Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: rogerweikers on November 05, 2010, 08:28:38 am
Dear all, I have just finished a new animation music film.
Hope you enjoy it!
Thanks a lot
Hey, I've never seen you on this forum before so hi! The animation, composition, everything was great! I mean, some of the effects you used were awesome! Great work!!!!!!
Did you use Softimage? And the music, is it your?
Yeps, XSI Softimage for 3d and Flash (and Illustrator) for 2d - also AfterEffects for editing and effects.
Nope, the music isn't mine, the names are at the end, on the credits ;-)
Very Cool Roger!!
muito legal, gostei! :)
That was a load of fun! How long did it you work on this?
I saw before your 'Inclusao' animation - you posted link few month ago to. Definitely clever animation. Do you use Anim8tor in any of your works? I'd really like to see some Anim8tor stuff from you ;)