Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: CoriDavis on September 14, 2010, 05:20:34 pm
I'm trying to skin my object using weights, but i'm having trouble with it. I keep getting the message that says "the bone must be a descendent of the bone the object is attatched to" or something, and the only way i'll be able to do it is if I can attach the object to the root bone, but it won't let me do that either. can someone help me out?
My friend how many Times has this subject been asked I really have lost count lol!!
watch this ...
Did it for rellick ... you could use search in menubar for related topics
yeah... i'll have to wait a bit before I can watch it, it says "an error occured please try again later"
can someone please explain it? i'm really frustrated, the video won't work..
It's your new project, with horse? So?
man ur really having a lot of trouble with errors lately. basically everything comes off of that root bone. u can think of the root as a base. the way kreator explains it is the best way to do it because u can move your model up and down and left and right. it will some hop in its step. i had some trouble reading gypers pics cause they were so big btu i think he explained it right.
there are some other obstacles when using weight painting. i havent really figrued it out yet but u should know that the strength of your brush does matter. so for your joints they should be set lower so they dont move as much. i hope u figure it out soon im getting into animation again too.
ok, i'll fully explain my problem. my horse's body is all one object completely, and i'm having trouble with it because of the child thing, and I can't attach an object to the root bone. I tried to just paint the top where the bones are children, but the color won't change.
I got that, about your horse, I just used a cylinder as an example :D
Ok, that makes sense, i'll try it
CoriDavis:have you tried this one
The first one is in HD .... I can`t see why it returns an error for you
Anyone have a suggestion on how to do my weight paining so it doesn't paint through the whole figure? is there a setting? if not, someone should request it
Nope! You have to rotate it. I think maybe it's difficult because of the code to do such. Figuered out about skinning?
yep, I figured it out, it's just hard because of the positions of the legs
Practice 8)
so.. I went to bring my figure into sequence mode and I REALLY need to touch-up some spots.. it's stretching in all sorts of crazy directions
Yeap. I am not a pro and I still have not done any animation but by some tests I figured some things out. Maybe after a lot of practicing you will be able to rig your model at once and it will be perfect in sequence mode, but in most cases you have to switch all the time between figure and sequence mode to see where you have not skinned your model properly ;)
Ok, so I almost had everything fixed, I was patching up the last bit and I switched to sequence editor one more time... and this happened...
Wow :D it seems that the front leg is skinned to the back leg's bone. So when you move the back bone, front leg is moving too. Try when you skin, to not to cover legs ( one is behind the other )
yeah, that's what I thought I did, this happened after I skinned the back and I was in the side view nowhere near the legs ::)...
You seem to be having Fun!!...... its not easy to weight paint anything in Anim8or, but gives you a good grounding when you migrate to other programs ie: ( Carrara.... weight painting uses 3d brush and is semi automatic when you add a sketeton so there is minimal painting!!)
But here`s some little tips that I use:
1:find a bone that does not have any movement then paint the whole model with that colour, then start on each individual joint.
2: also try using wireframe mode when doing intricate stuff you can see what missed and what needs painting
3: uncheck your skeleton during your painting process to see where you have overpainted.
Hope this helps. did you get to see the video ??
yep, I did all of that, I painted my object first with the same bone I attached it to. and as for the huge mess-up I showed you, I just closed out without saving and tried it again, starting from my first touching-up. now I'm coloring in one portion at a time and saving in between.
And yes, the video works now. is that your voice? are you austrailian? that's so cool! lol
one other question, all of the characters in this movie are horses, i'm planning on using the same object for each character, but having different colors and markings. is there a way I can import the weight info from one object to the other? or will I have to do it all over again...
I'm not quite sure but you could try to export your figure together with its object to a new an8 file.
In that new file give the object color and markings using different material names and import the file into the original file again as a new figure. See if it works, if it does this test could save you a lot of time.
that just might work! I have two of the same file, one is a backup of my current file (I always have a backup) I could use that!