Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: SirBonovox on March 24, 2008, 08:14:45 pm
Hi everyone! Here are some clips of the rig I've been working on:
I used a bone to simulate the bicep flexing
A quick walk cycle
And a turntable.
I have a post over at in the 3D Works in Progress area showing the skeleton and some screenshots.
Crits and Comments welcome.
wow, that was really good, you should think about getting into the Rigging department of the anim8or movie, they could use your skills!
although, for the walk cycle, i think his limbs were moving too fast, try slowing it down
I already commented on your video, but it looks really good. I always think rigging is a pain in the ass, but you have found your way nicely.
Thanks for the comments guys. I could add a lot more detail to the model and the rig but this is just a low detail test to see how Anim8or can do muscle deformation. I'm only using one bone to move the bicep so it was pretty easy to animate. Again, thanks for the comments. It really helps to hear what other people see in your model.
Yeah I commented too, Sucks that that idiot started trolling your posts which is why I assume you turned off comments, You should consider making some tutorials because you could certainly teach some of us a thing or two.
hi, i hope i'm not the idiot you are reffering to...i really hope it's the other guy...
anyways, i love the poses you've posted on anim8or org, looking at them ,it seems like dreamworks style animation (the incredibles and stuff) awesome, one of the best rigs i've ever seen
<annoying>erm, just to be pedantic... The Incredibles was made by pixar, who are Dreamworks Animation's arch-rivals.</annoying> i like sharing the interesting-but-useless info that i've accumulated over the years ;)
now, back on topic... excellent rig, SirBonovox! now he just needs some textures and clothes, although i'm certainly not volunteering to do the cloth sim :P
- colclough
lol, sorry 'bout that, didn't feel like researching too deeply
I love that muscle deformation in the first AVI. Would you consider posting a wireframe+bone image so we can see how you rigged it? It works really well.
hi, i hope i'm not the idiot you are reffering to...i really hope it's the other guy...
I'm refering to gregjockca20. dont worry I'm pretty sure you arent him :D
The model is nice, unlike some YouTube users. Unfortunately, those are pretty common these days.
Though I thing the abdomen/spine is a little short.
hi, i hope i'm not the idiot you are reffering to...i really hope it's the other guy...
Don't worry about that, we all know that YouTube idiots don't usually frequent civilized forums such as this one.
Hi guys! Sorry it took so long to reply, I haven't been on the site for a few days. Thanks for all the comments. :D It really helps to hear what other people see in your models.
I love that muscle deformation in the first AVI. Would you consider posting a wireframe+bone image so we can see how you rigged it? It works really well.
ENSONIQ5 - This is what I posted at (sorry, I don't know how to get the URL to the post):
Here is a link to a pic showing the weight paint job for the model:
And the skeleton for it:
Notice the orange bones sticking out of the mesh above the biceps? I use them to control the bicep muscles so it looks like they flex when he moves his arms. Also notice the small hard to see bones sticking out of the front and back of the elbow joints. I use them to deform the mesh when bending the elbow to keep the movement realistic. I also use the same kind of bones on the knee joints. This keeps the mesh from collapsing or squishing when bent.
Also here's a detail of the head:
I know the edge flow isn't very good, I'm still working on that. I haven't made any morph targets yet but we'll see how all those triangles deform when I do.
I have also posted some links to a walk cycle for this model in the 3D Animations area. Check it out and let me know what you think.
The body model is mostly my own. I looked at a tutorial for the ears and the hands but the rest I just kinda' figured out. I used the Box Modeling method for the body. For the head I just started with a plane and started drawing lines and points (I think they call that point-to-point modeling). I did not use a reference image, I just sorta' free handed it. One thing I learned is this: USE A REFERENCE IMAGE! I have been drawing my whole life and it wasn't that hard just free handing the head, but I think it would have gone a lot faster and ended up better if I had used one.
Also, I am planning on making this model avalible to download once I get hosted on a site.
Yeah I commented too, Sucks that that idiot started trolling your posts which is why I assume you turned off comments, You should consider making some tutorials because you could certainly teach some of us a thing or two.
Alpha2 - I've started a couple of tutorials, it just seems I never have the time to finish them (which translates into I lose interest and move on to something else) But I will try to finish them and get them posted. Everything I've learned is from the tuts that others have posted on this site, like headwax posted a link to a good eyeball tut, the joan of arc tut, and there's a really good tut a find on another site that I used for the hands and ears of my male model here. I'll find the site and post a link to it.
thecolclough - I agree, he would look a lot better with a good texture. I was going to try and texture the head but I'm still learning the whole texture making process and I'm not very good at it yet. I didn't want to wait so I just posted the videos. If anyone wants to make a texture for it go for it! I'll get it uploaded to a website soon so people can download it and play with it if they want to, but if anyone wants it before then just let me know.
See ya!
Dude seriously that's just plain inhuman ... and yet the most natural thing I've seen done with Anim8or so far. FREEHAND?? And that rig, geez! Yes please finish your tutes, They may be complicated for some people but atleast they'd be out there for people willing to work at it and they'd be incredibly appreciated.
And here I am trying do dumb down my intended model just to avoid rigging difficulty. Yet your "low Poly" man is probably better than a lot of high poly stuff I've seen.
Box modeling huh? well I suppose it certainly can't hurt my models to try it that way... except for the parts I NEED to be round of course.
very nice ^^, good job
I am in the need of a good tutorial on organic models and rigging around them (I'm an inorganic kind of guy), and I would like to see the tutorial done.
Good rigging so far!