Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Maximilianibus on September 09, 2011, 07:29:26 am
Hey guys! :D It's been a long time... how have you been? ;D ..stupid reference...
I noticed the cre8or website is down! :-\
So I wanted to ask, if somebody still has some documents or some files?
Because I need them... ^^"
Greetings, Max
Wow, what happened :-\ . It would be pity if it's dead from now. I think you should find "couldude", coz he was very active on the forum, he must know what's going on or give you the email of some guys. And falloffalot can help too. He was moderator or something ( or just another very active member ). He is on animanon too.
yea i think its dead. the sites been down for a few months. i finally got the program to work but now i dont know how to use it. there is practically nothing as far as how to use it. i think most of it was on the forums but that isnt there now.
Yeap, rellik420, forum was the place where you could find answers to your questions. But you can try some basic and a little bit more advanced tutorials from the site, from the web history machine --> (
@Gyperboloid: thank you, thats what im searching for ^^
You are welcome :). Although it's shame. All the applications, that people made all these years, actually are not any more under development . Terranim8or, a bunch of little tiny programs and related sites...and now cre8or ! :-\ Maybe because Anim8or has not been updated for a long time :-X ???
I'm not quitting Anim8or, but I do know that at some point, some decide they must just move on. Perhaps use Anim8or as a secondary program to learn while one learns someting like Blender. IDK, Perhaps Cre8or has become too advanced for Anim8or capabilites. I used to use Cre8or until I couldn't get it working on Win Vista or 7, so I quit.
Aww darnit. I eventually wanted to try Cre8or
try cryengine3 sdk ;D
you should try (
Wuop, what's this one? Forum seems not to work :-\
Such a shame hat Cre8or had to go. I still use Anim8or every once in awhile now. It's a useful to for creating things like introductions and what not.
Do you happen to know where the Spin plugin for Cre8or can be found?
Do you happen to know where the Spin plugin for Cre8or can be found?
I sometimes need to use physics for my animations, and kre8or was perfect.
Now...let's hope someone could make a physics plug-in for anim8or... That would be gold!!!
I gave it a shot for a while; very fun, I had lots of faith in the project! But at least we still have lots of alternatives. Few that integrate so perfectly, but a lot of alternatives for sure.