I was writing a book for anim8or, but have now shelved the idea due to the lack of support for anim8or now both here, and on our own site.
I have decided rather wisely, now to take up Blender which I admit is now much easier to use now.
I thought it would be nice to start using Blender 2.64 ( yes I know another Learning Curve!!) but its pleasantly suprising it is now, much more intuiative,
And this Manual makes it a lot easier ! Written by John M Blain.
Its in our Anim8orWorld Public dropbox Folder so head over there and pick a copy up ( in pdf format)
And start the learning Process. We also have a new Blender and Maya board for beginners so hop over and get involved.
Anim8orWorld (http://www.Anim8orWorld.com/Forum) Anim8orWorld Knowledge Base (http:// http://www.anim8orworld.com/Forum/index.php?action=kb) Blender at Anim8orWorld (http://www.anim8orworld.com/Forum/index.php?board=41.0) Anim8orWorld Shop (http://www.Anim8orWorld.co.úk/prestashop)
Wish we had a permanent thread for using Blender (other software) with Anim8or, but
Steve probably wouldn't appreciate it.
Thats why we have one on anim8orWorld.com.
The only problem with exporting scenes with anim8or is that they must be in 3DS format there is no option for .obj Then there is the problem of figures they are not exportable and with characters that are sub-divided the software hangs with a too many faces exceeds limit 65535 error.
My only solution is to make the scene in object mode and export as .obj then import characters seperately and re-rig them . BTW Carrara has a faster renderer than both Anim8or and Blender.
Anim8orWorld (http://www.Anim8orWorld.com/Forum) Anim8orWorld Knowledge Base (http:// http://www.anim8orworld.com/Forum/index.php?action=kb) Blender at Anim8orWorld (http://www.anim8orworld.com/Forum/index.php?board=41.0) Anim8orWorld on Verold (http://studio.verold.com/users/50c0736708305a0200000085)