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Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: fromsoysauce on October 16, 2012, 11:06:01 pm

Post by: fromsoysauce on October 16, 2012, 11:06:01 pm
In my Digital Fabrication class we have access to a Laser Cutter. I've been working on this. It will be cut out of a single sheet of Acrylic. It requires no glue, and all joints can be moved on one axis.

Soon enough I will make some ball using the CNC mill, and those will replace the joints at the head, neck, shoulder and theighs.

But here is what the model will look like:
I'll post shots of the actual IRL figure when it's cut out and constructed
Title: Re: Robot Unicorn [LASER CUTTER COMPATABLE]
Post by: Thanos on October 18, 2012, 12:55:45 pm
We'll be waiting! The project sounds very interesting. What university are you studying in?
Title: Re: Robot Unicorn [LASER CUTTER COMPATABLE]
Post by: Blick Fang on October 18, 2012, 02:23:50 pm
totally cool!  how can I get one???  Seriously?  8)
Title: Re: Robot Unicorn [LASER CUTTER COMPATABLE]
Post by: fromsoysauce on October 18, 2012, 04:16:02 pm
@Cello, this program is the main force that has made 3 of my child hood dreams into realities: 1 making my own animated videos, 2 making video games, 3 making action figures! I actually foresaw all that potential in the program back when I was 12 years old.

@Thanos, University of Oklahoma

@Fang, The full size of the model is around 6 inches tall and 10 inches long. Once I make sure that everything snaps together perfectly I will sell them online.

This is just one of a series called "Auto-Equis" Which will have a Unicorn, A Pegasus, A Battle Horse, a Seahorse, a Pegacorn, and a Zebra.

Each one will come with about 110 pieces, a printed instruction manual, and a nice Canister that has a cool picture of your purchased Robot Horse. (Going for the Bionical Look)

Not sure what the price should be... At least given the size and number of parts.

And yes: If you buy certain combinations of them, you will be able to combine them into Supers.
Title: Re: Robot Unicorn [LASER CUTTER COMPATABLE]
Post by: ianross on October 19, 2012, 06:20:07 am
This is wonderful, you should go into toy design. Check out the shapeways website.
Title: Re: Robot Unicorn [LASER CUTTER COMPATABLE]
Post by: fromsoysauce on October 19, 2012, 11:26:21 am
Thanks, I've actually done a shapeways version of this character before:

As nice of a quality shapeways gives, it's simply not practical cost-wise for me to use it for making profit on toys. The image above coasted $22 and it's only 4" tall and 6" long. Cute but a rather insignificant size. Although it is 100% posable with ball and socket joints where needed.

But by using my local laser cutter technology, I can get the same character 6" tall and 10" long for a cheap enough price that I could sell them for a reasonable price: I'm thinking 12 to 15 dollars (If I was using shape ways it would probably cost me $60 to order the same sized figure, so I'd have to sell it for at least 25% more than that, and at that point nobody would buy it).

Though Do not worry, fairly soon I will learn how to use a CNC mill so that I will be able to make parts that have more depth to them, ie the way that the head looks in the shapeways print out.

Here is a video of CNC Mill in action, if your wondering: