Anim8or Community

General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: neirao on May 13, 2011, 01:39:48 pm

Title: ALIGN POINTS SCRIPT - Help need
Post by: neirao on May 13, 2011, 01:39:48 pm
Hi Guys,

so i have this script for many time,
its work for me, but i think then can be better. :)

i show example:

i need..

here the script:
Code: [Select]
  *Name: Aling points to (x,y,z)
  *CopyLeft: 2010
  *Author: Neirão
  *Date: 03/03/10
  *Description: based in Vytautas_alinhar_pontos_line_points_v1
  *Parameters:  *= width;  *= height;  *= width_divisions;  *= height_divisions;

/***** Init *****/
object $object;
shape $shapes[0];
shape $shape;
int $shape_count;
point3 $points[0];
point3 $point;
int $point_count;
int $i;
int $j;
int $direction;

if (GUI.Xenabled) $direction = 0;
else if (GUI.Yenabled) $direction = 1;
else $direction = 2;

if (GUI.Xenabled && GUI.Yenabled && GUI.Zenabled) $direction = 3;

meshdata $mesh_data;
$object = project.curObject;
$shape_count = $object.GetShapes($shapes);

/*** Get all selected points from all the shapes ***/

for $i = 0 to $shape_count - 1 do{
$shape = $shapes[$i];

/* If shape is a mesh.. */
if($shape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_MESH){

/* i try this..but dont work.. :( --> || $shape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_SUBDIVISION */

/* Get the shape point number */
$point_count = $shape.GetNumPoints();

for $j = 0 to $point_count - 1 do{
if($shape.GetPointSelected($j)) {
$point = $shape.GetPoint($j);
if($direction == 0){
$point.x = 0;
if($direction == 1){
$point.y = 0;
if($direction == 2){
$point.z = 0;
/* TODOS XYZ ATIVADOS alinha todos para  */
if($direction == 3){
$point.x = 0;
$point.y = 0;
$point.z = 0;
$shape.SetPoint($j, $point);

can someone maker this correction??! ::)
thanks !
Title: Re: ALIGN POINTS SCRIPT - Help need
Post by: NickE on May 13, 2011, 04:41:53 pm
Below is your code with the changes you requested:
Code: [Select]
  *Name: Aling points to (x,y,z)
  *CopyLeft: 2010
  *Author: Neirão
  *Date: 03/03/10
  *Description: based in Vytautas_alinhar_pontos_line_points_v1
  *Parameters:  *= width;  *= height;  *= width_divisions;  *= height_divisions;

/***** Init *****/
object $object;
shape $shapes[0];
shape $shape;
int $shape_count;
point3 $points[0];
point3 $point;
int $point_count;
int $i;
int $j;
int $direction;

/* added by NickE */
point3 $sel_max,$sel_min,$sel_center;

/* end of added by NickE */

if (GUI.Xenabled) $direction = 0;
else if (GUI.Yenabled) $direction = 1;
else $direction = 2;

if (GUI.Xenabled && GUI.Yenabled && GUI.Zenabled) $direction = 3;

meshdata $mesh_data;
$object = project.curObject;
$shape_count = $object.GetShapes($shapes);

/*** Get all selected points from all the shapes ***/

for $i = 0 to $shape_count - 1 do{
$shape = $shapes[$i];

/* If shape is a mesh.. */
if($shape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_MESH){

/* i try this..but dont work.. :( --> || $shape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_SUBDIVISION */

/* Get the shape point number */
$point_count = $shape.GetNumPoints();

/* added by NickE */

        $sel_min=( 10000, 10000, 10000);

        for $j = 0 to $point_count - 1 do
           if ($shape.GetPointSelected($j))
              $point = $shape.GetPoint($j);
              if ($point.x > $sel_max.x) $sel_max.x = $point.x;
              if ($point.y > $sel_max.y) $sel_max.y = $point.y;
              if ($point.z > $sel_max.z) $sel_max.z = $point.z;
              if ($point.x < $sel_min.x) $sel_min.x = $point.x;
              if ($point.y < $sel_min.y) $sel_min.y = $point.y;
              if ($point.z < $sel_min.z) $sel_min.z = $point.z;
        $sel_center.x=($sel_max.x + $sel_min.x)/2.0;       
        $sel_center.y=($sel_max.y + $sel_min.y)/2.0;       
        $sel_center.z=($sel_max.z + $sel_min.z)/2.0;
/* End of added by Nick E */       
for $j = 0 to $point_count - 1 do{
if($shape.GetPointSelected($j)) {
$point = $shape.GetPoint($j);
if($direction == 0){
/* $point.x = 0; */
                        $point.x = $sel_center.x;   /* Added by NickE */
if($direction == 1){
/* $point.y = 0; */
                        $point.y = $sel_center.y;   /* Added by NickE */
if($direction == 2){
/* $point.z = 0; */
                        $point.z = $sel_center.z;   /* Added by NickE */
/* TODOS XYZ ATIVADOS alinha todos para  */
if($direction == 3){
$point.x = 0;
$point.y = 0;
$point.z = 0;
$shape.SetPoint($j, $point);

Some things to think about:
1) Do you really want the center, or do you really want the average?
2) This script works on the actual coordinates of the points, so if a mesh is moved or rotated, it still operating on the underlying point coordinates rather than the transformed coordinates.  This may give different results than what is expected.

Title: Re: ALIGN POINTS SCRIPT - Help need
Post by: neirao on May 13, 2011, 05:54:02 pm
lol  :D

thanks Nicke! you are very good in a8s!

at first i wanted in "really center" but no is necessary
but this way are good!
your modifiers is very usefull for me!

thanks so much! :)