Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: nathan on March 25, 2013, 02:57:11 am

Title: i wanna make a game
Post by: nathan on March 25, 2013, 02:57:11 am
listen well umm i seen several people make games with anim8or i wanna know is there any xtra progamms i can get all i got is anim8or and im broke so
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: nathan on March 25, 2013, 03:16:08 am
ahah cre8or that should be easy to find spends hour on internet

anyone gat any idea on where to find it

better yet send me a copy should be fine
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: cooldude234 on March 25, 2013, 03:22:59 pm
This is like the third time someone has asked on these forums. You should do a search on the forums next time.
But here it is anyways, (
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: cooldude234 on March 25, 2013, 07:46:21 pm
However, even though cre8or is a great tool to helping to understand how to get into programming games, there are many others out there.
One of the most popular (and one of my most hated) ones is GameMaker.

The Turing programming language is entry level programming language designed for beginners. And it allows a lot freedom as well as its extremely easy to get into and use. I remembered this to a lot of beginners because you can do so much with it so easily, and everything you learn can be directly translated into other programming languages such as C++, which makes going from Turing to other languages really easy (Unlike GameMaker and such).

Now of course you could just go straight into a language like C++ or Java. Java is sluggish and easy to recompile but it offers everything in one bundle.

C++ or C is extremely fast (depending on the implication and how you use it) and secure, but are the hardest for someone who has no idea what they are doing. Because it offers full freedom over a basic, low level language, the user has do everything themselves or find pre-compiled code (libraries) to do that for them, there's also open source code you can use depending on the license (which also when looking for libraries make sure you know what the license on using it is). The main library I use in my project is opengl.
Precompiled code with tells drivers on your graphics card to draw things using matrices to make it look 3D.
I would suggest C++ when you want full horse power form you're computer, but you got to know how to harness that power before you can ride it ;) in other words, its not the greatest for beginners, but you can still start out with it, it just takes longer to get what you want showing.

Another note about licenses, make sure you read the ones with all the software you use, some say you cannot distribute and sell your product without purchasing a license form them to do so.
Have fun scripting or coding which ever you choose (and remember if you choose one, doesn't mean you cant learn another, you can try all of them if you wanted to).
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: wacky blend on March 28, 2013, 10:40:52 am
Blender 2.49 and lower was great for this with a built in game engine. Anything higher than 2.49 and they lost focus on the game engine and started working more on animation aspect.  A old friend of mine has a few good game and modeling tutorials about that here ->

Jabhacksoul's Robots and Radar (

Jabhacksoul's Army Sim Health Bars (
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: Deepthought on April 03, 2013, 04:07:24 pm
Java is sluggish and easy to recompile but it offers everything in one bundle.
Java is actually pretty fast with JIT compilation and optimization, and it's easier than c++.
If you don't know how to program in the first place, take a look at freebasic.
It's a dialog of BASIC that can utilize any shared library you care to create a header for.

Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: davygravy123 on April 03, 2013, 05:06:57 pm
I would recommend Unity3D for game-making. Really easy-to-learn program with a friendly interface and its compatible with many modelling programs and scripting-types like javascript, c#,.... Plus, its free (for non-commercial use only though I believe...)
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: cooldude234 on April 03, 2013, 07:40:07 pm
Java is sluggish and easy to recompile but it offers everything in one bundle.
Java is actually pretty fast with JIT compilation and optimization, and it's easier than c++.
For what I needed java was too slow, and on top of that I found C++ easier than java.

I would recommend Unity3D for game-making. Really easy-to-learn program with a friendly interface and its compatible with many modelling programs and scripting-types like javascript, c#,.... Plus, its free (for non-commercial use only though I believe...)
Hey davygravy I haven't seen you in like forever ;P
Besides the fact that I hate unity3d, it is free for non commercial use, if you want to sell your product with it you have to buy the full version (which comes with more options like special shaders or something like that).
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: Raxx on April 03, 2013, 08:25:24 pm
On the contrary, you can sell games made with the free version of Unity. It used to be that if you made more than, say, $100k, you have to buy the pro version or something, but I think they even took that out.
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: Deepthought on April 03, 2013, 10:31:35 pm
What were you trying to do in java?
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: cooldude234 on April 05, 2013, 03:39:18 am
What were you trying to do in java?
I was trying to simulate millions (up to a billion) of entities which had to be drawn on the screen in their respective position in the world. Which meant they had to store their positions, and as well as that they had to store various other values like state, velocity and whether they are being clicked on or not.
On top of this I needed to check every entity against every entity that existed. Although my code was the absolute worst, I found that C++ ran my code much much faster.

With all the constraints I had, it having to be a light weight application and fast, I think it turned out quite nice. However I no longer use SDL for rendering, I have gotten way better with memory addresses and I no longer use work arounds like temporally saving files and loading them up instantly (as the worst type of ram you can possibly have :P ).
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: Deepthought on April 05, 2013, 08:01:51 am
that's pretty crazy. what was the program for?
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: cooldude234 on April 05, 2013, 06:56:40 pm
some of it was for the poop and giggles, some of it was for the heck of it, but most of it was to see what I could do as a programmer and improve my skills overall.
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: Deepthought on April 05, 2013, 07:40:33 pm
Good enough of a reason for everything, I suppose.
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: charles on April 10, 2013, 10:20:34 am
For general game design I like PHP. It's easy to program and has a really powerful dictionary data type that makes game graph design easy. Since the syntax is basically C, the programs can be ported if necessary, although that's some work because the data class doesn't exist in C. Still, I have done it, written a game in PHP and moved it to C++.
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: wacky blend on April 18, 2013, 02:57:09 am
Another avenue to explore is Panda 3D. This has been used to create commercial grade online MMOs to simple shooters. The programming language is python, but can use the directx models or convert your models to the egg format used by the engine. You can't beat the price since it is free.
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: cooldude234 on April 19, 2013, 12:22:09 am
Okay maybe I'm sound a little harsh here or something, but I would like to say that python is EXTREMELY slow.
There may be a pattern I'm making here ;p
but python is good in the fact that it can be used very wildly, you can do quite a bit with it your just sacrificing performance for it I guess.

Now I've seen panda 3D but I never tried it so I can't really give any info on it, but I'm pretty sure you need a licence if you want to go commercial with the work made with panda 3D (correct me if I'm wrong please).
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: wacky blend on April 23, 2013, 06:06:48 pm
I took only the one Python coding class here in college and it is a bear. However from what I understand about "speed" it all depends on how the program is executed and what OS is used. If you are running it from a command prompt and type > python  Then the code is read in and operates much like an interrupter very slow to load but the execution speed seems ok. However if you convert the script into bytecode you execute > myscript.pyc it loads up much faster. Personally I am NOT a fan of Python because it is testy about indenting. The one class was very basic and we didn't get into advance uses.  I dislike programming altogether and it was needed for the credit.

No, it is a BSD License with the University that developed it. Read more here: ( Three basic rules to follow; 1) Include the engine copyright notice. 2) Compiled programs must reproduce the above copyright notice, conditions and the disclaimer.  3) Carnegie Mellon University and staff cannot be used to promote your project. 

To my understanding Disney used this for Toon Town and Pirates of the Caribbean. So if you have played them that should give you some idea of what kind of engine to expect, however 3D models and textures is in your court.

Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: SevenDeadlySins on November 01, 2013, 05:21:43 am
Found this: (
Hope it helps!
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: ianross on November 07, 2013, 09:56:16 am
To SevenDeadlySins the game creation list is very good, many thanks.
Title: Re: i wanna make a game
Post by: SevenDeadlySins on November 07, 2013, 11:04:09 pm
@ ianross No problem!

I just noticed a rather interesting program on the list called Silent Walk Renaissance (

Whats interesting about the tool, (from what I have seen after playing with it for a while is):
1. Its free, no nag screens, no trial version
2. It allows you to create (basic) FPS games without coding!
3. They also added scripting support using the well known GML, although I haven't seen examples of how to use it (Game Maker Language) apparently the 3D engine itself was made in GM too.
4. Its supports .OBJ and .MD2 and anim8or supports exporting to .OBJ so that's a good thing!
5. You create the rooms/levels using a 2D interface which I find quite nifty.
6. Games are ready to distribute as soon as you save the level, just go to the projects folder and distribute the exe and the accompanying data folder, to anyone that wants to play the game.

I should also mention that from what I have read on their forums this 3D engine isnt particularly powerful and advanced effects like bump mapping and shaders aren't currently supported.

So what do people think?