Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: TheBlackHole on September 09, 2011, 08:15:07 pm
Decided to model a space sphere from Portal 2. In case you haven't played Portal 2, he's a corrupt AI that is obsessed with space. Only two textures so far, both made in GIMP.
Redid the case/shell thing.
Almost done, just need handles and eyelids.
Done, now what should I do with him?
Haha! When I saw the topic title I knew what's it about ;) Love the game, characters and personality cores!
Done, now what should I do with him?
Catapult him to the moon so that it starts to scream 'Space! Space, we're in space...' :D
... and seriously... I'd texture it's body a little bit more to add the dirt and scratches here and there, light it up with simple setup and render against some space photos, make the eye glow a little bit in postpro, etc. :)
BTW, I know it may be too late for changes, but I've got only one small crit: the eye seems to be a little bit too small for me, with too wide ring around - so the body seems to be more heavy in comparison to other parts.
I agree, the eye was too small. Was because I just redid the eye, looks a lot better now.
Added textures and rendered instead of taking a screenshot.
Better, but adding a starfield in the back, and using some anti-aliasing would help quite a bit. Also, it doesn't appear that you have shadows enabled.
That was just a test render from the object editor. Here's a full render from the scene editor.
And a bigger version with AA.
Must see… more SPACE. :D
Great job on this. I love it. :)
Looking really really good! I've not played the game, but my son has it on his xbox 360.
Awesome game - way too easy towards the end - Great work!