Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Maximilianibus on September 19, 2010, 09:54:42 am
hey guys, the title says everything :D
Isn't that illegal?
no, why? if i create a model and want it using in gmod its illegal????? wtf
No, it's not illegal. What you need to figure out is what filetypes you need for the half-life models, and find a convertor for that. This is more a question for the half-life mod forums really. Anim8or can export different formats such as .obj, .3ds, and there are plugins for things such as .x or other formats. You will not be able to export Anim8or animation, if you're trying to animate a figure you have to use another program such as milkshape 3D.
Do some internet searches though on the half-life side, as you'll most likely get more information there, then come back and let us know what formats you can use, etc.
Good luck!
Maybe Ani2Pov could help you:
oh, thak you!
Maybe Ani2Pov could help you:
Hmm... I tried a lot, but never worked for me. Don't know what I am doing wrong. I tried to convert some Anim8or scenes into Pov-Ray format but couldn't do it. Every time in the scene sditor in The Pov-Ray some string came out with errors. I couldn't even to run the sample scene which comes with the Ani2Pov as example, it gives some errors inside the Pov-Ray ???
Gyperboloid, could you tell me which error message you get in Povray with the generated example file ? It should work.
Could you send me the generated files ? (to my email. See "Contact" on my web site)
Do you have some error messages in Ani2Pov ?
Uh, I just tried again and I could render a simple scene! Must be the problem was in materials. But the sample still doesn't work! There's some error with the "sand" material...
Maybe there is a problem with the "sand.gif" texture.
Try to change "sand.gif" by "sand.bmp" and put a texture named "sand.bmp" in the same folder.
another thing: will there be animations in the file? i need it for games.... well, no gmod =D
another thing: will there be animations in the file? i need it for games.... well, no gmod =D
I quote...
You will not be able to export Anim8or animation, if you're trying to animate a figure you have to use another program such as milkshape 3D.
Ani2Pov can export animations of figures (skinnedmeshes) to 2 file formats:
_ .ms3d (milkshape3d) (and also .txt ASCII milkshape3d file format but it's limited)
_ .smd (half-life)
But creating your animation in other program such as milkshape3d should produce "more clean" animations.
well, i have no money :D and blender sucks. seriously. i tried it some times: first, i had to load 5 different versions so i can continue with the tut! then blender made shit! i needed it for panda3d(crappy egg format), but now i'll use probably ogre. this is why im asking...
For GMod, what I normally do is model everything in anim8or, then export it into blender, change from jpg textures to TGA (Since you need it in that format), then I use a HL2 export plugin for blender that I got off of the Facepunch forums... GMod and most valve games use a special, unique .mdl format... so you really need a certain exporter specifically made for valve games... A Normal .mdl exporter Will Not Work.
If you can find the plug-in on the facepunch forums, it does include an exporter for objects with animations. :)
You will also need one of Nem's Tools- VTF Edit to convert your TGA image textures to VTF and VMT (Valve Texture File and Valve Material)
(Here's the valve official page about VTF files ( if you need it, there are some nice resource links at the bottom)
(And here's the facepunch thread with the blender exporter. (
I hope this helps!
thank you