Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: lppena on April 03, 2012, 07:51:35 pm
The program pretty much rocks as far being simple to use. Some things you can figure out just by using A8. The PDF manual is a must read, but it's short and sweet reading. Be sure to download all of the cool ASL scripts you can get your hands on, and most definitely get the ASL script editor because after you start using A8 for a while you'll want to try your hand at creating your own little scripts for Anim8or; the scripts are really tiny files and a lot of fun to play with. I've tried a lot of 3d modeling software, but Anim8or stands out in terms of simplicity and overall enjoyment. After playing around with A8 you'll be amazed at the complex models you can make once you learn the basics of using it. Cheers, Leroy.
Nice snippet, Leroy! Hopefully this gets the beginners bustling.
Anim8or, is very cool and I created a forum on my own to highlite the program. Most of my members are like me in that we love simple to use modeling software. I have A8 installed on two PC's, so I fiddled with it at home and work as free time allows. Leroy.
Funny thing is that I never read the manual. I just did the walkthrough tutorials on the site.
I didn't even do that
I was so use to using Truespace exclusively that every other software took some getting used. I read the the sections covering the modeling tools and then started to realize not much reading was really needed. I still have some issues with the UV mapping tools in Anim8or, but I can drag the geometry into TS and customize the texture there. How is the keyframer in A8? TS and uses a simple auto key recorder. The time line layout is pretty simple as well. Gues that'll be my next learning experience with A8. Cheers, Leroy.
Well, Leroy, Anim8or is for what TS was for you. The first time I found out about Anim8or, I was probaly 9 or 10 yrs old (only 4- 5 yrs ago). I took a jog through the basic of the manual, and couldn't figure the program out for the life of me. Luckily. I decided to come back and try it again a year or two later, and here I am now!
For UV Mapping, I use UV Mapper (how aptly named) Classic, and do all of my actual colouring, etc. in GIMP.
That keyframer is actually a little close to Anim8or's in the .97 beta. Seeing how Truespace actually holds some similarities to Anim8or urges me to give it a try.
I found Anim8or wayback in 2005, and found it very interesting, but my level of knowledge of modeling was absolutely zero. I actually got started with another Caligari modeler called Gamespace Lite. It was a demo version that supported an X format readable by an older version of 3D Exploration and convertible to XSI format. I worked with GSL for quite some time and began to master the basics of the software. Cailgari, eventually released TS 7.6 as a free product and I basically applied what I learned using GSL to the model side of TS 7.6; the user interface of most Caligari products are almost indentical from version to version. TS 7.61 beta 8 was the last modeler released by Caligari before Microsoft acquired it and pulled the plug on the software. Anyways, my knowledge was better and when I rediscovered Anim8or I pretty much got hooked on using it again. TS, is a very cool modeling software, but most folks seem to find it somewhat intimidating with all the icon based modeling tools it uses. I have several versions of TS from version 1 to 7.61. I mostly use the TS 6.6 version that came with 7.61 beta 8. To me Anim8or is much simpler to use then even TS as it has a lot extra features that I'll never really use. The United 3D Artists forum has links to download TS 7.61 beta 8 as well as help from forum members on using the software if anyone has any interest. (
;D Just to update my original post new modelers really really must try Anim8or. The more I play around with this simple 3d modeler the more I fall in love with using it. A8, reminds me finding a new candy store loaded with sweet little goodies all over the store. People who never thought that 3d modeling could be easy as pie are in more a most pleasing treat. I especially like it because it really helps me release the creative spirit that has always lurked just under the surface. Kudos, to Steve Glanville and the dedicated A8 users on this forum. You all rock! Leroy.