Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: dwsel on February 20, 2012, 12:19:12 pm

Title: Using glossyspecular to fake light bouncing
Post by: dwsel on February 20, 2012, 12:19:12 pm
Using glossyspecular to fake light bouncing is something I've learned not so long ago.


Attached file is pretty self explanatory, but here's a text that describes how it works:

Attached image was rendered in ART, it has no postprocessing. Only default lights were present, but they were not necessary, because environment colour or map is also picked. Normally noise removal would be needed. You'll need high AA values - like >=49 and lower RayDepth scene attribute to something less than default: 2-3 for diffuse scenes or 6-7 for scenes containing refractive objects. I thought you might find use for it...

I've already used this technique in two images of mine:



Title: Re: Using glossyspecular to fake light bouncing
Post by: $imon on February 20, 2012, 12:38:27 pm
Nice renders, dwsel!

I had thought of doing this, but then I thought of how much longer the render times would be with a lot of glossy surfaces and .. well I never gave it a good try really .

Neat trick though if you have the patience for it!