Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Kyle on September 19, 2011, 04:10:44 am
Yep, Zordon's command center. I don't know how how much more I'll be working on this, and lets be honest its all pretty simple geometry so far but I'm I don't have a lot of time to work on this. I thought I'd share anyway.
I won't be modeling Zordon himself. Don't need to, as this is part of a collaboration with David Fielding (the original Zordon himself). We're doing this "where is he now?" type of thing, and I'm using anim8or to create a virtual set to composite his head in. Not exact replica but a close approximation I'd say. As much as time allows. How much time, I have no idea, I just don't want to keep him waiting as I refine details that most won't notice. I do hope to make it look as professional as I can. I just need to add some panel detail and it'll be usable. I'll keep polishing as much as I can though until our video (possibly series?) premieres on youtube.
Since anim8or doesn't do real neon lights/flares properly I'll be using Sony Vegas to add glows and flares to make it look a bit more like the show. I'll also be using that to give David's voice that Zordon sound (or something similar at least), which you can hear/see a preview of here. (remember this is just a teaser, before I even knew I was going to be involved, before I started any modeling)
Hey, good job so far on the set! I think the neon items will look good once you put them through some post-processing..
Will real life footage be integrated with the whole set? In that case I would suggest putting a few more details on the seats and props in the front. The hologram-area looks pretty good (maybe you will want to attach the blue tubes to something?)
I can't say I had ever heard of Zordon, but it looks pretty crazy ;) Good luck!
The only live action footage that I plan on integrating will be zordons head, which appears in the tube. Those aren't seats by the way, their control panels intended to be used while standing up. I guess it does look like seats to someone unfamiliar but yeah I do have to add detail there.
Oh haha that makes sense now - I should've waited for the button-details!
Wow has it really been over a year since I touched this project? heh. Well after another hard drive failure I found my backup so I started working on it again.
I'm having a tough time with the panel detail because of the curved surface.
I'm not sure if I'll be using this for its original intention anymore, David seems to have either lost interest or just got too busy. There's another Power Rangers fan that wants to use it for his fan film tthough, so that's why I picked it back up.
I see a great use of ART renderer and very nice use of reflections. Neons are looking great - is that a glowing material or glowing is added in the postpro?
I'm having a tough time with the panel detail because of the curved surface.
In one of videos from related category I've found this closeup at their instruments: =4m18s - they look like a series of prisms with trapezoid base protruding from the curved surface, but their fronts seem to be fully flat.
Interesting, so I don't have to curve the panels themselves, but how do they connect to the part that actually is curved I wonder?
That last render was all anim8or, no post effects yet.
Here's a version with trapezoids Ive started. I'm also toying with the idea of faking lights underneath the panel. You'll also see some fake lights on the wall.
Nice Work, Kyle!
Well done Kyle, good work here.
This took something around 20 hours of render time. I always underestimate how long dielectric materials take to render.
I added a hint of depth of field blur as well as vignetting in photoshop. otherwise nothing was changed too much. Nothing was added glow wise or anything.
Edit: for anyone curious what the untouched render looks like, I've attached that.
Edit: by the way, the nastalgia critic used my renders without my permission.
I did get credit, sorta (they used my youtube name) but its still a bit a annoying they didn't even think to ask first. I would have probably worked with them to give them better shots.
It's a shame they'd take your work without permission. You have my permission to slap them thoroughly.
Anyway, nice dielectric render. I never watched the Power Rangers so I have no clue what it is though. But I hope you keep us posted ;)
Too bad for them! Knowing quality of your works they could have animated light columns, better pov or improved lighting if they only had asked you first.
Anyway - the pyramidal shape looks great in amber-coloured material. The background lights are reflected in it nicely.
Edit: by the way, the nastalgia critic used my renders without my permission.
I hate when people don't ask for permission first (they got no respect for others?). I'm actually quite surprised its the nostalgic critic, he's quite well known.
Hey guys, I was wondering if I could get some advice on closing up these control panels. Ive gone though a few iterations now and the problem I keep running into is getting these both closed (it starts as a lathe and needs to be broken up into 3 parts) and give it a good bevel. Whats the best arrangement of verts to re enforce the main edges? I got a passable one before, but it was still pretty messy and would be tedious to replicate on the other holes I also need to close.
I'm giving myself about two weeks to give this guy a set of completed renders to use, so I'll probably have to sacrifice in the accuracy department a bit.
Edit: added a new render. Decided to go the texture route to get this done asap.
Edit: I think I can call this done. every panel has a set of controls, even if some were recycled for time. I went the texture route, again to save time. There is some geometry mixed in to help sell it a bit more though. Now I'm just finding the best angles to match the footage we have.
This isn't new, but figured I'd post it anyway. Just a very short camera fly by video. (artificially lengthened by reversing the footage back, heh)
Left the AA off for now, since art is still painfully slow.
So, Kyle... anything more become of this?
In what way? It's probably as done as it'll get unless Steve gives me more toys to play with lighting wise.
The thing with David Fielding never materialized, he either lost interest or time. Maybe a bit of both.
But my set has made its rounds.
It was used in this fan film featuring Barbra Goodson, the voice of Rita.
It was used in this ad for Austin ST John's store. (accidentally at first, as he couldn't find out who made it, he credits me now though its all good)
And last but not least, my set was used in a fan game, albeit modified to fit the style. Blink and you'll miss it (skip to 17 seconds in to jump to it)
Great to see things put into action... very cool.