Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Arik_the_Red on November 14, 2012, 12:31:22 am
Alright... this may turn into my anim8or challenge subject, still unsure... was experimenting while working on Popeye... so, am posting him here, too... because either way, I do have some ideas for him...
This is a render of a rough version... but, can you name this unfinished character?
He's obviously missing a lot thus far, but the guy just cracks me up whenever I see him in action!
He's awesome! :-)
Bingo! Heinz is my hero (of sorts)... I can't stand the rest of the show... and frankly have no care for his nemesis, but Doofenshmirtz's moments make suffering through the rest of the cartoon with my granddaughter worth the while.
A bit more progress...
Arik your Heinz is great!
Thanks for the compliments, folks... A little more eye-work... and legs.
By the way, so far I've used geo-shapes as the base for the whole creation... as in, using a geometric shape (cylinder, sphere, etc.,) and then modifying and hacking and building from... if it is worth anyone knowing ;-)
Its interesting that by just adding the eyebrows, you changed his who demeanor
Nice work btw. It's a real shame that Anim8or artists don't get more recognition by the general 3d modeling community on other modeling forums. I love the use of basic material coloring over standard 2d textures which always seem so grainy in comparision.
Thanks... I think textures and materials both have their moments... and I am still unsure about whether to texture at all or keep to materials for Doof...
Here, now with shoes and hands... gawd are those hands ugly or what? (in other words, going to rework them)
EDIT: I fixed the hands... Much better... (see added image for comparison)
LOL, the first image looks like his hands are turning into the hulk ;p
The second one is much better and the rest looks excellent,
and yes I still can't figure out what I want to do for the competition.
Ok... Now putting Doof together in scene... I have his body/legs, hands, head and eyes as separate figures assembled into one Doof. So he'll be able to have independently animated head, hands, eyes and main body.
If I get it all working right, I will have his head morphed for mouth expressions and speech, too.
Doof's lining up to be the main character in an old project I started and let fall by the wayside... My second ever "big anim8or project"....
DISCLAIMER! This project is intended to be fan art... and for educational purposes in assisting anim8or users in learning to use the program "anim8or." I make no claim to ownership of Doofenshmirtz or any other material clearly developed by others, and do not intend to make any financial gains from others' material, ideas and concepts that are incorporated into this project.
Okay, Doof's pretty much tooled for animation... and enough of these standing in limbo shots...
He really does deserve some walls and floor...
Looks good, just one suggestion, make the contrast brighter
IE make the lighting brighter, but don't wash out the the shadows
IE the global diffuse light parameter in scene mode ;p
Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc... in the works.
Nice work Arik.
Thanks for the kind words.... Here, just messing around with some animation fun...
Phineas and Ferb is one of my fave animated shows & I just crack up when Dr. Doof has his moments!
BTW Great job in modeling & rigging him in Anim8or!
Ooh, Arik, this is looking cool! Well-modelled Doof there!!
Great lookin' Character. Nice job.
That is cool bro.
Hi there Arik. That dude is hilarious! ;D. Good stuff. Keep it up, nice one. :)