Anim8or Community

Artwork => Anim8or Challenges => Topic started by: floyd86 on June 20, 2011, 06:23:00 pm

Title: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on June 20, 2011, 06:23:00 pm
Welcome to challenge #26: Noir!


Another anim8or challenge: noir!  

So what do you have to do?
Make a still in film noir style, this is a black and white style which is found in alot old movies (and new ones! like sin city).
You aloud to use some color, but most of the picture should be black and white. The theme is all up to you, as long it's typical film noir.

tip: look into low key lighting (

One month: July 21th.July 25th

good luck!

Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: davdud101 on June 20, 2011, 07:13:04 pm
I'm all in, expect me in the finals!!!
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on June 20, 2011, 07:38:14 pm
hmmm... I like it :D what are the limitations?
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on June 20, 2011, 09:58:43 pm
hmmm... I like it :D what are the limitations?

Limitations in what?
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: Destroyer on June 21, 2011, 02:04:34 am
definitely sounds like a contest i want to engage in, does it have to be film noir or can we make something in the style of future/tech noir? 
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on June 21, 2011, 11:38:21 am
lol shouldve been more specific, I mean limitations of like useable renderers, modellers etc.?
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on June 21, 2011, 02:22:19 pm
definitely sounds like a contest i want to engage in, does it have to be film noir or can we make something in the style of future/tech noir? 
lol shouldve been more specific, I mean limitations of like useable renderers, modellers etc.?

The theme is up to you. If you want a future scene: go ahead. Aslong the style is film noir. Most of the modeling should be done in anim8or. Rendering not necessary, but it's just black and white so it should easily be done in anim8or.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: davdud101 on June 22, 2011, 02:54:48 pm
I'm done. Floyd, the pic in the first post was definitely the inspiration for mine.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: Gyperboloid on June 24, 2011, 03:22:19 am
So, finaly, we can create anything in black & white style or it must have old movies style?
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on June 24, 2011, 06:51:22 am
So, finaly, we can create anything in black & white style or it must have old movies style?

You can create everything as long it film noir style, which means: black and white, lots of shadows, low key lighting, suspense, a bit of a depressing ambience... etc.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: davdud101 on July 04, 2011, 12:34:39 pm
No one's commented on this thread in several days... Submissions, anyone?
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on July 04, 2011, 02:47:13 pm
No one's commented on this thread in several days... Submissions, anyone?

Me, maybe, but a bit later. I've an idea for sth...
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on July 08, 2011, 07:55:37 am
I know I know, it has to be in black and white.. but I just cant texture something without color haha

Anyway here is a WIP ive started - hope ill finish it!

itll be night and ... ill desaturate the image! so black and white it will be.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on July 08, 2011, 10:41:10 am
Are we supposed to post WIPs? :D That would keep thread more alive definitely...
Nice model already $imon. I'm texturing in colour as well. I'm planning to make some heavy color grading at the end ;)

my ugly 2 day WIP - so far model with UV mapping, textures in progress
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on July 08, 2011, 11:24:38 am
True Dwsel - and it's always good to get some comments to see if youre heading in the right direction!

About your model - what did you use to UVmap it? Just some hints about the UVs; try to make the blocks all square so the texture won't be stretched (this is mostly good except the floor in front of the door), and try to keep them all the same size, now I don't know how many texture maps you are going to use, but within one texture map you will want to make it so that the squares are the same size so that the final textures will all be the same resolution.
(here a good example of all square and the same size blocks on a model

Good luck with your entry, cant wait to see it!
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on July 09, 2011, 10:06:30 am
About your model - what did you use to UVmap it? Just some hints about the UVs; try to make the blocks all square so the texture won't be stretched (this is mostly good except the floor in front of the door), and try to keep them all the same size, now I don't know how many texture maps you are going to use, but within one texture map you will want to make it so that the squares are the same size so that the final textures will all be the same resolution.

I used LithUnwrap and Blender's UV editor.

Mapping should be mostly correct with what you write except for window and door frame, where there are some tiny stretches and differences in size of horizontal and vertical bars, but it's not that visible. Concrete has larger 'squares' because I wasted a lot of space on the texture for the bottom of the house ??? (view from under the house below :D ). You can see concrete texture being in a bit lower resolution, but I don't plan closeups such as these on the preview.

At the moment I'm not sure about door material - leather - I wanted to have light door/frame to have character's dark silhouette contrasting with it, but I don't know if it fits the concept - being too clean. I don't like to look behind too much, so I may leave it as it is at the moment.

I have to make some... props on and below the roof ;) and an environment for the house. I may need to take a break from the project or slow down a bit for a week. I hope to finish it on time. Temporary title for the work: 'Waiting'.

BTW. Does anyone know if Anim8tor keeps all textures in memory in uncompressed form? It's bad if yes... Project takes a lot of memory after it's freshly loaded ;D
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on July 10, 2011, 04:43:24 pm
Yea great job on the texturing dwsl - I imagine it was just the fact that the anim8or built-in colored block map is a perfect square - where your textures mostly won't be, hence the distortion in the first wip.  I like the texturing job you did, you're keeping us guessing on what the final image will be like though. Keep it up, I love your work so I hope you can get it finished!

Here an update on mine, last update before the final I think. I have finished the boat ^,^
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on July 11, 2011, 12:54:48 pm
Ah some more entries I see! I will get started on one soon too.
@simon: only the final entries has to be black and white, your allowed to desaturate your render for anim8or ;) model is coming along nice!
@dwsel: WIP's are encouraged! I'm curious to what your gonna make.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on July 12, 2011, 02:34:37 pm
Small update - secret revealed 8)
I need some ground, plants, detailed lighting and at last compositing and color grading.

Ship has got quality, detailed mesh. All of the mechanisms, joints are in place, even the rope is knit where's supposed to be... at least I guess, because I'm not sailor. Where did you find such accurate references :o
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on July 12, 2011, 04:38:47 pm
ha! I didnt see the motel thing coming, dwsel - very classical though and it will lend itself good for the topic! Good quality work so far. I think maybe you could add the dirt and wear on the textures a bit more in naturally occuring spots (corners etc, and where people would walk)
As far as exterior add-ons maybe some rainpipes, old airco vents and antennas on the roof?

(don't mind me but I was googling some old motels and I came across this really cool reference: maybe you can use it for some inspiration..)

About the boat - I had an alright reference but I also sail myself so I could fill in the blanks a bit. I still cut some corners though but I'm sure it wont show.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on July 12, 2011, 05:11:28 pm
ha! I didnt see the motel thing coming, dwsel - very classical though and it will lend itself good for the topic! Good quality work so far. I think maybe you could add the dirt and wear on the textures a bit more in naturally occuring spots (corners etc, and where people would walk)
As far as exterior add-ons maybe some rainpipes, old airco vents and antennas on the roof?

More work on textures probably won't be noticeable in rather dark atmosphere, so I leave them as they are. Currently working on plants - but I think only textured planes (3 species planned).

Chimneys and antennas are a really good idea and are easy and quick to make.

Still have a lot of things to be done...
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on July 14, 2011, 02:56:21 pm
Sounds good dwsel, hope you can get it finished!

Here is my final image. Rendered a regular, AO and depth pass in anim8or, combined & edited in Photoshop.

Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: RudySchneider on July 14, 2011, 08:04:08 pm
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on July 14, 2011, 11:10:00 pm
Awesome work $imon, very strong 'Dexter' feel to it!
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: Gyperboloid on July 15, 2011, 12:16:16 pm
Oh, you are quick  :o  I just still have done nothing  :-[ Don't know if I can finish it in time( again  :P  :-[ )
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: davdud101 on July 15, 2011, 01:40:15 pm
Thas riudiculous, $imon! nice work!
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on July 15, 2011, 02:20:35 pm
Good entry $imon! Are veins on the hand bumpmapped?

Oh, you are quick  :o  I just still have done nothing  :-[ Don't know if I can finish it in time( again  :P  :-[ )
Now that's the object I wanted to have on the ground in my scene :D But due to lack of time and modelling skills I've decided to make a stone instead ;)
I hope you will be able to finish on time!
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on July 15, 2011, 03:34:44 pm
Thanks everyone! I'm glad you liked it..

Ensoniq: Of course, I LOVE Dexter so it's 100% inspired by it :D

gyberboloid: good start there on the skull, I like the stylized look, very scary! Hope you can get it finished!

dwsel: I would have bumpmapped it but I kindof forgot before I started the 12 hour render - so I painted it over in Photoshop afterwards..
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: davdud101 on July 16, 2011, 10:01:28 pm
$imon, u got this one in the bag, if u ask me.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on July 18, 2011, 03:27:24 am
I hope not, davdud! I'm looking forward to seeing some more entries still.
I liked your entry too! it stays more true to the subject I think.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on July 18, 2011, 05:17:25 am
I've been working on a project intended as a submission to another site, unfortunately there is no way I can meet the deadline.  So, with a few minor changes and additions to make it more 'Noir-ish", I will be submitting a still shot here so at least I don't feel it was a complete waste of time!

Below are a couple of the models that will be used.  I built the railway station some time ago for another project, and the girl is my first ever attempt at an edge-looped face and body built from reference images (organic modelling is not really my thing and I have avoided learning this skill for as long as possible!  Still much to learn).  Rendering is under way.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: neirao on July 18, 2011, 08:37:40 pm
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on July 19, 2011, 12:42:30 pm
Nice entry simon! It reminded me of dexter too lol :p
I like the compositing, but I mis a bit of contrast and bumpmapping. Overall very nice image: well done!

Good start Ensoniq, I'm looking forward on what your going to make of the trainstation.

I hope more people will finish and soon I will start on my own too.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on July 19, 2011, 02:31:22 pm
How many hours are left? deadline is 20-07-2011 24:00 GMT or something else?
Some issues came out on my rendering (not finished yet - still going) which I have to fix in postpro. If there's one day and several hours it's still pretty tight deadline :o
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on July 19, 2011, 02:38:54 pm
The challenge runs till july 21th... so you can enter you can enter until the 22th. So you have atleast two more days.
But to be honest, you can enter until I start the voting... and thats when I have time to do so :p
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: Raxx on July 19, 2011, 10:50:30 pm
Well, I certainly wouldn't mind an extension of one or two days, I'm nearly halfway through but still got a ways to go!

By the way, excellent entries.

davdud101, good job, but even though you captured the noir look, I can't help but feel you coulda put more into the scene! It's gotta tell a story!

$imon, very solid work. Reminded me of Dexter right away as well, though I doubt he'd ever be so sloppy as to leave a hand hanging out ;)

Good progress so far, ENSONIQ5 and dwsel! Hope you guys finish in time! Gyperboloid, make sure ya catch up!

I wasn't planning on showing my progress, but whatever, I'm posting here anyway so I might as well. Here's the main character so far, all subdivision modeled.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on July 20, 2011, 07:09:03 am
Are there more people that want an extension?

@raxx: very nice model, reminds me of some james bond villain. Maybe you can post a wireframe?  

Here is my entry, inspired by the movie se7en.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: Gyperboloid on July 20, 2011, 09:59:25 am
Wow, new entries ! Nice !

I have internet problems these days. Still working. Can the deadline be Sunday, so we start voting Monday ?  :-[
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on July 20, 2011, 11:59:29 am
Wow great stuff, Raxx! Reminds me a bit of John Locke from Lost, but also as floyd said, some bad guy from james bond for sure! I hope you get a bit of an extension to the deadline to finish it!

Floyd, cool image and nice mood! Even though the models are simple its a good composition. Go Kevin Spacey!
Oh and you're right about the lack of bumpmaps in my scene, I just don't like the way they look close-up in Anim8or so I just left them out completely..

Gyperboloid, it's looking creepy there! Hope you can finish in time as well!
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on July 20, 2011, 02:14:41 pm

NEW DEADLINE: Monday 25th!

@simon: the models are really simple...the body is just a blob, it doesn't even has hands or a face :p
and kevin spacey is the bomb XD
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on July 20, 2011, 03:40:36 pm
I'm hard at work on a game my brother and I are making. Been using Blender, Anim8or, Unity, UDK, and some other things to get it all done.
We're very serious about it. Not just another project that will never see the light of day. ;)

So I can't join this challenge, but I have been checking on it regularly and the entries in this one are great! :)

Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on July 20, 2011, 08:37:13 pm
Here's my, I think, final if I won't post anything else.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on July 20, 2011, 09:18:48 pm
oh nice work dwsel! I really like the mood and the compositing.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: Indian8or on July 21, 2011, 03:56:29 am
Good work fellas.   Really interesting contributions.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on July 21, 2011, 05:04:57 am
I'm loving the dramatic compositions of some of these entries and that's a truly stunning bit of modelling Raxx.  This is my final entry.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on July 21, 2011, 05:35:31 am
Nice, some other great entries!

dwsel, very good mood you have going on, I like all the atmospheric effects, I feel there could maybe be a shadow on the curtain of the window on the right, to give the scene a bit more of a story ;)

ensoniq, love your work! great models and scene, but I feel the lighting and atmosphere could use some work still. The lighting in the metro could be more pronounced, and outside it could maybe be a bit darker/fog/rain. Nice touch on the texture on the right side haha.

I love the stuff that's coming out of Anim8or here!
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on July 21, 2011, 05:52:21 am
The lighting has actually been the most difficult part of this.  By rights the inside of the carriage should be brighter and the outside darker, as you suggest, but that has the effect of reducing the contrast outside and making the shadowy figure difficult to see.  It also increases the intensity of the reflected carriage interior on the glass, further obscuring the detail outside.  The girl is obviously the focus of the image but if the dark figure is too difficult to see the image loses its 'story'.  Hmm, I will ponder the options.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on July 21, 2011, 07:13:22 am
Scarry entry ENSONIQ! And lots of good entries this time in general :)

Take a look here if you want to see coloured version of my entry:
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on July 21, 2011, 07:45:36 am
Nice scene ensoniq5... i agree with simon: it could use some more contrast in the lighting. Still I like the compositing and nice models.

@dwsel: The colored one looks nice! But still I think the desaturated one has a bit better mood to it.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on July 22, 2011, 04:20:14 am
No time to re-render, but I have reworked the original.  I removed the soft dark 'vignette' around the edge, which was intended to make the image more oppressive but just made it darker really, which has brightened up the carriage interior a bit.  I have also included the straight colour render for comparison.  No time for more fiddling, the b&w one will have to be my final.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: Gyperboloid on July 24, 2011, 04:29:12 pm
Next time  :D
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: davdud101 on July 24, 2011, 07:49:16 pm
yo floyd, is that a desert eagle? i anyway i feel like me and your submissions are sposed to be in one story or something.
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on July 26, 2011, 04:02:40 pm
yo floyd, is that a desert eagle? i anyway i feel like me and your submissions are sposed to be in one story or something.

Yes it is suppost to be a desert eagle ;)

Voting will start today!
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: headwax on July 26, 2011, 10:11:16 pm
wow wonderfull work everyone, I think this has the best entries I have seen in a contest here

Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: Raxx on July 27, 2011, 01:13:33 am
Lol, my "entry" doesn't even qualify as Noir. Anyways, yeah these are great and good job folks!
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: Gyperboloid on July 28, 2011, 08:38:07 am
Yeap, this was good challenge. After a long time we had lot of entries  :) .
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: davdud101 on July 28, 2011, 05:25:28 pm
Agreed. ANd on top of that, everyone who entered did something good. Nice work, everyone, can't wait to see the results!
Title: Re: Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: floyd86 on July 30, 2011, 04:14:14 pm
Voting ended. Congratz to dwsel!
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on July 30, 2011, 04:56:45 pm
Voting ended. Congratz to dwsel!

Thanks! And congratulations for all. This time level was really, really high and maximum number of votes was quite limiting, as all entries were good in some manner and it was hard for me to choose because I wanted to give a point to everyone.
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on August 01, 2011, 03:51:54 am
Yea congrats dwsel, great job ! :)
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: davdud101 on August 01, 2011, 03:32:15 pm
Congrats, dwsel! I liked the composition, it looked kinda like a film studio logo type to me. Nice!
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: Mills on August 03, 2011, 03:31:07 pm
Amazing work everyone, well done! Really fantastic entries. I always seem to manage to miss the voting on these ...  :-\
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: $imon on August 04, 2011, 09:20:53 am
Here is another Anim8or render of the boat, just because I like how it came out haha. Up to the next challenge now?
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on August 04, 2011, 03:48:04 pm
At first glance, that looks like a real picture, $imon! :)
Great render, there.

And congrats to dwsel and $imon! You both had great ideas and executed them very well.
And of course congratulations to everyone who entered. :) (As well as ENSONIQ who placed 3rd. ;))
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #26: Noir
Post by: dwsel on August 08, 2011, 07:30:44 am
@$imon: Last rendering is nice as well!
Being away for a while, so thanks again and (I guess ;)) see you next challenge.