Challenge #28: Greek!?!
Woof (x3)
Test out all of your skills! Present any mythical Greek creature or god in its mythical environment as a single still image.
Deadline: January 9th 2012
This challenge will have a public poll. Vote for the best still render
Before you ask...
- Use Anim8or for at least half of your work
- Try making everything from scratch
- You can only render it using free software! If it is listed on their website with a price tag, that means it's not free.
- Here's a good list of Greek Gods and Creatures:
- Post-production is allowed, using any software--limit to just compositing renders, touch-ups, and adjusting values
So this time around I've restated some of the usual rules, and put in two new restrictions -- free renderer only and a limit on post-production.
Experiment a little and enjoy the challenge!