Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: fromsoysauce on February 12, 2012, 05:07:37 am
Made this on my dad's reqest, thought it looked cool, so I show y'all! Enjoy!
Very nice character and the pose looks very natural. I like the colors and the light too :D
With so much talent, sure you could make your scene look more "finished" with better ground and background, and your light is good but could be better and give more complex shadows.
I can't wait to see the next render you will post here!!
Complex shadows? Do tell :)
Sure, next time I'll have an actual BG!
And yea, I'm still trying to get the hang of lighting angles, I should have payed more attention in Photography class.
You coul take a look to:
- the manual: Ray traced shadows :
- the anim8or Ray Tracer (ART):
- The AmbientOccluder:
I hope this will help (it is a little difficult to use the first time but give good results!)
You can also find a lot of tutorials abouts lighting, as small example :
Have fun ;)
very nice all around. well done, soy! and hes, you could have some extra fun in the look going to Tof's suggestions.
I don't quite get how to make soft shadows, I've been trying to figure it out for while now. But I'm not sure what I'm supposed to look for.
You have to go into the properties light, by double clicking on it, click advanced then you will have the full shadow properties, make sure you have it set to ray trace, and make sure you have softness checked then enter in a value for the softness where it says size.
You also got to make sure your rendering with ART and you have anti aliasing on.
Ok thanks!
It really does look much nicer... But it takes like 10 minutes to render 1 frame... I think it would be rather impractical if I wanted to render even a 2 minute animation.
You can set the soft size to any radius. It's basically the "spread". Generally you'll start seeing softness at 10 or higher.
ART is not required, Scanline does soft shadows just as well (better, in my opinion).
Experiment with a basic scene until you're familiar with how it works.
Very cool, I think Steve had modeling hobbyists in mind when he concieved Anim8or.