Anim8or Community

General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Raxx on May 22, 2013, 11:05:14 am

Title: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 22, 2013, 11:05:14 am
v0.97e Pre-Beta Release Thread

This is a PRE-BETA! Use at your own risk! Files saved from this Pre-Beta may not be backwards compatible!

\\ Introduction

Hello everyone! Thanks to Steve, we have a sneak peek into the next release! Steve has been incredibly busy lately, and wanted you guys to have something to play with before he got caught up in some other commitments. Rest assured, in a couple of months he will have loads of free time to work on Anim8or, and you can expect the official release of v0.97 at that time.

In the meantime, you can help by reporting all the bugs that you find, including old ones! Do this by replying to this topic. The ones that can be replicated will be listed in the bottom of this post.

\\ New Features

Spin Quads Tool: Located in the Edit Menu (Hotkey: /), this tool spins an edge between two 4-sided polygons.

Spinning a quad by pressing the / key

Move Points Along Normal: With point(s) selected and the Move tool (Hotkey m) active, middle-clicking and dragging will move points along the mesh normals.

Moving two points along the normals

Select Orphans: Located in Edit->Select->Select Orphans, this tool helps with cleaning up a mesh by selecting all points and edges that are not assigned to a face.

Orphans Selected

Point Bevel: You can now use the Bevel tool to bevel points.

Select a point and bevel

Mirror Bones: Mirror selected bones across their parent's X-axis by going to Build->Mirror Bones in the Figure Editor. Envelope weights, bone limits, and diameters get mirrored (painted weights are excluded).

Only the selected bones will get mirrored

Mirrored Mesh Object: Convert meshes to Mirrored meshes that lets you build a symmetrical object a lot easier, by selecting the mesh and then going to Build->Mirrors->Convert to Mirrored. Any changes to one side is reflected on the other side as well. Works with subdivision objects. Apply the final mirrored result by going to Build->Mirrors->Stop Mirroring.

Mirroring half a sphere

Other New Features:

\\ Bug Fixes

\\ Reported Bugs and Issues

This section lists all currently known bugs and issues in this release, to include older bugs that survived from previous releases. New Pre-Beta bugs will be highlighted in blue.

Object Editor
Figure Editor
Sequence Editor
Scene Editor

\\ Error: MSVCR110.DLL Missing

Odds are you may not have it, so download the Visual C++ Redistributable (

After clicking "Download", select the appropriate one for your operating system (x86 or x64).
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on May 23, 2013, 10:58:17 am
Great news but atm I get system error MSVCR110.DLL missing. win7.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 23, 2013, 11:04:08 am
Hey captaindrewi, try installing this:

Until Steve fixes it, that might be your solution.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on May 23, 2013, 11:30:37 am
 :)thanks Raxx vcredist_86.exe, from your link did the trick.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 23, 2013, 11:36:51 am
Thanks for reporting it captaindrewi, I posted up the link in the first post to help the others out, since anyone who doesn't have Visual Studio 2012 installed will probably need it.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: neirao on May 23, 2013, 12:38:06 pm
Cool news Raxx! :)
but for me the Anim8or.exe  no open!
i install the "vcredist_x86.exe" and nothing.. :'(
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on May 23, 2013, 01:09:08 pm
forgot to mention i also changed it to run as xp with 3 update,dont know if thats relevant.
besides that the mirror tool is so much fun. i know you can do this in other software but its so comfortable being in anim8or and using it i'm in a state of BLISS.!!
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 23, 2013, 01:18:34 pm
If you are running it in Windows 7 then you shouldn't need any compatibility settings.

neirao, what operating system, processor, and graphics chip set are you running?
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: $imon on May 23, 2013, 01:48:30 pm
Nicee works great here on win8.

Thanks, Steve!

I'll be trying it out for sure..
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: kreator on May 23, 2013, 02:19:14 pm
Works For me too!....needs MSVCR110.DLL  in both 64 and 32 bit folders to work for me. Nice to have mirror bones saves a little time. Realtime Mirroring is cool and should be a godsend for a lot of us! 
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: neirao on May 23, 2013, 02:21:39 pm
Hi Raxx,

i use MAC for somethings,
but Windows i use only XP SP3,
i dont like windows 7, vista, etc.

whats happens!? ???

Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 23, 2013, 04:01:39 pm
Hey neirao, I was afraid of that. I guess Steve hasn't tested it for Windows XP yet (and I have no way to try it out). So nothing happens at all when you open the Anim8or.exe file? [edit] Also, what graphics chipset are you using? (Nvidia or ATI/AMD, and the model)

If you or anyone figures out a solution before Steve gets around to fixing it, please let us know! And also if you're using WinXP and can't get it to work, let us know as well (along with the graphics chipset and symptoms)!
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on May 23, 2013, 05:07:29 pm
The mirror tool.
If you adjust a subdivided face of a non subdivided
object in mirror mode it causes  an error.
after a manipulation or two one cant select a point unless one uses the multi select
box tool.still good though... ;D
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 23, 2013, 07:16:55 pm
Hey captaindrewi, for the first one I couldn't get an error message (if that's what you meant), but subdivided face geometry does seem to get ignored on mirrored meshes. I added it to the list.

I tried replicating your second report, but maybe I'm missing something. Any further explanation on that?
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on May 23, 2013, 09:18:40 pm
AMD Radeon HD 6520G, persistently crashes on interaction using extrude and other tools on a subdivided face as illustration.
sorry about the second one please ignore.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 23, 2013, 09:26:44 pm
Ok. I still couldn't get it to crash, though weird things kept happening. I worded it in the listing to more of a "catch-all" and linked to your post.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: mayim84 on May 24, 2013, 12:42:47 am
So glad to finally see an update. Haven't had a chance to fully test out any features. However, I did notice a minor issue when checking the System Info from the About menu. I am running Windows 7. However, according to the info I have something more inferior on here...

Edit: Please disregard my low OpenGL support. I'm on a netbook for crying out loud...
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: kreator on May 24, 2013, 02:40:30 am
Unfortunately it will not run on an old XP with SP3 installed.

Installed The Visual C++ redistributable and added msvcr110.dll as suggested, Rebooted, and all I get is "Anim8or.exe is not a Valid Win32 application" Still, its going on Windows7!

Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: AirAKose on May 24, 2013, 03:04:47 am
O crap. This is awesome. o_o New update, just in time for some new personal projects! ;)

I had the same issue with having to install the 32bit VS redistributable after I tried installing the 64bit one. Does it only work with the 32bit libraries?
Also hit an issue where after checking About>OpenGL info, it crashes.
You have no idea how happy I am to see that drag-streak issue gone, though! :)

Glad to know that anim8or will go on! This is an amazing year of returns! First DBZ, then Daft Punk, and now Anim8or! What's next?
I hope Steve's doing well!

In case you need it:
                            SYSTEM INFO                           
OS:Windows 7 Home Premium x64
Processor:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5- 2520M CPU @ 2.5Ghz
Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M
OpenGL Ver:4.2.0
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: headwax on May 24, 2013, 05:32:30 am
thanks Steve!!
haven't had a chance to take her for a proper ride but it runs very well on windows 7 64 bit for as far as I can see

you rock :)
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 24, 2013, 12:07:27 pm
mayim84, that's pretty interesting. A google search reveals that it's the same thing as Windows 7 Ultimate (I think).

kreator, thanks for the confirmation. I'll go ahead and put it on the list.

AirAKose, I also get the crash. Putting it on the list.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: cooldude234 on May 24, 2013, 04:11:42 pm
I also got the
"not a valid win32 application"
on windows xp (service pack 3)
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: neirao on May 24, 2013, 04:20:14 pm
I also got the
"not a valid win32 application"
on windows xp (service pack 3)


@Raxx in windows i have this configuration:

Intel Pentium Core duo
2.19Ghz - 1,97GB of RAM

Does it work only on Windows(news versions) or other only with NVIDIA card?
I want so much try this new Anim8or Version! :'(


Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on May 24, 2013, 11:42:05 pm
Oh my! Wow!

Such wonderful news that Anim8or is still being worked on. :)
I'm liking the new features, but I haven't used this new release too much just yet, so if I run into any bugs, I'll be sure to mention them.

Thank you, Steve! And good luck with everything too.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 26, 2013, 10:20:17 am
I hate to say it (to neirao and the rest), but it looks like you guys won't be able to try this pre-beta if you have Windows XP. This doesn't mean that future releases won't be compatible, it's just a bug for now.

So sit tight ;) Steve will be finished with his other commitments sometime in August, and then he can take a look at the problem.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: mayim84 on May 26, 2013, 07:52:02 pm
Hey Raxx, do you know if Steve has implemented GL shaders into Anim8or, or is he still using Immediate mode?
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 26, 2013, 10:09:26 pm
mayim84, I don't know what precisely he's using at the moment, sorry! Your best bet is to email him and wait for his response (though currently it may be a long wait). I'm just Steve's little helper ;)

Is it imperative that you need to know?
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: mayim84 on May 26, 2013, 10:23:42 pm
mayim84, I don't know what precisely he's using at the moment, sorry! Your best bet is to email him and wait for his response (though currently it may be a long wait). I'm just Steve's little helper ;)

Is it imperative that you need to know?

Well, Immediate Mode, while supported, is deprecated from OpenGL. For good reason, though. Shaders allow for better performance. This can really help in rendering. Since Steve used to (or still does? Author page is a little dated) work for Nvidia, I would assume he would be up to date on that.

Also, I should probably put this on feature request (though its a little far-fetched). Is there a possibility of a cross-platform Anim8or (ie. Not using Wine on Linux). I'm sure there is plenty more for him to do before that becomes a possibility, but can't hurt to ask.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 27, 2013, 10:29:13 am
The only graphics-related technical stuff I know is that in this update he deprecated the front-window XOR drawing and instead redraws full double-buffered windows (part of the Win7 fix). Also, it seems that the "Use Shaders" feature in View->Preferences uses the DX9 library.

As for cross-platform, it doesn't seem to be on his list of priorities.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: headwax on May 29, 2013, 12:03:01 am
this could be of help to someone

windows 7 64 bit

I downloaded MSVCR110.DLL
still didn't work, have no idea where that MSVCR110.DLL ended up

searched for it and found I already had a copy in another software directory
which came with some recent software )Dogwaffle)
so on a hunch I copied that into the directory where anim8or beta was
worked like a charm

previous to this beta anim8or wasn't working on my windows 7
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: ELECTROHERMIT on May 29, 2013, 01:09:20 pm
This is very exciting! Incredible in Fact!

I am a die hard Anim8tor user as I find it does everything I need for Adobe Photoshop and AfterEffects work. I'm extremely happy to see Steve updating this program as I know it means quite a bit to many users. This made my week.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: daniel99 on May 29, 2013, 07:49:39 pm
Hey, everybody. I never though I'll see a new version. That's great.
I hope the official release will work better, because I use Win7/64 and it works very very very slow. (huge lag)

If I'll find any other bugs, I'll let you know,

I hope Steve will also work on the materials, Would be very usefull to have an Occlusion map.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on May 31, 2013, 11:51:56 am
daniel99, could you post your system specs? It shouldn't be lagging like that, so it seems like a system-specific problem. Also, try it out without any antivirus programs running and without compatibility settings enabled.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: dwsel on June 05, 2013, 01:29:54 pm
Whoah... Just visited the forum yesterday to notice this excellent news :)
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: daniel99 on June 06, 2013, 06:05:46 am
Hey Raxx, sorry for the late reply.
Win7, 64, processor Intel(R)Core(TM) i7 CPU 920@2.67GHz 2.79GHz

Now it's working a little better, but first times I open version E was reaaaaly slow.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: ianross on June 06, 2013, 07:26:58 am
Well this is great news!!!!!!!!!!!!, thank you Raxx and Steve.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: AlecJames on June 06, 2013, 05:37:44 pm
It is fantastic news ;D - thanks :)
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: ncl32 on June 06, 2013, 11:00:18 pm
Figured since Anim8or is getting an update I would help out.

Windows 8 64bit,
AMD A10 5800K
4gb RAM
2 x AMD Radeon HD 7970

I am getting the missing .dll even though the Visual C++ Runtime is installed. I will try headwax's little trick of just copying it close by to ensure that it works on my system, and provide an update as soon as I have an answer.

Nate L.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: ncl32 on June 06, 2013, 11:11:47 pm
And in conclusion,

After retriving the file which indeed after a quick search was already on my computer, I copied it into a folder containing Anim8or .97e and it did work, but... I still cannot open it because though that worked I received an error that states,

"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). CLick OK to close the application."

That specific error code from my findings stands for "STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT". I hope this helps any other who might have this same problem. In the mean time, I have some more work to do. I will check up with things in the AM.

Nate L.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: dwsel on June 07, 2013, 06:02:31 am
That specific error code from my findings stands for "STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT".

It sounds to me like a mismatch between *.dll platform (x64) and software (x32) or Anim8or is using features from newer version of the library compared to one you've found on your computer. Did you install both - x32 and x64 version of Visual C++ Runtime? Did the file you've copied came with 32 bit or 64 bit application or from other system folder?
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Thanos on June 07, 2013, 10:06:57 am
You made my day. No, week. Oh my, you enjoy something so much when you miss it for so long!
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: lppena on June 10, 2013, 07:51:15 am
Very cool. I look forward to an updated version of Anim8or. Kudo's to Steve and the beta all rock! Leroy.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Deepthought on June 10, 2013, 09:40:55 pm
Mirror bones... <bows down and worships steve>
Title: v0.95 Documentation mix of X, Y, Z axis
Post by: avenidagez on June 14, 2013, 04:13:25 pm
The documentation describes the small buttons X, Y, Z as shows the three axis of the 3D world.
They indicate which axes are "unlocked', allowing you to move and rotate things in each
direction. You can individually select or deselect them, and thus restrict the movement
of objects that you are changing.
And the cross arrows button as
This is the move function. You set it when you want to move your objects around
on the screen. When you press the left mouse button within a view window you
can drag anything that is currently selected in the X and Y directions by moving
the mouse to the left and right, or up and down. The objects will move along with
your mouse. Similarly, the right mouse button will move them along the Z-axis,
which is usually into the screen.

But, in fact, at least in windows 7, the x,y,z axis refer to the screen not to the 3D world axis.
This is, the movements X,Y are left-right, top-bottom of the screen, and Z back and front respect to the screen too, not respect to the 3D world axis.

If you change your view from front to left, right, bottom, top, then your mouse left button will move things up down and sides as it is the x-y of the screen, but the 3D world affected coordinates and new object coordinates will be in Z axis since you gave a turn to it, no matter if you have restricted the Z coordinate with the toolbar buttons, what it is restricting is the use of the mouse right button.

So do not be confused, the X,Y,Z toolbar buttons, just restrict the mouse moves in the axis respect to screen not to 3Dworld
In Ortho view, only uses the mouse left button to move all around the 3 axis, so if you restrict the mouse moves in x,y with the toolbar buttons, you neither will be able to move the object in Z axis, unless your are using it for rotating the object and use the right mouse button and it is not locked in the toolbar

So, in other desdription the x,y,z toolbar buttons are left-right, up-down, front-back moves.

Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: vilters on June 17, 2013, 10:12:27 am
I must say that I am extremely happy and exited.
THANK you all involved.
The "mirror" mesh is what I was hoping and waiting for...
I build clothing for Poser and after years of anim8or I went to Hexagon.
But now :-) I am back to my old love.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: kreator on June 19, 2013, 03:58:17 pm
Has anybody used the bones in sequence mode yet? I cannot seem to get any movement with them currently,each pose I make as I move to each section of the sequence does nothing. It is not until I place the figure in scene mode then apply the sequence to it that I get any movement. Bug?

EDIT: 19/06/2013 Just checked the save file as I had an error in reading, looks like the sequence data is not being written to the file. Need to check if sequence can be saved.

EDIT: 19/06/2013 23:58 no sequence keys written

Code: [Select]
header {
  version { "0.97e beta" }
  build { "2013.05.23" }
sequence { "sequence01"
  figure { "figure01" }
  frames { 12 }
  jointangle {
  jointangle {
  jointangle {
  jointangle {
  jointangle {
  jointangle {
  jointangle {

 Steering clear of sequencing in 0.97e until bugs fixed, however the mirrored bones will go into 0.97D and I can sequence them in 0.97D ok

Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on June 19, 2013, 07:11:07 pm
replicated the phenomenon.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Deepthought on June 20, 2013, 10:23:37 pm
Fill holes hasn't worked for me even in older versions ever. Try Shift-J. Unless that's the shortcut for fill holes and I'm being an idiot.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: kreator on June 21, 2013, 03:00:14 am
TomsWorkshop: Don`t seem to have that problem, just the sequencing at the moment!

This is From The manual and should point you in the right direction regards fillng holes, look at the diagram on colours that an edge occupies perhaps sometimes you just cannot fill because the edge occupies more faces, or perhaps the quad has not been connected  

There are a few things to note before you start adding faces:
Faces can only be added to complete connected loops of edges. If there are any gaps, no face will be added.
All edges in the loop must not already be part of two (or more) faces. Only edges that are part of at most one face will be considered. You can tell how many edges an edge participates in by its color when selected.
You can select a lot of edges and do a fill of the whole batch at once. Anim8or will start by filling any selected edge loops of length 3. Then it will fill those of length 4, etc. until no more faces can be added. This will sometimes create undesirable results and you will have to try again in smaller batches.
You may have to apply the Edit->FlipNormals and the Edit->FixNormals commands to orient new faces properly after they are added.

You also need to be in wireframe mode to see edges colours when model is selected. Here is the table:

Point Mode Table
Colour Of Edge       Number of Edges
  RED                         NONE
  GREEN                       One
  WHITE                       Two
  VIOLET                   Three or More
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: kreator on June 21, 2013, 04:28:27 pm
New Bug: Point Edit Mode, start with shift and left mouse for a new point, Crash!  :o

TomsWorkshop:  ;D Quiz which set(s) of edges will NOT Fill ?  :-\


Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on June 22, 2013, 01:01:52 am
Thanks for the reports. I added the sequence related bugs to the list. The Add Edge bug was already on the list.

In a development version prior to this release, there was a problem with the Add Edge tool in that it created duplicate points/edges. Steve fixed it for the release, but there may be cases where it could still go bad. If you come across such a case, please report it. Thanks!

By the way, to answer the quiz, either #5 or #7 won't fill ;)
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: $imon on June 22, 2013, 05:14:24 am
I'm having a bug with the keyframes-bar in sequence/scene mode in 0.97e. When i extend the bar upward to see multiple lines of keys, it is hard or impossible to get it down again properly.

Not sure how to describe it in words, so maybe someone can try and see if they can replicate it.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on June 22, 2013, 07:37:05 am
yeah replicated....but if you make a new scene and click on the bar it goes back to default...
but you then cant change the bar in scene 2 .scene one also reverts to default but if you then click that bar in scene 1
it shoots up a few inches. ;D
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on June 22, 2013, 12:55:42 pm
That is already on the list:
UI Vertical Resize Bar: Behaves erratically when click-dragging it
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: $imon on June 22, 2013, 03:34:11 pm
Thanks Raxx, must've overlooked it there.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Kyle on June 23, 2013, 03:30:02 pm
Whoah. I come here in hopes of an update every month er so, never seeing a hint of life in this program.  Figures I would see this when an update was the furthest thing from my mind.  Its not the robust update I was hoping for, but then again, its just an alpha release, I'll take it. The mirror feature alone will probably have me using it a lot more. It was such a pain having to work more or less blind until I mirrored things manually.

Cant believe this has been up for a month, I should get notified of these things. :P
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on June 26, 2013, 10:26:04 pm
Background image in scene mode appears dimmed in E pre beta.
but renders as expected.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Kyle on June 27, 2013, 03:38:57 am
Is that With or without ART?
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on June 27, 2013, 07:14:50 am
Sorry have not tried ART render.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: lppena on June 27, 2013, 09:58:11 am
I also got the
"not a valid win32 application"
on windows xp (service pack 3)

I'm guessing that Steve is orienting the software towards 64bit applications. I don't think that trying to make it compatible with older OS's like XP is really worth the effort as most people are now using W7 and up. Nice work though I look forward to further development. I hope that Steve includes animation support for a popular export/import format like 3DS. Would really love to see adding ANS script creation support for writing import scripts too. Thanks, Leroy.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on June 27, 2013, 11:44:36 am
Again, the windows XP error is not intentional. Also, the error message has nothing to do with 64-bit compatibility.

There are still several users who use windows XP, and at this stage of development it's not as much work as you think.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on June 27, 2013, 01:27:36 pm
Scene mode ..back ground image,in camera view is dimmed, my settings are as previous versions of anim8or where this doesn't occur.
is this normal for the E beta?
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on June 27, 2013, 01:37:44 pm
I can replicate this. Added to the list.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Unobtainium on July 09, 2013, 06:02:24 pm
Really nice to see a new release.
Thanks Steve.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: johnar on July 09, 2013, 08:43:09 pm
There are still several users who use windows XP, and at this stage of development it's not as much work as you think.

 Theres bound to be other people like me, who keep their main working  computer off-line.
 Even tho XP wont be supported 'on-line' soon, it'll still a darn Xcellent operating system, and i'm sure will continue to be used 'off-line' for many years to come. (in my humble opinion).

Sure hope Steve keeps us 'old xp users' in mind.  ;)   :)

Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on July 16, 2013, 03:06:36 pm
I tried to mention this before but wasn't quite sure ...... when using the new mirror tool, if i try and select a point in front view i can only select points at the perimeter of an object with the single pointer selection
i can use the rectangular lasso and select the point or if i tilt the view i can select with the single pointer then
don't know if this is a known bug.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on July 16, 2013, 03:28:29 pm
I can't seem to duplicate this, when trying it on a sphere such as yours. Are you sure you don't have front/back modes enabled/disabled, and that you aren't actually selecting the points directly behind the front ones?
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: captaindrewi on July 16, 2013, 04:42:54 pm
front/back mode is on default so just expect it to select point in front.
ah it does select the point but for some reason it doesn't appear highlighted in front view, if i view in two ways say front and perspective it does...
oops! it does the same without mirror selected
and in the older D version definitely not a bug in just E version....just never noticed before.
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: SpeedLow on October 16, 2013, 03:19:50 am
windows xp try


interix or cygwin in wine mode
Title: Re: v0.97e Pre-Beta
Post by: Raxx on October 16, 2013, 03:26:50 am
Not sure how that information could have helped.

The winXP problem was fixed in v0.97f. Locking topic.