Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Arik_the_Red on April 10, 2013, 04:14:21 pm

Title: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on April 10, 2013, 04:14:21 pm
Yo!  Great production now releases its first episode!  And the 3DCG all started with anim8or!

( (

!LIKE AND SHARE ON YOUTUBE![/youtube]?feature=watch]
pEarth1[/youtube]?feature=watch (http://www.[youtube)

!!!Like and share on Facebook!!! (
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: Raxx on April 10, 2013, 07:33:34 pm
I see some familiar names in the credits ;) Congratulations!
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on April 10, 2013, 08:10:40 pm
Frankly, from my following things, Tony/Ensoniq5 was the top designer of all the 3DCG material... with some fun contributions by a few others hereabouts. Tony has been the diehard nonstop workhorse since I first proposed the project to him... long after I took a side- and back-step from things.
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: cooldude234 on April 11, 2013, 12:27:19 am
Sweet cant wait to watch it!
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 11, 2013, 04:08:27 am
Thanks Aric.  This project is very much a team effort and the first few episodes released on YouTube represent a huge amount of work by a small number of dedicated people.  I was given a lot of freedom design-wise (possibly too much!) but I loved that everyone from the director through to the actors was able to provide input on every aspect of the design, and we members of the CGI team were involved in the whole process (including distribution problems....more on that later).

There is a vast amount of work done for future episodes, and much yet to do, and I look forward to continuing to work with this great bunch of people who have given everything for little or no reward other than being included in the credits.  Anybody interested in getting involved with the project let me know, or go to and look for our project.  (PS: Wreckamovie is very much worth checking out if you want to flex your CGI muscles by diving in to some amazing, international projects.  All sorts of contributions are welcomed; you don't need to have ILM or Weta Digital skills, just enthusiasm and originality.  The recent worldwide hit "Iron Sky" was the result of a Wreckamovie collaboration.)

Regarding my input to the Mission Backup Earth project, ALL modelling was done in Anim8or though it was mostly rendered in Carrara for speed and other effects such as particles etc.  The talented editor, Hannu, waved his magic wand over most of my renders while compositing the live action stuff, so much of the credit for the CGI stuff goes his way (there are some totally awesome animated scenes in the can for future episodes!).  It should be mentioned that there is no off-the-shelf modelling or stock footage in this project, every model and scene was created specifically from scratch for this project or contributed by fans from other Wreckamovie projects in return for a bit of custom CGI ;)

The real hero of the piece is Alex: writer, director, producer, project manager, marketing guru... pretty much everything.  Without his unfaltering enthusiasm none of this would have been possible, full stop.  We had some distribution problems at the last minute, working to a strict deadline we were forced to use some 'placeholder' graphics rather than the full HD stuff planned and then the plan went off the rails a bit anyway (grrr...).  Plans are still in place to distribute the full HD version on a more pro platform than YouTube at some stage, fingers are crossed.

Thanks again Aric, your enthusiasm and positivity for the project was vital in bringing the core CGI team together, so credit where it's due mate!
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: ianross on April 11, 2013, 06:53:20 am
This is great, well done! can't wait for the next episode.
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: Blick Fang on April 12, 2013, 02:04:04 pm
Pretty amazing!  Great Job!!!
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: neodelito on April 13, 2013, 05:00:12 pm
wow! NICE!!! excelent work...
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on July 21, 2013, 07:07:59 am
Update:  Mission Backup Earth was selected in the Fantasy/Sci Fi category of the inaugural Melbourne Web Fest ( (, promoting the development of the web series format and helping amateur and student film-makers to get recognition for their works.  Stunningly, not only did we win the award for best in our category, Mission Backup Earth took out the grand jury prize!  This gives MBE automatic selection in the LA and Marseille web fests and includes all expenses paid attendance at both for the team (or at least some of them).  This was our first public screening and our first award, couldn't ask for better exposure.  I was honoured to accept the awards on MBEs behalf and I can't begin to portray how excited the team is about this.  Just wanted to let you all know how this project is going and to share our excitement!

MBE can be seen in full HD here: (
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: CrashDrive on July 21, 2013, 02:48:50 pm
Wow, congratulations to you and the team.
Really amazing ENSONIQ5. Happy for you.
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: cooldude234 on July 21, 2013, 05:51:49 pm
   but I have to say
that acrylic award looks like a minecraft world chunk :P
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on July 21, 2013, 08:41:46 pm
Yup, the Melbourne Minecraft Award!   heeheh!  but seriously, it blew me away to find out this production took such a big award! I maintain that if Tony had not signed on, this project would have gone nowhere.

While it has live actors and such, the program would be nothing without the creative ideas and designs that, really, Tony spearheaded almost completely the overall 3DCG look of things, short of the after-effects work.  Anything created since Episode 1 would not have even happened had Tony and Hannu and a few others of the 3DCG team not been onboard from early on.

Well earned, Mister Pinkpank! So cool to know ya!
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on July 21, 2013, 11:42:55 pm
Cheers Arik!  Your support throughout has been very much appreciated by everyone on the team and your input in the early stages (including the cargo pods!) was crucial to getting the team set up in the first place.  All projects are a sum of their parts and I believe it was the enthusiasm and diversity of our team (all of whom have given their time and talent at no charge) that got us over the line with the judging panel.  You are very much a part of that team, as much as the CGI artists, composer, editor, costume designer, foley artist, and of course Alex (the writer, director, producer), so this award is for you too mate!  Hope it's the first of many and hope it might be possible to catch up in LA in 2014!
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on November 19, 2014, 07:37:09 am
Update: Progress continues on this webseries, below are some of the most recent sets created as backdrops behind live action.  All modelling was done in Anim8or with the exception of the trees which are Carrara parametric objects, and rendering was completed in Carrara.
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on November 19, 2014, 08:52:52 am
Looking great! For those wanting to follow the Mission Backup Earth project...

Like on Facebook:

I know I know... it's already on the intro message, but viva la redundancy!
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: johnar on November 19, 2014, 05:12:38 pm
 Awesome job guys. Wooo-hooo!!  (

 (must make an emoti-gif for 'Hats Off') (

Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: CrashDrive on November 20, 2014, 01:43:26 am
Really nice work again. Lot's of excellent detail and hard work on the ship.
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: ianross on November 20, 2014, 09:34:13 am
This is very good, thank you Arik.
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on November 20, 2014, 06:24:42 pm
Ensoniq5 is the workhorse on this project. I've just been a great admirer for awhile now.
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: RudySchneider on November 20, 2014, 06:35:48 pm
Ensoniq5, that last image reminds me of an old Bruce Dern flick, Silent Running.
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: MvGulik on November 20, 2014, 07:42:19 pm
Those that like Silent Running (1972) ( ( might also like Moon (2009) ( ([/youtube]]Trailer (https://www.[youtube)).

... Backup of a different kind ...[/i]
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on November 21, 2014, 03:16:28 am
Ensoniq5, that last image reminds me of an old Bruce Dern flick, Silent Running.

The domed 'gardens' were added as an entirely intentional homage to Silent Running which is one of those films watched in my childhood that helped form my continuing love affair with science fiction and, well, spaceships and stuff.  They were added as an afterthought, the original ship design was constructed by a member of the team who unfortunately left without supplying the model, so I had to recreate it in Anim8or from the few renders available.  I loved the design so left it pretty much unchanged, except for the gardens.  I'm very happy you made the connection with Silent Running!

There's actually a number of small nods to other shows and contemporary science hidden (some more secretly than others) in the MBE plates.  The blue 'carpet' texture in the interior shot attached was derived from a recent quantum-microscope image of the atomic structure of ... I forget ... a metal of some sort!  Anyway, I liked the pattern and thought it might be kinda cool to incorporate it somewhere!
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: cooldude234 on November 21, 2014, 08:39:37 pm
Those that like Silent Running (1972) ( ( might also like Moon (2009) ( ([/youtube]]Trailer (https://www.[youtube)).
Moon was freakn awesome... now I must go check out silent running :P (I've heard of it but never bothered to look it up :l )
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on January 05, 2018, 09:02:35 am
Hey all.  It's been a while since I've posted in this thread, but just wanted to provide an update.  The Mission Backup Earth project is still going strong with many episodes online and several awards in the bag from around the world :).  Working with David Prowse (Darth Vader) was a real highlight, credit to Alex (writer, director, producer) for making that bit of magic happen!  We're always spruiking for new talent, specifically animators and renderers as this is always a bit of a bottleneck, so PM me if you'd like to get involved.

Below are some stills from recent episodes, most of which were constructed in Anim8or.  Some models were contributed by team members from around the world using a range of modeling systems and all were rendered in Carrara.

Edit: After several unsuccessful attempts to link to the Mission Backup Earth YouTube channel I have given up!  No doubt I am doing something wrong, if you want to check out recent episodes just search for "Mission Backup Earth" in YouTube.
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: kreator on January 05, 2018, 02:01:13 pm

Edit: After several unsuccessful attempts to link to the Mission Backup Earth YouTube channel I have given up!  No doubt I am doing something wrong, if you want to check out recent episodes just search for "Mission Backup Earth" in YouTube.

There you go Tony
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on January 05, 2018, 06:04:16 pm
Those unfamiliar... Mission Backup Earth would NOT be here, frankly, if not for Anim8or.  A core of Anim8or designers were integral to the initial concept development for this project, and if not for that core, the 3DCG team that Mission Backup Earth is highly dependent upon would likely have never taken off.  Even to this date, Tony (Ensoniq5) is the powerhouse of the 3DCG team, I believe still doing much if his basic model-building using Anim8or, prior to porting it to other production software for the higher-end works. 

I think this is significant because MBE is an internationally viewed, well-received and highly recognized webseries within its circle of peers.

Actors and stage folk behind, I believe Tony is right near to the Mission Backup Earth creator Alexander Pfander himself in importance to this ongoing webseries project.

You're awesome, Buddy!
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on January 05, 2018, 07:45:34 pm
Thanks Kevin for the link, much appreciated, and thanks Arik for your support!  All my modeling is done in Anim8or, I'm yet to find a better modeler to be honest.  Its tools are simple but utterly free of malarky, and the ability to wrangle multiple objects within a single project is absolutely crucial to creating really complex models without going insane.  For example, the hotel ('Hotel2.jpg') is a single huge model built entirely in Anim8or.  I can't overstate the importance of being able to build elements in an uncluttered 'workbench' object before cutting/pasting into an 'assembly' object for eventual export to Carrara for rendering (and adding plant objects).  This simple ability is conspicuously absent in many other modelers, forcing the artist to construct and assemble meshes in a single, increasingly complex workspace.

The only reasons I render with Carrara rather than Anim8or relate to speed and material complexity.  Anim8or's ART renderer makes really beautiful images but isn't fast enough for our production requirements.  I also prefer Carrara's very powerful material editor whose channel-mixing functions are capable of almost infinite complexity and control in surface texture definition.

Of the five attached stills:

EngineRoom4: Modeled by team member Daniel Maland, I'm not sure what modeling software was used.  I added the graphics to the display consoles, lighted and rendered.
HershelCorridor: Modeled in Anim8or with the door/frame element supplied by Daniel.  Rendered using mirror elements to extend the length of the corridor.
KofiAnanBridgeTest1: Modeled in Anim8or with some elements supplied by Daniel.
Hotel2: Modeled entirely in Anim8or with plant elements added using Carrara's plant generator.
SlaveQuarters3: Primary model/set provided by Daniel, foreground container elements modeled in Anim8or.

In all cases, materials, lighting and rendering was with Carrara.
Title: Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on June 19, 2020, 07:30:42 am
So, johnar reminded me that it had been a long time since I had posted anything here (almost 2.5 years!).  I know this thread is old but I figure it's acceptable, etiquette-wise, to resurrect one's own vintage threads.

The Mission Backup Earth project ( ( is still keeping me busy, as an ongoing web series with CGI in every scene (yes... every, single, scene!) there is an awful lot to keep me occupied.  It's interesting to look back on the early work done in this project to see how things have improved, particularly with CGI/live action integration.  It is common now for renders to align perfectly with the live action, "plug and play" as Alex often says.  Considering that there can often be a year or more between filming the live action and the background plates being modeled and rendered this is quite an achievement.

Below is a sequence I created a few weeks ago for an upcoming episode.  All modeling was done with Anim8or (including Arik's ubiquitous triangular cargo containers) but rendered in Carrara.  Anim8or's renderer is much improved speed-wise and somehow its renders are just more beautiful than Carrara's, but Carrara still has a speed advantage with network rendering (3 x i7 quaddies supplying 24 rendering threads, and this scene still took several hours to render).

Hopefully the Youtube link works, if not please bear with me while I work it out again!