v0.97e Pre-Beta Release Thread
This is a PRE-BETA! Use at your own risk! Files saved from this Pre-Beta may not be backwards compatible!
\\ Introduction
Hello everyone! Thanks to Steve, we have a sneak peek into the next release! Steve has been incredibly busy lately, and wanted you guys to have something to play with before he got caught up in some other commitments. Rest assured, in a couple of months he will have loads of free time to work on Anim8or, and you can expect the official release of v0.97 at that time.
In the meantime, you can help by reporting all the bugs that you find, including old ones! Do this by replying to this topic. The ones that can be replicated will be listed in the bottom of this post.
\\ New Features
Spin Quads Tool: Located in the Edit Menu (Hotkey: /), this tool spins an edge between two 4-sided polygons.
Spinning a quad by pressing the / key
Move Points Along Normal: With point(s) selected and the Move tool (Hotkey m) active, middle-clicking and dragging will move points along the mesh normals.
Moving two points along the normals
Select Orphans: Located in Edit->Select->Select Orphans, this tool helps with cleaning up a mesh by selecting all points and edges that are not assigned to a face.
Orphans Selected
Point Bevel: You can now use the Bevel tool to bevel points.
Select a point and bevel
Mirror Bones: Mirror selected bones across their parent's X-axis by going to Build->Mirror Bones in the Figure Editor. Envelope weights, bone limits, and diameters get mirrored (painted weights are excluded).
Only the selected bones will get mirrored
Mirrored Mesh Object: Convert meshes to Mirrored meshes that lets you build a symmetrical object a lot easier, by selecting the mesh and then going to Build->Mirrors->Convert to Mirrored. Any changes to one side is reflected on the other side as well. Works with subdivision objects. Apply the final mirrored result by going to Build->Mirrors->Stop Mirroring.
Mirroring half a sphere
Other New Features:
- Home and End keys supported in Text Object Editing
- All bones can be used for skinning. Regardless of which bone you assign an object to, all other bones that are not children of that object's bones can now influence the object as well. For example, if you have bones "Bone01" and "Bone02" and assign the object to "Bone02", then "Bone01" can be used to skin the object as well.
- When clicking and dragging in the timeline, the active frame snaps to the first frame of the selection
- Bone/Joint orientations added to the Figure/Sequence bone properties dialogs
- ASL: Faster PYR to Quaternion conversion
- The Space hot key swaps between point, edge, and face select while in Point Edit mode
- Allow new morph targets to start as a copy of existing ones. This is a drop-down menu item when creating a new Morph Target
- Decal textures appear too bright. Set MaterialColor to (Kd, Kd, Kd, Alpha) instead of (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, Alpha).
- Added call to SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); to prevent system pop-up dialogs when accessing devices without media.
\\ Bug Fixes
- Fixed Windows 7 Drag-Select streaking.
- #097-023 - Stereo Rendering Crashes.
- #097-024 - Selecting "None" for Scene Environment Map Background Crashes.
- #097-025 - Export file with missing texture to Obj format crashes.
- #097-026 - Selecting Menu->ViewX Reverts 2 and 3 view mode to 1 view.
\\ Reported Bugs and Issues
This section lists all currently known bugs and issues in this release, to include older bugs that survived from previous releases. New Pre-Beta bugs will be highlighted in blue.
Object Editor
- Bevel tool: destroys UVs of surrounding faces
- Select Orphans: If a mesh is composed of only points and edges then it appears to keep a single point deselected even if it's the only point in the mesh.
- Add Edge tool: Starting a new mesh with the Add Edge tool (by shift-click-dragging) causes crash.
- Morph Targets: Do not work with Mirrored Meshes
- Mirrored Mesh: Knife tool does not cut all the way on the mirrored side, when starting from a point
- Mirrored Mesh: UVs do not get mirrored when using the Texture UV tool
- Mirrored Mesh: When manipulating the added mesh data within a subdivided face (Edit->Subdivide Faces), erroneous results occur. [link (http://www.anim8or.com/smf/index.php?topic=4644.msg33335#msg33335)]
- Subdivision Mesh: When 0 working divisions, stays non-shaded when in point edit mode, regardless of shading mode.
- Materials: If the specular and emissive factor isn't change from the default, then it doesn't get saved in the .an8 file even when a texture is applied to that channel
Figure Editor
Sequence Editor
- UI Vertical Resize Bar: Behaves erratically when click-dragging it
- Keyframes don't update: When setting a keyframe for a bone rotation, the sequence won't visually reflect the change.
- Sequence data fails to save: Sequences save as empty keyframes in the file
Scene Editor
- UI Vertical Resize Bar: Behaves erratically when click-dragging it
- Background images: Appear dark in the workspace and when using the opengl renderer.
- MSVCR110.DLL Missing: Needs to be statically linked
- Windows XP: Does not run [link (http://www.anim8or.com/smf/index.php?topic=4644.msg33332#msg33332)] [link (http://www.anim8or.com/smf/index.php?topic=4644.msg33347#msg33347)] [link (http://www.anim8or.com/smf/index.php?topic=4644.msg33356#msg33356)]
- About-> OpenGLl Info: Causes crash after viewing. [link (http://www.anim8or.com/smf/index.php?topic=4644.msg33349#msg33349)]
- Splash Screen: Needs updating
\\ Error: MSVCR110.DLL Missing
Odds are you may not have it, so download the Visual C++ Redistributable (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679)
After clicking "Download", select the appropriate one for your operating system (x86 or x64).