 pm
A few more requests to stack on. Some of these have probably already been requested before:

Slide Edges and Multiple Elements
Let the slide tool slide edges. Basically clicking and dragging on an edge slides the edge in the direction of movement along its adjacent edges. Clicking and dragging on multiple connected edges slides the entire set. Clicking and dragging on multiple points does a best guess sliding action.

Edge Loop Manipulation
Let holding shift automatically highlight edge loops (the same way they're detected using q). This feature can be put in nearly all the point edit tools except the topo tool unless the topo tool shift/dissolve operation is moved to a different button.

Face Loop Manipulation
If highlighting faces, basically do the same as above except with faces. How to do this: If shift is pressed, it'll highlight the faces between the quad ring (same detection as Q) of the closest edge of that face. The below video shows what I mean:

Pretend that the yellow selected faces are the areas that get highlighted when shift is held down.

Axis-Restricted Bone Creation
Currently disabling axes have no effect on bone creation. If I wanted to create a bone sticking straight up, the only choice I have is to enable grid snap.

Object Space
Allow object space manipulations to apply to bones. This way (as an example of use), if the Y axis is solely enabled and it's set to local, then creating a bone will create it along the Y axis of and Y-rotated to the parent bone, rather than the global Y axis. I know this can be done with fast select disabled, but it's a bit of an odd thing having to disable it to get that behavior. In fact, it seems if fast select is disabled while trying to create bones, it doesn't always work.

Screen-space rotate bones
In sequence/scene editors, I feel that when you have Edit Bones active and left-click drag on a bone (in fast select or when dragging outside the circle), it should rotate it along the screen space instead of the X axis. In other words, ditch the LMB/MMB/RMB X/Y/Z relationship with manipulation since it's inherently less intuitive than rotating in screen space. I say this because there are now rotation widgets so that when in Object Space you can rotate according to the old relationship anyway.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: slex on March 23, 2016, 07:06:22 pm
'Loop selection of edges/faces with shift or similar' would be great.+1

'Screen-space rotate bones' can already be done with trackball, applying that also to the mouse buttons would badly reduce the mobility of the bones.-1 updated after advice from raxx +1 , now I had to update again- when bones of the hand are rotated it is much easier to use LMB/MMB/RMB than selecting each bone and moving it with the orb, it is better to leave it the way it works now.

'Axis-Restricted Bone Creation' sounds good.+1

I would add a request for 'possibility of linking the bone/s rotation and position with the target in scene'
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 23, 2016, 08:13:31 pm
'Screen-space rotate bones' can already be done with trackball, applying that also to the mouse buttons would badly reduce the mobility of the bones.-1

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. The only way that local manipulation (the way it currently is) trumps the far more intuitive screen space manipulation is when doing purely mechanical animations that need precision along a single axis, or when doing minor adjustments like rotating around the bone's Y axis. Even then, it's easier to use the widget than to use the mouse buttons, so basically there's no point in having the LMB/MMB/RMB X/Y/Z mechanic.

Note: I updated my previous post to further detail what I meant.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: slex on March 23, 2016, 10:22:22 pm
Those three colored rings around selected bones(trackball) rotate bones only toward user.
 -With only mouse buttons while without trackball I always know where the bone will go regardless of the view point and move it back after a while- because it rotates them toward workspace
 -Trackball rotations of the bones are unpredictable and require a lot of 'Arc rotate' to fit object to the sight, if I move some bone and rotate the sight few times there is no way to get back the bone on the previous place without using 'undo'.
-Simultaneous use of standalone LMB/MMB/RMB and trackball is impossible , so I always use 'select all' and 'toggle trackball visibility' to hide all the rings(thanks kreator), they are making trouble- it would be much better if let's say on the right side of the screen would pop-up the trackball for the selected bone(away from the object).
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on March 23, 2016, 11:10:06 pm
Hit 'o' for object space/coordinates.

Interestingly, object space doesn't match up directly with the bone axes. However I prefer the trackball object space version since it's not as confusing, which reinforces my opinion that the LMB/MMB/RMB X/Y/Z deal isn't necessary anymore.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: slex on March 23, 2016, 11:58:58 pm
Hit 'o' for object space/coordinates.

 :) didn't notice that before, thanks 4 great advice :-X.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on March 24, 2016, 01:06:07 am
Object space is the coordinate system of the bone *after* the X, Z and Y rotations have been applied. The coordinate system of the trackball always has it's X, Y and Z axes at right angles but the bone axes are applied one after another and therefore don't have this property. I.E. the individual X, Y, Z bone axes can show Gimbal Lock ( but the track ball can't.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on March 27, 2016, 09:00:50 am
I've been playing with character animation and it's certainly improved heaps. The trackball is awesome and being able to "key all" and "key selected" bones in scene mode is a real game changer.
 One thing i could think to request at this stage would be to 'show bones only in selected views'(when the bone rotate is selected). I imagine this would work similar to when you choose wireframe view in one of multiple views, and the wireframe shows only in that view.
 The advantage would be that you could animate bones in one, (or more), views, and still have a clean image in the camera view.  ;)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: slex on March 31, 2016, 01:38:36 am
It would be great if 'bone influences' in figure mode could be shown/hidden according to selection of the mouse clicks on the bone. It is very crowded now when all the orange and yellow orbs are shown at the same time, and it's hard to adjust the skinning because of that.

Adding some hot button to slow down the mouse movements while it's pressed?

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Water Music on March 31, 2016, 02:41:45 pm
Slex: I have a mouse with a slow-down button at the thumb, which is incredibly useful for this type of work.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on April 02, 2016, 01:32:46 am
Weight painting and not enough colours. This has been mentioned a few times and while rigging a fishy-thing today i realised it could be a fairly simple fix.
 When you first add an object to a multi-boned figure, the object will normally first take the color of the main parent bone, (when 1st selecting weight painting), so trouble starts when bones further along the chain have the same color already, making it impossible to see the painting happening on that part of the object.
 So, if the first/parent bone only showed a unique/different color than the rest, then that could solve the problem 99% of the time?
 Hope i explained that so it makes sense. (
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: slex on April 02, 2016, 01:28:39 pm
jonhar, +1 from me  :)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on April 27, 2016, 06:53:56 am
Obviously, most of these requests are things found in regular programming languages. If instead an API/dll extension system was being worked on, I really couldn't care less about these requests and just wait for that to save myself all the headache :P
Steve, is there a chance Anim8or might get an SDK?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on May 01, 2016, 01:59:54 pm
nemyax: What kind of things would you like to see in an SDK? Anim8or wasn't designed with the idea of supporting an SDK for general extensibility.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: nemyax on May 01, 2016, 04:26:02 pm
It would be nice to have access to geometry data and basic creation and modelling operations to make additional modelling and selection commands. It would also help for import and export plugins, including binary formats.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Steve on May 06, 2016, 03:35:10 pm
johnar: The latest build 1233 ( fixes a bug in painted bone colors. It's not as good as user-defined colors but it should help until I can get those added.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on May 10, 2016, 03:20:14 am
Nice one steve. Definately improved. User defined would be a wee gem. ;)
 I also see you've got the floating track window happening in the Sequence editor now.
 Thats excellent. Hav been quite looking fwd to that. Nice one again.( (
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: slex on July 19, 2016, 11:14:13 pm
maybe I'm boring with my question but yet again will the ''bone targeting'' be ever possible in Anim8or?
I think that's the only thing which separate Anim8or from professional 3D software.

The current way doesn't allow good animation of realistic scenes with natural movements, whenever I move some parent bones they are followed with child bones, after I correct the position of them the result is usually annoying 'jerky' movement of child bones. Locking the selected bones in their xyz world position would make the movements fluid and very realistic.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on July 21, 2016, 10:03:43 am
In relation to animating in Anim8or, i did a post here about it:
 (the bit with froyds arms moving)
 Might help just a little for now.... ;)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: slex on September 11, 2016, 07:25:25 am
Steve ,
can you implement a possibility for adding a morph keys in scene mode only with one click e.g. right click on appropriate place in morph time track gives a key 0, left click gives a key 1, middle click erases the key, double click works as it is now- edits the key. That would make animating a lot faster
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on September 19, 2016, 11:24:20 am
The shortcut key 'k', for 'key selected bones' is a beautifull thing.
 I wonder if it could also be used for 'key selected morph(s)' ?
 That would be really handy.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Raxx on October 22, 2016, 03:37:10 pm
A couple of ASL-related requests, related to the CelShadurr script I'm working on and reasonable for future development:

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: thecolclough on November 10, 2016, 04:06:14 pm
for Scene Mode: when editing an element through its properties dialogue, could the Parent box be made into a dropdown containing a list of all other elements which are eligible to be set as the current element's parent (i.e. any that wouldn't cause circular dependencies)?
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: ClassicTyler on December 29, 2016, 01:19:42 pm
Hi Steve.

A while back I asked about dynamic lighting like lens flare/bloom lighting and and whatnot as well as celshading. What is the progress on this?
Did we ever look into a water simulator as well?

As always I appreciate the help!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Mark-Et on January 04, 2017, 12:07:26 am
Can you add Polygon reduction as well? From preferable different methods to get best output for each model
As well as different forms of subdivision e.g try 3DRACS v1.8 the last freeware version to test out some of the different versions of Polygon Reduction & Subdivision

can you ad new format support -..
C4d (Cinama 4D) at least down to version 6 [Lsat version given away on magazine I know of]])%20A%20over%20340mb%20Stl%20Ascii%20file%20to%20C4d%20=#main-navigation - Smallest file size of same mesh with no color or UV texture etc only mesh saved in various formats with binary ply next smallest in size.
 Cob/Scn for truSpace at
An Inporter Xporter at
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: davdud101 on January 30, 2017, 01:34:32 am
"Focus on faces/vertices/edges" - A tool that'd allow only a select group of F/V/E's to be manipulted. that way, when modelling a small area, there's little risk of bumping into something that wasn't supposed to be edited.

Not sure if that's a "crazy-necessary" feature for most people, but it'd be cool to see sometime down the road.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: davdud101 on February 19, 2017, 10:17:57 pm
Random thought while skinning a character - the wireframe of the model ought to be white or grey before weights are applied to avoid confusion with colors
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: johnar on April 27, 2017, 07:36:25 am
Hi steve.
  Having menu folders related to a figure is a great space-saver/organiser in the timetrack.
 Can they please also show in the sequence editor, and would there be any chance that menu folders could also be availabe for morph targets?
 Thanks. (
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Trevor on April 29, 2017, 07:46:36 am
should this not now be in V1 forum?

v0.98 has come to an end.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Gyperboloid on September 23, 2017, 12:16:15 pm
should this not now be in V1 forum?

v0.98 has come to an end.


Yeap, this thread should not be continued here. Though I think it should be in Ongoing Development forum, since the v.1.0 is more about bug reports and not general suggestions on Anim8or Development as this thread more looks like to be. And since we bring this on generally, more a suggestion to Steve, maybe this forum ( v.0.98 ) should be transfered in the Ongoing Development Forum as a thread, there belong othere older releases ? Maybe even Raxx can do it ?!
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: hf003 on April 23, 2019, 08:00:05 pm
I'm surprised no one is wishing for better implementation of morphed target. I can think of a few things that could be better.
1. Include morph targets when mirroring images (objects).
2. Retain morph targets when joining solids.
3. Scale morph targets proportionately when scaling their object.
4. Better retention between points and their morphed target positions. It is annoying when having morphed an object and realizing it would be better to add a point (through various mechanisms), or delete a point, only to find out that that added/removed point destroyed all your morphing efforts requiring you to start over with morphing or live with what you got.
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Kevin Gales on October 19, 2019, 01:54:06 pm
If this thread is still active....I attached my suggestion for the bone system...I think the wire like bones are much more cleaner and skinning envelopes might even cover those well...It would be pretty cool to work with the suggested bone system in anim8or 8)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: davdud101 on December 22, 2019, 09:11:32 am
One thing that would make Anim8or just a touch easier (and maybe wouldn't be too hard to implement?), especially for a person like my who uses it for CAD, could be alternate units and auto-calculate to measurement (can't think of what the feature is called, but where it can used mixed fractions and stuff as opposed to/in addition to decimals)
Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: Trevor on December 23, 2019, 06:14:17 am
Why is anyone still using An8 0.98?

There are some CAD functions in 1.0.1.x but here I will second that they need some love too.

Title: Re: Feature Request Thread
Post by: davdud101 on January 07, 2020, 11:27:33 am
Why is anyone still using An8 0.98?

There are some CAD functions in 1.0.1.x but here I will second that they need some love too.


Not using 0.98. I just thought this was the only feature request thread.