Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Maximilianibus on September 25, 2011, 07:00:11 am
Hey guys... I have (still?) a problem... I asked some time ago how to create a mesh by hand, and, yeah, I know that now. BUT somehow, Anim8or doesn't fill all the faces if I made them with the "Add Edge"-tool... Yeah.
Another problem: my meshes are somehow inside-out. wtf?!
I drag-select the faces and they are BLUE. not YELLOW. And I can't even select them with the "normal" mouse. That's kind of frustrating, because I had to change the view just to select a face that was directly in front of the camera... What can I do? Am I such a noob? Please, I need the help, it's important.
Greetings ^^
For the future, when asking something specific, post an image example ! 8)
When your faces are flipped ( blue, which is the back side of a face ) flip them by using the "Flip Normals" command from edit menu (or just use short cut "Shift + n" or "N" - depends on if you have caps locked or not :) )
About the not fill thing : There are too many edges ! Anim8or have some limit on that. You can make first what you want with more less edges, fill it and then add more ( edges ) on the already filled mesh. That would for sure work !
And about selecting faces : you can select whatever you want without rotating from different views the mesh. Just use the "front" , "back" buttons in the point editor ( under the x,y,z ). And when the face becomes blue, that means you still selected it, just it's the back side of the face ( there's no need to select and manipulate faces only from front side, just do whatever you want to achieve the result from any view ) ;)
oh, thank you ^^
yeah, err.. the problem is, i cant even select the blue faces ^^
And again...example image ! ;D
Emm, yeap, sometimes it seems to be difficult to select faces. I guess it's another one of little Anim8or's glitches . I meet that problem more often, if not only, in perspective view.
If the face is blue, or yellow, then it's already selected! As Gyperboloid says, there can be problems selecting faces close to the camera in Perspective view, switch to an appropriate flat view and make sure your "front" and "back" buttons are properly selected (have them both on if unsure, though faces behind the face you are selecting will also select).
i know that ^^ i mean, i cant select them. but if i select them with dragselect(from another perspective) they are blue..
OK, now I'll try to guess what it's like ! OK, I got my mind's waves work. I can see it, yes, yes come on. I'm focusing ! :D
Heh, come on man, post a screenshot !!! 8)
I don't really know how you can post a screen shot, of NOT being able to select something ???
There are a range of things that could be causing this, in particular if there is another face in front of or behind the one(s) you are trying to select, if you are in Perspective view, if your 'Front' and 'Back' buttons are incorrectly set, etc., all of which can be seen in a screenshot. Diagnosing this is a process of elimination, the screenshot would serve to eliminate or indicate most of the common causes. If none of the advice above works for you then maybe consider posting the mesh, then we can see if we can replicate the problem. Otherwise it's all guesswork and there isn't much advice we can offer.