The crease I suggested to eliminate was the one on the bridge of the nose, not the one on the tip of the nose.
Figure 1. Location of the bridge of the nose
Again, I prefer the left version in terms of shading. However, it's too saturated in some areas. Perhaps you can blend the material's color channels a little better.
I know this is just a temporary pose, but at a quick glance the tail looked like it was part of her body, as if her legs were splayed out behind her. I suggest rigging the tail so that you can curl it around her left or right side, for if you ever animate her laying down.
The creases in the front view you're referring to are just contour lines, not necessarily creases. As you can see in the second reference image you just posted, the more "grown up" ponies have a more curved bridge to their noses, versus the more childlike ones like Sweetie. The more grown up ones also have larger, more angular eyes that reduce the size of their foreheads, thus differentiating them from the more childlike features of Sweetie and whatever others. I think the ear ratios are also different, but it's hard to tell. They're subtle, small differences...*shrug*
I believe the nose is still the problem area that's preventing her from reaching her maximum potential. Right now her nose has a convex contour going from her eyeball to her nose. I think you need to give the side of her nose a more concave contour than what she has. It'll be a more true interpretation of the 2D version.
I hate referencing other 3D models, but[/youtube]&feature=related]this clip (http://www.[youtube) shows what I mean. If you can get the nose right, you can probably add one or two of the original creases and it'll look fine.
(by the way, when you repositioned the eyes, the eyeball got offset a little. Also, the area right under the eye needs some work)
Ugh...I never watched this cutsie My Little Pony stuff...but the more I'm looking at this stuff, the stronger the urge is to watch it.