Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Arik_the_Red on December 23, 2011, 11:16:57 am
EDIT: Test Render update... experimenting with lid and "top of jar" features
Found the commercial ads I remember from ages ago...
I suppose only Americans of the age 40-ish or older would recall Tang as the "Official Drink of Astronauts," but I just had to make this... still working on screw-top lid to match the screw-top jar, and possible powdered drink mix contents.
Of course, I have made modest changes to the jar, product name and label...
Anyway, as for the original (attached) Tang, it is a powdered drink mix that's been around for decades. It was on John Glenn's first space mission and used as a food product in the Gemini space program, which gave the Tang brand a huge marketing tool and rose the product out of a floundering state of sales.
The label is applied to a cylinder with combination of regular colored label jpg and transmap, with a separate, slightly narrower cylinder behind it colored a metallic green. The jar itself has both outer and inner surfaces for added realism depth, and I will probably create a fill material of orange-ish powder by duplicating the inner jar as and making a separate mesh just for the contents.
I've also decided to alter label format a bit more, changing the current "like the original" label logo further... I will likely make the "glass of orange" shaped a bit differently. Probably shorten it and make stem type base for it in order to further the difference from Tang's actual label appearance. Too, I think I will take the light green leaves on either side of the orange logo and make them into teardrop- shaped splashes. Also, the original has a light green metallic around the orange logo, and I haven't decided if I want to re-create that or just keep it solid light green as shown in my render.
I don't know why more people don't play with the glass effects and other options. They really look cool!
Attached is my WIP render of TWANG, and the original jars - the center being my model example.
When complete, I will probably upload it to for all to enjoy, download and goof around with (in 3ds and obj format). It would work well for just about any similar glass-jar powdered drink product - instant iced tea, other flavored drinks, etc.
Hey I have some of that in cupboard :P
I had no idea you could still get this, I haven't seen it since the late 70's. Nice modelling... might have to smuggle a jar into the Triton base galley!
Here you go, at least as of 2002... &feature=related
Now I remember the thing! I mean, I remember drinking it like 10 years ago. But it was modern incarnation - in plastic bag rather than jar.
Btw, was it necessary to model inner and outer part separately? I thought that the project is going to be rendered in other renderer anyway? (so material is node based and can have multiple maps in it) That's why I wasn't working more on textures for can - deciding 'they can be better done with procedurals'.
I just made the "TWANG" for fun. Not necessarily meant for Trans-Neptune. Am just having fun with my life-favorite software - anim8or....
Woah, right when I saw that commercial, I was like 'That's it!!!' Even when I'm only 14 yrs of age, I TOTALLY remeber that commercial, used to see that ALL the time!!
Very nice renders Arik, I like them
I can still find this in stores here in Canada.
Apparently this was still available Down Under until 2010, which seems to have distressed a couple of my countrymen to the extent that they have made a 'Bring Back Tang' website!