Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: rogerweikers on September 02, 2010, 11:50:34 am
Dear all,
I would like to present my most recent work. It is a short animated film, called "Inclusion". The story is about a small ball that is rejected by many different societies, because of its color, shape and pattern. It was a 6 months project, which I made it all (script, storyboard, modeling, animation, light, render and post production).
at Vimeo:
or at Youtube:
I hope you enjoy it. Thanks a lot for your attention.
Rogerio Weikersheimer
Nice Job!!
Pity its not done with anim8or So I expect you`ll get slated by the Mods who seem to insist on anim8or only related stuff and possibly remove it and me I expect.
great work.
did u use anim8or for any of it?
Relli420: No, I think, becouse if you see the descriptions on the web page posted by kreator, Rogerio Weikersheimer ( autor ) didn't said anything. As he said he used "Softimage".
Kreator: Since it's Anim8or's forum... I think it's normal. ::)
Guys, I'm really sorry if I shouldn't have posted my work in this forum. I didn't realize it was only anim8or works here. Really my bad! I'll totally understand if this post will be removed.
even though it wan't Anim8or, I really liked it. it had a message to it (if that was what you were aiming for)
I really liked this animation Simple and well constructed.
The point I was trying to put over was, the last time I tried to post work other than anim8or it was promptly reported by a member then removed by the moderators as not being related to anything anim8or, despite the fact that I was trying to put over how simple an animation can be to be effective ( in that case an excellent 3dvia animation series as follows
these were promptly deleted
This is mainly the reason why I do not post much anymore on this site ( much to all members and moderators relief!! Who seem to have their own agenda when it comes to anim8or, I cite a recent blop,blop Challenge ), apart from the occassional advice where I feel it is appropriate.
I suspect this may stay.
One thing always intrigues me I had an email from Steve a while back who was pleased that Truspace was being released as Free and he said " You can never have too much 3d software available "
Perhaps the moderators might rethink their attitude towards other forms of 3D applications and renderers on the site, and perhaps it might get an even better calibre of user coming to the site, notwithstanding the expertise of some of the other guys who regularly visit.
i gotta agree with krea here. we are a community of 3D artist FIRST, anim8or users SECOND. roger, like us, is a 3D artist first, so i have to disagree with anyone who would have this thread removed. a lot of tricks and methods, used by other other ppl with other 3D software, are just as useful in anim8or.
also i would like to encourage roger to continue using this forum, but i would also like to suggest that you do learn a bit of anim8or ;)
Brilliant work rogerweikers, no matter what software you used. Most impressive is how you managed to clearly convey the concept (inclusion) using characters incapable of facial expression or speech, purely through simplified 'body language'. Absolutely loved it, well done.
Re the whole Anim8or/non-Anim8or thing, as reluctant as I am to weigh in to the argument, I consider it somewhat serendipitous that this animation is actually about inclusion! Clearly, as hobbyist animators, the Anim8or community can only benefit from seeing animations like this and having the ability to directly address the artist behind it, and I would consider the exclusion of this sort of thread to be extremely unfortunate. My own opinion, for what it's worth, is that animations with no Anim8or connection should be declared as such, and should be assessed by the Mods for their benefit to the Anim8or community using consistent guidelines. Alternatively, or additionally, perhaps an "Inspiration" section in the forum could be specifically set up for this type of animation.
As I said, it's just my opinion. If rogerweikers hadn't posted this animation here I would most likely never have seen it, and that would be a shame.
Rogerweikers hey hey! Wow, that' is a humbling work. I am enamoured how you got the emotions across! Just superb eh? Thank you for posting it.
Maybe you should stick around and give us some tutorials.
As far as moderator's removing someone's relevant post Kevin? I can't imagine anyone doing that here or at animanon.
We are all too mature I think.
cheers from Oz
Edit- I just remembered they censored some person because they spoke in French. Maybe I need to take one of my sentences back?
heh just kiddding but a quick google tells me there are 430 million native spanish speakers in the world.
I try to post on my blog in Spanish and English for this reason.
Brilliant work rogerweikers, no matter what software you used. Most impressive is how you managed to clearly convey the concept (inclusion) using characters incapable of facial expression or speech, purely through simplified 'body language'. Absolutely loved it, well done.
Re the whole Anim8or/non-Anim8or thing, as reluctant as I am to weigh in to the argument, I consider it somewhat serendipitous that this animation is actually about inclusion! Clearly, as hobbyist animators, the Anim8or community can only benefit from seeing animations like this and having the ability to directly address the artist behind it, and I would consider the exclusion of this sort of thread to be extremely unfortunate. My own opinion, for what it's worth, is that animations with no Anim8or connection should be declared as such, and should be assessed by the Mods for their benefit to the Anim8or community using consistent guidelines. Alternatively, or additionally, perhaps an "Inspiration" section in the forum could be specifically set up for this type of animation.
As I said, it's just my opinion. If rogerweikers hadn't posted this animation here I would most likely never have seen it, and that would be a shame.
What he said...
It's a great video. What DID you use to create it?
And as for what headwax said... NEVER call me "too mature"... ;)
Oh Arik, sorry I didn't mean you :)
As far as moderator's removing someone's relevant post Kevin? I can't imagine anyone doing that here or at animanon.
We are all too mature I think.
Those mods here know what I am talking about and as for too mature, sometimes it makes me wonder lol.
First I have to say: nice animation rogerweikers. Nice little story line.
Second is the discussion that is going on here: non-anim8or related topics. We moderators and Steve (!) always had a hard time, deciding what to allow and what not.
Steve gave us directions about this issue. We are an anim8or related forum, so posts should be anim8or related: we don't what this to become another 3d forum (which there are enough), but more a forum for help and support, considering anim8or. Of course, since anim8or is a 3d software, it's hard to define which topics aren't really anim8or related.
Posts about other software are allowed, as long there related/relevant to the anim8or community. Posting a trailer to the new toy story movie isn't really anim8or related. Posting a short film like inclusion...well maybe: forum users can learn a lot of this kind of short films, but it doesn't mean we have to post all the shorts we might learn something from (that's where youtube is for).
Also the idea about an chat room or a offtopic board isn't an option: It will only allow spam easly to the forum, which also means more work for the moderators.
Please use your own judgement to decide whether a topic is related to this community or not. Posting some random clips you like isn't relevant and will probably be removed.
I hope this clears some things. Questions can be directed to me, or another moderators, with an personal message.
Please stay on topic here or I will have to lock it.
well guys
first of all, THANKS for the comments :-) really a very good feeling of mission accomplished, once you all understood the message and enjoyed the visual, animation etc.
second of all - I'm Brazilian, so my mother tongue is Portuguese, so please forgive me if I make mistakes in English (that's why I chose a mute film - just kidding!)
and finally - I made it all (modeling, animation, light and render) on XSI Softimage. Post production - Photoshop and After Effects. To create the patterns - Illustrator.
You can find some more details of the film at:
just now got to watch it, simply amazing :D
It was an ausome animation, and I enjoyed every second of it (:
I hope you make more in the future
these were promptly deleted
Really those were deleted, I found those hilarious, good thing I watched it in time