Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: im not a people person73 on March 14, 2008, 02:41:21 pm
hey peoplezez i was working on a cauldron and i like how it turned out.
(http://C:\Documents and Settings\Matthew Sutton\My Documents\animv095c\forum photos\cauldron.jpg)
looks pretty cool :)
all it needs now is some witches' brew in it - bubble, bubble, toil and trouble, etc... - and maybe a handle? 8)
- colclough
If you put a loop on each side of the rim - a small half donut - and put a handle through them it will be perfect.
I agree with lynn22 and thecolclough. It's the little details that make a good model excellent. I would also tone down the range of colour difference in the texture. It looks a bit too extreme for cast iron. But it would be excellent for tarmac or ash in an old fireplace, so write down the settings before fiddling with it!