Oops! I spoke too soon!
Actually, glossyreflector + transparent = dielectric ! no ?
Another is to allow various components like the specular hilight to be a general material. There ar some major design issues I have to work out first including how to present this to users. Attributes are quite flexible but not very easy to use ao I'd like another technique.
Quote from Wikipedia entry for dielectric:They can be described, but a dielectric is a material that has the ability to store electrical charges. I think the word should not be applied here.
"Many phenomena in electronics, solid state and optical physics can be described using the underlying assumptions of the dielectric model"
My goodness we're stubborn! Then again, it's obvious you didn't look at the Wikipedia entry for dielectric. So, I'll quote from there, again:I do not always agree with wikipedia definitions, but that doesn't mean I'm stubborn. If you see the origin of the word "dielectric" it means "two electrical poles". By your classification metals are also dielectric, because they interact in a special way with light. Actually, photons loosen electrons from the metal atoms. When the electron falls back to a lower energy level, it sends a photons. That is why metals are so shiny. But they are unable to store different electrical charges because they are conductive.
"Dielectrics ... are not a narrow class of so-called insulators, but the broad expanse of nonmetals considered from the standpoint of their interaction with electric, magnetic, of electromagnetic fields. Thus we are concerned with gases as well as with liquids and solids, and with the storage of electric and magnetic energy as well as its dissipation." And by the way, light is in the magnetic spectrum.
I'm an electrical engineer, so I appreciate your comfort level with Webster's definition, "a nonconductor of direct electric current," but I prefer the broader, systems-level implications to which Wikipedia refers.
Good observation and argument, cumesoft. And while I don't fully share your views, respect, acknowledgment, and appreciation for different insights and opinions is always a good thing. Good discourse helps to expand and exercise the mind.Indeed. Well said.
Yeah this raytracer's great, i think the next thing that anim8or needs now is one of them particle generators so you can do proper hair and fire and stuff like that
If you have a good computer then everything should be fine.
I have a good computer - and i use anim8or.same here - although i didn't have to pay for my machine, it was a birthday present.
I've posted this elsewhere But I feel as if I should post it here as well as a "preview" of one my current new favourite feature glossy reflector
well, the new release is very good in all other respects, but i have to say, i still think working volume shadows would be the best anim8or update ever. 0.97d, perhaps? ;)
- colclough
bamman62, nice ideas, I agree with the auto-refreshing of textures, and normal maps. Cloth, and fluids will probably take Steve awhile to do, so there most likely at the lower end of his list.
Next time, can you start a new thread?
BTW: bumpmap is supported.
do you plan on making the aspect/resolution presets also affect still renders too in a later version, or just video renders?
How about 2 bars, one shows the current frame, the other shows the entire movie?that's my ideal-world scenario.
There was a program around that let you render your still in quarters. Have a search for it.
I would like to be able to render 8000x8000 or larger with a minimum of 150dpi because I print my work on canvas. I know it would take a long long time to render something this large but it wouldn't be the first time. The fractal program I use lets me go as much as 10,000x10,000 if the calculations are not to advanced. It will glitch sometimes and render twice that but with no AA and I don't have a program I can load a file that large and perform a AA to it to make it smooth. I have the source code for the program but I don't know C+ otherwise I could fix the problem.
The largest file I have is about 960mb and its a bmp file so time to render isn't something I'm worried about.
( Might want to emphisize that AmbientOccluder is a scene attribute)
Steve, will you add boolean difference in some future version of anim8or?
Who has more experience can make a great scene!
Who has more experience can make a great scene!
I wish! That's an excellent use of dielectric; never thought of using it for water. Got me thinking now...
I'm not too sure on how to pronounce your name Guilherme Amorim but I think it's fair to say in Anim8ion Land that odd is in and the norm is out.
I'm not too sure on how to pronounce your name Guilherme Amorim but I think it's fair to say in Anim8ion Land that odd is in and the norm is out.
neirao --- What browser are you using? Windows Internet Explorer sometimes has issues with ZIP files. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox don't have that problem.
By the way, did you click on the link below, which Steve posted in the first message of this topic string, rather than the direct download link that appears in the topic "New preview with XP fix ready: v0.97f?" That one didn't work for me, either.