I have been working on this Stuart Tank over the last couple of days, seems I have a lot more bits to add when I refer to the Ref images but I thiught I`d have a dabble with Anaglyths again.
I found a nice pair of Cardboard glasses Pinky red in Right eye and Green in Left ( got them from Journey to the Centre of the Earth DVD starring Brendan Fraser(The Mummy) as it comes with an additional Anaglyth DVD)
I can`t though seem to replicate the tints at work.However, I hav`nt got a pink dye so its red at the moment.
Anyway here are the two images so far...
If you want to dabble with the model, it is at my google drive shared folder
There are a few instances of it and is regularly updated
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and an Anaglyph version
I have used a backdrop with a bombed out building from Coventry (UK) after the German Air-raid on that City, But I am thinking now of adding an actual set for a bombed/derelict diorama which should enliven it a bit more.
More soon ..enjoy!
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Nice tanks, Kevin. Now the real test... Can they be animated with the tread script made a few years back?
Hello Arik! they already are my friend! You should know me by now regards getting all things together! still building my bomb site scenario so they can trundle over it!
here is a quick openGL version
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Is it just me or the tracks are moving way too slower than the ground? :P troll
cool! yeah, when you do tank tread animation, as with any rolling, walking, etc., it takes some fine-tuning and brain-farting to make sure you get the movement to match up with the scenery.
Am sure Kevin's just sharing a quickie to show that he did incorporate NickE's tread-script for all to see.
Funny to see tanks, as I have actually been playing with them, too, for the last week... trying to come up with a whimsical tank and driver.... I will probably rework the tank here as it isn't the right look (too serious, I think), but am pretty happy with the driver...
'Arik_the_Red' the first render is hilarious. If that were a video game, I'd want to play it.
yah, does look abit suggestive now that I think on it... a real need to compensate?
Cool stuff guys! Kreator, it looks like too beautiful of a day in your latest update tank scene ;) Top notch stuff!!!
Arik_the_Red, Oop..ha ha. No no. It's a great looking character for a game.
I mainly create my models for use in games. I always have to force myself
to use more polys when I'm modeling for a render or animation.