Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: CoriDavis on August 26, 2010, 06:36:58 pm
I finally finished the video!!! the running still looks a bit funny, but here it is everyone!!
I commented. I feel stupid copying and pasting something I already posted, so...
Good job, in short!
i liked the effect with the camera when i reared up ^^ tho i think you should improve frame rate.. great job tho
Yeah, some of those things could help. It was my first animation anyway. Now I already have ideas for a new project that will take even longer. I'm going to make a movie based on a book I wrote a long time ago. It'll be more than just and animated short, it'll be an animated LONG, very LOOONG! lol, that's why i'll be making it in chapters!
lol ^^ well good luck. im thinking of doing a short based off of a short story i wrote but it prolly beond my skills :p
Cool video CoriDavis!! ;)
Again, thanks! I'm working on the script now, i'll be getting my friends to help with the voices. I might have some openings if somehow one of you could do a voice. It would be possible, all you need is a microphone or webcam and a sound recording program like (duh) Sound Recorder, or Windows Movie Maker's Narration feature.
Wow!An animated tale to be made with Anim8or sounds coool!!
If you need help modeling stuff I'd be glad to help!
yeah, I posted a new topic if you want to check it out
when you say loonnng are you talking 10-15 minits, or a full two hour movie?
well, it'll probably be longer than 15 minutes, but I don't know exactly how long it will be. the book itself is about 98 pages
Hmmm, it'll be interesting to see just how far you get with this, considering your earlier comments on render time:
15 minutes of video = 15 * 60 (seconds/minute) * 24 (frames per second) =21,600 frames
21,600 frames * 60 (seconds render time per frame) = 360 hours of render time alone!
And you've still got to come up with something that's going to be even interesting enough to warrant 15 minutes of someone's attention. That's quite a tall order, even for relatively low-quality renders!
Don't get me wrong, it's doable, alright, but you may want to scale back to something a bit more conservative, and perhaps opt for higher quality rather than higher quantity. This is also why I'm glad to have more than one computer for rendering, even for the short animations I've done.
try a couple of small projects before you tackel your book. 10 mins is actuly quite a bit of animating. i realize your book would probabley be a series of small scenes, but its still a big project. i dont mean to sound negative. definately do your book. but practice on something small at first.
yes, but I do have my rendering strategy too, I render different views through different cameras at different times. that also helps that I don't have to keep adding sequences and moving the figure around, I can just move it from where it is and use that sequence over again. but yes, it will take a very long time, but like I said, i'm doing it in chapters. the chapters may be anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes individually, so it won't be that bad.