Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Dosser on March 20, 2008, 09:20:49 pm
g'day all,
just tried a simple, elegant rapier model. To experiment a little with meetallic materials, and to do some basic, clean looking shapes (my previous modelling attempts have been a mess). I think i mostly succeeded. I also saved an extra copy of the hilt section (while still WIP), because I realised I had accidentally created a perfect mushroom shape. I know my rendering still needs a lot of work (maybe a fancy background / scene around it?), but I'm mainly concentrating on getting my modelling right. So please, I am vey open to criticism :D
thats a good start :) Maybe look at some image referrence if you do not. That might help to make it look more intersting.
looks pretty cool so far. maybe could do with turning up the specular a bit more, for the metallic effect, and you might want to turn on antialiasing in the render options box, as antialiased renders always look loads better (they take a bit longer, but hey, "you can't rush art"!). good thinking about saving the backup of the mushroom. that sort of lateral thinking is always helpful, but especially so in animation.
keep up the good work! 8)
- colclough
A good first try! I agree with thecolclough a bit more shine for the metal. Otherwise good!
It is quite nice, the only thing i would say is the blade looks a bit short.
is there a new updated version of the sword?, just wondering