Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: neodelito on August 19, 2010, 02:10:40 am
Hi this will be my first game i made using my models..;O)
so i show you my player character.
I have a god experience using alpha maps.
Modeled and textured in ANIM8OR
Rigged in milkshape
In game Model.. you can view the emissive Brute efx i made and the particle engine in smoke.
i hope you like.. this is 2 days of works..
As always, really nice model and texture ! ;)
What programming langage do you use to create your game ? I'm using Blitz3d at the moment but i'm far from having your modeling/texturing skills.
Keep the good work !
Woah!!! Neo, you have once again made a piece of art. It's wierd to me, seeing a great looking game being created by someone I can talk directly to!!! Great work!
ha ha thanks guys... i use DarkBasic Pro, but blitz is more powerfull..
That is amazing. Very nice model and textures!
in develop.
Nice screens ! :)
Are you planning to create a commercial game or it is just for the fun ?
I'm curious : how many bones do you use for a mesh like this one ?
With Blitz3d, if i use too many bones the game becomes slow ! So i try to use only 12 to 16 bones for each "humanoid mesh"...
the game i make is for. "Model for Best Netbook Game Competition" like post title.
and bones.. i use 32 bones for normal human figure.
Awesome mate, as always. some great quality stuff, your textures really stand out. I love how you always complete full models with high quality.
update, testing enemy AI and explosion
You should increase the size of the ground texture. it does not fit with the npcs.
Apart from that it's amazing !
You definitely have the skill to become a great indie game creator.
I hope to work with you one day ;) Keep the good work !
Thanks Ranko..
"increase", i go to decrease the ground texture and increase the numbers polygons in ground models..