Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: fromsoysauce on April 23, 2012, 07:56:42 pm
Just a reoccurring enemy in my game.
Really cool. I'm totally interested in this lo-poly modelling combined with nice texturing, I just love the style... Got any others?
It's a cheap and simple technique to make low-poly models look good. You know how low poly models can have graphically confusing forms when they are shading? Well by not shading them their form is left up to line and shape (referring to the elements of art).
It also gives them a flat look, something I really think helps stylizing.
Because it is for the game, I've got several of them already as fully functional enemies. The games going to have at least 30 different normal enemies.
But I'd like this topic to focus more on this enemy. It's a staple of the game, like hammer bros in Mario or the Space Pirates in Metroid.
Glad to see you still up and about fss. You're low poly models are looking as spiffy as ever. xD
If I may suggest, if you do go about posing these for promotional art/char bio renders, possibly add in a bit of shading to help flesh out the form. Particularly shots like the center ones. It's a bit confusing to tell where the arm arms end and the legs/thighs start.
But for ingame poses, which I presume are those on the left and right ends, I think the no shading works well. Their pose and silhouette help convey what form is what limb. Though it could help maybe adding a slight degree of shade on the opposing limb to help differentiate left from right from the viewer. Heck if you could you could paint the shading on like how it's done now a days to help flesh out the form even further.
But then again, it is your art direction and all. Just sharing my thoughts. :3
Thanks guys.
Yea, for promo art, I would certainly have them drawn in a different way.
As far as in game slight shading, you mean like this? :
Nice work fromsoysauce. I really am quite pleased with the models created with Anim8or 3D. They are all very colorful and seem to really allow A8 users to release that creative spirit that lurks within us all.
Yeah, something to that effect, FSS. ^^