Camera (
| - Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space. Double click to set values.
- Width: Width of image that'll be rendered. Represented by the relative width of the camera's viewing rectangles. [640]
- Height: Height of image that'll be rendered. Represented by the relative height of the camera's viewing rectangles. [480]
- FOV: Field of Vision. [60]
- NearClip: Anything closer to the camera than this gets culled. Represented by the rectangle in front of the camera mesh. Non-uniform scale on the y-axis changes this value. [50]
- FarClip: Anything farther from the camera than this value gets culled. Represented by the rectangle furthest from the camera mesh. [1000]
- DOF:Enables Depth of Field. DOF does not render when Ambient Occlusion or orthographic is enabled. When activated, the camera receives a series of circle guides in its viewing range that represents the "circle of confusion" at that depth. Basically, the larger the circle, the more blur there will be at that spot. Giving DOF a value of 2 gives it a very dense representation (one circle every 10 units), whereas giving DOF a value of 1 makes it more sparse (one circle every 100 units). A value of 0 disables it. [ 0 ]
- f-stop: To make it easier to understand, just think of f-stop as a "scale" of sorts. The smaller the number, the larger the circles get. You can use either his or Focal Length or both. They scale the same way except at different values. [ 0.5 ]
- Focal Length: This also scales the circles of confusion. A higher value equals a larger scale. Combine this with f-stop to get the blur you want. [ 45 ]
- Focal Distance: The image is sharpest at this distance away from the camera. This is represented by a division located between the near and far clip. You'll notice that the circles of confusion are at its thinnest at this point. The best strategy is to set this value first before messing around with Focal Length and Focal Distance. [ 500 ]
- Orthographic: Changes the camera from perspective to orthographic. The camera's lines that represent its field of view change form accordingly. Non-uniform scale on the x-axis changes its width/height. [ 0 ]
Ambient Light (
- Description: This object lights the entire world evenly, and is non-directional. You can place it anywhere in the scene and it'll have the same effect.
- Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space. Double click to set values. The Emmissive RGB values in its corresponding material determine the light's color.
- Intensity: Intensity of the light. For ambient lights, it needs to be set fairly low[100]
Distant Light (
- Description: This object lights the entire world evenly, in one direction. You can place it anywhere in the scene and it'll have the same effect. It's the same as Anim8or's infinite light.
- Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space. Double click to set values. The Emmissive RGB values in its corresponding material determine the light's color, and the arrow's direction shows the light's direction
- Intensity: Intensity of the light [ 1 ]
- Casts Shadows? (Scanline not implemented yet): 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. [ 0 ]
- Shadow Samples: Number of samples shadows are rendered at. [16]
- Shadow Width: The "softness" of the shadow. [1]
Spot Light (
- Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space. Double click to set values. The Emmissive RGB values in its corresponding material determine the light's color.
- Intensity: Intensity of the light. For spot lights, it needs to be set fairly high. (Poorly) Represented by the light's cone distance[Uniform Scale]
- Cone Angle: This is the overall cone angle of the spot light. [ 30 ]
- Delta Angle: This is the "inner" angle of light. Light will focus harder on this width when given a high beam distribution (maybe) [ 5 ]
- Beam Distribution: The higher the number, the more "focus" it has. [ 2 ]
- Casts Shadows?: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. [ 0 ]
- Shadow Samples: Number of samples shadows are rendered at. [16]
- Shadow Width: The "softness" of the shadow. [1]
Point Light (
- Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space. Double click to set values. The Emmissive RGB values in its corresponding material determine the light's color.
- Intensity: Intensity of the light. For point lights, it needs to be set fairly high. [100]
- Casts Shadows?: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. [ 0 ]
- Shadow Samples: Number of samples shadows are rendered at. [16]
- Shadow Width: The "softness" of the shadow. [1]
AO Options (
- Description: This shape carries the ambient occlusion options for you to tweak its settings as needed. Please note that all but the first three settings apply only to point-cloud AO, and most of those are for 3Delight only. Fully raytraced Ambient Occlusion is mostly automatic, except you can set its bias and samples here. All default settings should turn out decent results for most cases.
- Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in the work space to create it. Double click object to set values.
- Enabled: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. [ 0 ]
- Bias: Offsets the computation points a bit above the original surface. This can be necessary to avoid self-occlusion on highly curved surfaces. In other words, higher numbers can reduce artifacts, but may cause other problems. [ 1 ]
- Falloff: This shapes the falloff curve based on Falloff Mode. Scanline- and 3Delight-only.[ 0 ]
- Falloff Mode: 0 is exponential, 1 is polynomial. Scanline- and 3Delight-only.[ 0 ]
- Max Distance: Can decrease render times in large scenes if you set the max distance to only the range you want to shadows to be calculated, but otherwise changing this value won't give a noticeable bump in speed[ 1e+005 ]
- Clamp: Point-based AO (scanline) usually computes too much occlusion, so set this to 1 to make it look good. Nearly doubles the render time. Scanline- and 3Delight-only. [ 0 ]
- Max S. Angle: Max Solid Angle is a straightforward time-vs-quality knob. It determines how small a cluster must be for it to be a reasonable stand-in for all the points in it. Reasonable values seem to be in the range 0.03 - 0.1. Lower numbers = better quality. [ 0.05 ]
- Sample Base: A number between 0 and 1 that determines the jitter for computation points. Setting to 0.5 or higher may be necessary to avoid thin lines of too low occlusion where two (perpendular) surfaces intersect. Scanline- and 3Delight-only. [ 0 ]
- GUI Size: This is how big the Scene Options dialog will look in your workspace. You can scale it with the uniform scale tool, so usually you don't have to bother setting the numbers manually.[ 1 ]
Render Passes (
- Description: If you want to save each major channel (diffuse, ambient, alpha, etc) into a separate image file, you can set that option here
- Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space to create it. Double click object to set values. 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled
- Diffuse: Diffuse channel (development still in progress)[ 0 ]
- Ambient: Ambient channel (development still in progress)[ 0 ]
- Depth: Depth channel (development still in progress)[ 0 ]
- Alpha: Alpha channel (development still in progress)[ 0 ]
- Specular: Specular channel (development still in progress)[ 0 ]
- GUI Size: This is how big the Render Passes dialog will look in your workspace. You can scale it with the uniform scale tool, so usually you don't have to bother setting this number manually.[ 1 ]
Scene Options (
- Description: This shape carries scene options that will override or dramatically change how your scene normally looks.
- Implementation: Click on icon in left toolbar, click and drag anywhere in work space to create it. Double click object to set values.
- Renderer: 0 = 3Delight, 1 = Aqsis, 2 = RenderPixie. There are specific features where the output has to be changed specifically for the renderer you are using. Hence this option so that it will be automated for you. [3Delight]
- Pixel Samples: This is your anti-aliasing. Higher numbers will reduce the jagged edges more, but also increases render time. [ 4 ]
- Ambient Occlusion: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. Converts your scene render to AO. Lights do not affect the outcome, so it's easy to flip the switch for an AO pass[ 0 ]
- AO Samples: The higher the number, the more samples and therefore the better it'll look, at the cost of render speed. [ 32 ]
- Bias: A lower number can introduce more AO artifacts but it'll look sharper. Best to adjust at small doses [ 1 ]
- GUI Size: This is how big the Scene Options dialog will look in your workspace. You can scale it with the uniform scale tool, so usually you don't have to bother setting the numbers manually.[ 1 ]