Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: davdud101 on January 14, 2012, 10:39:08 am
Hey, everyone. Right now, I'm several months into having been working on a Super Mario-themed action short film. I'm using Anim8or for 3D models, and to get better with it. Unfortunately, EVERYONE'S nightmare is organic modelling. I'm attempting to build this Koopa Troopa:
It just doesn't seem to be going so well. At least not opposed to the ACTUAL 3d model of a KT, like this one:
I need some REAL help with this thing... Any suggestions on improvments?
it actually doesn't look too bad. its a little sharp in some places like his cheeks and his beak.
Its actully quite good. I think it needs to be fuller in the beak in order to look right.
Also, for the join where the beak meets the cheeks, should be modified so it curves outwards like in the NSMB pic you have, as this creates the "Koopa Smile"
What references did you use to make this?
@xp1231 I get what you're saying about the cheeks. I don't exactly get what you mean when referring to the 'fullness' of the beak. That pic was actually my only reference, aside from a couple other slightly modified ones found elsewhere on Google. Unfortunately I haven't come across some 'blueprints' or concept art for him yet, so this is all I have.
(UPDATE) Well, xp1231, I took some of your advice. (welcom to the forums, by the way) So I rounded out the cheeks to give him a more 'smiley' appearance, and made his head more circular to give him a bit of a more 'childlike' feel. He's looking a little bit better since those changes, but tell me how I could improve even more! :)
can you show a wireframe so I can get more of an idea on how to help.
Sure thing, siragin, here it is:
Personally, I'd make the eyes more oval, right now they basically look like cylinders with domes on top.
It's a small thing, but it really stands out to me.
It definitely looks great. I second the eyes, and also the cheeks could be even rounder.
Hey Cori, when you say 'round' are you referring to more 'ball shaped/spherical', or more of a 'circular' (as seen from a side view')?
they don't mean the same thing? well... what I mean is the cheeks take a really steep dip when they meet the beak. That should be way smoother and I do mean more spherical, mainly from the front view
I get waht you're saying now, how they're "sharp" and edged. I'll give it a try, but I feel as if his cheeck will end up being huge if I did it.
Btw, what I meant was make the cheek just a straight-up circle from the side view, vs make the whole cheek an entire sphere.
sup dav. the model itself looks pretty good. im wondering how your going about making it though. what technique your using. to me it looks like u made a bunch of spheres and manipulated them. what ever u did it worked out pretty good.
when u post a wireframe, you should have the shaded surface and lines visible. you really cant see what your doing in a subdivided wireframe like that.
keep it up though dude and post some more progress.
Yo rellik, haven't seen you around a in a lil while. So to all, I haven't been in frontof a computer for several tens of hours (I'm on mobile at the moment), but my latest progress has been the completed arms and a lot of the shell. If you guys can follow the links in the pics (IF, idk if it's possible...) you shouls be able to go my Anim8or album and see them. If not, I'll bw posting them early this upcoming week.
Finally got dem rendahs.
(BTW, I know the shell's bumpmap look pretty cruddy, anyone ot a fix? Additionally, is there any possible way to render bumpmaps in Art, or will I have to model the ridges?)
OH yeah, I also was wondering how I should do the shell texture, so if there're any ideas on that...
The ridges should definitely be modeled, but for the shell texture, you should definitely go for a bumpmap. Modelling that would be nearly impossible
Judicious use of the cut faces tool along with some extrusion would also do it, but it would be fairly messy.
@CoriDavis, Thanks for the tip... Unfortunately there're 2 stumbling blocks: 1, ART can't render bumpmaps. 2, I don't know where I'd find a texture like that. Maybe I can actually geta TEXTURE made like the shell, and you're right, modeling it would be a feat fit only for a pro.
@MitM, Thanks for telling me, I'll try it... Although I was hoping I'd have a shortcut. Darn! :D
davdud101: ART has no problem rendering bumpmaps.
Yo, Ensoniq. If that's the case, then I'm not sure why, but ART doesn't render them on machine. I'll definetly have to look into it a bit more, assuming I'm doing something wrong.