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General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: B3dman on March 16, 2008, 01:17:15 pm

Title: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: B3dman on March 16, 2008, 01:17:15 pm
i am trying to model a male torso to create a centaur i would like to know if there is a good tutorial for this.
here is the one i have made before.
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: RnDr FOX on March 16, 2008, 01:22:15 pm
you may not want to do this but I would go to makehuman (FREE!!!) model a human male then export it to anim8or and delete the parts of the model you dont want. Good luck with the centaur. ;D
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: B3dman on March 16, 2008, 01:32:50 pm
where can i get makehuman? that sound like an interesting program.
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: hihosilver on March 16, 2008, 05:03:52 pm
RnDr FOX:  I have to say I COMPLETELY DISAGREE with your statement.  In my opinion makehuman is cheating.  At this stage he should be worried about improving his modeling skills and learning about things such as edge looping, not having a program do it for him.  I feel it's cheating, as the point of 3d art is to create your own art, not have a program do it for you.
I'm sorry but I do not support makehuman at all.  It's a bit like when people make art out of poser models then try to claim it as theirs.

As for a tutorial, the Joan of Arc tutorial ( is one of the most famous.  It's not particularly an anim8or tutorial, but everything they can do can be translated to anim8or, you just need to know your way slightly around the program.  You can always ask for help with specific questions (first trying to figure it out yourself of course).  Then you could find a horse tutorial, and only model the lower body, then merge the two objects with the knowledge you then have!
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: RnDr FOX on March 16, 2008, 07:24:15 pm
Sorry if I affended you, but now that i think of it, it is cheating in a way. Dont get me wrong makehuman is a nice program but silver is right make your torso by yourself. It will help you in the long run!!! As for me I need to look into this Joan of Arc tutorial and you should too.
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: B3dman on March 16, 2008, 08:55:04 pm
i have done the joan of ark tute but the thing you guys are missing is that joan was female. i am looking for a male torso.
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: RnDr FOX on March 16, 2008, 08:57:07 pm
Just expirement with it then. try to turn it into a male torso if you can. sorry i couldnt be much help.
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: B3dman on March 16, 2008, 08:59:10 pm
my main problem is with the abdominal muscles i have the pectorals pretty good(i think) also knowing how to do the arm muscles would be nice
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: hihosilver on March 16, 2008, 11:33:12 pm
You're right, the point of the joan of arc tutorial is to teach you about edge looping and how to model things correctly.  If you're having trouble with the abdominal muscles, it looks like what you really need is a reference.  So, here's a great image I have that should help you:

( (

As far as tutorials go, you can simply use google.  I haven't actually looked at this tutorial, but it looks like it could be good: (
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: phantom king on March 17, 2008, 12:05:10 am
i have this tutorial, but its maya...but you get the general idea :P

Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: jonny on March 20, 2008, 11:18:19 am

I am trying to create some models of a minotaur. Does anyone know of any minotaur meshes for anim8or that I could download.
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: B3dman on March 23, 2008, 09:45:39 pm
why would you download meshes if you are creating models?
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: xalener on March 24, 2008, 01:41:49 pm
I think you'd be one of the first minotaur modelers, if you were to do this....

That means no, I don't believe there are any meshes.
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: jonny on March 24, 2008, 08:23:06 pm
I have tried to create it and I can see why there are not that many people who have tried because it is really difficult. I wanted to download a mesh for a minotaur as I cannot get it right, no matter how much I try it just doesnt seem right. I suppose I wanted the easy option
Title: Re: modeling a male human torso, how?
Post by: phantom king on March 25, 2008, 06:04:42 am
lol, good luck with it Jonny ;)