Challenge #30:Construct8or
Construct8or challenge, build something new and post your entry here!
Deadline: August 31, 2012
Must be completed using Construct8or. Otherwise just have fun!
This challenge will have a public poll. Vote for the best Construct8or assembly.
About Construct8or...
Construct8or is a 100% free 3d model construction system comprising re-usable metal strips, plates, angle, girders, wheels, axles and with nuts and bolts to connect the pieces. It enables the building of working models and mechanical devices. It comes with a 15 page manual, and you load it into anim8or. Similar to Meccano, Erector sets and vintage construction toys.
Youtube Video (
Download the attached file or on this website:
Remember to unzip construct8or to a new folder, and please read the manual before you start.