Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: jhelebrant on June 22, 2011, 10:14:11 am
I am trying to create a scene similar to twentieth century fox intro, but with my own logo etc. I already have the scene, I am able to create the rotating flying camera, but I cannot find out how to create the light cones. I found some articles here (
but I am not able to figure out the right parameters for the light cone (using modified subdivided mesh). Does anybody have some already "well-tried" material for it?
thanks much :)
PS: use Anim8or 0.97d Beta, but I also have the older versions
Are you using the ART renderer of scanline? Because material can act very different in the different renderers. The tutorials you found are all made for the scanline renderer and will probably not work or look good in ART.
for my previous video I used OpenGL for rendering - it was the quickest way to get relatively nice looking movie. ;) Should I rather use ART?
It all depend what you want to make. OpenGL is very fast but ugly: no shadows, reflections or AA. Scanline is slower but has AA options and shadows. ART gives the nicest results but is also the slowest. ART gives you also the option to us raytrace materials, such as reflections, refractions and raytraced shadows.
The effect you are discribing, the light cones, should be the best done in scanline I think. Try playing with the transperancy and emissive values of you material.
Hi, thanks much for help. kreator sent me a PM with a nice tutorial, so I was able to achieve what I needed. Ok, most of the people here would make it better, but I am satisfied (at least for now ;D ) - I attached a small preview of my work - and as a few seconds intro for our research video it is enough. ;)
I am posting here a copy of the PM, as I think the information could be also useful for other people with similar problem (and as there is no personal data):
I did a Lightcone tutorial which is included in August 2010 Issue of Dotan8
Get it here
I think there is the resource file as well for it at
Hope that helps you ... You should do your renders in either Scanline or ART.
OpenGL is really for quick previewing and can often crash!
Have fun