Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: davdud101 on February 19, 2013, 11:02:31 am

Title: "add all keys"??
Post by: davdud101 on February 19, 2013, 11:02:31 am
Hey, everyone! Right now, I'm working on a game, and I'm in a situation where I think things can be a bit more efficient; I want to be able to add all of the keys to my bones at once, forsaking the need to set each bone manually. Is there any automatic, or quick-and-easy way to do this?

Title: Re: "add all keys"??
Post by: siragin on February 19, 2013, 06:14:34 pm
In both scene and sequence mode just expand the hierarchy of the character and shift select all of the bones and key them all.
Title: Re: "add all keys"??
Post by: johnar on March 30, 2013, 03:30:28 am
 Nice 1 siragin. Good tip. Will save a lot, (heaps), of time. Cheers.  ;)
 And  thanks for asking davdud. Good to see you still here.  :)
Title: Re: "add all keys"??
Post by: cooldude234 on March 30, 2013, 03:28:32 pm
It seems more and more programming questions are being asked these days. I wonder if I started a trend :P
Title: Re: "add all keys"??
Post by: johnar on April 01, 2013, 06:37:07 am
In both scene and sequence mode just expand the hierarchy of the character and shift select all of the bones and key them all.

 When i try this theres just a quick flash on and off, like the figure has been selected, but then it flashes off again. No keys get made?

 I've tried it on 2 different computers, with same result.
When you say 'shift select all of the bones and key them all' maybe i'm not too sure what you mean.
 I go into scene or sequence mode, open up the time track, and .......'shift select?
Title: Re: "add all keys"??
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 01, 2013, 07:03:26 am
In Sequence mode, use Edit>Bones>Key All Bones.  Unfortunately this isn't available in Scene mode, but a way around this is to create a 1-frame sequence with all bones keyed and add the sequence in scene mode.
Title: Re: "add all keys"??
Post by: johnar on April 01, 2013, 09:31:53 am
 Of course.! ::) Thanks ENSONIQS.
Its been a while and had clean forgotten about that wee trick.
I still hav a library of various small sequences, LeftHand open, LeftHandclosed, Righthandopen, righthandclosed etc...
 Really handy for instant poses etc. Excellent for hand posing, you can easally add a few of '1 key hand pose sequences' to a character in scene mode and it gives a lot of nice movement to the hands.

For some reason i never liked making a 1 frame sequence, so would save as 3 frames, even tho only the first frame was keyed. (don't know why). (But then in scene mode i would copy a key into the sequence so anim8or would change to normal keys and disappear all those wee arrows in the timetrack.) :D
anyway,  Thanks again ENSONIQS
Nice one
Title: Re: "add all keys"??
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 02, 2013, 02:35:17 am
No probs Johnar.  It's been so long since I've animated a figure in Anim8or that I had to go searching for it before posting!  The single frame 'pose' sequence is one of the best tips for animating a figure, allows so much control over timing in Scene mode and it's amazing how much you can do with a relatively small number of basic sequences.  I usually made my pose sequences two or three frames as well, from memory there was a bit of a problem creating or saving single frame sequences (though I can't remember what it was!).

All this talk of sequencing and anim8ing has given me a hankering to tackle something fun, while there is a lull in other projects.  I have to admit that while other 3D tools can do so much more, Anim8or's Object/Figure/Sequence/Scene workflow system is brilliant and sorely missed when I'm working in Carrara.
Title: Re: "add all keys"??
Post by: johnar on April 02, 2013, 05:49:16 am
All this talk of sequencing and anim8ing has given me a hankering to tackle something fun, while there is a lull in other projects
   ;D  .lol. good 1  ;D.

 ENSONIQ5 (sorry, i've been putting an 'S' at the the end of you name, instead of a '5'. Well, it probly has been over a year and now i do have to wear glassess :o )
 Talk with u again. Cheers.  ;)