Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: DressedForSucess on March 26, 2008, 04:44:14 pm

Title: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on March 26, 2008, 04:44:14 pm

Im a new user. My name's aaron Gwynaire. I'm sixteen, from the UK, and i've been using Anim8or since i was about thirteen - and have attempted to create some games from using the software. I got close to completing one once, though failed.

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to be put some of their time and effort into making the graphics for a point and click Myst/Riven style game ... I have an idea, a storyline, and some conceptional art.

If anyone could help me out or are at all interested, email me or simply post a comment :)

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on March 26, 2008, 05:06:52 pm
well i'd be interested in seeing how this developes, but my skills as a modeler are somewhat...lacking, i've played myst 3 so i know what you mean, i have however recently modeled a kind of spiral staircase in a myst type style, it's attached, it's not much, and it would need to be refined, are you interetsed in using it?

great idea for a project

(i can't really draw concepts either, or model on demmand...)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on March 27, 2008, 05:24:06 am

thanks for letting me see your staircase :) i like it. Its not yet finished, but i like how you got the parameters and everything else in perspectivea nd correct :)

as i said, ive tried making games before - im not good at coding. I tried DarkBASIC and the only software im able to use is Adventure Maker which does ita ll for you. Look it up :) its great stuff for constructing simple Riven puzzle like games :) I find Anim8or a great and easy tool to use for modelling Myst style graphics as well, for obvious reasons, one being rendering 2d flat images.

Im currently studying A levels (music technology, english lit, art and film studies) so at the moment, im unable to concetrate on creating really detailed graphics as i would like to :(:( All i can do really is come up the ideas and concepts, unfortunately, nd perhaps have a bit of a go on the art and graphics. Im also writing a book at the moment - currently at page 560, manuscript pages. So, being able to create a storyline for the game wouldn't be too difficult. Though i understand it would be the puzzles that would be the real attraction and the whole point the audience would want to play and purchase the game.

A good indepentedly designed game is RHEM I, II and II by Knut Mueller. He has a website for the games.

If anyone still wants to help me, then please reply :) or email me, and ill send you some of my graphic art designed using Anim8or:)

Programmers, graphic artists, anyone who would want to be in to designing perhaps a rather basic puzzle game for distrubution and selling on the internet ...

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on March 27, 2008, 01:14:47 pm
I have played Myst 3 and enjoyed it, a real good game. I was just wondering, what is the storyline about. Thanks...
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on March 27, 2008, 04:59:35 pm
Yeah. Myst Exile is fantastic :) Adventure Maker is a great construction tool which does allow you to create either point and click still image games and panoramic 360 degree games like Myst 3.

Its a rough idea. It might be targetted for a younger audience as an educational learning program ... I think a game like this would sell pretty well, though it will have an atmosphere similiar to the myst games.

Heres a quick synopsis i wrote down today after brainstorming :) i have also drawn some conceptional art ...


Kiefer Donald has lost his son. He suspects a kidnapping. Little does he know that someone from another world has done this crime … Kiefer suddenly finds himself in a cave. A dirty wet cave. From here, there lies … some sort of … cart. A lift? On entering it, you are automatically driven up, up, up, up – where your journey begins.

You are Kiefer. You must explore three worlds, three places, and solve puzzles in order to survive. Only too soon do you realise your son has been here. He has left clues. But not enough. Then, you realise he is not the only one who is in trouble – in each world there are video messages. Some of them are very old and corrupted. There's someone else and he needs your help! He mentions a boy – kiefer’s son!

Explore the worlds to discover two things. Two very important things. A password and a key. Each key opens the doors to the next world, each password opens the gateway on the rail tracks to enter the portals.

Once you have explored each world and reached the end of the bridge, Kiefer's son is but a few metres away in the tower – a broken bridge; another puzzle. But have you been mislead? All this way? What really lies in that tower? Do you dare find out?

Two rockets are seen in the distance. Will you leave on one of them?
Rescue Skigh. Bring him back home. Keep your wits about you, use all your intellect to your advantage, and good luck

Its very rough. I have only created the idea recently.
I think the game is going to be called SKIGH and will fit in nicely with a larger developed game concept entitled Seachild which i failed creating last time due to taking too much time on graphics ...

This game SKIGH will be more basic and shorter, i hope, yet will still be full with enough puzzles to keep the audience entertained.

I can compose the music but audio will be another issue

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on March 27, 2008, 05:07:15 pm
It sound good! I would love to help! This Adventure Maker is it free?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on March 27, 2008, 05:58:27 pm
nice storyline, myst 3 is clever in the way it makes stuff, using transitions between movies and images, they add after effects, fog and stuff, and tricks to simulate realtime, sounds like a good idea, i am adventure maker free?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on March 27, 2008, 05:59:56 pm
also, if you don't have a copy, i would suggest getting a copy of the game myst, sounds obvious i know, but it is important, or you could look on the website for movies and images
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on March 27, 2008, 06:23:32 pm
sorry for triple posting, but you just blew away a pile of rocks in my mine!  (i just thought i'd be creative) i was looking for a game maker (other than cre8or) for free, and so was my sister! you've just provided her (and me but mostly her) with the thing she needed for her GCSE ict game thing, if she does make it on adventure maker, i'll try to get a copy for you, great find, can you imagine a game using the new ART renders....thanks, why did you give up on it anyway?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on March 28, 2008, 04:42:43 am
Adventure Maker is a full software ... You can get the free trial which you can use for however long you wush to. Its the one i have at the moment which im getting used to again after a long time away from the game design interests :P you cant create commercial games using the free version. you can only create executable platable sellable games using the full version. Also, 360 paronamic viewing interfaces can be established with the full version :D look it up :)

Yeah :) I have Myst, Riven, Exile, RealMyst ... I also have a vast amount of other point and click games which i purchased for influential and inspiration purposes mostly: these include ... Reah, Aura, Rhem I and II, Dragon Lore II, Dark Fall I and II, Road to India, Necronomicon and Evany. Reah and Dragon Lore II used a great engine where the player can actually watch themselves movie forward in first person, so you click forward, and your character actually moves forward. Reah did a better job of this, as the transitions were faster ... Dragon Lore II (which i started playing at the age of 6 - and is probably no longer available or compatible for any computer beyond the Wind98 specification barrier) had animations which were far too slow - realistic! yes, but tooo slow

and im glad i helped :P i would love a full version copy of the Adventure Maker software, though at the moment, i cant spare the money enough to get it yet unfortunately. I have just recently purchased a brand new portal Corg keyboard with arpeggiator, 360 sounds, etc, which will help me in my a level music course but also in the creation of my new game idea.

I really need some help with the graphics :P Ive decided i will put aside my writing hobby for now and start constructing the game - concepts, puzzles, artwork, graphics.

Because there are 3 worlds featured in the game - all three i have yet to design - perhaps three people can work on each indivisual world? You can create ideas for puzzles and art if you wish to :) If there are three people at work on graphics, then the game should speed up production a little easier :D

haha i got B in ICT by the way, though i was unable to do any game designing :O Your sister's lucky :P I was only able to create spreadsheets and the other boring things that went with the course haha - as i sed, im not good at the intellectual programming side of game design :( wish i was though
- im in it for the art and creative developement process:)

i gave up game design for quite a while, due to my ever-changing interests in other creative hobbies. These included writing and music - playting in bands, that never got me anywhere to be honest. Its all good fun, but seriously, i want to get into a job that concentrates on art. Game design sounds great - i was inspired to get into game design after watching the Making of Myst that came with the CD rom. Ever since, I have always had an interest with the point and click interface, probably because games like these are so easy to make, compared to Realtime 3d RPG games ...

i have Bryce 5.5 at home, which can generate really realistic graphics with the same standard as Riven. however, i want to start making my game as soon as possible, and it might take some time learning how to use Bryce :S

If anyone's interested in joining and getting down to some creative modelling, creating realistic graphics, etc, then contact me either here, say what influences you, etc, or email me at


Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on March 28, 2008, 12:03:28 pm
Yes as I said earlier I would love to help! I would also like to help imagine and create one of those worlds you suggested earlier. By jotting down notes, draw some drawings and building up a land that sparks a realistic world full of puzzles and wonder! My mum has playes a few other games like Myst, so she might have a few ideas. Is that O.K with you?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on March 28, 2008, 05:06:19 pm
Yeah great :) ill give you a basic run down on what the world should be like, because it has to coincide with the story and the world im creating in the game (More on that soon ...) but yeah, if you come up with ideas, sketches and manage to render some scenes, that would be gr8 :)

ill attach some images i rendered today after creating a very VERY basic 3d model of the world im creating for the game. I have also developed a lot of notes, referring to specific model designs and puzzles and developed the story a little as well:) I will attach these images and the document as a .zip file perhaps tomorrow if i get a chance. The world im creating is the first place the player enters. it's like ... the library of the three worlds. Here, the portals lie and the railcarts and the tower, etc.

i believe i have come up with a reasonable title for the game now.

I hope from the images ill attach soon that you can get an idea of the game anyway. a file document with puzzle ideas, documented synopsis, characters - how ill film them, etc - will help a great deal also.

if anyone can create some decent textures that would be appreciated to :) all team members will be credited of course in the game

Keep posting, though i think four graphic designs will be efficient. No more than 4

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on March 29, 2008, 04:58:47 pm
Yeah thanks. I read what you sent me. I can't wait to get the information, with it I shall start straight away
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on March 29, 2008, 05:15:31 pm
sounds like you have a good plan, it's wierd, sometimes the textures that work are the ones you least suspected, i used a picture of loads of stars and space as a bumpmap and it made a pretty nice...grimey look, it also works as a beach texture, also, here is a good site for textures, i haven't used it m8uch, but it seems to be quite good:


has a few good pictures that could help
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on March 30, 2008, 05:30:42 am
Yeah ... Normallly i use my own digital camera to take pictures of materials ... However, the websites youve suggested look great :)

i will have the documentation done soon ... I have actually altered the storyline considerably and added a background depth to the characters in the game which in turn effects the game's environment, the puzzles, etc.

I will also develope the three worlds so you can start modelling ...

I have three names now: Quon, J'harin, Avenic.

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on March 30, 2008, 02:25:40 pm
Sound great! Though I have two questions.
1: Which world am I working on?
2: What willl it look like in your view?
Still drawing some scetches, though with your help of what the world is supposed to look like, I can get a great insight on how everything is supposed to be.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on March 30, 2008, 02:33:08 pm
wow, from what you're saying, this sounds like a massive piece of work, but i'm not very skilled in anim8or yet, i may not be able to make many things, but i think i can make small scenery type objects, i think we need more people
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on March 30, 2008, 02:39:44 pm
Yeah we need more people. Browse around, email peopel, see if there intrested. I am not ace at anim8or. But I can do Objects etc... Though i am still working on Terranim8or. Though nearly got the hang of it. I think this project will be a success.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on March 30, 2008, 02:46:37 pm
Sorry for double posting. I got your emial. Good story, i would like to do the Avenic world please. I think that making objects etc... for Avenic will be easier for me. Another question, the people (Or once people) of Avenic, I understand they are futuristic, will there be futuristic cars and objects. Plus will you be open to improvements and suggestions?Plus I found a good free site that you can get free sounds from (ranges fom weather to electrical, mechanical, city sounds etc...) Here it is: (
thanks once again
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: cumesoftware on March 30, 2008, 05:03:10 pm
You can use the models and textures from my website. Some of the textures have specular maps too and they are all seamless. Hope they are useful.

Go to:

You will need sounds for your game as well. Go to "The Free Sound Project" website:
You can use some sounds for free, as they are under a Creative Commons license (by-sa). Pay attention to the respective license for each sound you use.

Good luck in your project.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on March 31, 2008, 03:37:40 pm
Wow ... thanks for the links :) they will come in very useful, and cheers for allowing me to use your models :)

so far, im modelling all the exterior models for The Bridge Island.

Avemic is a futurustic world ... which is unstable, dark, metalic, dull ... The objects will be futuristic and yes, futuristic vehciles also, but some of them would have crash landed, etc. I guess some of the them will still be working ...

The best plan for the graphics team is to design indivisual objects for the world, then send them to me ... Or, if you have set out a scene and know whgere everything should go, do the scene then send the scene file to me to render :)

im open to suggestions, of course :)

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on March 31, 2008, 04:06:18 pm
i'm gonna need a few sketches, i'm not too good at working from descriptions, or modeling in very much detail
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 01, 2008, 04:28:15 am
Thanks DressedForSuccess I have started to create a futuristic world and buildings in Anim8or for Avenic. Juts trying to find some futuristic texture to add to my buildings.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 01, 2008, 03:41:33 pm
Dont worry about sketches. I havent been able to work on any of the other three worlds yet because im still modelling the Bridge Island. If you want to model J'harin then the models are going to be alot like the models in Tamahna in Myst Exile (if youve palyed it) ... Bright, colourful, foliage, trees, etc ...

And great :) Im glad Avenic is progressing :)
Ive completed three models for the Bridge Island so far ... as well as doing a hell of a lot of Art coursework for a levels :P

by the way, use big textures for the futuristic buildings ... big objects will need to be textured with big textures so they look realistic and dont stretch ...

i find that is a fantastic site for textures :)
im using my own and these :)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: karate5662 on April 01, 2008, 08:24:17 pm
so... how will we take the images of the world. i think the easiest way will be to put the whole level together in scene mode and render the views from each location. this would keep all of the perspectives accurate. when you finish you could render videos a cutscenes between locations.

the story sounds good. i think i might help out.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 02, 2008, 04:31:00 am
yeah obviously ... Once all models are made for one of the worlds, set up a scene and add all the objects in ... Then take camera shots. Though you must have four directions in one position. North, east, south, west.

What ive done in the past is save each position as either 1 then put a,b,c,d to indicate the four viewsd in that position. EG. Bridge1a, Bridge 1b, Bridge 1c, Bridge 1d - then move camera down the path (or whever you want to position the camera) and save the next position images as Bridge 2a, Bridge 2b ... etc, etc.

I think the views are called nodes? im not quite sure ...

As i said, if you want send me the anim8or file with the scene set up, all models done, etc, and i will render the scenes for you :)

There will be animations, yes. Cutscenes will include the railcart rides, etc.

In fact, i think its best if you send all scenes to me, because i will need to add objects into your created models anyway, such as railcart rails, video message pods ...

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 02, 2008, 06:24:26 am
So far, I have decided to make Avenic an Alien looking Futuristic world.I have craeted a few objects for it as well. They look pritty cool, I just need the textures. I have created a lamp and a Alien Control system, they look good. Still thinking on how to make some of the buildings. I just need to find the right textures
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 03, 2008, 03:14:27 am
wIkId ;D

glad your up to good work ... Cant wait to see the whole Avenic scene made and ready to render :) I hope the puzzles will coincide with your graphics etc. Dont make puzzles you wont be able to create ... Stay in your limits :P or challenge yourself ! its up to you lol

at the moment, ive decided to model Bridge Island and Quon and the Tower Interior. But I mnight model J'harin too ...

If anyone else wants to join the graphics team, then design seperate models ... Staircases, trees, foliage ... That kind of thingw ill be useful :)

Ive attached an image of the modelling stage so far from a long distance ... It isnt finished at all yet, and when final renders are complete, there will also be sea, a light mist to create distance and warm day glow effect, more rock terrains, more objects/models in general, lol ...

fortunately it didnt take very long to render this image.

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 03, 2008, 08:11:23 am
I like the render! Just wondering. When you render he scene, how do you get the sky? Is it just an image in the background. Started to create some idea's on the buildings, I just need the right texture (As i have said before, an alien futuristic texture). But looks like it's just us two. Plus how do you make the windows really realistic (Except for making the transparency 0.2 or something like that). Cheers!
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on April 03, 2008, 11:22:16 am
umm...i'm really sorry but...i haven't done anything yet...i'm not good at working without direction, and i'm currently in another project, i think this is a bit much to ask of me at my current newb status, if i find anyone willing to join, i'll point them here, sorry, but if i do make something useful, i'll post it here
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 03, 2008, 03:47:02 pm
to get the sky i simply used a background. However, i have used a different technique before ... Make a sphere, cut it in half and map the cloud texture on to it. If camera is facing towards the x axis (sides) then map it so the texture is mapped to the x axis, and so on. though backgrounds work bewtter and are much easier.

windows ... get a good texture, set it to a high specular and make it around ... 0.5. if its 0.2 and you have a wall behind it, it wont look to good. increase ambience as well.

in the bridge city, im also adding a light ray technique to each window on the tower when it gets misty ...

and yeah, dont worry about it. two people's enough
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 04, 2008, 03:51:43 pm
Just thought id post a couple of images of the models in progress :)

what do you think? of couyrse, not everythings finished yet

hows Avenic going??

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: hihosilver on April 04, 2008, 05:05:16 pm
That looks like a very nice start.  You have some strong texturing abilities.  I like the way there are deficiencies in your textures that make them look dirty and non-repetitive.  A lot of the models still look very low poly, such as the sphere in the second image.  You can easily see the different faces, and it would be nice if you made it smoother.  Great start so far.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 05, 2008, 02:47:27 am
Thanks for the advice. What i hope to do later is add seaweed effects - using the transparency/ambience texture cheat ... The same method is used to create leaves ...

Ill have to remind myself how to do it, of course, but it isnt too hard. Only problem is when the leaves or seaweed cast shadows, they cast shadows of the original model. Say i added a texture to a rectangle, a flat rectangle. In the render, all that would be visible would be the seaweed, but the shadow would be a rectangle :( meaning it wouldnt look very realistic.

I might have a solution to this ... Model indivisual leaves and place them in the transparency/ambient spheres (that create the leaves) then set these indivisual leaf models to 0.0 transparency (completely invisible) then when i render, it should show the shadows of the modelled leaves - the trans/ambienct spheres may have to be modelled seperately and set to only recieve shadows, not cast. This MIGHT work ...

Is there any other advice/comments you can give for these images>?

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 05, 2008, 04:11:19 pm
btw, here are some more tester images ...

works in progress

i have still yet to create the sea, etc ...

I was thinking of having video transitions between each position - though i hvae to consider the size of the game, etc. Everything needs to be compressed ... Does anyone know of any good video compressing software? I have virtual dub ... Im looking for more free stuff to be honest.

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: Dosser on April 05, 2008, 07:05:28 pm
I'm not familiar with the game (or the games you said it was similar to), but is it like the old adventure games? The ones where you are shown a still image of a room, and you can 'interact' by clicking on it, or walk through it, or turn around etc.

If so, I don't think you need animations between areas. It will be a lot more effort than it's worth, and as you say, will greatly increase the file size. I also get frustrated in some games by long periods of non-interactivity (eg, videos of myself walking). I'd be particularly annoyed if they happened between every scene. Perhaps pick a few, ones that you are especially proud of and look really really good and do an introduction movie (a fly-through of the terrain), but more than that is unnecessary.

But great work so far. As others said, your texture work is particularly good, is there any 'secret' to it? Could you do a tutorial or something on how you make a texture? Your scene composition is great too, all those stills you've shown just look so exciting.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 06, 2008, 01:38:18 am
Yeah. The game is going to be a first person point and click non-linear game, constructed using Adventure Maker (the only programming needed with such sufficient softyware is the use of variables - giving values to certian images, sounds, vids, etc, so that puzzles work). Still, it will take a long time coding a whole game ...

I think i can manage , as long as i stay enthusiastic about it all :D Im composing some music as well for the game, so there are areas, other than designing the graphics (which i know raent as good as Riven, due to the software im using) that will be fun to endevour in. If i was using Bryce or 3D Studio max, then the renderer might result in even beter realims, but im more familiar with anim8or atm.

Yeah. Too manby cut scenes would get annoying ... I remember in Dragon Lore II, the cut scenes were painfully and damn right annoyingly slow. In Reh, hoiwever, they were much faster. If the transition is fast, it might not be so annoying ... Though still, theres the issue about file size ... REAH and DRAGON LORE 2 came on 5 CDs!

Textures come down to experiementation most of the time. As this scene is set at daylight, then i have added higha mbience and high diffuse to a lot of the textures ... Though after everythings modelled, i will go through every model and alter the textures (down to the brilliance, etc) just to be satisfied and get the most out of my models. Realism is the key. High polygon images, however, rendered at 4.000 soft shadow RayTrace take forever to render! Far too long! Once It took me a day and a night to render a really detailed high polygon/subdivided model! Wish the renderer would pick up speed now and again :P

Thanks for the comments :) I cant weait to add the sea ... In Adventure Maker, theres an effect you can add which makes water ripple (you can set the size of the waves, the speed, etc) Will be quite exciting :) Im currently taking position shots and using the free version of ADventure Maker to test game the screens, etc. I think i will have to compress the images, of course. File size isd always a priority ... Does anyone know of any good compressors??
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 06, 2008, 03:55:31 pm
Here are some images i worked on today ... (the huge distance one looks better when at 100% quality jpg).

The rocket im making is turning out to be really annoying. Im not too sure what texture will suit it best ...

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 07, 2008, 04:59:15 am
Those renders are really good! Another question, how do you make the textures wrap around your object, so they don't look streched (If you know what i mean). Avenic is progressing, still with no textures, but some objects look good (With the extures they will look better!). Here is my lamp:
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: Dosser on April 07, 2008, 05:54:23 am
spicy: you'd need an external program, such as UVMapper Classic (there's a link on the 'resources' page of, and use a cylindrical map on the y-axis.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 07, 2008, 09:51:02 am
Right then! A whole day work to do! I am going to create land using terranim8or add texture, ruffle it out a bit, add the city and some objects. Search till I die to get some good futuristic textures and hopefully show you some REAL images rather than the bad copy of the lamp! Still thinking of some design ideas for the buildings. Where do you get your textures from? Anyway, i shall show you my REAL work later this week (Cross my fingers! If I do it in time!). Though I don't understand how you texture with UV Mapping Classic, help please? Thanks
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 07, 2008, 03:51:19 pm
That UVMapper sounds awesome. Ill look it up. I need a sea texture that needs to be absolutely huge or incrediably detailed ...

What ive used to make my textures look unstretched is simply (on version 5) select the model, go to Settings>Component>TextureUV ... There you can experiement. Or simply click on the UV button on the main interface tools ...

I will check out UVMAPPER as well

Lamp looks good. Cant wait to see some textures ... and Avenic completed in general :P

Im still modelling Bridge Island at the moment. Im nearly there.

I did some experimenting today ... I made some leaves :)
and added the rocket towers and the lever mechanism pods for the railcart rail and walkway lower-and-lift mechanism ... (complicated, part of a puzzle ...):P

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: thecolclough on April 07, 2008, 04:07:11 pm
dressedforsuccess, those renders you keep posting are brilliant!  i'm not sure that the plant thing really fits in with the industrial theme you seem to have going in the other pics, but it's a nice plant anyways :)

- colclough
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: hihosilver on April 07, 2008, 04:59:17 pm
You're doing a great job on this progress!
Another UV mapping program I'd suggest is Lithunwrap.  It's free as well, but the upside to it is that you can actually view the model in realtime as you unwrap it, unlike in UV mapper classic (you can do this in the pro version, but that costs money.)  So I'd check it out, you can find it here! (
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 08, 2008, 01:43:14 am
Thanks for your comments. The tree is going to used on a cliff side that will be positioned underneath the main tower ... There will also be distant mountaisn, etc, with tropical jungle-like trees in the background :)

Thanks for the Lithunwrap link :) ill use it ...

Thanks again

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 08, 2008, 06:48:58 am
I understand how to use UV now. I have just created the land for avenic. Oh DressedForSucess thanks for helping me!
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 08, 2008, 06:58:00 am
But I have a few questions.
1. Do you need Adventure Maker to play the game we are developing?
2. Can you save in this game?
3. Can you design your own main menu?
4. Where are you getting your good textures from?
5. In amin8or how do you get the "Sun" affect in your renders? Is it just a light used?
6. How long does it take you to make all these models and texture them?
Sorry for the long questions. I have just been wondering
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 08, 2008, 04:03:43 pm
Glad i could help:) but i REALLY need a massive sea texture! lol
Or one thats bvery detailed ... Perhaps Lighthenwrap will help

Your questions ...

1.Do you need Adventure Maker to play the game we are developing?
No. Adventure Maker is just the construction tool. Once the game is made, it will be executed as an .EXE file. You can even add an installation program so when the audience use the game, they can install it like any other Windows game. It will be an actual game. The only things people will need is the video compression codec and stuff ... But i will look into that myself. If you can, then thats great. I need something that will compress the animations, actaully. I use VirtualDUB, WIndows Video Compressor, but the file size is still too large for big anims.
2. Can you save in this game?
Yes. And load. And have an inventory
3. Can you design your own main menu?
I think so. You can design your own inventory designs ...
4. Where are you getting your good textures from?
I get them from ... Great Site :)
5. In amin8or how do you get the "Sun" affect in your renders? Is it just a light used?
I use high ambience and high diffuse settings. Experiement :) Go on Riven (or Myst, or whatever game you might have in the style of myst) and look at how certain textures react to sunlight :)
6. How long does it take you to make all these models and texture them?
Hmmm ... Depends. I work ALOT lol. Sometimes a whole day, if i aint got anything else to do (raining, no coursework). Now im back at 6th form, modelling will be slightly slow i suppose. So far, all that ive modelled has taken my about a week, which aint bad :)

Ive got some great ideas for animations as well ...
In the SEAGULS ANIMATION IMAGE, i have a plan of adding seaguls, circling around the tower in the background (the tree one with the steps, which is in fact the rocket stand). To do this and add it to the game, I need a video cropping software. Does anyone know of anything i can use?? Freeware, presumably. Also, the models im creating are massive. I want soft shadows to bring out the best and give the most realistic impact ... But its going to take forever probablt! Does anyone know of any techniques to speed up rendering using anim8or?I know low polygon are quicker to render ...

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 09, 2008, 10:20:11 am
Thanks DressedForSucess, I thought you quit the project! (I was getting worried!). here are my pics in order
1.Avenic battleship (I made it and put it in the topic "My-Ship-So-Far" but I added a different texture and some new glass and thought it might come out handy in the project
2. The Avenic mainland. I choose this texture becuase you siad that it needed to be dull
3. The Avenic planet

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 09, 2008, 10:31:11 am
Yeah. Dont worry, im not quiting :P Ive come to far haha :L

the pics look koool.

Are you going to add sky scraper like buildings to the set? Like huge city kind of models ... That would make the landscape more inviting although it will be dull, etc. I was also thinking of Avenic being set at night ... Will make the world even scariera nd spookier and more atmospheric (adding high brightness/diffuse to windows, etc) ...

That ship looks kool. Once you've modelled everyuthing, send the set to me, and ill render the images, etc. I will also be able to have the spaceship flying over in the background, etc. As i said, im adding seaguls to the tower in bridge island. Small things like that will enhance realism and atmosphere ... :):)

Added some new developement iamges :)

good so far dude
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 09, 2008, 10:35:17 am
Thanks! You are a really good texturer. And yes I am going to add the sky scrapers to the Avenic land plus some rivers (To give it that spooky affect). Still working on the futuristic buildings. Hope to send in some more pics soon :)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: thecolclough on April 09, 2008, 10:44:29 am
really, really cool battleship, spicy.  it looks... well, let's just say i don't want to get on the wrong side of it!

can't help thinking the planet looks like some sort of oversized marble, though - maybe i'm just misinterpreting the picture, but it looks like it's got a really high specular value (?), and the white background is sort of the wrong colour for space, isn't it? :P

- colclough
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 09, 2008, 10:46:06 am
lol, yes it is. i am added background pic later and I will lower the specular value. Thanks for the comments though
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 09, 2008, 04:01:01 pm
Texturing comes down to experimentation. I will redifine all textures used in the models of bridge island once ive completed it  I guess im just a perfectionist.

Good start to Avenic btw

do you have msn dude?

the rivers sound good. Add a spotlight over it, etc, and i can add a ripple effect to the water using Adventure Maker ... Will look lush!

ive added a photo of the front of Bridge Island so far ...

I have around ... 5 models to amke still
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 10, 2008, 02:54:53 pm
Here are some more developement images ...

Its a shame. I might have to purchase a better memory card and graphics card, because although a majority of these models are low polygon, they take AGES to render!!!! Sometimes with ray traced soft shadows anim8or shuts down completely ... (Anim8or has performed an illegal error and will be shut down, happens to pop up whenever i render a scene sometimes with ratraced shadows ... even if they're not soft!) I want the best from my models. I might try using a different renderer ... Oh simply disable some model shadows that cant be noticed ... Or get a 2gb Memory Card and something like a 3000mb graphics card  :D ;) that might do the trick ... at the moment, im running on 380mb Memory with 128mb graphics card. I know someone who owns a computer shop near where i live, in felixstowe ... He said he can sell both a 2gd Memory card and a 3000? (im not too sure what he said) graphics card to me for around £160. Aint bad i suppose. I am getting EMA for staying on  :D

anyway, hope you like the developement. On the railcart model (still early developements; in fact, i modelled and textured it 2day) ive used Unwrap to texture it :) Helps a lot and i think i can achieve really good terrain and sea textured models with this software too

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 11, 2008, 04:03:12 am
Good pics! Excellent work m8! Fantastic work! Are you using the new ART Ray Tracer to render these images or Scanline? And you say you use Unwrap to texture it? I might take a look into that my self. This game will be a success DressedForSucess! Clearly you are dressed for success! I have just come up with a new building idea that I am working on which looks pritty cool. I have updated a picture of the Avenic Planet (Lowered the Ambient, Specular and Diffuse value, to make it more spooky and scary looking). And sorry I don't have MSN but I do have Xbox Live (If you have an Xbox 360). Anyway keep up the good work!
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 11, 2008, 11:40:23 am
Cheers for the comments :)

Im just using v95Scanline ...  i will experiment with ArtRacer soon hopefully. BUT i might actually use PovRay to render my scenes:) Its a fantastic renderer ... Never used it, havent tried it out yet, but the images created are lush ... Theres a software on the resources page on Anim8or website which converts an8 files to povray compatible ones ... I think its called Ani2Pov :)

Lol call me Aaron :P Its weird someone calling me by my username ahah ... which is also my bebo name :)

Yeah. Your work sounds good 2 :) Would love to see somne images xD

Ive added a new render :) Its one of the railcarts rendered with shadows etc. You think it should be more metalic?
It wont be used, because after exiting the second world, the player will find it toppled over, after Vaughan discovers the player and gets a little annoyed :P

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 12, 2008, 03:49:12 pm
I have been experimenting ....

Which railcart design is better, A or B (in the picture) and why do you think so?

Im not too sure which one to use

B will be a rotating chair which A wont. Polygon count in chair A is also higher, which might slow down rendering considerably.

Theres going to be two of them. I tried combining both designs in the image and i did two of them and anim8or shut down when rendering, due to such a high polygon count probably :(

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on April 12, 2008, 06:29:37 pm
i prefer b, i have posted the reasons in the other topic though   ;)

looks like it's coming along! really professional looking
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 13, 2008, 02:18:48 pm
Thanks for your help :) Ive gone with B too :)

I have been modelling The Plug Tower today ...

I have used an interesting transparency texture technique (so it looks like there is more than one texture ...)

The images are attached ...

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 14, 2008, 03:44:01 pm
Heres an areal shot i took of the developing Bridge Island ... :)

its a screenshot by the way :P

btw, hows Avenic going? I cant wait to see some developement pics :):)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 18, 2008, 04:05:36 pm
Heres a developement on the cloudscapes and textures ...


Avenic? Any developements?>?

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: thecolclough on April 18, 2008, 04:38:40 pm
i'm not quite convinced about the stripy sea?  but otherwise, dressedforsuccess, that's looking awesome ;D  i like the sort of big swirl effect in the clouds, looks almost like you're supposed to walk off the end of the platform and go into some sort of sky vortex or something...

- colclough
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 19, 2008, 06:38:50 am
Yeah. The stripey effect is something im trying really hard to solve ... Thats what happens when i tile a sea texture. Ideally, i need one that is mega detaileds, like the ones in riven, or a texture that stays consistant in terms of colour ...

the clouds are also a working progress

i will soon be adding terrain mountains in the distance, along with mist etc

i cant wait till ive finally developed the bridge island set :) obviously, a much better system will be needed to render the images, letalone the animations :O

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 21, 2008, 01:44:49 am
I am currently adding the huge mountain terrains to the ocean :) This will follow byu adding trees, portal posts(unused), crashing waves/depth effects, etc.

Does anyone know where SPICY has gone? He is supposed to be modelling AVENIC but doesnt reply on here anymore :/ ?

Is he active on this forum at all lol?

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: thecolclough on April 21, 2008, 05:13:41 am
Does anyone know where SPICY has gone? He is supposed to be modelling AVENIC but doesnt reply on here anymore :/ ?

i'd PM him.  i think the default options on here include getting an email every time someone PMs you on the forum, so even if he's not visiting here, then the PM notification email should let him know we want him back.  hopefully.

on the bright side, maybe he's not posting because he's too busy developing Avenic?  i'd guess he's unlikely to just vanish, he's one of the top 5 posters on the whole forum, and he's been talking pretty regularly until a few days ago.   :-\

- colclough
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 21, 2008, 03:29:33 pm
Yeah. I gathered he might be working on avenic ... MIGHT be :p ... because ive sent him a pm and he hasnt got bck 2 me for ages. I snt an email 2day, so maybe he'll get back to me ...

If he doesnt reply at all, hes either ignoring me or is still working on avenic or given up on the project ...

if so, ill have to model the entire game myself :D haha
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 22, 2008, 03:58:37 am
NOOO!!!!!!! Wait a tic! I have not given up m8! Just busy developing the place, that's all. Sorry I haven't been on for a while. Got a few good ideas. Sorry. Just doing a bit of coursework as well (That's why I wasn't on the internet). Got some good designs going on here
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: thecolclough on April 22, 2008, 04:37:15 am
there you go - i said he was unlikely to have vanished!  welcome back, spicy.  8)  hope the coursework's going okay.  i've not long got past that stage of life myself, so i can remember how it feels...

- colclough
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 22, 2008, 03:43:24 pm
lol ah kl kl man. I was just wondering :P You hadnt been posting any comments on this topic for ages ahah ... i understand about the coursework, because i dno what you're doinga t the moment, but im doing a levels which r a hella lot harder thn gcses ...

still, i cope ... ish :P lol

yeah, im glad ure still doing some designs m8

btw, im at the point now where anim8or crashes completely even when rendering an image WITHOUT shadows ahaha coz my pcs so crap probably ... need a gd one sumtime

Anyway, glad to hear from you :P
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 23, 2008, 06:56:15 am
Thanks. I have started to make this walkway tube for the player when he first reaches Avenic, I have also created a pyramid temple (Suggesting that Avenic has religion).
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 29, 2008, 04:59:06 am
I am getting some more development pictures soon
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 29, 2008, 12:11:13 pm
Hey Aaron, i have some new pics to add (Though they are only sample and may be changed, modified later on). I am working on a load more things (But not yet finished)
In order
1: An Avenic Tube/Walkway
2: A control Chair
3: Avenic Itself (Planet)
4: Avenic Console (Need to improve on that)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on April 29, 2008, 02:58:56 pm
Hey! 2 is a couple but 3s a a bit newbish but ill be glad to help! just give me something to make.and i think that there should be enemies, and you cant keep going if ones ahead.maybe you would need to find the funtion nearby to lure them away or something.only a suggestion.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 29, 2008, 03:32:05 pm
The images look wikid. I take it you're going to add a bit more texture to the models. At the moment they're quite black and white. But so far, i like the structures :):) great for developement models.

as i sed, i would add more images if i could render, but my pc is absooluttely roooooobish atm, so im going to invest in a better one soon

and Hi new person :)

yeah, well j'harn (the forest world) needs trees lol ... If you're good atr animal modelling, that would be good too :)
enemie wise, there aint many. Its in the style of myst.

On jahrin ive sketched concept ideas, etc, and have a puzzle involving some animals ... Dicks in a pond. TRhrough their food in the right palce to distract them, etc

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: Sunflash on April 29, 2008, 06:01:35 pm
Hey guys, you do know that even though the renders may look great in Anim8or, when you place them into a gaming engine, they will be rendered differently. For instance, all the ray tracing won't work. Thats something specific to Anim8ors rendering process. All the cool effects have to be created with the programming language/game engine. ANd most game engines don't allow special effects like this stuff, so you usually have to get into programming. Your best bet is to switch over to shaders. ENTIRELY for all your effects (refraction, bumpmap, reflection, water freshnel, sun bloom). But I don't think Anim8or supports shaders, so you won't be able to see them in the rendering process.

But yeah, in mainstream games these days, all the cool water effects, suns brightness, and other stuff is controlled with shaders. So although your models/scenes may look great, you gotta remember that you won't be playing the game within anim8or, but another engine. It's easier to choose the models around the engine, instead of the engine around the models.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on April 29, 2008, 06:16:48 pm
how bout you render images and make them into panoramas, then it wont matter about the effects that r purely anim8or.and i need to know a specific thing you want me to make.for now ill just make trees.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 30, 2008, 02:09:20 am
enginmes ahvent got anythinbg tod o with this game. Its not going to be real time :S

its going to be slideshow point and click Myst style, with an engine already made using Adventure Maker. Its going to consist of prerendered graophics, so all effectsa re going to be okay ...

Panoramas would be great. It would make the game in the style of Myst III: Exile ... Though anim8or doesnt render panoramas ...

Trees, foliage, animals (ducks, horses)

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: thecolclough on April 30, 2008, 04:24:10 am
dressedforsuccess, i really hope that was a typo a few posts back, and it's meant to say "ducks in a pond"...  ???  :P

- colclough
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 30, 2008, 01:24:50 pm
lol sorry about the many typos ... I rushed to sixth form today, and commented fast. I was in a rush; apologise for any typos :D

and yeah, ducks in a pond, of course

im currently doing a quick tester model for the cave area
so keep posted for some images soon

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 30, 2008, 04:04:29 pm
Thanks Aaron. but as I said there are only deveopment pics, they shall be improved on later
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 30, 2008, 04:14:59 pm
When are you getting your new pc Aaron? Becuase I am eager to see your awesome renders of Bridge island and the cave
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on April 30, 2008, 10:38:31 pm
neway ill gey started on the tree, and ill post a link to it so aaron can redo the textures if neccassary,im not that good at them
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on April 30, 2008, 11:32:30 pm
should i make the tree odd, it is another world.and im not good at doing things normally.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 01, 2008, 01:50:48 am
ill be getting a new pc when i can actually get the money lol ... sumtime during May, june time? not quite sure yet. Hopefully very soon :)

just work at modelling from photos of trees
beech, willow, birch, oak ... anything

there is a great way to make leaves but i will model them myself as they mustnt cast shadows (or the trick is ruined:P) unfortunately the trivk doesnt work very well in anim8or in terms of shadows!

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on May 01, 2008, 08:27:39 am
After we have done this game, can you show me how to model and create the leaves. Thanks. Just to let you know I have created an open walkway for the Character in the game, I shall change the textures
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on May 02, 2008, 01:07:48 am
one question.Can you do the textures.I will just give you the texture i think should be applied but can you do the actual textures on the models.thanxs.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 02, 2008, 06:24:44 am
Yeah, sure. Ill texture the models for you.

Ill create a tutorial for making leaves soon
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on May 02, 2008, 09:35:58 am
thanks Aaron
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on May 02, 2008, 06:01:08 pm
well this is what i got.i think i would be better off doing a cave scene or somethin. :-\
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 03, 2008, 03:03:52 am
Hey guys

Basiucally, to create realistic leaves, design a sphere and cut it in half - or just abive half (semi half:P) then get a good leaf texture.

Now for the trick to work, you must have a special ambience and transparency map.

Heres an example ... Ive attached an ambient and transparency pair of textures to create the leaf shape :)

Basically, one you have the diffuse set as the main colour leaf texture ( retrieved from, turbosquid, wherever) and the transparency and ambience maps applied, you should get a result like the one ive attached (FiNalRender)

Ive attached a seperate imnage of the diffuse map i used on a seperate message ... :) Any probs, just ask.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 03, 2008, 03:10:35 am
Heres the diffuse texture ...

If you want any more trans. and amb. textures ive created myself, just ask

(btw, i learned this trick from a fellow game designer ;))
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 03, 2008, 03:16:47 am
Here are some renders ive done of the tester model set for the cave at the beginning of the game. Its just a quick 3d model sketch basically, textured, light-sourced, just to see what looks gd and what doesnt (i did the sasme for Bridge Island). When i get my new pc, ill b able to model with so much more detail, etc, the scene will be to die for :P

Here are some images

its still a work in progress at the moment

By the way, 'Almost Cool' maybe you can model some rocks, stone tunnels, etc for this cave scene :) or if you have any suggestions of what you want to model, just ask
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 03, 2008, 03:18:05 am
and another image :P that was too big to fit to the last post. Keep posted for more to come.
I just cant wait to get my Dualcore lol

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: Tanzim on May 03, 2008, 04:26:12 am
Can you not double post, please, just edit your first one.
BTW, nice cave, great use of fog and lighting!
But you might want to work on the stairway
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: thecolclough on May 03, 2008, 05:04:10 am
really atmospheric pics, dressedforsuccess; in terms of their feel and tone, i think these are even better than the bridge island ones.  i agree with tanzim that the modelling could use a couple of tweaks here and there, and you seem to be having some shadow issues in the first pic, but the textures and lighting work very well.

- colclough
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 03, 2008, 07:10:47 am
Well not all my images could fit onto one post. So i did another one. I dont think i double posted ... If i had, soz, wont happn again lol

thanks for the comments. as i said, these are simply tester sets. the real renders will have more detailed models.
that shadow problem is a strange thing. i just add a spotlight above the railings and make the railings cast shadows. then that happened. im not quite sure how to get over it.

what i will work on is ambience and diffuse settings so they react well to light but dont appear too bright as this environment is supposed to be quite dank and wet and dark ...

fog creates a haze, dusty effect i thort

any tips on how to create good cave environment settings in terms of textures, lights, etc??

btw, its not a staircase

added another pic of two trees ive added

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: thecolclough on May 03, 2008, 07:39:08 am
that shadow problem is a strange thing. i just add a spotlight above the railings and make the railings cast shadows. then that happened. im not quite sure how to get over it.

they're volume shadows, right?  basically volume shadows just don't work in complex lighting setups.  wait until you've got your pc upgrade, and use ray-traced ones.  unfortunately, that's the only thing for it at the moment :P

what i will work on is ambience and diffuse settings so they react well to light but dont appear too bright as this environment is supposed to be quite dank and wet and dark ...

i'd guess you want quite low ambient and diffuse, then, to get the dank/dark effect, but water is quite shiny, so you'll want to up the specular value to emulate the dampness.  maybe make the specular colour a sort of dirty greenish-brownish-grey, too.

fog creates a haze, dusty effect i thort

i agree, that aspect is working really well.  maybe just make the fog colour a little darker, if you want a nasty, dank environment.

any tips on how to create good cave environment settings in terms of textures, lights, etc??

see above ;D

- colclough
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on May 03, 2008, 12:47:29 pm
WOW! Nice renders! You have been doing your homework! Excpect a few more pictures soon Aaron. I love the cave. Plus, nice sun ray effect to
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 03, 2008, 03:45:51 pm
Haha thanks:) To be perfectly honest, i cant wait to get my new dualcore and try rendering the models using PovRay - raytracing generates so much better photorealistic results. I want v97 to come out and have a good functional Art RayTracer :)

cheers for the advice on texture settings, TheColclough :)

i did do a render of the corridor today but the damn thing didnt save and it took like an hour to render! :O

i really want my new pc lol
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on May 03, 2008, 04:10:46 pm
Yeah, it is annoying when you are rendering and you computer crashes! Clad you got advice on the textures, plus I can't wait for the stable ART ray tracer to come out in the v97
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 04, 2008, 05:09:04 am
Tell me about it lol

i cant wait to see your images :)
How is Avenic going?

I hope the leaf texture tutorial works btw
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on May 04, 2008, 11:30:17 am
Avenic is going fine, got some cool building plans, just finishing making a intro room for the player. Need some good textures though. Have you ever seen Star Wars Episode 2? On Kamino (Planet), thier interior look amazing, all white shiny and dull on the outside. Thats how I thought of Avenic bieng. I have got the Avenic exterior textures, just need the interior textures. btw thanks for the leaf tutorial m8
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 04, 2008, 02:00:29 pm
that avenic clear white style thing sounds great, and yeah, i know what part of star wars you mean :) i cant wait to see the renders etc:)
btw, what pc r you running? can you render detailed scenes?
and nooo problemo!:D

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: thecolclough on May 05, 2008, 06:20:15 am
Have you ever seen Star Wars Episode 2? On Kamino (Planet), thier interior look amazing, all white shiny and dull on the outside. Thats how I thought of Avenic bieng.

the trick, of course, is to make something that feels similar, but still has its own personality.  i agree that kamino is an awesome location, i love their designs, and i'd love to see another world with a similar 'atmosphere' to it, but you probably also want to try and find some little extra motif for avenic that isn't kamino, just to help it feel more like an original creation, rather than a straight clone of an existing one (yeah, pun intended :D ).

- colclough
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on May 05, 2008, 03:45:31 pm
I Got this image, it is an Avenic Escape Pod going to crash into the Avenic sea (It did not take long to make). Hope you like it, it was rendered with the new Anim8or Ray Tracer. Though I can't find any simular interior textures that look like the ones from Kamino for the Avenic interior (Shiny and white). Well I hope you like it, sorry I don't know my pc specs (I will try to find out), but my pc can render detailed scenes.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on May 05, 2008, 11:56:25 pm
Hey aaron if you can make ANY use of this please do.Im not much of a modeler compared to yall. :) maybe improve it and give it a better texture.Dont really think of me as one of the group right now.ill just toss sumthin up if i can.I am startin a game website and ill be glad to host for you if i can get it up.

Happy to help!
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on May 06, 2008, 12:51:38 am
I just realized! i have photoshop CS2 and imageready!So if you need a texture i will be checking this topic.

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 06, 2008, 01:45:59 am
Thanks for the model, Almost Cool :)
ill try and improve it and texture it :)
thn ill show you the result if you like ...

have you got a link to the website? Is it for many games or your own game?

and i really need Photoshop CS2


Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on May 06, 2008, 11:57:34 am
Thanks for the model, Almost Cool :)
ill try and improve it and texture it :)
thn ill show you the result if you like ...

have you got a link to the website? Is it for many games or your own game?

and i really need Photoshop CS2


No,the website aint up yet i need a domain and more games so people will actually come on the website.and the website is the kinda site where alot of them are mine but i host others.I already have the actual pages worked out. :)

and if you want photoshop I could just make the textures relatively experienced. :-\
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on May 06, 2008, 12:48:54 pm
Here is some sorta like,pole with orb keys attached in jharn.each with the power to open the door of the corresponding color or sumthin.Just use it how u just makin myself useful.and yes i named it lolipop
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on May 07, 2008, 11:59:44 am
have you got the full version of adventure maker yet? Or did you get it ages ago?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 07, 2008, 04:07:39 pm
on my to do list :)

btw, we camn start doin tht Sci-fi thing u were on about b4 we do this game thing
ill need my pc b4 we start the game 2bh :P
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on May 08, 2008, 10:03:19 am
What you wanna do taht sci-fi thing now? I thought you wanted to do it during near completion or after the game. But cool yeah. Avenic is doing cool btw
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 09, 2008, 01:18:55 am
its hard to do anything for POTRTALS because of the pc i have at the moment. i wouldn't mind working on your sci-fi animation, but i need details ...

im glad Avenic is going great :)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on May 09, 2008, 09:12:43 pm
This is pretty good,its two cliffs side by side forming a trench for the player.The way its textured should not matter,as the player will be in between.So now who's working on jharn? Was it supposed to be me? :-[ (
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on May 13, 2008, 04:36:28 am
Good cliff, I don't know who is supposed to be working on J'harin? Is it you? I don't know, Aaron will let you know I am sure
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 13, 2008, 03:41:06 pm
i will be working on jharin ... though i might need help designing some trees. otherwise, ill be doing it myself :P

atm, im not modelling much due to exams and i cant do much with this rubbish pc of mine. as i sed, ill do that sci-fi anim for you, Spicy. Just let me know what its about. I have nooo info as of yet dude.

im best at making world models (buildings, trees, etc)

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on May 14, 2008, 03:17:58 pm
Here is a huge stone door with a ruby in the was made entirely in point edit,i did not mirror.can you texture it aaron?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 15, 2008, 02:23:21 am
sure thing duude:)
or you can go to and look up metalic or stone textures(depending what you want it to look like) and texture it yourself ;)

anyhoo, ill do what i can matey:)

btw, spicy, whats happening with the sci-fi thingy? i want to model 4 it! lol
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on May 15, 2008, 01:11:44 pm
sure thing duude:)
or you can go to and look up metalic or stone textures(depending what you want it to look like) and texture it yourself ;)

Well i know about cgtextures,but i use lithunwrap and i dont know how to unwrap  :( . btw should i start getting a leg up on the third world.can you please give a description.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: hihosilver on May 15, 2008, 01:31:48 pm
You can teach yourself to unwrap pretty easily.  Remember that Lithunwrap is not an anim8or specific program.  So, there are tons of tutorials out there that will teach you to UV map even though they don't address anim8or.  All you need to do from anim8or is export the object as something like an .obj file.  Use google, it's your friend, and I"m sure you can learn to UV map.  You may also want to google information on UV mapping just so that you get an understanding of it.

My personal explanation is basically this:
UV mapping is like unwrapping a 3d mesh and laying it flat on a 2d surface.  For example, if you've ever created a paper cube, you usually cut out paper and fold it using something like one of these designs:
UV mapping is doing the reverse of this.  You take the final cube and cut it up then unfold it to get the flat cut out that you can then texture, allowing the textures to properly wrap around your model.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on May 15, 2008, 01:34:36 pm
oh so lithunwrap does not unwrap for you,then texture.i understand now.thanks!
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: Jaw Jaw on May 31, 2008, 02:15:01 am
Hay Aaron! What would you have me make?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: craksy on May 31, 2008, 02:30:56 am
i am a kinda lazy so i only read the first post, but if you are asking ppl to make graphics for your game, show them what you have made earlier, or like in your sitiuation whith no ealier (completed) projects, what you have so far!
i am also making a game, and need artists too, but i wont go and ask before i have something to show them.
its like an insurence: you want graphics, they want proof that they dont put there hard work into a project thats never gona be finnished. simple as that!

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 31, 2008, 07:19:17 am
lol its been aggges since i last commented this topic :P

yeah, its true that. at the moment im concentrating alot on a levels and ive just got into a relationship so times an issue ... the games still there but i cant work on it at the moment, and im getting offers from bnds to play in their bnds and all this stuff, as well as doing my own artwork to sell and for a portfolio etc

whats you're game about?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: craksy on May 31, 2008, 10:19:59 am
i justed finnished the render engine, and right now i am cleaning up my code, but then ill get started with the physics engine.
and i am not sure what the game is gonna be about, but since i wanted to dedicate my first game to anim8or, i think ill make a big interactive exhibition with anim8or models.
where you are able to drive the cars, fly in the planes, and so on.
or does that sound too borring?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on May 31, 2008, 05:09:26 pm
ahhhghhh cant deal with programming :P

im into all the concept and art to be honest

and it sounds good
not boring,
well, cant judge seeing as i never played it

i prefer games with goood stories ;D;)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: craksy on May 31, 2008, 05:32:02 pm
how about:

"once in a country far far awa... on the internet, there was a 3D modeling program avalable. this program seemed to be much cheaper, and much easier to learn than other programs! many people started using this program and made many great models.
one day an evil guy named Creater-of-expensive-modeling-programs, wanted tried to destroy this cheap *cough* free *cough* program by... eeh... doing some verry evil act (could't think of any) to make the program completely unknow among people.
therefor a exhibition was made, to show ppl what amasing things you could do with this program.
but you was the only person stupid enough to belive the story, so you are walking around alone, in this strange world of 3 Demensional art."

think that will do? :P
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on June 01, 2008, 03:05:38 am

I can just  imagine the yellow writing going into space like it does at the beginning of the legendary star wars films matey ;)

minus the music perhaps, altho thats what REALLY adds the effect :)

What's the expensive piece of software? Carrara? bryce?

oohhhhh um wait
is this reply number 129??
not bad huh:P

xD lolz
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: craksy on June 01, 2008, 03:14:54 am
then ill get the round number xD
and its the same age as my mom (i said nothing!)

finnished cleaning up code btw.
i think ill start coding the physics engine tomorrow :/
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on June 01, 2008, 03:21:14 am

and not badd, not baddd

you have msn at all?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: Tanzim on June 01, 2008, 04:24:29 am
Guys this is not a chatroom
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: craksy on June 01, 2008, 08:48:28 am
Guys this is not a chatroom

chil chil ....

anway my msn is  "" if you want it, but i proberly wont be online for the next week, or so.
but why even use msn when we got the forums? :P
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: Thanos on June 06, 2008, 06:52:57 am
Guys this is not a chatroom

chil chil ....

anway my msn is  "" if you want it, but i proberly wont be online for the next week, or so.
but why even use msn when we got the forums? :P

Because when we post many things in a forum, then the bandwidth has to be increased, and ultimately, the admin (Steve) has to pay for the extra bandwidth.
Sorry for just breaking the rule... XD )
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on August 20, 2008, 01:06:15 am
Hey Guys!What happened to this topic man?!?!?!?!?!I was excited then u guys just stop posting?Cmon what happened?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on August 27, 2008, 04:52:28 pm
Hey mate

yeah ... at the moment, musics kind of got in the way of things. Hoping to get a new pc asap so i can start generating some decent graphics.

also just done my first year of alevels :P

got A in Art xD C in Film Studies and D in English Lit (dropped that now tho) haha

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on August 29, 2008, 05:03:24 am
Well its good to see you back mate. Avenic I am home!!! Oh and yeah I am getting a new laptop at christmas as well. :-)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: almost cool on August 29, 2008, 10:49:31 pm
mid school here..

"one 2 inch binder,one 5 subject notebook...."

they make you buy your own execution devices.

ne way what stuff could u guys assign me?

and good to see you back, you hadn't  posted in 4 ever.YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK YOUNG MAN!!!
sereosly,i thought sumthin happened.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on August 31, 2008, 05:45:40 am
Hey dude

Yeah alls gravy at the moment. Portals has halted because work on my current pc sucks. A new Dualcore or Quadcore would be heaven ^^
haha didnt know you worried about me:P

well just let your mind wonder and see what you design in 3D. Use the test render images i posted on here months ago as a template really.

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on September 01, 2008, 10:26:19 am
Anyway I started to work on Avenic again, pics in order
1.Avenic Door (Incomplete)
2.Avenic Door Side View (Incomplete)
3.Avenic Low Poly City Test (Incomplete)
Hope you like it :-)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: Mactetra on September 04, 2008, 10:31:55 am
Hey, i looked at some of the renders earlier in this topic, they sort of reminded me of half life 2, Freakin' sweet! is it too late to join the project? i would say i am ok at modeling, but not to good at texturing.

so.. could i join the project?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on September 04, 2008, 12:07:39 pm
haha cheers man :) and texturing, there aint much to it, just experimenting with the settings. For instance, in a sunlight place, you need higha mbience and even higher diffusion, to create the brightness. I got textures from my digital camera and from - if i remnember the name of the site.

At the moment, the game is at a standstill in terms of developement. I aint able to model due to the rubbish pc i am currently working on, but i hope to buy a good dualcore intelprocessor, with 2gb ram, 512mb graphics card, etc, soon :)

Of course you can join! Just create some rnadom stuff and post on here! :) The games in the style of Myst and Riven, etc, so go by those games for a line of inspiration matey ;) look them up!
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: Mactetra on September 04, 2008, 05:06:27 pm
is there like a manuscript or something i could look at so i know what i am supposed to make?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on December 04, 2008, 01:48:12 am
Hey guys

ive been away from this for too long, though id pop a comment and see how everyone is

This idea still has potential, just at the moment, without a decent pc, the game aint going to get far to be honest.

hope everyones ok

kinda weird how time flies:Phavent been on her for ages!
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on December 04, 2008, 01:59:26 pm
Nice to know you haven't just forgotten about this, I anxiously await the day you get a better PC.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on December 04, 2008, 02:41:01 pm
Well its nice to see you have returned
Its been along time since I have been on this forum and posted, infact this is a one off. I am going to drop anim8or in favour of Blender, sorry guys. I have just got to know Blender alot better and I have some good render plus its more powerful, and i prefer it. But hey Blender is hard to use and anim8or is very easy to grasp. So I dont know if I will be posting anytime sson until Christmas. but like I said Aaron, nice to see you m8!
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on December 04, 2008, 04:08:13 pm
its been ages hahahha

yeah i have Bryce 5 but i decided to keep to anim8or coz i can create results faster even if they arent as good.

atm im like in a band recording quite a bit of music, doing my last year of alevels xD so yeah, alls good at the moment. just need to concentrate on my art more and get a job (y) :P
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 06, 2009, 04:19:33 pm
hello everyone


its been a while since i last posted on this topic but i have never thought about abandoning this project. I admit my alevels have got in the way and only just recently have i been able to put my band aside a bit more and come up with some concept designs for J'harin - one of the three worlds in the game.

Portals will soon be in full swing again, as I will be buying a Quadcore in July, to generate the best renders possible.

If anyone is still up for helping me out with designs and CGI, then look through this post and see previous replies regarding ideas etc, but the game will be in the style of Myst and Riven, etc, point and click, first person, realistic pre-rendered graphics, musical score, ambient sounds, puzzles, adventure in general, fantasy based ...

Hope to hear from someone soon if anyone who WAS interested gets back to me. Again, sorry for the silence.

Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: spicy on April 06, 2009, 04:32:35 pm
Well the good news is to learn the project isn't dead.

I should still be able to help out, any other new updates?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 07, 2009, 07:23:18 am
not at the moment. i am currently just working on design sketches for the three worlds and how they are going to be laid out etc, also in terms of puzzles etc ... So far, Jharin is looking good:) its taking quite a good shape and the world is going to look quite similiar to the Riven set up, however, not so vast and perhaps more jungle based. I have some concept sketches I will soon photograph and upload to this topic asap. Another asset to the game's developement ... i have managed to get a version of Cubase, a high quality music creation software which i have been using for the last two years in my btec music technology course; this will come in useful for musical score production. I have also been given a better keyboard than the one i used to have by my dad ... It has inbuilt effects, arpegiator, modulator, and has some really good ambient sounds. With a new digital camera i bought last summer, i will also be able to get some really high quality decent texture imagery for the 3D models :)

Spicy, what designs did you do for the game? sorry for asking, my minds gone blank and cant remember much about how far we got with the game's developement. Did you come up with some 3d designs for certain models that were going to be used in Avenic?
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: maestro on April 11, 2009, 09:21:38 am
I tried making games once when i was 12, they didn't turn out so well. But from what i see here your going to make it. Congratulations on such dedication, i really envy you. You say you have a writing hobby? well im into one too, with 3d design as my side gear. This is a cool idea, and bravo again.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on April 11, 2009, 10:41:01 am
I'm 12 and trying to make a Star Fox fan game using anim8or and cre8or or Ultimate 3D. I need to learn a lot.

This project looks good! I like the enthusiasm earlier and I guess now, too. ;)

I'd help maybe.. I'll read the first post again.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 12, 2009, 04:01:44 am
thanks for the comments :)
good to see some people might still be interested :D 2bh working with others is great, the more input and ideas the more varied and interesting the finished art will be:)
ive attempted about ... 2 games. this being my 3rd. i hope it will actually be something, that i will finish it, etc. purposes for making it are for portfolio reasons for uni, work in game design industry or the artt industry, as evidence of experience, dedication n enthusiasm, but also maybe as a commercial sale too:)

the enuthusiasm will be alot stronger once my new pc arrivess xD can finally get some really decent artwork made, things i wanted to do but cant at the moment, due to the restrictions of my current pc ¬¬

if any of you two have msns, then ill add ya:)we can discuss better over there. ta for the interest again:)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: maestro on April 12, 2009, 06:19:19 pm
I downloaded Adventure Maker. Its really good, NOW i get why 3d modelling is needed. Its pretty cool.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 13, 2009, 06:40:24 am
adventure maker is awesome:) im buying the commercial version soon:) extra features, and you're less limited to wat u can create etc, in terms of game layout, etc. Also, you can actually MAKE a saleable game which comes with the installation interface for users already made etc ...

I hope to be adding some sketches of puzzle designs, world designs, etc, soon:)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on April 13, 2009, 06:10:47 pm
I've had a go with AM aswell, couldn't get much further than the tutorial (had trouble with the keys), but it looks like the best software to use! very user friendly, can't wait to see what you can make with it, and as soon as the project gets back in full swing, I hope to be a part of it, though I have several projects that I am a part of at the moment already.
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 14, 2009, 02:50:10 pm
glad you're interested mate:)
after july, will be able to do so much when i get my new pc xD
here are a few cam shots i took of my concept art for jharin, quon and the cave environments of the game, inc. puzzle ideas etc:)
Title: Re: New Idea, New Team
Post by: DressedForSucess on April 14, 2009, 03:53:47 pm
a few more sketches for Jharin ...