Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: CoriDavis on August 19, 2010, 03:06:45 pm
here is the test-animation for my cursed horse! it kind of skips a bit, but that may just be my connection. let me know how it looks for the rest of you
It should Walk, Run, Walk, Kick, Rear, and then Nod
nice anatomical model..good animation..
yay! how was the playback? did it skip or lag at all? It looked fine on my Media Player
I'm afraid to see the results of the actual movie, this test alone was 300 frames exactly
nice one dude. i rlly like it
Wow, it's pretty good!
That's awesome.
I've never made a full rigged animation, but a few things I noticed on the test were that the head seemed disproportionately large, and that the feet did a lot of "sliding" along the ground. To fix the sliding all you have to do is make the whole horse go forward at the same speed that the feet are going back.
Otherwise that is really good.
Oh the head thing is what I was gonna mention but I wanna stop being so critical to other people.
Yeah, I tried my best on the walking and running, I'll make it a lot more detailed in the final video. As for the head, I actually made it that big because I thought the original was small. I changed it some, so now it's in between the too big and too small range, so hopefully it's right now. I'll post a render later, my internet keeps disconnecting.
here's my render. is the head better? too big? too small?
Well, I'm not a vetrinary, nor have I made any actual research, but just from looking at a few pictures of horse skeletons I have discovered several things that the wrong size. I noticed that while most of you bones are the right shape, there are either not enough of them, or the ones you have are the wrong size. Sorry to bring out tiny details, kinda like Davdud101 said, I don't want to sound critical, just give suggestions for improvement.
Here is what I find would make it more proportional:
(1) Fix the ribs first, I know you said they were difficult to make, but the ribs are what give the biggest indicator of size for the rest of the entire body. Right now there are too few ribs, They should go all the way back to the middle of the 3rd vertebra up from the pelivis(count three vertebra to the right side of the pelivs, or add two more ribs, one on each vertebra).
(2) Next enlarge the shoulderblade until it forms with the hump in the spine, that will make the arms look more powerful.
(3) It appears that the head it actually supposed to fit the ribs. Take the head and turn it 90 degrees so it faces up, then move it over to the ribs and use the rib directly under the most prominent vertebra to measure the length of the skull. Scale the skull until it fits that rib vertically, then it should be the right size... I think.... ::) Don't use the "non-uniform" scaling tool, I think you have the right shape already.
Hopefully that helps. I know it's alot to fix, but stick with it.
Ok, got it, how does it look now?
Here's part of the scene, the night sky. I tried to lighten the clouds, but I can't get that to work. The clouds are transparent/alpha maps layered on top of each other. I hoped it would make a fog-like appearance, I sort of accomplished it
The head looks much better to me. Good job.
It looks like the normals are reversed on the ribs, you might want to check on that, but I may be wrong.
Are you still using a reference image? That will help you get the shape and position of the ribs down pat.
I have no clue about lighting though, so I can't help with the clouds.
I'm pretty sure the normals are right on the ribs, it may just be the color. And as for the clouds, oh well, it's night, they're supposed to be dark anyway
You're probably right about the ribs.
Try using negative values in the ambient and diffuse settings of the clouds, see how that works.
Hmm, ok, i'll try. are you sure negatives will work? I guess I have to try to find that out, don't I
One problem with the clouds could be that lighting does not pass through transparencies in Anim8or, ie the front trans map will be totally blocking all illumination other than Ambient from the ones behind. Adjusting the Emissive colour and value will provide an apparent illumination that is independent of actual scene lighting, not particularly accurate but might provide the look you are after.
Also, nice modelling and animation, and great to see you are willing to take the advice of others. Your model has improved considerably as a result of ADSohr's advice. Great work, keep it up.
Yay! thanks. my planned uses for the anim8or program is making various movies. I'm starting with this one, and my next project will be a very long movie based on a book I wrote. Don't worry about rendering, I use the "render bits and pieces" strategy, which I will have to use for this video because of how many different views it will have. (that and my models are typically medium to high poly)
Would that be because you subdivide a lot, or just generally use a lot of polys?
nope, I rarely subdivide unless I absolutely need to. for the palm tree, I subdivided only the top part where the spikes are, if you notice how the spikes are alternating, like bricks on a house, and not just stacked. I did that by subdividing and then deleting the lines in between to make the pattern. so really, I subdivided, and then un-subdivided it. but it still made it over 1000 polys. either way, it looks good.
For things like that it may be easier to use sudivide faces instead. Then it won't end up being too high poly.
that... didn't make much sense... subdividing makes less polys?
Does anybody have an idea on how to make a sound wave effect?
(aka. when Elizabeth Swann falls into the water at the beginning of Pirates 1 and the medallion makes that "sonic boom"?)
Make a cone, then use morph targets and maybe transparency.
hmm. I knew I was going to need morph targets, but would a transparent cone warp what's behind it?
by the way, how do I attach the camera to an object?
Well, this looks pretty darn good! :)
No shadows, but hehe. :P
The test animation is good, and the model looks good, so keep at it. ;)
thanks! the real movie looks awesome already. only... I rendered a clip and now I can't find the file!
ok, I found it, I had to do a search on my computer, and it's NOT in the folder it's supposed to go to. these save to the weirdest places! once, it was saved to my desktop!
aw man sometimes that happens to me like i'll save it in some temp folder in some wierd place where i won't find it!!!!