...Good luck on this project! Hope you will be able to finish it :)
Roygee: Sorry, Tony - started hijacking your thread, so I'll start my own from your inspiration - this took like an hour in Sketchup - rendered in Carrara. Think I'm going to take this further and make one of those distant planet colonies type things
Kreator: That could look cool roy... are u just using a displacement map?.... could that be done by editing a terrain in Carrara?
Made a Disp map in Photoshop CS3 very quickly then imported into Carrara Terrain Editor, and used surface replicator. Just added a brick shader to the whole map.... and this is the result..
Now If I can find some window maps etc I think it would look really cool
Roygee: Yours looks really good - when I tried using a height map on a terrain, all the tops and bottoms came out pointy. The first one I did was a displacement on a grid - that worked pretty good. The one in the pic above was done in Sketchup, then smoothed in Carrara.
EnsoniQ5: That's some nice work there guys, inspirational stuff. I love the displacement map/greeble concept, the only thing that could be a royal pain in the ass is matching the disp. map to a texture map. Any buildings with anything like straight sides would suffer from intolerable texture stretching. Does the displacement map actually generate an exportable wireframe, or is it a purely calculated/parametric thing within Carrara? If a wireframe is generated it could be exported into Anim8or, for more detailed (and sensible) UV mapping, or potentially UV unwrapped and processed in a 2D editor.
here is another go with this greeble effect... added some sci-Fi textures this time rather than bricks!!..... I don`t know about Cities but it could prove useful of you were applying some sort of detail to say a space-craft ... But I`ll have a look at wires.
Oh yeah the file...
http://www.animanon.com/FILES/Sci-Fi_city.divx (http://www.animanon.com/FILES/Sci-Fi_city.divx)
Admendment: Just tried an export of the terrain and it is possible exporting as an .obj File... so yes it can be textured, I`ll make another one up and see what I can come up with .
Yep Import the terrain as an Object file, Bung in anim8or and start texturing!
I didn`t realize that I had feather set at 2 when I started the disp map with CS3 so everthing has curvy edges But I overcame the HighRise one by extruding up the faces to give more height.
( the grey Blobby bits are The disp map untextured!!)
With a bit of planning, roads and pavements(sidewalks) can be added to the map
All in all this greeble effect can save some time constructing cities!!
Roygee: Looking better and better - I redid the greeble effect on a terrain and it worked out fantastic - haven't tried exporting as .obj, but converting to "other modeler - facets" in Carrara makes a right proper mess of it - would hate to try to texture that lot!
EnsoniQ5: Cool! Once I have completed the various projects keeping my computer working overtime I will have a crack as this. As you say Kevin, it could be a really good way of adding detail to space-type structures, rather than bump mapping, especially if the camera is to get close to the surface. I have visions of X-Wings and Death Star canyons running through my head (not for the first time...)
Roygee: Sadly, it exports as .obj OK, but Anim8or freaks out when I try to import - bringing it back into Carrara as an .obj makes it all pointy. On the track of a method to texture it in it's terrain form.
You guys should take a look at Dystopia City Blocks - currently free at Daz3D. The detail is absolutely astounding - can't believe it's made by generating greebles.
Kreator: Roy, You need to downscale the terrain when you export the Obj file from Carrara, otherwise you need to zoom right out in Anim8or then adjust its overall size before zooming back in .
I could`nt see the Dystopia pack free for Carrara only Lwo
Headwax: beautiful work gents
I see you have asked the question on daz Roygee and the answer may be in the altitude parameter in the shader room (make sure not to tick global)
Kevin this might be of interest
http://forum.daz3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=110249&sid=6917f10418497c6f48eb3fb0c7066e8d (http://forum.daz3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=110249&sid=6917f10418497c6f48eb3fb0c7066e8d)
I've recently re-read my c5 manual on shaders and its amazing what there is in that is not apparent at first
Roygee: Hi guys - this subject is generating a LOT of interest and good advice - the best is to look for Gary Millers tut at Geekatplay - really good and it translates pretty well into Anim8or - thogh it's more work because of the less sophisticated selection and extrusion.
Kevin - go to the Daz3D site, in the small search panel put in "Dystopia" - and select the Poser - it's only free for a few more days.
After seeing Gary's tut, won't be using terrain anymore!
Here's a quick one I made in Hex and another in Anim8or - guess which is which - in the second pic - see the ringed circle? That's where I live
OK - this is getting closer to what I'm looking for - needs more randomness and will get it as I learn to better control the extrusions
This sort of thing will only be used for flyover - for closeup I'll use Sketchup for the basics and Hex for detail
Kreator:QuoteKevin - go to the Daz3D site, in the small search panel put in "Dystopia" - and select the Poser - it's only free for a few more days.
Yep got it now....... See its only block plugins for import so can`t really do anything with them, I thought it might be an editor of some kind.
anyway here`s the render I did in Carrara 2x2 block, the 6x6 one crashed my machine!
Roygee: Hi Kevin - reallt well made, aren't they? Haven't had a good look at the "instructions" - but from what I infer from what I've seen and what's been said on the Carrara forum, it seems that it is also a generator in Poser?
Kreator: hmm, then it is hiding somewhere in Poser`s obnoxious runtimes!!.. I`ll have another search about
Drewi: I downloaded the .lwo and poser versions to see.haven't got poser though,will they work in anything else?
There are about 20 .lwo files of city block arrangements.
They don't open into anim8or directly.At present i load .lwo into blender and export as an .obj file,which then opens in anim8or
Although there are some textures pre allocated they dont load into the object. but neither do the easily fit if i try to apply them manually.[names dont correspond etc so consequently make little architectural sense]
Having said that they do have grey materials assigned to them which i can colour or apply new materials to manually.
downloaded loads of pics of city building textures [day and night] thanks to kreators link.
experiment see pic excuse the rambling ... all good fun....
i am interested in this city creation malarkey.posted this on 'other 3d software' thread.
just in case interested parties missed it.
http://jerome.le.chat.free.fr/3d/cityengine/ (http://jerome.le.chat.free.fr/3d/cityengine/)
Roygee: Sorry, my mistake - they are just .obj blocks with some fancy methods for sizing, distributing and lighting. Seems that only 3DS and Blender have plugins for generating. city blocks.I'll do some experimenting
to see how to get other textures
I thought how does the steam get made? you need coal so hence the warehouse bit on one side to get the coal in and other bits
kreator, nice job on the factory again, I like the warehouse-feel from the side and the factory feel from the front.
awww Kreator... you didn't read the drivel that explains that steam-stuff? Now I'm hurt to the core...
General comments:
I think that a project like this cool because it provides a theme that I know appeals to many people, and the general nature of the Steampunk genre seems to encourage individual creativity to the extreme. I had a story idea that is meant to merely provide a backdrop, and that at this point the real challenge is not the story itself, but the creation of a "piece of the world", the "neighborhood," and in that we would provide something that everyone could take for themselves and make more of, put their own little scenes and stories in. In essence, we would be making a world where many (in this case "we") live, so to speak, as a common environment, but where "we" would be able to make our own stories, just as every person on Earth has his or her own "story" in life.
I did throw some basic parameters as noted above, because it gives something with which to focus, and often people do like to build on each others' ideas. so that there would be a common thread on which we could all base things, and still allow for a lot of self-expression and development. Just as we all live on one "Earth", but still have a vast variety of individual contributions by the development of our own "world within", a city has common grounds, but involves many individuals who bring their own pieces to the city to make it what it is.
But, in time the sun did return, the blue skies did return, and the world was reborn from the ashes. And the very cause of Man's - the Earth's - misery was discovered. In the heart of a massive, ragged hole in the world glowed a mountainous rock from Space... radiating, pulsing of orange light, hot to the touch, hard as a diamond. The cause of the world's grief, however, brought with it a wonder as well. When the rains fell, the waters burst into steam on touch... And Man found a gift in the heart of the world's destruction...
People found a way to mine the massive meteor, slowly removing small portions, and constructing great machines powered by the strange element's means of producing steam. And the Age of Steam was reborn, fueled by the scrapings from the massive, glowing rock. New machines provided new wonders, and crafts of land, sea, and air... and thus was that, with the dawning of a new century, the Age of Steampunk was born, and blossomed.
A meteoroid is a sand- to boulder-sized particle of debris in the Solar System. The visible path of a meteoroid that enters Earth's (or another body's) atmosphere is called a meteor, or colloquially a shooting star or falling star. If a meteoroid reaches the ground and survives impact, then it is called a meteorite.
if this rock doesn't intake anything before outputting, that literally creates a kind of glitch in the universe.Not sure that this needs to be true, though I like the idea. If the meteorite was radioactive, but radiated purely in the low energy infra red end of the spectrum (ie. heat) then very small amounts could yield huge amounts of energy, using E=MC^2. I calculate that a single gram of matter (0.001kg) would yield almost 25 million kilowatt hours of energy if it could all be harnessed. Piston-style steam engines are, at best, around 8% efficient, which is to say that 8% of the energy inputted into the firebox is outputted as kinetic energy, with 92% lost through thermal radiation, friction, etc.. Further, modern electric generators reach about 35% efficiency so I think it would be fairer to assume a 25% efficiency for the generators in Steamtopia. This leaves around 500,000Kwh available for use. With the average modern household using around 10,000Kwh per year, that means that a single gram of Ariktheredium could power a household for up to 50 years.
I think I'll switch what I'm modelling to something more domestic such as... who knows what. Idk, I can't really get the hang of the details of steampunk.