Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: flipper on March 05, 2011, 12:55:37 pm
I have found a ton of wireframes out there that are much better than I could ever do on my own (for now ;D)
Now, I am trying to figure out a few things.
(Final result will be a character that will be in a 64X64 image so details will be minimal)
My understanding is if I build a skeleton I must apply body parts to the skeleton.
I can not for the life of me figure out how to take (for example) just the lower leg of the total wireframe and copy it as a new object. I think once I get that I should be able to move forward.
I have Done the following:
OBject/point edit.
Drag Select (while on points, splines,or faces)
New object
But I can't paste!
Also I have Selected and deleted the entire wireframe and left just the leg but I can't save as just a leg object
select faces of leg in point/face mode then detach faces
shimples ;)
But you can rig and skin the whole object in one go. Way do you wish to cut it up??
My perception was that I had to apply an object to a skeleton piece. right now the who mesh is 1 object
if I could find how to appliy a skeleton to a fully completed wireframe I'd be set :P
i think the coverall terms for what you seek is 'boning and skinning'
if you can access this page and have flowplayer you will be an expert after the video is through.
but there may be other vids on the subject on you tube.
drew: you forgot the flowplayer page! haha...
Flipper : here`s the knowledge you seek.... ( Boning/Skinning
Thanks, but I think I must be doing something wrong. I have tried 3 times now.
I have a wireframe of a ninja walking.
I built several skeletons now.
1 with the root bone in the hip
1 with the root bone at the original position.
and 1 with the root boon just outside the body (just like the vide states)
get all the bones potitioned and labeled and limits set (just like the video)
click on the root bone, press the skin button,
get a pop up asking about bone influence or weight.
I select no (for weight) just like the video
but instead of a green wire frame with multicolored bones, I am getting a red wirefram with all the bones the subdued grey.
Thats because you have to skin the weights onto the bones individually. Otherwise, the enire object is only influenced by the root bone of the entire skeleton. After you appy the weights, you can switch to show bones so that you see the bones each have a different color. Right click on the bone such as the leg, then use the left mouse button to start painting the area of influence that the bone will move. Its sounds a little confusing but basically, you select a bone, right click it, then left click to paint the vertices of the model. Maybe I can do a tutorial on my youtube channel because I have been asked this question a lot about issues with weight painting and its not hard to use at all. And it would be easier to show you what I mean.
1: Have the skeleton in figure mode.
2: click the root bone ( or new root)
3: go to Menu/Figure/Build add object
3: Select your object you want to have the bones
It should work...
Tip: when building your skeleton, have the object already in situ , after you have made the new root bone select it and add the model then, now all the bones you build after are children of the parent.
If you save out the pre-build skeleton you can use it for all models that you wish to have animated, Saves a lot of unnecessary work , you can have set skeletons for different models one for quadrupeds, bipeds birds etc.
Have fun
More at (
or check out our affiliate partner Lynn22`s site at ( good written tutorials there.
I hate being this dense.....
So I am going to list the exact steps.
open anim8or
Check version (.95)
Verified latest non-beta
Mode = Figure
Figure = import
Imported Skeleton
Figure = Object
Object = import
Mode = Figure
Figure/Edit button
leftclick a bone that all other bones are definitely descendants
Build = add object
added my wireframe and adjusted to skeleton.
What is the next step?
hmmm, ;D
1: Select Multi Bone Skin Button (keyboard Stroke Shift/s)
2: Double click TOP of your bone that you have selected as the root Bone ( If you select anywhere else if wont work! same can be said for rotating bones around)
3: Requester will pop up, for bone influences (YES) or painted weights (NO) select no
4: All your descendant bones will now change colours
5 Go MenuBuild/weight brush and select strength and size
6: Right click the bone you wish to paint the paint away , ( If you do this in perspective view you will not paint other areas with that colour )
Shimples :D
still can't get it.
Does the objuect have to be in a format....wireframe, grouped, etc?
I have never had such an issue with anything before, it is driving me nuts. You must all be shaking your heads by now.
How about sharing your .an8 file so we can walk you through it? I think we're beyond just using words now :P
Attach the .an8 file to your next post if you can.
here it is.
Thanks in advanced.
I just want to know why I can't make the bones all different colors, once I get theat I think painting the weights will be easy (just tedious)
Note: I did not create the object it is from a 3ds file
I don't believe it......
I opened it up
clicked on the skin button, clicked on the bone rising from the ground and now I have different colored bones, I have done this numerous times.
My abject is still red, not green like in the vids
But I will see if I can do anything. The only thing I did different was get out of wire frame mode and into flat shaded
Tried painting, didn't happen, I think since the object is red it is only associted with the root bone....gonna try again, but this is the furthest I have ever been :)
How can I un assign an object ot a bone? just delete?
It's red because the root bone of that mesh (bone1) has 100% influence on all the vertices in the mesh. Your root bone is red, therefore each point is painted completely red to represent the root bone's influence on those points.
So, when you clicked on the multi-bone skin button and clicked on the mesh, it changed to that red. Now, click on a bone and you should see a green circle around your cursor. That's your paint brush. Left-click and drag over the points you want the bone to influence. After a bit of dragging you should see the mesh change to the color of that bone in that area. Naturally, if the bone is red then you won't be able to tell the difference since the root bone is red, so try it on a green, purple, or yellow one first.
Change your brush weight strength and radius settings by going to Build->Weight Brush.
And yes, to unassign an object from a bone/figure, just delete it from there in the figure editor.
(by the way, it's best to paint in flat or smooth shaded views with wireframe overlay)
So it is user error :)
Ok how do you get both flat and wireframe?
Go to File->Configure GUI...
Enable Flat Outline and/or Smooth Outline.
thanks.I am actually making some really good progress now. But, I found an issue with my bones. Their exis is twisted somehow.
1) can I twist the axis with out affecting the influence?
2) how do you twist the bones?
Just for the record, I am trying to find the answers before posting.
Usually, right-click and dragging "twists" bones along its Y-axis. left- and middle-clicking rotates them along the other two axis. Note that you have to have the Rotate Bone tool activated to rotate bones.
And yes, in figure editor you can move bones any which way without affecting what vertices they are influencing, unless you have envelopes turned on instead.
OK it is coming along nicely now. I have the influences painted and if I go into sequence I can now move him around.
Now my problem is that his arms were a bit too close to the torso to paint properly.
My hope was to go into sequence, spread his arms enough to get inbetween to repaint.
To my dismay, I can't seem to take the movement I made in Sequence and apply it to Figure.
Any further hints?