Challenge #29:GIANT ROBOTS!!!
Deadline: June 24th, 2012
This challenge will have a public poll. Vote for the best 30 second or less animation (youtube or similar)
Before you ask...
- Use Anim8or for at least half of your work
- Try making everything from scratch
- Animate and render in software of your choice
Experiment a little and enjoy the challenge!
Wow, animation this time? Yeeps, I'm really going to be stretching my artistic legs.
Well, at least it's robots, I think I grok rigid animation in theory.
Great! 80 days to finish it. I'll start modelling tomorow.
Awesome!!! Here goes nothin :)
I worked on some weapons ;D
(http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/9160/teslaa.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/513/teslaa.jpg/)
(http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/7207/miniguna.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/692/miniguna.jpg/)
After a few hours drawing and modelling today, here are the first pieces of my robot ... Still a very big lot of work to get the result I want but I think I'll have more time next week (this week, I was in Germany for my job).
Oh yeah... got my machine back in order... time to get the BIG machine a-moving....
Now this is a topic I'm quite fond of. I shall put my thinking cap on and try to come up with something. Provided I can find time amid thesis, I'll join this challenge.
[P.S. Hi guys! Long time no see. xD]
Here's what I have so far.... Not much, but it's a start. :)
cool stuff so far!
David, is that a robby the robot inspiration?
Anyway, just playing with eyeball idea here...
Great choice Raxx, this looks like a fun one for people of all skills I think - non organic comps are the way to go maybe? Now if only we could get that dang registration thing fixed...
Nice start guys, it's starting to look like a garage full of robot parts in here ;)
Well, I'll add my own. Mine's a poor start, I'm feeling out a bit of modeling in Autodesk Inventor so that I can make the parts printable and the joints work in real life, so this arm is the first test. If I continue using that software, I'll probably use it only for the moving parts and then do the rest in Anim8or...
As for the registration deal...well I have a feeling that'll get fixed soon :)
Very nice ideas to see here! It's now time to me to stop work, and go back to anim8or :D (for my boss: if you read this, my work is already done ;D). I hope I'll have time to finish something...
Whoa, Arik, that looks great, even if it's only that one piece!
And Raxx, it's a sweet start, and seeing that that's just the beginning, I can't wait to see it when it's finished!
Here's my (almost) latest work.
(See a couple posts ahead.)
As you can see, I pretty much ditched the entire 'fat robot' design in favor of a bit sleeker, more defined body. Looks better, although the head doesn't seem to fit quite right...
Oh, yeah, Raxx, I wanted to ask, based on the quite minimal rules to this challenge, could I use programs like After Effects to do stuff like motion blur, bullet, hits, etc?
Lookin' good so far davdud101. The head suits the body fine, in my opinion, though if by "fit" you meant meshing, then I suppose it might not be 100%
As for post-processing in programs like After Effects, there is nothing wrong with using that in this challenge.
Thanks, Raxx. I was thinkg it doesn't really match the body, but upon really thinking about it, it does look 'aight. Over the past few hours, I've gotten much farther than that even, and so I removed the originals (to save thread page space) and the newest ones are below.
It's going quite great for me! Notice the little detail on the shield, notably the bumpmap used to make the knicks and dents. However, I'm having a bit of trouble. You see the shield, and how it has a texture? I can't get it to be double sided. When I select for it to be DS'd, it just turns the color of the material above it (which is pink, in this case), and doesn't actually allow me to do any color changing. What do I do????
Ok, just to verify, when you say "double sided", do you mean doing something like using the shell tool to give it depth, or are you applying a double-sided material to it instead?
If you're modifying the geometry to make it double-sided and it changes color or loses its texture, then more than likely the UVs got reset or the material got unassigned. Reapply the material to the shield and then use the UV tool to remap the material w/ texture on both sides of the shield.
If you're using a double-sided material on an open mesh (is only a polygon thick, like paper), you have to click on the "back" button in the material editor and reapply the textures and colors to the back side to mirror the front side. Make sure all of the parameters are the same.
If that's not what you meant, please clarify a little more on how you've got it set up and maybe a screenshot of the problem in effect.
OH yeah, almost forgot about this xD
I already have a design to work on.
Tail needs a little more mechanized touch to it, but I can wing that when I model. XD
Perhaps I might do an approximation of this scene for the final entry as well.
Is that your own work, Janro? Very cool ...
Hm... Odd to say the two-sided textures just started working for me out of the blue. Thanks anyway, Raxx.
Yo, Janro, haven't seen you in a while. That looks really sweet, reminds me a lot of a cat! (Which I assume was the intended effect) Hope the modelling goes well!
Anyone know how to make glowing eyes? The emissive material property works OK for the eye itself, but it doesn't provide any illumination for the scene, like the area around the eye.
I was also wondering about that, MITM. Best way to do it is to use light in Scene mode. Or maybe make a hexagonal shape on top of the eyes with a edge-faded trams map, and make the colour something, emissive 1, etc. Not at a comp at the moment, but if you don't understand, I'll try to recap layer or someone else will elaborate.
Thanks. I've been trying with the lights, but so far it doesn't look right at all. As for the other suggestion, I am afraid I do not follow.
But thank you.
Here, I decided to overkill and type a long, blathering tutorial on how I make glowing things... Enjoy, or not... here it is: http://www.anim8or.com/smf/index.php?topic=4141.0
I'll try that. Thank you for taking the time and effort, Arik_the_Red.
Updated the glowing red sphere thread, to give an idea of the end result when adapting to create two "red robot eyes" with video of camera circling.
Janro, nice design! The hard part will be accurately getting that into 3D form, so good luck ;)
Good to see so much activity in here!
This is the biggest thing that could be considered a robot. It's a self-building space station the size of a small planet. It was equipped with one of the most powerful supercomputers ever built, but its method of checking whether it had finished building relied on the computer running during the time it took to build. Due to a solar storm, the computer lost power before completing construction, and when it was turned back on it continued building. It has been adding on to itself for approximately 3000 years, sending out small probes to collect materials regularly.
Its computer has also been improving itself over this time, and soon it figured out how to turn any material into the specific metals it needs using specially-built reactors, increasing the amount of matter it can take in. Part of it is converted to energy using other types of reactor, and this energy is used to power the station.
BlackHole, I have no idea what to say to that. That your entry?
(Kinda chuckled at the fact that ours are super sophisticated while yours, however basic on the outside, is still technically a robot. :D )
It is my entry, but it's still WIP. I need to add a background, more detail, and change the camera position.
Here it is with some extra mesh detail, a different camera/light position, and a lowres skybox because the computer I'm rendering this on is a few heating elements away from being a toaster. I will eventually make a better starfield, though. :)
Thought I'd do something.
So here's my beginning
NOTE: Road is temporary
Alrighty, well, I've a rough-up in the works... The robot has a lot of detail taking shape, but here's an early development render. Note, legs are going to have much more work in them, and the body has much more to go as well. I just cobbled basic forms to work on animation tests as I bounce between modelling and animating.
Wow, cooldude, yours shows a lot of promise! Simple but it has a lot of potential. :)
Arik, yours looks awesome too. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
TheBlackHole: Yours too! It will be very interesting to see your animation. :D
Myself, I can't participate. I'm too busy with my game. I'm on a tight deadline and I have to work constantly, every second of free time, whether I'm directly working on it or not, is spent thinking about it, planning, coding, modeling, etc.
Just no time whatsoever for Anim8or challenges, sorry. :(
Thanks, Geek... What's really great, is that I got a theme tune courtesy of another anim8or member... So, in a sense, this is a combined effort of two anim8or-nuts... Me as visuals, and cooldude as musical score composer!
my contribution ... that I started.
http://www.anim8orworld.com/Forum/index.php?topic=35.msg457#msg457 (http://www.anim8orworld.com/Forum/index.php?topic=35.msg457#msg457)
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Looks like we got some competition (quite suitable for a competition don't you thing :P)
I guess its time to blare the music and put on the coffee, and sleep not till I'm finished my work (not just this either, finish my weeks programing, and everything else (:).
Latest WIP anim8or file now transferred to Carrara, To get quicker renders of the animations
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Not too bad kreator. A few crits that I'm sure you're aware of: There's a nasty little jump at the hip joint that needs smoothing, the ankle joint should flex when hitting and lifting off the ground, and his velocity is too low for the rapid movement of his legs. Those missiles could use some propulsion effects, and perhaps some evidence of acceleration. Good progress so far though!
Arik_the_Red, I like the style you're going for! The bronze is reminiscent of steampunk...hmm, reminds me of a certain project that never fully lifted off... ;)
Nice minecraft robot, cooldude234. Whether or not that's your intended effect, he's got style.
TheBlackHole, a better starfield will certainly help. It's got to be animated, so it'd be cool if the camera slowly pans it so that a sun or planet comes into view in the background. Cue some classic orchestral music and you'd be set ;)
Great job folks. We've still got plenty of time in the competition too, how rare!
Finally have a better starfield, but because of the highly subdivided spheres making up the giant robot (and because my computer's a potato) Anim8or sometimes freezes while loading the file.
@TheBlackHole: cause I'm a potato ;)
@Topic: Wow, your WIPs do look amazing! I should catch up ;D
Wait, BlackHole... Is that a bumpmap, or's that actually modelled??
Okay, I should've learned by now that summer break =/= free time. I'll be out of town for a while and so it'll be hard to work on this challenge. If ever I do, it might be a photo finish. Like most of my usual entries <_<
Reeeeaaaaally bad work flow planning. ><
I know how you feel Janro, that's exactly the situation I have coming up next month when my summer break begins.
Not sure if I should extend the deadline or let it drop. Opinions?
Well it's not like everyone's dying for the next challenge, and there are already a lot of WIPs for this one, so I say extend it to mid-May or somewhere around then. :)
I won't turn down an extension.... (hopes that doesn't sound wrong)
hehehe, that's what she said... ::)
Yea, I think we should have more time on this one.
EXTEND!!! I won't be around thi swekend, and I TOTALLY won't be anywhere near done when it's due. and everyone's gotten so far, I'd hate to see incomplete wip's be put out there in the not-perefected form.
Alright, time for an extension...
Extended to: June 24th, 2012
Don't forget it!
Here a giant gech type I made for BZII. It's basically one of several models in an animated group that has real weapons that work in BZII. It's equpped with dual cannons and dual guns. Unfortunately, it was made and animated in Truespace, so it doesn't qualify for entry in this project. I thought I'd share it anyways. It has just over 1,000 faces and is done only with in basic material colors; I'm still trying to learn to make custom paint 2d textures.
Tim Christou from Canada asked me to post his Anim8or Robot movie to this forum challenge.
Alright, well, after a revision of what I wanted to do, I decided to go with a bullfrog-ish design. He's no where near done, but luckily, time is my babe right now, so Frogger will be getting done in time if I use it right.
Alright, well, after a revision of what I wanted to do, I decided to go with a bullfrog-ish design. He's no where near done, but luckily, time is my babe right now, so Frogger will be getting done in time if I use it right.
Nice Walker model. Anim8or rocks!
Okay about time I get into this!
... alright it's not too big of an update. Got sidetracked but at least it's a start.
For the most part I intend to paint most of the detail on. I'll use this as a chance to practice painting textures too.
Aw man, Janro, that already looks really sweet, quite close to the concept art!!! But then I guess that means my criteria for something being sweet is dependent on whether I can imagine some sweet stuff I could do to it.
Oh here's a question I forgot to ask.
One of the conditions is that half the work must be done in Anim8or.
But let's say I want to rig and animate and render in Maya while all the modelling is done in An8... is that alright? Cause to me it feels like it's only 1/3rd done in An8- well 1/4th if I count unwrapping/texturing which is done in other programs.
Nice updates guys. ianross, does Tim need a forum account?
davdud101, your robot reminds me of a frog-style walker bot I made ages ago. Will you be animating him as if he was in the Frogger game itself?
Janro, good start. And yes, it's perfectly fine. Basically if a critical part of it was done in Anim8or, then it's ok.
Ippena, if you animate and render it in Anim8or, you can still submit it for this challenge!
Okay- Update time
This is an agonizingly slow pace. Summer break mode hit me for the past few days. Not helping my productive side at all ><
Finally got to continuing this and made the waist joint part. It's not seen in my concept sketch/paint so I had to reimagine how it really is and may work. Hopefully next update would be a little more.
EDIT: okay, started on the thighs. Currently figuring out the knee joint mechanism before proceeding.
Pardon the double post but I wanted to have a clear update.
Legs are done. Feet and Arms to come in next, followed by the head.
Test Vid:
This is pre-textured, pre-evnironment, pre-post.
Test Vid:
This is pre-textured, pre-evnironment, pre-post.
Not bad! The landing looked great, but something seemed off about the takeoff
I see it; it's the 'slowness' of his lift-off... THanks for pointing it out, Cori. Hopefully I can resovle the problem. Thanks for feedback, too.
Pretty neat davdud!
I think the slowness is part of what seems off. I like how you're trying to put in antic(ipation) in the movement. One thing you could try doing is to point the front end down, rather than have the front end up. This I think would be a better antic for a forward jump.
You can try seeing it in how your body prepares for a forward jump. When you crouch bracing to go forward, you'd lean to shift your weight forwards so that you'll be 'balanced' when you leap forward.
I hope that made sense ^^
This would be hard to vote!
All the robots look great!
I know, I haven't been particularly active and whatnot, but I gotta ask:
What happened to this challenge?
Either everyone left to get hard to work or everyone forgot. I kinda stopped working, so I'll have to get back on a throw something together in the last 4 days.
well I did my renders last night and it's been so long since I used movie maker I no longer have the codecs ??? to load in my avi's so I have been waxdebugmodeing gah I don't have enough time to read directions :)
Ok, I finally put this challenge down. If you have an entry after the deadline, feel free to post it here even so.
Darn, such an ambitious one for us all. I'll try to get mine finished and up after a little while.