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Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Maximilianibus on March 30, 2012, 11:27:23 am

Title: Model WIPs for a Crysis2 mod
Post by: Maximilianibus on March 30, 2012, 11:27:23 am
Hey guys! At the moment I'm working on a modification on the Cryengine ;D Feel free to tell me what you think :D
The model shown under this post is the mainpart of the suit you'll have ingame.

Title: Re: Model WIPs for a Crysis2 mod
Post by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on March 30, 2012, 04:41:52 pm
Hmm, I am no anatomist, but the area leading down to the crotch seems to be leading down to too narrow a point for what I assume is a male figure.
This picture ( might help show what I am talking about. (warning: includes penis)
Title: Re: Model WIPs for a Crysis2 mod
Post by: cooldude234 on March 30, 2012, 05:11:15 pm
lol, includes penis :P
Seen many of those in my art classes

I'm not so quite sure on what part your talking about myst, but I can point out some things that could help the torso.

One, the chest (where the breast are) are too high up,
also at the sides, there is no definition, of the hips (or where the hips intersect the torso section).
The spine also has some issues, the center is supposed to be dipped in more than the rest of the back, and the shoulder blades are not seemingly existent.

However you stated this was a suit, so it may be several inches thicker than the actual body, and could in actuality look like this if you wanted.
Title: Re: Model WIPs for a Crysis2 mod
Post by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on March 30, 2012, 06:10:36 pm
Well, I don't know the exact term for it, but area over the pelvis, where you get this kind of  V shape as it descends toward the crotch. Even on woman it doesn't exactly end in a point, and guys even less so.
Title: Re: Model WIPs for a Crysis2 mod
Post by: cooldude234 on March 30, 2012, 06:42:15 pm
You mean the stomach area?
Title: Re: Model WIPs for a Crysis2 mod
Post by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on March 30, 2012, 08:35:15 pm
You mean the stomach area?
Lower down, the lines that form where the legs connect to the pelvis and the space in between. The groin area.
Edit: Sorry if this is turning into an anatomy lesson.
Title: Re: Model WIPs for a Crysis2 mod
Post by: cooldude234 on March 30, 2012, 11:35:37 pm
yea, the way that the muscles and organs are, it bulges out at the stomach, it forms more of a V-ish shape at the lower stomach area
Title: Re: Model WIPs for a Crysis2 mod
Post by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on March 31, 2012, 12:57:59 am
Yeah, OK. Anyway, I think it narrows too sharply in the model.
Title: Re: Model WIPs for a Crysis2 mod
Post by: Maximilianibus on March 31, 2012, 10:47:15 am
One, the chest (where the breast are) are too high up,
also at the sides, there is no definition, of the hips (or where the hips intersect the torso section).
The spine also has some issues, the center is supposed to be dipped in more than the rest of the back, and the shoulder blades are not seemingly existent.
As you said, it's a suit ;D And the "spine" is actually... not a spine, it's supposed to be some kind of a backpack/jetpack/random-thingy-on-your-back-thing.
Yeah, I actually wanted to make it a bit.. more "smooth", but the main developer told me to do so ^^"
Ignoring anatomy... what do you think? xD

Greetings ^^
Title: Re: Model WIPs for a Crysis2 mod
Post by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on March 31, 2012, 11:34:41 am
Hmm, I'd make it a bit bigger.
Maybe add some 'gill slits', like on a shark, at the top as air intakes for the organic jet engine.