Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: neodelito on January 25, 2011, 10:15:35 am
hi.. i test sculptris. is a nice free software for modeling.. i try to use width anim8or..
sculptris model and anim8r make the animated movie..
- Nice model and texture tools
- Automatic UV. (that is nice)
Still have many bugs
How to use..
- make your model from a clay or a base mesh (obj file)
- texture
- save model and (important) export to obj and export your texture in advance mode (export jpg format). - this prevent future lost of works.
- import .obj file to anim8r
- import jpg file to your project.
well test and models i made..
model viking finish.. render in anim8or, sculptris and darkbasic.
great job! i've been trying to use sculptris for awhile but i cant. once i can i think i will like it a lot. keep it up.
this can help..?
Hi i make this 20 min fast model, this is a basic model.
Modeled, textured, bumpmaped, and rigged in milkshape
here is the video[/youtube]]http://www. (http://www.[youtube)
<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
great video. my problem is that i can not get the program itself to work on my computer. and the way i was using sculptris and anim8or was i would make my model in anim8or then import it to sculptris and then make my fine details and texture it there. thank you for the video though it was really good. one day i will be able to use it.
I suggsest getting something like meshlab a very good outsource program that has a very good decimator
The only thing I use Sculptris for is asteroids. It's pretty good for that.
I experimented with sculptris last year. Unfortunately, I wasn't very happy about it. I have lot more control woth anim8or. Since I'm using anim8or for modeling for many years, I'm use to it.