Well, folks, yes... I seem to have fallen through cracks again, but really, no, I haven't quite.... As noted in the Steampunk thread, I've had to sidetrack onto another project...
That project involves learning my newly acquired MessiahStudio5 software for all those things MS5 is best for...
Thus, I've been recruited to work on a music video... actually, it's been the hope of developing a music video (at least one) in working on several ideas for several songs that a musician I know has in his repertoire.
After bouncing around three songs - one a sci-fi theme, another a western theme, and lastly something "prehistoric," I've settled to work on the "prehistoric" song as my chief tool for learning MS5 while using my beloved Anim8or as my model tool.
As for the video ideas being entertained, they include:
1) Rockasaurus: Dinosaur invents Guitar ;)
2) Gunslinger: Western/Cowboy storyline
3) Firestorm: Sci-Fi space battle
So, here I have a work thread just for Rockasaurus... and will post models, etc ., as they develop.
Lyrics for
words and music by Zéd Zørdään
Once upon a time
One hundred thirty million years ago
The Earth was ruled by the dinosaur
Fightin' to survive
Livin' for tomorrow's light
One lone caenagnathus wanted more
He worked and he sought
To build the perfect instrument
Pushed the limits of his every skill
Finally, he attained success
Fruition of his vigilence
Forged in the fire of his will
Rockasaurus - the Late Cretaceous' brightest star
Rockasaurus - music hatched to please
Rockasaurus - awakened now for all to see
From his long-term hibernation freeze
Now he's here at last
Freed from all the ice and snow
Makin' sweet rock candy for the ear
Yes, his time has come
Wild and free and goin' strong
Comin' at you boldly, loud and clear
Rockasaurus - the modern era's greatest prize
Rockasaurus - brought here just for you
Rockasaurus - comin' forth to show us all
Metal noise in scaley green and blue
Rockasaurus - don't get close, just take my word
Rockasaurus - amplifiers fried
Rockasaurus - once again to rule the world
Watch the future and past collide
Copyright ©2001 by Zéd Zørdään. All rights reserved.
Any and all violations of this copyright shall be deemed as implied consent for substantial financial compensation and/or death by slow torture at the copyright holder's sole option.