Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: weirdguy on April 17, 2013, 05:44:51 am

Title: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on April 17, 2013, 05:44:51 am
If you have a lot of free time and don't mind low polygon 3D models, you can do this.  I found a website called The Starfleet Museum and several of the fan made designs have deck plans.

Well, that was just too tempting to pass up, but at the same time I'm not going for hyper detail as well.  I figure with every room inside the ship modeled in 3D it ought to be enough polygons to melt my computer.

It is just a work in progress, and I only have most of the first 3 decks out of 20 total decks done.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: cooldude234 on April 17, 2013, 12:54:38 pm
I love the inside portion :D I thought you said you weren't going for hyper detail :P
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: Blick Fang on April 17, 2013, 05:12:56 pm
Wow Nice!  Ya!  ALOT of detail!!!!
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on April 17, 2013, 05:56:14 pm
I should clarify then.  Ok, when I meant not a lot of hyper detail I was referring to the quality of the individual 3D models.  They're all just basic models that wouldn't stand up to a lot of close inspection.

However, there will be a LOT of those little basic 3D models.  That is where the 3D model of this ship is going to be detailed.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 17, 2013, 11:18:54 pm
Nice work!  The visible interior really emphasises the size of the ship.  Very impressive!
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on April 18, 2013, 07:21:19 am
More work done.  I am nearly done with deck 3, the big deck.  I have to change one of the auditoriums into a fitness center, and add in the machinery to the three currently empty back shops.

Then it ought to be a bit easier as all the other decks are a lot smaller.

I would also mention that the original Asia class has two decks in the saucer section, but I changed it to only be a single deck for a couple of reasons.  The major one is to just give myself a break and cut down on the work load!  The second reason is more practical.  You can't see the deck with the skin removed from the ship, so all that work wouldn't really be visible anyway.  The third reason is the ship looks a bit better with the skinny dish, making it resemble the the old NCC-1701, even though it is half the size.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: cooldude234 on April 19, 2013, 12:36:22 am
kinda reminds me of the shinra tower in final fantasy 7 for some reason XD
It's looking good though.
For some reason I kinda want to see it with a green/blue colour with a transparency set on it to make it look like a hologram :P
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: johnar on April 20, 2013, 08:05:04 am
 i'm not what you'd call a trekky, but hav probly seen most, if not all, the star trek movies and tv series. Never realised there was so much room inside there...  20 decks!!
 Looks great weirdguy. Nice one.  :)
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on April 21, 2013, 04:58:27 am
Well, if the size of the ship is impressive, then I might point out that this Asia class ship is actually quite a bit smaller than the Enterprise.  I made a 3D model of that ship a while back, but the goal of this new ship is to do the insides.  The Asia will have 20 decks, while the Enterprise has 26.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: johnar on April 22, 2013, 09:00:45 am
 That's pretty impressive all right.  :)

 was lookn  at these rough lines, is that an antialiasing thing in the render?  Might want to tick that little box next to 'antialising' in the rendering options. ;)
 (..or is it meant to look like that?,...with the size of it, it wouldn't surprise me if it was. You could sleep in those
 But if it is an antialiasing thing, and you've got that ticked in the box, then maybe its a graphics card thing.. ??..i don't really know, just wondering what you thought about it.. 8)
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on April 23, 2013, 05:46:37 am
AA is turned on, and no, I don't really think about that.  
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: johnar on April 23, 2013, 09:10:48 am

I don't really think about that.

  ;D.  cool dude. Suppose you don't need to, with everything else going on.  ;)   :D
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on April 30, 2013, 04:09:03 am
Just a slight update.  I mainly just added the phaser bank to the upper dish.  I tried out a few versions of machinery until I hit upon this idea for a stack of particle accelerator rings that all feed into a main tube that is extended up and out of the hull.

I also messed around with the render and found that I can make the AA better by going to a different settings.  I had been on the default OpenGL setting, and now that I am on Scan-Line setting I can up the anti-aliasing.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: cooldude234 on April 30, 2013, 05:14:41 pm
the OpenGL implementation in anim8or doesn't always support AA(anti-alaising) (I have to force it to be enabled through my hardware's software).
Scaneline and ART renderer will for sure have anti-alaising
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on April 30, 2013, 08:31:13 pm
I never really got into the AA issues at all.  Honestly, I'm not a uber-graphics purist at any rate.  I like simpler 3D models as I can produce more content quicker that way, despite the fact I have done very detailed models for actual video games (two of the ships in Pirates of the Burning Sea MMO game were done by me).

I am happy I found out how to get the AA working, though.

Back on topic I tried out making a background image for my picture.  This isn't even that complicated.  I just put a gigantic cube behind my 3D model of the ship and painted it with a NASA photo, then spun the ship around to get the angle I wanted.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on May 10, 2013, 01:44:56 am
Update.  I have deck 4 done.

I think.  You never know.  I might do a few more details.

It isn't a difficult deck for the ship.  Just the torpedo launcher bay, and on the aft starboard side are hydrogen fuel tanks, while on the aft port side are smaller cargo bays (the saucer can separate, and the crew will need supplies).

Also, I have the warp core vertical shafts done as well, although you won't see much in this picture because of the neck.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: johnar on May 10, 2013, 11:49:31 pm
Progress is going well, weirdguy  :)

 Not sure what you think of this thought, but i remember seeing a model of the 'Enterprise', and the outside details of the ship were done with 'texturing'. (Images of the real thing, applied as textures).
 Looked really good.  Might, possibly, be an idea 4 giving the outside of your ship its 'finishing touches'.....

 But apart from that, its all Lookn excellent weirdguy.  Nice
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on May 11, 2013, 01:47:53 am
There is an actually a very good reason the outside of the ship is bare bones right now.

Because I am putting so much work into the internal layout of this ship, I occasionally need to change the shape of the external hull to fit the changes I'm making to the decks.  Case in point I deleted a deck from the dish (it is supposed to be a double deck at the rim of the saucer).

Because of that I don't want to turn attention to the external hull until the inside is done.

That, and I like making models out of 3D geometry instead of textures.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on July 21, 2013, 04:03:49 am
Just a bit more.  I am working on the decks within the neck of the ship.

The plans I have don't have stairs inside there, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to have stairs.  The decks are supposed to be cargo bays, but with windows on the neck I figure that people must be in there who want a view, so I plan to make them crew spaces of some kind.  Perhaps the bakery and laundry can be in one of the rooms.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on August 12, 2013, 02:58:38 pm
Still plugging away at this.  Eventually I will be done.  Eventually.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: ianross on August 12, 2013, 03:09:49 pm
Good work, I like the planet.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: cooldude234 on August 13, 2013, 12:52:41 am
planning on adding lights and making a soft-shadowed/ambient-occlusion final render?
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on August 15, 2013, 05:41:58 am
No, I don't really plan to do a fancy final render.  The scene creator isn't one of the things I have spent a lot of time with.

I do have a slightly updated 3D model right now, as I have the next deck done.  Only 3 left to do, and they're fairly basic looking decks.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: Blick Fang on August 15, 2013, 11:07:25 am
Weirdguy....Looks great!  I'd like to use it in a brief animation!
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on August 21, 2013, 02:55:08 am
Slight update.  I only have 1 more deck to do, and then add a few bits and pieces around the ship as there are a few oddball rooms I haven't put any gear or props in yet.

Overall I am happy with how this is turning out.  It is sort of like a virtual train set as I build this thing.  I realize it is more of a curiosity than a useful 3D model, but it is still fun to have.

I may even upload it online so you guys can take a look at is as well.

I've also been in contact with the artists who created the original blueprints that I am working off of and they have been pretty cool about this whole thing as well.

Anyway, here is the picture of the current model with the hull removed.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: dwsel on August 21, 2013, 07:41:50 pm
I'm wondering what's the polycount? From this distance, in this resolution the interiors would look enough detailed to serve as a realistic view of the spaceship.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on August 22, 2013, 05:01:01 am
The polygon count is a bit hard to judge.  Animator will tell you the number of faces a model has, but most people will judge a model by the number of triangles.

A 6 sided cylinder will be 8 faces.  However, that is misleading as a 8 faces is actually made of triangles.  Each of the 6 flat sides is 2 each, and the end caps should be 4 triangles for a total of 22 triangles.

But, I don't have the time or inclination to figure it all out for my ship.  Animator says the number of faces is just over 142,000 faces.

Oh, and I added the last deck today.  Now the model is not actually done yet.  I still have some minor work here and there to take care of, and then I move onto making window holes in the hull as well as decorative paint stripes, all in 3D model and not in texture form.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: johnar on August 22, 2013, 10:24:12 pm
 Monumental effort wierdguy. Hope you're saving copies. All this work would be an ultimate downer to be lost through some 'computer misadventure'. I'd be keeping copies on an external HD, or disc, as well.
 Just to be on the safe side. (
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: cooldude234 on August 23, 2013, 12:41:40 am
Hey weirdguy (Never thought I'd say that :P) if you want a quick way to triangulate things (even if your just wanting to see how many triangles make up your project), you export it as a 3ds file. 3ds only support triangles so anim8or compensates for that and makes everything triangles. So then you can take that object load it into anim8or and check how many polies it has.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: Raxx on August 23, 2013, 01:56:55 am
weirdguy, it'll be nice if when you're done, you can put up a simple animation showing each individual level, so that we can appreciate the details better ;)

The .3ds format has a cap of around 36k triangles, so a model with 142k+ faces would not export to that format successfully.

I put together a quick script that counts the triangles in an object and writes it in the console. It's attached to this post.

[edit] Fixed some redundancies in the code
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: cooldude234 on August 23, 2013, 01:49:25 pm
Nice raxx, that should be usefull.
I have yet to finish my obj parser, I can convert squares to triangles but that's all :P
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on August 28, 2013, 06:19:43 am
Here is the 3D model as it is right now.  I compressed it with Win RAR, but I changed the file format extension to be a .zip file as that is what the attach file types are allowed on this forum.  If you cannot unzip the file just manually change the file extension back to .rar and you should be good.

I will say that this 3D model is not yet finished.  There are still a few empty rooms in the ship, no decals or windows yet.  It is also named the Australia, since the Asia class I modified and so I gave it a new name.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: cooldude234 on August 28, 2013, 10:25:30 pm
That's freaking awesome
I also just tested in Carrara adding a bunch of lights to see what it could look like if you were to make a good final render.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: daniel99 on November 06, 2013, 04:11:05 pm
Very cool, man.
I also love star trek, so I have these ships I've modeled back in 2011 for a project.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: dwalcott on January 18, 2014, 06:15:27 pm
Sick work!!!!  I love all of these.
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on June 18, 2015, 04:00:54 pm
I have added a bit more to this one after a long hiatus.

The neck of the ship now has rooms in it.  One of which is the brig with four holding cells.  That is the top, forward room in the neck.  The others are a high bay/walkway above the main engineering room, mostly to allow crew to walk up and over the top of the horizontal reactor section rather than go all the way forward in order to get around the reactor output section.

I think the only things left are escape pods and the anti-matter fuel pods, both somewhat on deck 2.  The escape pods will be in that unused area outboard of the officer quarters, with ladders down to the main hallway on deck 3, and the anti-matter on this ship is in that solo room built on top of the saucer.  Usually Star Trek ships have the anti-matter at the bottom of the ship, but this one reverses that and has them on top.

Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 20, 2015, 09:37:56 pm
Looking great! And ironic... I've been working in a completely different medium... creating the USS Tarkus bit by bit...



Me and the "crew"...

For those curious... that is in Second Life...
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: neirao on June 21, 2015, 02:23:13 pm
Title: Re: Star Trek Asia Class....with internal deck plan
Post by: weirdguy on May 20, 2016, 04:28:57 am
I just thought I could post the current ship model.

Here is the file for Animator, zipped up.  About 2 megabytes in size.  Just download the attachment to this post.

Now any of you can see the current version I have.