Anim8or Community

General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: Raxx on March 16, 2013, 03:38:40 pm

Title: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: Raxx on March 16, 2013, 03:38:40 pm
Welcome to the RIBRobin Toolkit! This series of scripts lets you setup a scene right in the object editor for export to either 3Delight or RenderPixie!

Current Features



  • Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space. Double click to set values.
  • Width: Width of image that'll be rendered. Represented by the relative width of the camera's viewing rectangles. [640]
  • Height: Height of image that'll be rendered. Represented by the relative height of the camera's viewing rectangles. [480]
  • FOV: Field of Vision. [60]
  • NearClip: Anything closer to the camera than this gets culled. Represented by the rectangle in front of the camera mesh. Non-uniform scale on the y-axis changes this value. [50]
  • FarClip: Anything farther from the camera than this value gets culled. Represented by the rectangle furthest from the camera mesh. [1000]
  • DOF:Enables Depth of Field. DOF does not render when Ambient Occlusion or orthographic is enabled. When activated, the camera receives a series of circle guides in its viewing range that represents the "circle of confusion" at that depth. Basically, the larger the circle, the more blur there will be at that spot. Giving DOF a value of 2 gives it a very dense representation (one circle every 10 units), whereas giving DOF a value of 1 makes it more sparse (one circle every 100 units). A value of 0 disables it. [ 0 ]
  • f-stop: To make it easier to understand, just think of f-stop as a "scale" of sorts. The smaller the number, the larger the circles get. You can use either his or Focal Length or both. They scale the same way except at different values. [ 0.5 ]
  • Focal Length: This also scales the circles of confusion. A higher value equals a larger scale. Combine this with f-stop to get the blur you want. [ 45 ]
  • Focal Distance: The image is sharpest at this distance away from the camera. This is represented by a division located between the near and far clip. You'll notice that the circles of confusion are at its thinnest at this point. The best strategy is to set this value first before messing around with Focal Length and Focal Distance. [ 500 ]
  • Orthographic: Changes the camera from perspective to orthographic. The camera's lines that represent its field of view change form accordingly. Non-uniform scale on the x-axis changes its width/height. [ 0 ]

Ambient Light


  • Description: This object lights the entire world evenly, and is non-directional. You can place it anywhere in the scene and it'll have the same effect.
  • Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space. Double click to set values. The Emmissive RGB values in its corresponding material determine the light's color.
  • Intensity: Intensity of the light. For ambient lights, it needs to be set fairly low[100]

Distant Light


  • Description: This object lights the entire world evenly, in one direction. You can place it anywhere in the scene and it'll have the same effect. It's the same as Anim8or's infinite light.
  • Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space. Double click to set values. The Emmissive RGB values in its corresponding material determine the light's color, and the arrow's direction shows the light's direction
  • Intensity: Intensity of the light [ 1 ]
  • Casts Shadows? (Scanline not implemented yet): 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. [ 0 ]
  • Shadow Samples: Number of samples shadows are rendered at. [16]
  • Shadow Width: The "softness" of the shadow. [1]

Spot Light


  • Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space. Double click to set values. The Emmissive RGB values in its corresponding material determine the light's color.
  • Intensity: Intensity of the light. For spot lights, it needs to be set fairly high. (Poorly) Represented by the light's cone distance[Uniform Scale]
  • Cone Angle: This is the overall cone angle of the spot light. [ 30 ]
  • Delta Angle: This is the "inner" angle of light. Light will focus harder on this width when given a high beam distribution (maybe)  [ 5 ]
  • Beam Distribution: The higher the number, the more "focus" it has. [ 2 ]
  • Casts Shadows?: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. [ 0 ]
  • Shadow Samples: Number of samples shadows are rendered at. [16]
  • Shadow Width: The "softness" of the shadow. [1]

Point Light


  • Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space. Double click to set values. The Emmissive RGB values in its corresponding material determine the light's color.
  • Intensity: Intensity of the light. For point lights, it needs to be set fairly high. [100]
  • Casts Shadows?: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. [ 0 ]
  • Shadow Samples: Number of samples shadows are rendered at. [16]
  • Shadow Width: The "softness" of the shadow. [1]

AO Options


  • Description: This shape carries the ambient occlusion options for you to tweak its settings as needed. Please note that all but the first three settings apply only to point-cloud AO, and most of those are for 3Delight only. Fully raytraced Ambient Occlusion is mostly automatic, except you can set its bias and samples here. All default settings should turn out decent results for most cases.
  • Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in the work space to create it. Double click object to set values.
  • Enabled: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. [ 0 ]
  • Bias: Offsets the computation points a bit above the original surface. This can be necessary to avoid self-occlusion on highly curved surfaces. In other words, higher numbers can reduce artifacts, but may cause other problems. [ 1 ]
  • Falloff: This shapes the falloff curve based on Falloff Mode. Scanline- and 3Delight-only.[ 0 ]
  • Falloff Mode: 0 is exponential, 1 is polynomial. Scanline- and 3Delight-only.[ 0 ]
  • Max Distance: Can decrease render times in large scenes if you set the max distance to only the range you want to shadows to be calculated, but otherwise changing this value won't give a noticeable bump in speed[ 1e+005 ]
  • Clamp: Point-based AO (scanline) usually computes too much occlusion, so set this to 1 to make it look good. Nearly doubles the render time. Scanline- and 3Delight-only. [ 0 ]
  • Max S. Angle: Max Solid Angle is a straightforward time-vs-quality knob. It determines how small a cluster must be for it to be a reasonable stand-in for all the points in it. Reasonable values seem to be in the range 0.03 - 0.1. Lower numbers = better quality. [ 0.05 ]
  • Sample Base: A number between 0 and 1 that determines the jitter for computation points. Setting to 0.5 or higher may be necessary to avoid thin lines of too low occlusion where two (perpendular) surfaces intersect. Scanline- and 3Delight-only. [ 0 ]
  • GUI Size: This is how big the Scene Options dialog will look in your workspace. You can scale it with the uniform scale tool, so usually you don't have to bother setting the numbers manually.[ 1 ]

Render Passes


  • Description: If you want to save each major channel (diffuse, ambient, alpha, etc) into a separate image file, you can set that option here
  • Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space to create it. Double click object to set values. 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
  • Diffuse: Diffuse channel (development still in progress)[ 0 ]
  • Ambient: Ambient channel (development still in progress)[ 0 ]
  • Depth: Depth channel (development still in progress)[ 0 ]
  • Alpha: Alpha channel (development still in progress)[ 0 ]
  • Specular: Specular channel (development still in progress)[ 0 ]
  • GUI Size: This is how big the Render Passes dialog will look in your workspace. You can scale it with the uniform scale tool, so usually you don't have to bother setting this number manually.[ 1 ]

Scene Options


  • Description: This shape carries scene options that will override or dramatically change how your scene normally looks.
  • Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space to create it. Double click object to set values.
  • Renderer: 0 = 3Delight, 1 = Aqsis, 2 = RenderPixie. There are specific features where the output has to be changed specifically for the renderer you are using. Hence this option so that it will be automated for you. [3Delight]
  • Pixel Samples: This is your anti-aliasing. Higher numbers will reduce the jagged edges more, but also increases render time. [ 4 ]
  • Ambient Occlusion: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. Converts your scene render to AO. Lights do not affect the outcome, so it's easy to flip the switch for an AO pass[ 0 ]
  • AO Samples: The higher the number, the more samples and therefore the better it'll look, at the cost of render speed. [ 32 ]
  • Bias: A lower number can introduce more AO artifacts but it'll look sharper. Best to adjust at small doses [ 1 ]
  • GUI Size: This is how big the Scene Options dialog will look in your workspace. You can scale it with the uniform scale tool, so usually you don't have to bother setting the numbers manually.[ 1 ]

Setup, Exporting, and Rendering
Download the Toolkit using the link in the Release ( log. The .zip file will include multiple .a8s (Anim8or scripts) files, folders, .sl (shader) files, and Convert.exe (converts image files). Delete ALL previous versions of RIBRobin completely! Then extract the entire contents of the folder into your Anim8or Scripts directory.

Current structure of the .zip file contents:

Set up your scene with the Toolkit's camera, lights, and other RIBRobin shapes available in the left toolbar. Set your renderer by double clicking the Scene Options object after you created it in the workspace. You can set up other parameters in the Scene Options shape, the Ambient Occlusion shape, the Render Passes shape, and the Camera shape. All other shape objects have parameters pertaining specifically to the Renderman component that it represents.

If you're ready to export, go to Object->Export... and select the Renderman (.rib) file type, specify the file name and directory (it can be any locations), and hit Save.
IMPORTANT: The exporter doesn't just save a .rib file. It also saves .sl (shader language) files that are needed by the .rib file, and a .bat file that compiles the textures and shaders and then renders the .rib for you, via command line. The .bat file gets saved in the same directory as the main .rib file. All other files get saved into the folders mentioned above and don't need immediate attention unless there was an error.

So to render your .rib file, assuming you have your renderman renderer installed and you set the correct one in the Scene Options shape, double click on the .bat file that was generated in the same directory as your .rib file. It'll be called something like x_y_z.bat, where x is the same name as the .rib file, y is the name of the object you exported from, and z is the name of the renderer. It will perform four steps depending on your scene's contents:


RIB Rendering Software
The only RIB renderers supported are 3Delight and RenderPixie. I dropped Aqsis because it was too slow, buggy, and lacked features that the other two had. Not to mention RIBRobin's development is a lot faster now with one less renderer to stay compatible with.

Development Milestone Markers
Note: Some features marked as complete may not have been released yet.

[ Complete ] [ Started ]


Title: Releases
Post by: Raxx on March 16, 2013, 03:38:53 pm
Download Release v0.2a (

Got a lot done again! All the issues $imon addressed are pretty much fixed, and then some. I'm pretty proud of my Depth Of Field solution :) On a side note, I'll try to update the documentation (it's kind of getting behind), but if anything play around with the RIBRobin and use common sense.

New Features/Fixes:

Shadows Comparison (Raytrace is casting one extra light)

Point-Cloud vs Raytraced Ambient Occlusion

Depth of Field Demo

Known Bugs and Issues

v0.2 ( - [ Workspace Sample ( ] [ Ambient Occlusion Test ( ] [ Bump, Diffuse, Trans ( ]

v0.1c ( - [ Textures & Phong ( ]

v0.1b ( - [ AO Prototype ( ] [ Multiple Lights ( ]

v0.1a ( - [ Image ( ]
This is the first release. You won't get much useful functionality from this release, but if you're bored or would like to see how it works, feel free to download and try it out.
Title: Re: RIBRobin
Post by: Raxx on March 18, 2013, 12:25:08 am
0.1b release above
Title: Re: RIBRobin
Post by: $imon on March 18, 2013, 11:53:12 am
That's pretty cool, Raxx!

I tried it out with 3Delight on an old chair model and the result is pretty decent (see attachment). Except as you stated, the AO is a bit messed up on the seat (where there are a lot of poly edges together).

It rendered out a nice tif file with transparent background.

I think the prospect are pretty cool for this if you see the sample images made in combination with other programs.

A difficulty I had now: guessing what will and won't be in the camera's FOV. Not much I guess you can do about that, some trial and error solves it quickly.

I hope that you can keep expanding this - it could be a great asset to Anim8or!
Title: Re: RIBRobin
Post by: Raxx on March 18, 2013, 05:28:15 pm
Hey $imon, looks good! It makes me happy to see that it works for someone else as well.

It's true about the camera, which is why I have it represented exactly the same way that the scene editor's camera shows it. But yeah, it'll take some trial and error to get it "just right".

On that note, I do have to put a little warning far converting from quaternions (which is what Anim8or uses) to Euler is not completely accurate. In fact, I don't think Anim8or even converts it 100% correct when you rotate stuff around. Internally it seems Anim8or sticks with Quaternions and then shows you its version of the Euler counterpart. What all this means is that until I figure out a way to get it 100% correct (if that's possible), the rotation of the camera will seem to be off by 1-3 degrees on one or more axis. However, it's not very noticeable nor all that important unless you require rendering with very exact camera orientations.
Title: Re: RIBRobin
Post by: Raxx on March 20, 2013, 02:06:16 am
And so v0.1c is released
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: Raxx on March 24, 2013, 11:17:02 pm
Alright, did a nice big update to v0.2, read above!
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: $imon on March 26, 2013, 09:37:03 am
Nice, Raxx! The new additions seem to be working fine! IT almost is usable as a renderer.. maybe if shadows would work it could start to rival the internal Anim8or renderer.

A few questions about the progress:

- poly material; right now it seems only possible for an object to have one material applied to it: i tried to have polies on an object have a different material, but the whole object changed material. This is not really a priority item since you can use texture maps to define colors on different parts of a model - also if it is a completely different material, it usually is a different object as well. So just a note but no need to act on this.

- texture loading; maybe you can speed up the process by checking if the texture has already been converted, so that this conversion does not have to happen again if you render something twice (checking file name or something), thus increasing render times.

- 'smooth angles' - like they are called in Anim8or - seem to be set at 180 by default.

I'm sure youre well aware of all of this - your progress is very meticulous so far. Can't wait to see some 'advanced' features implemented!
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: Raxx on March 26, 2013, 12:12:25 pm
Hey Simon, you seem to have tested it well ;) It's true, these are known issues but it's good that you brought them up, in case others might be wondering about it. I'll explain my intentions here:

Believe me, I wish I could have enabled shadows in the first release. However, unless raytracing is enabled (which is slower, isn't as flexible, and Aqsis can't do raytracing--which is why it can't do AO yet), to do shadows I have to make it render depth maps from the point of view of each light source, and do some magical voodoo to mesh it all together into a final render. A point light requires six depth maps (done the same way an environment map is made), a spot light requires one with FOV, and an ambient light needs an orthographic one. This means it becomes a major headache :P

I will probably make it so that in the Scene Options, you can pick either scanline or raytracing render methods, but only after I implement the scanline shadows first.

I'll add all these things in to to-do list for v0.3!

I also can't wait to get the advanced features like GI, radiosity, etc implemented. Maybe even stuff like texture baking! Once RIBRobin is complete, I intend to work on a fur plugin for it and then who knows what...
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: headwax on March 27, 2013, 07:12:19 pm
wow Raxx, really  impressive work you are doing!
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: Raxx on March 31, 2013, 12:57:34 am
Thanks headwax!

And on that note, I just released v0.2a!

It's getting harder to manage the scripts because there's so much stuff in there now. I think I'll take some time off, clean it up a bit, and reorganize the shapes so that they are more intuitive to use.
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: cooldude234 on March 31, 2013, 01:05:19 am
It's getting harder to manage the scripts because there's so much stuff in there now. I think I'll take some time off, clean it up a bit
Been there ;) Oh wait, I still am :P
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: kreator on March 31, 2013, 10:35:54 am
Whoa! The latest version of RibRobin Crashes with me Raxx!!
When I save the file it just sits there  Bringing up Task Manager has 100% CPU useage on both threads and cannot get out of it!

Download the Toolkit using the link in the Release log. The .zip file will include multiple .a8s (Anim8or scripts) files, folders, .sl (shader) files, and Convert.exe (converts image files). Delete ALL previous versions of RIBRobin completely! Then extract the entire contents of the folder into your Anim8or Scripts directory.

Previously I had convert .exe and the sl shader in my objects directory should it still be there?

Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: Raxx on March 31, 2013, 12:52:12 pm
Hi Kreator. All of the files in the .zip should be in your Anim8or scripts directory. Basically, the list of files you see in the first post is how it should look in your scripts directory (plus whatever other files you have in there). Do you have a scripts directory set? I just tested it and it turns out that it fails if you didn't set one in File->Configure. So I set some defaults but it's recommended that you set a scripts directory.

But I'm not sure if that's the problem. Seems like there's an infinite loop in there. Did you delete all of the old files before putting the new ones in your scripts directory? Did you delete all old RIBRobin shapes from the object (if you're using an old file that contained old versions of those shapes)?

I attached a file that fixes some problems, and updated the release file. Please try it and see if it helps.

If not, then you may have a special case that I haven't tested. Can you email it to me? All I need is the .an8 file.
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: $imon on March 31, 2013, 04:14:07 pm
I'm having some trouble with this update as well, Raxx. I had a model consiting of 40 odd pieces together, exporting this worked partially - the z axis location is off for some of the objects (some went through the floor, others were placed too high.

So I tried joining solids before exporting , but I got the same as kreator - anim8or would freeze up while exporting.

Also, the texture coordinates didn't transfer too well as far as i could tell.

Maybe I'm trying scenes that are a bit too complicated for now - ill stick to some smaller scenes maybe that will work.

Great update feature wise though, congrats!

edit - The weird placement was very probably because of the objects being grouped in anim8or while exporting, I ungrouped it all and the placement seems fine now when rendering. The textures are still not showing up correctly though..
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: Raxx on March 31, 2013, 04:19:05 pm
Groups don't work yet, if that's what it's composed of. I'd like to try my hands on this to see where it breaks, if you could send it to me (with the textures), I'd appreciate it!

Also, multiple materials per mesh causes a massive slowdown due to all the extra sorting it has to do. It could be that rather than crashing, it's just taking a long time to process.

Other than that, do simpler scenes export and render fine?
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: $imon on March 31, 2013, 04:48:04 pm
Raxx - that is probably it, because there are a few materials involved.

The texture issue i was talking about is very probably a tiling issue - aka there is no tiling, only a single instance is shown, and the edges of the texture seem to stretch out to the rest of the object. You're probably well aware of that though ;)

Now I'm having trouble getting the shadows to work - probably a user error again though. We'll see!

BTW - love the 32 bit images , thanks :)

edit- I was right, as usually is the case with your work, the error is mostly with me haha. I had scanline and distant light, so I read your documentation again , changed it to raytrace and the shadows do work now!
See attachment, 36 samples is enough for smooth blur results
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: Raxx on March 31, 2013, 08:31:50 pm
Wow $imon, I've only been doing bland renders for testing, so seeing your render working that well is spectacular! I'm glad you put the depth of field to work, I take it it was easy to use?

I did find a bug related to scanline shadows, in that it'd mess up if you mixed lights that did and didn't cast shadows. I fixed that and a .bat issue where it'd compile everything no matter what. It -should- work fine now in that regard.

On a side note, I just implemented single-image environment maps, and raytraced reflections! The way I'm handling reflections and other special material effects is to make a shape called "MatMod". Basically, you create the shape, apply a material to it, and then that shape's parameters will change or add to that material for all objects that have that material applied. For example, if a sphere has "Material01" applied to it, and you added a MatMod shape with reflection enabled and applied "Material01" to it, then the sphere will have reflections too.

Note that at this point, the render becomes a mix of scanline, point-cloud, and raytraced techniques. The "Render Type" option in the Scene Options pretty much just applies to shadows and AO, and in the future GI. Otherwise the techniques that can only be done via raytracing will be done regardless of what render type you choose.

In RenderPixie you could get a lot of "too many eyesplits" junk, so in the Scene Options I added an option to change the max number of eyesplits per piece of geometry rendered. If you find missing pieces of geometry, increase this number. Don't worry too much about what an eyesplit is :P

Attached are the files pertinent to the changes mentioned above. Feel free to replace the ones in your current installation with these, in order to use them. I will put them in a new release when there are more features. sl_phong goes in the shaders directory


[edit]By the way, I wasn't aware of the tiling issue, actually. My tests didn't extend to that. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to obtain this info from Anim8or! I'll have to ask Steve about it.
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: Raxx on April 09, 2013, 01:06:34 am
My progress slowed down a bit, thanks to refractions :P I also decided to ditch RenderPixie and just stick with 3Delight, since RP had no hope of getting some much needed bugfixes in the future.

I created support for displacement maps, and now I'm trying to figure out how to get the shadows to portray depth and color. I have it working for partially transparent objects, but it's not true depth that I can tell. I'm also in the process of getting caustics worked out.
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: johnar on April 25, 2013, 04:35:26 am
Wicked. Awesome.
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: cooldude234 on April 25, 2013, 05:24:38 am
Just wondering, do you have plans on integrating your phur script with this?
IE Have phur export to a carrara scene with that object and fur (its called hair in carrara but still)

What about Carrara in general you plan on adding it to this plugin?
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: Raxx on April 25, 2013, 12:05:08 pm
Yes, that is my intention! I will have the option to either export PHUR as it's currently generated, or instead to render it using the Renderman hair method.

However, I will not be supporting Carrara. The most recent version is not free, and if you can already do hair and particles in Carrara then there's no point in doing all the work in Anim8or first. Not to mention this is specifically a .rib toolkit -- I'd have to make an entire Carrara toolkit from scratch which does not appeal to me whatsoever :P
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: cooldude234 on April 25, 2013, 03:32:05 pm
owever, I will not be supporting Carrara. The most recent version is not free, and if you can already do hair and particles in Carrara then there's no point in doing all the work in Anim8or first. Not to mention this is specifically a .rib toolkit -- I'd have to make an entire Carrara toolkit from scratch which does not appeal to me whatsoever :P

Awe ):
Title: Re: RIBRobin Toolkit
Post by: kreator on January 10, 2018, 02:45:26 am
New update to 3delight if anybodys interested....